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Smokers corner (and maybe other mouth things too). Light 'em if you got 'em. Don't spit on the floor, please.
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Do you have a preference in lighters? I enjoy the look and feel of a classic Zippo, but their maintenance is so much work. I've found myself being drawn more to torches now.
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Also, this could be a slightly silly question, but is bubblegum okay here? A girl's gotta have her nicotine gum every once in a while, after all. And I so much enjoy the moe aspect.
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> is bubblegum okay here?
I’m okay with it.
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Cool. Bubblegum balloons are so cute and adorable when their happily colored mass hides the mouth like that.
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Time to enjoy and light up
Not really, but I like torches more than cheap lighters.
It's oral fixation afterall right? Of course it is. Nicotine gum or not, acceptable mouth fetish.
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oppailove_ if you're a smoker and want to fap together
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Light them
Hot. Would love a taste of that
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bump to get rid of the spoops
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cigar or watermelon?
while the cigar is certainly sexier, cigarette smoke gives me nose bleeds so I probably shouldn't boff her while she's smoking it...
as for the watermelon I don't like the flavor, but she is certainly sexy in that outfit. Plus I could just muck with the palette to change the flavor.
A better option would be if she had a corn dog in her mouth, something that is phallic and also appeals to my taste buds.
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theres btw also a /d/ version of this board
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I like the unadorned realness of the humble Bic.
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Nice, any sauce besides some random twitter accounts?
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sexy catgirl smoking a cigar!
originally she was just smoking a cigarette but that wasn't sexy enough so I edited it to change it.
and thanks to the guy who did the coloration.
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AI version of your catgirl, now stop reposting her :)
speaking of AI there's a topless edit in the diffusion thread at:
hence why I did the repost :P
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can the AI produce a picture of either mihoshi or ryoko from tenchi muyo smoking a cigar?
all i can do is lousy edits like this. bulma from dragon ball z smoking a cigar would also be good and possibly even in character as i heard she may actually sometimes smoke in cannon.
id personal love to see a tone of pic of ryoko smoking to bad there isn't any
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here's an alt somebody did for me.
for other smoking pics i suggest checking out the page at:
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Neat. Path to Nowhere's aesthetic really demands smoking, it's to bad they can't have it in the app.
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Cropped version of this original:


(A dude was removed to respect /e/ rules.)
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It wasn't until I started playing with AI that I realized I liked this kind of thing. Interestingly, cigarettes and kiserus are okay, but cigars are total boner killers for me. Is it like that for anyone else?
I'm pretty much the exact opposite. Cigars are the best. Just the ritual of getting one going is an act of foreplay in itself. Cigars have a level of finesse and class to them that your ordinary, everyday, trashy Marlboros can't reach.
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Only finding certain subsets of smoking materials sexy is the norm.
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Happy Halloween fellow tobacco enjoyers
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Thanks, anon. You too.
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