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This is a character from blue archive, she's so cute.
Her smile is a 10/10
I've never seen smile like this in anime before only in real life, she remined me of an old friend who liked to rub her big tits on my back on work and giggles, so cute.
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she is grinning because she knows everyone wants to fuck her
her ebony friend is hotter tho
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she's too powerful...

agreed but that's not to say that the golden retriever herself is worth any less
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Tell me about this girl. Who is she? Why is she always in a bunnysuit and what's with that glorious hair?
From what I gather she works at a casino or club or somethin as a Playboy bunny, basically.
Idk man, I just like her because she's sexy.
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She's a member of a not-so-secret team of special agents who solve problems with violence while dressed as maids. They dress as bunnys to infiltrate a casino ship to capture a high value target. Asuna herself is dumb but cheerful and perhaps the luckiest person alive. Things just kinda work out for her in the best possible way. But no one cares about any of that because she's just that fucking hot.
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Izumi Asuna, One of the Millennium School District for the C&C, dresses as a maid or works at the casino in a bunny suit. Along with Karen, She and her cleaning durties as well as cheerfull and silly antics allow her to woo Sensei, or to her, "マスター "

Asuna is a carefree soul, and works hard to serve Sensei in any way she can, even in a bunny suit.
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>Izumi Asuna, One of the Millennium School District for the C&C, dresses as a maid or works at the casino in a bunny suit. Along with Karen, She and her cleaning durties as well as cheerfull and silly antics allow her to woo Sensei, or to her, "マスター "
>Asuna is a carefree soul, and works hard to serve Sensei in any way she can, even in a bunny suit.
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>she is grinning because she knows everyone wants to fuck her

I actually knew 4 girls exactly like her personality which Im so attracted towards and im just simping on the anime version of them reee sunny southern california girl little princess big girl kinda like a fluffy dog perfect for some belly rub yes, yes, the belly rub, yeeess
arent they just like doggos, yeah, doggo, golden retreaver puppies, belly rubs, reee i wanna head pat asuna!!
im just gonna simp on the internet
but first? let me take a selfie
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yeah, that innocent sunny little big bad girl smile
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This is like the default look artist give her. It's almost a shame since it kinda misrepresents the character. Also, nice triples.
This artist has drawn her a ton of times
OMG So cute
play Hammer Smashed Face
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some of the best gacha tits out there, for sure
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along with the other parts of her design and her personality she's fucking great
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That's the widest smile I've seen from her yet.
Ever hear of smiling ear to ear? Well, Asuna's smile can reach across the Mighty MIssissipi. Lengthwise.
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She looks genuinely happy in that pic, which is a nice change from the teasing smile many artists give her.
the one I replied to or the one I posted?
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This one >>2824834. Although sweaty Asuna with pasties is pretty great.
She is great; the golden bnuuy
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so beautiful
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just wanna point out that this girl is featured 3 times on the catalog; here, as well as
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>I've never seen smile like this in anime
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>the thiccest bun
She looks big here without looking (too) chubby. I've wanted to make a thread for that kind of bodytype but I don't think I have enough images for it.
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I wouldn't even know if I call that chubby. She does look like she's 6'3 or something and just.....stout
Me neither, I just said it because I wasn't sure. Do you know a booru tag for something like it? That stout Asuna image doesn't have anything.
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It does seem to be a rare tag.
>Volleyball player
Or look up characters that that some of those traits and go down the list.
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Asuna just takes the bubbly blond trope, puts a nice fine package on it where she calls Sensei "Master" then decides to act ditzy and clumsy, but is a refined young girl. Energetic, quick to smile, and cheer up Sensei, with lots of "close" attention
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Play Tornado of Souls
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It's her birthday today.
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Thanks for the reminder. I'll have to login to BA and give her a head pat.
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There's another in this series that's like 8mb

But this is for the anon that wants the largest version of this bun possible
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The little drawing in the corner always ruins these
That's us!
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God I wanna get her teen pregnant.
I don't care if my kids end up as dimwitted as her.
I need her bearing my brood.
Big tits and thick thighs make smart sons.
I want to get her knocked up every 9 months until her eggs run out or she hits menopause desu.
She's so cute bros...
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I love that pic, it's so cute and encapsulates her character perfectly. Don't get me wrong, I love the big titty version too, but cutesuna needs love as well.
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love my puppy dog
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You have no idea how badly I need her in my life.
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She's just so perfect.
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She's peak. It doesn't get any better than this
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I heard she is a tard with two (2) functional braincells.
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Anyone else think that Asuna is the prettiest, cutest and hottest girl in existence right now?
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Somewhat, she lacks a lot of common sense, self awareness, and is driven mostly by instinct. She's, kinda like a dog in many ways and is super cute and lovable.
Now her art makes a lot of more sense. Thanks.
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I don't really know much about Blue Archive but I am absolutely in love with this piece
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you just know...
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