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A thread dedicated to the Genshin girls. Kekqueen edition, but all Genshin girls are equally welcome~
Old thread >>2740992 hit bump limit.
Why is this stupid chinkshit popular? Is there no way to get it to fuck off, forever?
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God, I love her so much, it's unbelievable!
Doubt it. It's immensely popular with people who are bad with money and have too much time on their hands.
Just enjoy the bizarrely good fanart that comes out of it.
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Love how they gave her some chub; realistic bodied anime girls are underrated
yeah, tummies are cute :3
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this might be more /u/ than /e/
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this thread is ASS
you are baka
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This thread is surprisingly unpopular
I reckon it's a normal amount of traffic, this board is just slower than a pot addicted snail through molasses is all
given that on pixiv it's one of the most active tags (even minus the AI slop), few people here seem to care about it all that much
If you say so.
I maintain that it's because the board is slower than hell
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/5n2y6y.png
Its easy dude, if you dont like it, skip it. Live and let live.
God, she is so hot! Electro waifus are the best!
cute tummy :3
Is there a tag for this shot/angle? Anytime I see a pic like this, I just can't resist
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>supporting commie chinkshit
This shit doesn't need to be ignored, it needs to crash and burn. All chinkshit needs to be immediately made illegal if people are too stupid to ignore it on their own.
he says, after placing an order for a 20 inch vibrating dildo made in china
explain the paw tattoo to me
Artist's calling card
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China isn't communist, I DON'T support the CCP, but Chinese culture is based and the game is good eat it dad.
pretty sure it's just a sig and means nothing
Been playing Faruzan awhile.

"Call me Madam Faruzan"
"Did you just forget to call me Madam Faruzan when you asked your question?"
"A historical artifact? hmph nevermind"

Dear god this chick is a hyperbitch slut.
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Just use the JP v/o. She's super cute and uwu :3
I didn't say I didn't like it.
>are you ready fo the lantern rite, tabibito-san?~
Barb is just too cute :3
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>Black Dress Ei
>not actually wearing any dress, let alone a black one
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Yea, this was the nude version I drew, didn't bother to change he name of the file. Dress ended up being red in the end anyway
>I drew
fugg, that looks nice!
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Thanks dude!

Here's another
I love it. Also I can't wait for her banner!
Same! Haha
Need more mommies
Lack of saucenao results corroborates the story. Very nice drawings anon. You've got a future.
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/o6bjgc.png
need moar beidou ITT
also happy new year gentlemen
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me on the left
Thanks! Been feeling pretty good about my recent arts! Still can't get much attention on social media, but it's not like I'm making a career out of drawing.
Hello, would you have some yoimiya
you could do it if you were desperate at least, or just as a side gig
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/kyxlag.png
This game needs more flat girls so badly.
You say that but at the same time, Furina's 100% justice rack appears to be incomprehensible to most fan artists who take her AAAs and turn them into anythng from A to C.
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it's just what happens with any character ever in fan art. In the end, people will always just attribute their own preferences to what they do, and you know that there are more men in the world who prefer big tits, and further still there are some who even strongly dislike small or flat
Then draw someone else.
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you have no idea how much I cum to genshin art because the character designs are so leggy
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Based leg enjoyer
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So inviting
rosumerii's girls are so beautiful
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cute bird hag
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Hag love
>m-may i t-take your order~
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Pardon, but who is this?
Arr you being serious? It's Lisa.
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Lisa w/ alt skin
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Does anyone have any good Faruzans?
It's Faruznyan
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Stop crying about it
>replying to a six month old post
>he quits 4chan after 6 months
I beleive you mean daddy, since she does go by the title of father
Why can't she be both?
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She could, I'm just being autistic about lore
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In case you haven't heard: The Fischl x Slime video by vicineko has been finally released. And it's 29 minutes long.

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>1 minute in
Dear Archon, it's so big, and Fisch is so small!~ Thank you for the heads up, anon. Will watch it later. I downloaded the original.
Celebrating Sigewinne's release.
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Why don't more stocking wearing women put their feet up whenever they sit like Lisa does?
They get to air out their stuffy feet and show them off at the same time
its win-win for all parties
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sex with pyro hags...
Dear Archons, she's so hot!
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Playing through the story was difficult because of how massively hard I was every time she was on screen. 4 years to get to the sexiest hag in the game but here we are
All top tier.
Might honestly be the best element
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Lost on Xilonen's banner to this purple catgirl...
I'm saving up for Hu Tao's weapon. 3rd time's the charm?
I want her weapon too for my C1 wallnut~
Thread needs more Nahida
go ahead if you want b&
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Happy Birthday Lady Furina!
cute brat
Skill issue.

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