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/e/ - Ecchi

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File: DrinkingBuddy_-edg-.jpg (657 KB, 2176x2176)
657 KB
657 KB JPG
>>2927462 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
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> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
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335 KB JPG
Request Anchor
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Previous Thread Highlights
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im slipping, only got one image in the highlight

whats the point of living
Just a simple gyaru slut flashing her heavy big boobs in a public place.
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2.38 MB PNG
I had something pre-cooked that may or may not fit your request.
Nice, I'll have to see more.
File: 00026-18381658.png (3.26 MB, 1536x1880)
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3.26 MB PNG
Trying to improve, rip me to shreds
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>six fingers
>too blurry
>torso too short making the upper body look too big
other than that can't help much as I don't like the general body aesthetics you are going for
I think the only real issue is her right ankle disappears.
If you want to be picky, the tie at the back of her neck doesn't quite look like it's attached to her clothing below.
Overall I like it a lot. I have trouble getting my pictures to have that much going on. Do you just have to keep adding many things to the prompt?
i dont see any hand with 6 fingers, draw on the pic and count out the fingers
Hmmm, i dont think either hand has 6 fingers, but yea it seems our overall aesthetic is different, the grain and blur is intentional

damn i didnt notice her foot disapearing
tagged the wrong post earlier

To aadd, i only used 70 tokens and like half are schizo quality tags and artist tags,, but i am also experimenting with a model that allegedly gives better backgrounds.

File: hao2g4.png (2.17 MB, 1696x1160)
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2.17 MB PNG
>the grain and blur is intentional
very well. but it does look like a blurry scan of a magazine. if thats what you are going for then go for it.
>i dont see any hand with 6 fingers, draw on the pic and count out the fingers
my bad. was working on erasing another sixth finger:

Thanks, that's my secondary model. I usually test on cyberfix first to see what's possible before the merged models weaken the tags. Maybe I'll try doing it the other way around for a while.
File: 1736097012784457.png (1.32 MB, 1912x907)
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1.32 MB PNG
Requesting Usagi and Flannery hanging out at a nudist beach with Daphne Blake
Also thread theme:

Girls being Canadians the Deadpool way
This was my original grid that contained the picture i cherry picked. The model is giving a pretty good variety in the backgrounds. Im still figuring it out.

Thank you.
>dangerous vibes
Does that do anything? From time to time I see vague non-booru tags like this on really cool gens but I always forget to test them out.
File: AliceG2.png (3.33 MB, 2048x2048)
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3.33 MB PNG
bro hold the fucking phone
you can't just criticize a future highlight like that
Nah last time only my Botan skirt lift got in there, everything else got passed up :(
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1.4 MB PNG
tanned oni
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1.73 MB PNG
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993 KB PNG
Are there specific names for those pants that have the holes on the sides like that? Like if I don't want to gen a whole priestess outfit but still have those pants
in this case I'm still using
>miko, red hakama, white kimono, hip vent
in the prompt but you're probably wanting specifically the hip vent part.
File: 00014-4083140336.png (2.34 MB, 1256x1872)
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2.34 MB PNG
what's with the ski goggles?
Those were supposed to be vr. You know, the pass-through kind.
Ohhh yeah, AR I think it's called

imo should look more tech-y so that it's obvious, but maybe that's just me
it's blurry
I'm wondering about the box atop the fireplace. What is it and why is it venting smoke into the room. Also, the inside of the fireplace seems to be closed off at the top with brick. There's no opening to the chimney. And some mc.Escher carpentry going on in the upper corner of the room. Minor stuff like the tools on the wall and in the cornet not making much sense.

Not feeling any /e/ from it despite the nudity. But style wise it looks really cool. An artist could probably clean this up in two hours and sell it as concept art for a game or such.
How about some Fate characters done in a style reminiscent of their irl art depictions? Something like >>2928707 from the previous thread.
File: 00053-625421715.png (2.28 MB, 1256x1872)
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2.28 MB PNG
>Are there specific names for those pants that have the holes on the sides like that?
"hip vent" is the tag for that, combined with any short of clothing you want, it works with skirts, leggings, dresses, whatever
"Head-mounted display" is the right tag for that, bro
File: tsuruta_kenji.jpg (1.9 MB, 2000x1322)
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1.9 MB JPG
Requesting something like pic related but with Vocaloid IA.
File: 00013-4221681104.png (2.85 MB, 1696x1160)
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2.85 MB PNG
File: 00000-2802154145.png (2.44 MB, 1696x1160)
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2.44 MB PNG
If the Rubens anon is reading, this I can't wait for the van gogh one to make some goghies
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2.27 MB PNG
I wasn't going to but hey, if there's an audience.
I also have to get back to testing danbooru artists but fuck me it's inefficient.
brother, even I am waiting for the gogh.
Nice thing is he has like 20 times as many hq scans available publicly than Rubens
Egyptian's a good idea.
Wish there were more Roman paintings intact. Although a Byzantine mosaic style would be fun to train too.
File: 00077-2307256132.png (2.43 MB, 1256x1872)
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2.43 MB PNG
>my bad. was working on erasing another sixth finger:

