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Any clothing state is fine, but bonus for panties. No buttholes pls
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>>2873725 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

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> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/

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Well that's it, i'm going to sleep now
New Thread:

the things i'd do to discount idol noire
Always good to see desert sniper girl.
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relally proud of this one

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Really loving this combination of cheongsam and pinstripes. Very presses my aesthetic buttons, does that.
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>Cheongsam is from Cantonese, Qipao is Mandarin
Sooo, they describe the same item of clothing, but in different dialects then...?
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no, cheongsam refers to a male dress for the most part

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post wet clothing images
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Thanks for Lain i will wish artist did more than one Lain, at least sightly lewd. This is still top tier after all this years
By simiz
Pixiv users/30091302
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Previous Thread: >>2859715

ENF=Embarrassed Nude Female(s)
EUF=Embarrassed Undressed Female(s)

An ongoing thread for ENF themed images, stories, or videos.

Previous threads archive:
https://archive.palanq.win/e/search/subject/ENF (All known threads are available, but after thread #106 most if not all images don't work.)
https://archived.moe/e/search/text/embarrassed/type/op/ (Goes back to thread #29. Thumbnails work, but full images relied on Nyafuu and thus do not work.)

Story Listing:

ENF Anime, Manga, Games, and MMD Videos:

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Hey. I wanted to say I’m really enjoying it so far.
There is something odd, nostalgic and old to it, from an era people were attempting newer things I think. Everything today follows a set staple, more boring in a selection of scenarios.
ignoring technical feasibility, what game(s) do you think would be best-suited for modding ENF mechanics into?
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Shantae might be a good fit. The games already have a lot of soft core lewd content, in a magic/theoretical mod I could see it being made to go over the edge.

There’s a section in Pirate’s Curse where you have to sneak around in a skimpy Slave Leia outfit reference and get a game over if seen by anyone. Just do an Enf version of that, with her in the classic Enf pose the whole time, with the losing animation changed to something fitting, like getting spanked or something.

Then there’s dancing and gambling mini games that could be tweaked, parts where you get in trouble with the law/get evicted, sections where you race through an obstacle course full of attacking innuendos, suggestive boss fights, potential teleportation mishaps, etc. Lots of possibilities.
there used to be alot of skyrim modded videos on youtube of the main character and companions being nude, covering in the classic pose and looking kinda embarrassed while hiding. really I've not played a lot of recent video games that arn't indie, 4x, rts or porn.
ss13/ss14 and fire emblem where women get a second health bar that destroys clothes.
I’m trying to see if I could hunt down 2 anime ENF scenes from the past

One involved someone pulling a prank with having fake strings on their swimsuit, which ends with someone pulling actual strings from someone else

The other involved someone having an immense aura, so when they gradually move toward them to console them, their clothes kept getting ripped off

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One breast out
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What is Fap Gauntlet? It is a fun little fap game you play by following simple instructions in each post in the thread until you reach the end or cum. To contribute post nice images or gifs in the format of (strokes) / (speed) / (force) where strokes is the total number of strokes written as whole numbers, speed is the strokes per second which may be written as these words (extremely slow, very slow, slow, medium, normal, fast, very fast, extremely fast) and force is whatever pressure or special details or instructions for stroking may be.

20, very slow, light
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They do find it gay, that's why they are doing it, they are massive homos. You don't organize a big jerkoff party and coach each other on how to handle your cocks if you are straight.
by your logic, you're gay because you fap on ink spilled by men...
I imagine the girl in the post is the one telling me how to masturbate.
Shit art, ugly skank.
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75, fast, tight

what makes office girls so fucking hot?
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Rules for this thread:

1 - Frontal nudity only
2 - No bushes/pubes/hairy pussies
3 - Check if the page looks /e/
4 - Must to be uncensored
5 - Don't forget to add source of the pages

Source of the page: [Chimee House (Takapi)] Sakura Kotaka no Roshutsubiyori 9 [Digital]
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[Chimee House (Takapi)] Chiru Roshutsu 8 [Chinese] [朔夜xUAl] [Digital]

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[Chimee House (Takapi)] Chiru Roshutsu 8 [Chinese] [朔夜xUAl] [Digital]

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[Chimee House (Takapi)] Chiru Roshutsu 8 [Chinese] [朔夜xUAl] [Digital]

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[Ikoma Ippei] Caster Ayako 3

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Mostly or fully submerged, in water or other liquids. Obviously not drowning.
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A thread for everyone's favorite hero.
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What is she saying?
>oh, there you are
>fo-o-ound ya
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Thank you

My favorite has to be loose/baggy jackets on tight bodysuits, but I like other combinations.
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These noses are really ugly. This doesn't look eastern, this looks like western shit.
Those noses are completely normal. Is your problem that they exist at all?
Can't have a thread like this without mentioning Plastic Little.
Or, for the one-piece swimsuit side of things, Gunbuster.

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Let's start a Megumin ecchi thread!
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This is the highest res version I could find.
This is the only version I could find that is the full body shot.

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Any girl from Re:Zero, preferably Rem but all are welcome.
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Bonus points for sneakers
NOT a muscle fetish thread
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This is peak eroticism.

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