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Breast envy
49 replies and 42 images omitted. Click here to view.

2D art featuring gorgeous girls with beautiful, reflective mechanical battle armour. Not necessarily androids. Aim for at least three tones of shading. Use the images I've started with as a general guide for the kind of designs to post. If you can't find anything that meets these criteria exactly but have something similar, that might be good quality, then posting it here should be okay. AI art is also fine but no 3D.

Previous Thread:
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Happy Birthday GUMI

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Previous Thread: >>2902452

>Guides & Resources
Pastebin: https://rentry.org/MMD4Chan



Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
395 replies and 77 images omitted. Click here to view.
of those characters?
Sakuna model
bowlroll net/file/328065
It's the same author
Alright, I see. Many of these characters are similar to those from earlier anime.
For example, Aria Kisaki is essentially a clone of Marin Kitagawa.
If you're interested in these particular characters, you can search for 3D models of their archetypes.
Thanks a lot.

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bdsm, restrained with nowhere to go.
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Girls with guns/swords/weapons/military in general
81 replies and 78 images omitted. Click here to view.
That's this girl, huh?
If he's going to strip all of that guys soldiers, he has a lot of pics to draw ahead of him...
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You wouldn't fuck a horse.
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Lewds of the girls from the Saki mahjong series.

Previous thread: >>2657107
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haha, remember when that joke was funny? Good times
i can’t stop gooning for big fat massive huge gigantic massive boobs on tiny little petite anime girls uh oh
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Post cute and juicy meganekkos wearing the most detailed meganes out there.

Old thread: >>2741033
159 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
Probably a mix of the thread's age and that one site outage a month or so back that nuked entire boards.
>Why are most of the images in this thread dead thumbnails and 404 when you click them? did something happen? it's like this in most threads, actually
The archive site that /e/ - ecchi is linked to
>https://archived.moe/e/ - archive.alice.al
is mostly complete garbage. It doesn't save half the pictures posted there so after they spend about 2 months on the board they are seemingly just gone akin to being deleted entirely from both sites
Luckily there's a different 4chan archive site for /e/ which is
That saves all images consistently, so if you missed any, you can find them there. Hopefully the ecchi board is hard linked to this new one in the future.
thanks a lot megane anon.
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>completely forgotten by artists
Time to invest in commissions I guess
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Thread for girls with any combination of mouth veils, jewelry, see-through fabric (bonus points if all her clothes are see-through), exposed bellies, detached chiffon sleeves(?), pelvic curtains, and other things that fit the theme.
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My 1st Pick: Hanabata Nohkins from Futoku no Guild.

Huge Rack, Thick Thighs, and a pretty decent ass.
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Vesta is 100% the biggest girl of Isekai Meikyuu, no doubt. I mean Roxanne is already huge but Vesta is on another level for boobs size. When the anime staff decided to give us all the girls from the harem in a few bonus minutes at the end of the anime, i knew that S2 will never be greenlight guys. It's so over... It was one of the few "high quality" ecchi anime in the past few years.
Isekai Meikyuu aired on TV in Japan. It's not hentai, the anime is not even restricted for adult only. LN which is the original work is also not hentai it's just smut/erotica/ecchi that you can find everywhere but this one got an amazing anime adaptation that's all
those inverted nipples
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>Let’s go Jungle
Both handle Germanic aryan seed

Post girls from the Fate/Type-Moon franchise
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How dirty do feet need to be so it's no longer cute or sexy?
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Wonderful! It's May 30!

>Happy Birthday, Doppel-chan!

Let's celebrate this day by posting some /c/pics of Best Girl from Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou.
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You sure it is a good idea to bump a thread that has most of it's pics broken?
you should ask him if it's a good idea to make the same thread with the same pics every year and then bump it until it's time to make it again
just re-post them
Who cares. There are multiple threads with that issue and people still post in them.
OP may actually be mentally gone.

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Inner senshi only, and Pluto to an extent cause she's always welcome.
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That looks like miss piggy from the thumbnail lol
Good quality nudes of Usagi is rare to find.
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