That was an unedited version of >>2927619

Since it was supposed to be a burnt from sitting on the tank, not an slap. The slap was because It was more easy to make an slap and edit than getting a proper burnt there.

Great job fixing the hand though, when I try always look weird, I cant get the shape of hands right
>32gb vram used for dataset tag editor
Van Gogh is too powerfur...
File: Ochaco Uraraka.png (1.31 MB, 1480x4840)
1.31 MB
1.31 MB PNG
Requesting this (https://files.catbox.moe/9ljkr8.png) with Ochaco Uraraka (MHA).
File: image (3).png (2.31 MB, 1160x1696)
2.31 MB
2.31 MB PNG
Bonus: https://files.catbox.moe/bf99yh.png
Post: https://files.catbox.moe/7nuri7.png
Thank you both! If you feel like doing more, then have her be naked in the mall, with pubes?
What's going on with the lineart in your reference pic? Doesn't matter for the request, just curious. It looks really weird.
Would it be possible to get a workflow catbox?
File: 00007-1538643157.png (1.24 MB, 832x1216)
1.24 MB
1.24 MB PNG
very early epoch kek
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2.72 MB
2.72 MB PNG
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2.42 MB PNG
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746 KB JPG
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790 KB JPG
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2.66 MB PNG
cute misty.
man, beach volleyball should be more of a thing.
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758 KB JPG
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1.82 MB JPG
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1.27 MB
1.27 MB PNG
it's a nice image and you did a good job at making that one in the first place.
Could I get a box for this one? Pretty nice.
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1.91 MB
1.91 MB PNG
File: 1733682776786.jpg (1.37 MB, 4000x3000)
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1.37 MB JPG
Requesting Nessa being naked with Ariel.
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1.26 MB
1.26 MB JPG
Requesting Minako and Noi in the sauna
Choose a pokemon
Design an original character that would main that pokemon,

Not an humanized version of that pokemon but a human trainer that would use that pokemon
>Not an humanized version of that pokemon but a human trainer that would use that pokemon
But that's how GameFreak has been designing trainers since Gen V
File: 00092-1682424551.png (2.49 MB, 1256x1872)
2.49 MB
2.49 MB PNG
Catbox decided that it's not working for me today:
ibb dot co/V2VfsDq
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2.55 MB PNG
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939 KB JPG
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2.37 MB
2.37 MB PNG
show me your strongest tomboys
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2.55 MB
2.55 MB PNG
File: 00107-2911925807.png (2.47 MB, 1256x1872)
2.47 MB
2.47 MB PNG
oops, ugly face.
Thanks! Guess it's time to upgrade noob version, looks much worse on 0.5 or 0.75
Is there a name for the bottom part of reverse bunnysuit? Or something that longer than thighhigh or pantyhose without panties area
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2.46 MB PNG
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2.57 MB
2.57 MB PNG
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2.48 MB
2.48 MB PNG
Requesting censored pictures. I wonder how does an AI handle censored pics.
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3.72 MB
3.72 MB JPG
Thanks for the feedback, i think it took it a bit far with the noise and filter. I backed it off a bit.

Good eye on the ceiling and fireplace I tried to fix it in gimp and move some things around.

You are right when you say the smoke doesnt make sense. I think ill keep it since it adds a strange fantasy element to it. I may rework it but not sure.
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File: Peak Elf Gyaru.jpg (662 KB, 1440x1920)
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662 KB JPG
Since I've tended to giving my "sporty" main elf character tanlines, I wondered what better ways there'd be to distinguish her from a potentially similar-looking "gyaru" elf cousin, resolving to intensify her gyaru look. I may have gone a little overboard, but that's what experimentation is for, right?


