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check the catalog next time >>2878081
AI you blind cunt.
so what? don't care
lick my anus lol
There is no source because it's some AI slop, why ask
go to >>2921327
it might be slop but damn it does look like sadamoto's work, even the anatomy matches what he does
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what a sloppy thread
There was a time footfags were delegated to /d/ and AI should live there too. /d/ has been leaking for years now.
honestly, newmoot should make a /slop/ containment board
is it technically a containment board if it's busier than the site outside of it?
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in the Evangelion reboot do they ever explain why Asuka wears an eyepatch?

Here a pic of Asuka with sexy stirples.
It's explained in End of Evangelion. The rebuilds aren't meant to stand on their own, they're sequels.
She absorbed an Angel and her left eye was heavily corrupted, altering its appearance. The corruption being so great there, a sealing pillar was implanted in it to weaken the corruption (even though it had affected her entire body). The corruption caused Asuka to lose the need/freedom to sleep and eat.

There's no practical explanation given for the patch. For Asuka, if I had to guess, it's probably simple. She hates to look at it. She hates the curse of the Eva (being unable to age) and now also the curse of the Angel she absorbed. Her eye marking a clear a brand of that curse. She hates when others can see it.
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not having to eat sounds nice, but could she eat if she WANTED to?
and if she did would she have to worry about getting fat if she ate too much?
for sleep i'm guessing she couldn't get any even if she tried.

here a pic of Asuka in bandages.
Asuka is BEST GIRL. Don't post that blue haired cloned harlet ever again.
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>Asuka is BEST GIRL
She truly is
>faggots bitching about muh AI
>the artwork they post is inferior to it
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