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Does a children's cartoon really need so much sex appeal?
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Children's shows are always the lewdest.
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Yup, that image does it for me. It really does it.
Thanks for introducing that artist to me OP.
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How do you sort your friends? I took an unbelievable amount of time last year and sorted all my pics by Linnaean ranks with the Japanese name in the species folder.
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anyone know when kemono party is going to update?
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You mean a "サーバル" subfolder inside a "Leptailurus" folder? That seems a bit too complicated.
I use very broad categories so everything is easier to sort, if they have animal ears, they go into the kemonomimi folder.
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My biggest point of frustration is having the same pic multiple times. For example, I had the same couple of pics from 4chan, Pixiv, the panda, from another collection on panda with a different file naming system, from another thread on 4chan, gelbooru, kemono party, 4chan again...
That way I definitely have the same file only once and I can go back and easily sort them into sets where necessary.
Never settle for 4chan/repost when you can get from the source.
I've hoarded too much back then without a care. I'm planning to restock my stache with originals once I've got some new storage capacity that doesn't sound like it's in its final revolutions before it finally breaks.
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There are programs that allow you to detect and delete duplicate images, I use VisiPics and it works fine.
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I like going over my pics manually. Some artists post continuations on different sites. I sort them so the sets are continuous.
y'all goombas should figure out some sort of tagging system if your collections are that large
this way, the folder structure doesn't matter as much
tags allow you to have multiple organization structures over the same collection, it's like being able to navigate through whatever folder system is most convenient at the time
yall gooners sure do yap alot ~ when you’re not jerking off
would be perfect with pubic hair. Why would a wild animal not have some fluff down there
Because sandstar.
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Love kusobird
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Who is this? I love her design.
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Shoebill (Balaeniceps rex), she got a new design recently, picrel.
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