The little smoke trail is a bit out of place, but otherwise I think all the background elements come together nicely.
File: 00020-126700426.png (3.05 MB, 1696x1160)
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3.05 MB PNG
I wanted to give a shot to this too

No, "reverse bunnysuit" already includes the leg part
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3.06 MB PNG

Requesting more Kuro in Illya's Beast outfit, like >>2928350
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1.12 MB
1.12 MB JPG
I made mine an I can fix her type.
File: Rakshata Chawla.png (2.96 MB, 1656x3389)
2.96 MB
2.96 MB PNG
Requesting Rakshata Chawla (Code Geass) belly dancing topless.
Something really fuckin weird happened with the Van Gogh thing
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1.52 MB JPG
Requesting a full-body shot of these two

For reference
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238 KB JPG
Requesting Cynthia Moore from Great Pretender at a nude beach in Hawaii as she is making a peace sign.
Something like this?
File: 1736203805618397.png (1.11 MB, 1240x1488)
1.11 MB
1.11 MB PNG
Can someone make her nude?
This is the first time I've seen something this weird, but I think I stopped the first training attempt at 5 epochs, and then deleted the outputs, and reran it with more epochs so I assume it's just some fucked up glitch relating to cache or something...
File: 00050-1512614907 v2.png (963 KB, 1152x1632)
963 KB
963 KB PNG
Is as if the training said "you know what? Fuck you! and started doing a compete different thing"

In any case, don't you usually go about 10 epochs for training?
nta but you usually go 2K-3K steps, how many epochs that is depends on how big your dataset is. Could be 10 or 50.
When I train I always adjust the repeats, not the epochs.

May be adding more epochs has some sort of advantage I'm not aware of, but I thought the standard practice was to add more repeats, not more epochs.

I always use 10 epochs, train batch size 1 and then change the repeats from 2 to whatever depending how big the dataset is
Both are kinda memes, I generally found completely different step ranges for optimal results depending on the lora. But yeah, I usually do 15. I did 30 this time because I did the same with Rubens.
Repeats are bad because it's as if you copied over your dataset multiple times per epoch. Epochs are just longer training. Although people have sworn by both and this is ML so there's some truth to both.
>imageCount x repeats x epochs = steps
In the end all that matters is how many steps it is, how many times an image is processed. There's no special handling for repeats vs epochs.

But you can apply repeats to only a part of the dataset, then it gets more confusing.
>There's no special handling for repeats vs epochs.
I'm 99.999% sure there is because of optimizer behavior. You wouldn't get the same results from a single epoch of 30 repeats and 30 epochs of 1 repeat.
repeats are bad in excess and if you're using a batch size larger than 1(and smaller than your total dataset size).
This is because you don't want the same image to show up twice within a single gradient. That's arguably bad and can have detrimental results. So long as you can be 100% sure that can't happen it's fine, though.
That said I generally wouldn't go above 3 repeats.
If so it's a negligible difference compared to having a good dataset, and settings for optimizer, LR, dim size. I would say on the level of gimmicks like network dropout or custom bucket sizes.
bucket sizes made a lot of difference for me
>having the same conversations as in early 2022
The more things change the more they stay the same
Well the main issue is there's no objective way of judging which lora is better. Sometimes you can do dozens of XYs and not have a clear winner. So what settings "work well" is mostly based on guesses and confirmation bias.
My current chara loras on Noob were 605, 795, 1512, and 1575 final steps. Styles were 1100, 2700, 3750.
I remember it was similarily roughly half for characters on Pony too, albeit with different amounts. I'd tell you exactly but I finally deleted them and the archive isn't working. So yeah I wouldn't personally go based on steps.
So it was broken from cache. I'm on epoch 6 now and it's normal. And it's not the seed since I've been using that one placebo seed that's been around since the guy making the scripts set it lol.
Epoch wise that's 11, 13, 14, 15 for characters and 9, 15, 22 (the rubens is outlying but it makes sense given it's a wholly different style), so if anything, with those settings and Noob, I should probably start training 20 since I hit that 15 upper limit twice.
>having the same conversations as in early 2022
woah, in that time I would've learned how to draw for a living.
File: 00033-3483735175.png (1.47 MB, 832x1216)
1.47 MB
1.47 MB PNG
This is honestly a neater style for porn than 90% of danbooru artists
that looks like crayons, dude.
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865 KB PNG

Naked Karen is best karen
sounds based to me
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384 KB JPG
Requesting Usagi hanging out with Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel as friends in the nude.

Reference for the pair
File: Eleanor and Yoshie.png (314 KB, 779x779)
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314 KB PNG
Requesting color edit. The girl on the left has blonde hair and blue eyes, the girl on the right has pink hair and green eyes.
File: 00070-3879402239.jpg (3.47 MB, 1536x1880)
3.47 MB
3.47 MB JPG
you guys think the faint nips would get me banned in a blue board?
Depends how the starts are aligned
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685 KB JPG
yes sir, post this one instead
This remembered I always wanted to fuck Hermione and Luna.
Not the actress, the character, Actually I stopped fapping to them when they became live action because it was as if they crumbled all what I had imagined
File: 00000-1046390143.png (2.1 MB, 1160x1696)
2.1 MB
2.1 MB PNG
they weren't supposed to look good in the first place

Since read them on early 00s I unironically imagined them as mid-late 90s anime characters. Particulary kind of imagined them as Ranma characters.

Soon after first movie came out killing my dreams
File: 00001-385191340.png (1.04 MB, 1024x1024)
1.04 MB
1.04 MB PNG
Forgot to add the image again
File: 00000-226353546.png (2.39 MB, 1872x1256)
2.39 MB
2.39 MB PNG
File: Red&White.png (1.21 MB, 1208x701)
1.21 MB
1.21 MB PNG
Requesting these two together
File: 00002-1521647917.png (2.44 MB, 1256x1872)
2.44 MB
2.44 MB PNG
File: 00099-2463785877.jpg (3.61 MB, 1536x1880)
3.61 MB
3.61 MB JPG
I mean it had other good looking girls, Cho, Lavender, one of the prefects, the russian blonde. But those two were nerdy bookworms, at a time when it was not popular.
File: cui__04008_.png (1.99 MB, 1024x1200)
1.99 MB
1.99 MB PNG
File: 00008-2893280583.png (2.47 MB, 1872x1256)
2.47 MB
2.47 MB PNG
Requesting some nagatoro from dont bully me miss nagatoro or Asia from highschool dxd
File: 00016-1203070041.png (2.39 MB, 1256x1872)
2.39 MB
2.39 MB PNG
File: 00018-4098491725.png (2.6 MB, 1256x1872)
2.6 MB
2.6 MB PNG
File: 00009-3691323445.png (1024 KB, 1216x832)
1024 KB
1024 KB PNG
Love it
File: cui__04217_.png (2.49 MB, 1024x1504)
2.49 MB
2.49 MB PNG
File: 00000-1532214451.jpg (1.64 MB, 1664x2432)
1.64 MB
1.64 MB JPG
>van gogh, oil painting \(medium\), traditional media
This isn't as thick of a style as I expected it to be. Doesn't really adapt well to animu characters as the Rubens did. He did paint people pretty basically so maybe it makes sense. Good for non-anime humands and everything else though? https://files.catbox.moe/q3vztc.png
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652 KB JPG
File: image (2).png (2.71 MB, 1328x1576)
2.71 MB
2.71 MB PNG
Feels weird to never be in the highlights but to have my 1.5 gen as the thread pic.
Maybe highlight-anon has broken my brain

What's the rest of her team?
1. Flygon
File: 183355-3038134654040.png (987 KB, 768x1280)
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987 KB PNG
flygon, ludicolo, houndoom, emotional support trapinch
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2.94 MB
2.94 MB JPG
File: Inori(02).jpg (1.58 MB, 4080x3072)
1.58 MB
1.58 MB JPG
File: image (14).png (1.92 MB, 1080x1576)
1.92 MB
1.92 MB PNG
Good picks
why is this dumbass wearing thigh highs in the pool
nice dubs
Still better than 12 chicks at the same time.

I like the pose. Dual wielding cigarettes is a bit hit-or-miss, but still.


Solid concept. Cheers.
Solid gyaru elf, thanks champ.
Is there something similar to forge couple for comfyui? I'm struggling to get something working
File: Menacing Succubus 2.png (3.3 MB, 1696x2400)
3.3 MB
3.3 MB PNG
Have a spooky succubus.
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713 KB JPG
File: Stripper Catgirl 1.png (3.86 MB, 1696x2400)
3.86 MB
3.86 MB PNG
File: Menacing Wolfgirl 1-min.png (1.88 MB, 1696x2400)
1.88 MB
1.88 MB PNG
File: Sauna Catgirl 2-min.png (1.39 MB, 1696x2400)
1.39 MB
1.39 MB PNG
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427 KB
427 KB JPG
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2.5 MB
2.5 MB PNG
These are great. Thanks!

This could be better, but it's a good start.
File: twins.png (3.6 MB, 1536x2048)
3.6 MB
3.6 MB PNG

made with krita, so i can't give catbox, sorry.
made the appartment with SD1.5 and added an anime woman sitting on the couch with pose control net
then changed the anime woman with inpainting at 80% to hitsujigoods style, then did the second image also with inpainting. krita is awesome for that
goddamn. more wolf girl please, great image
nice pubes, box?
Netrunners are hard to generate. I would have liked her to be typing on the tablet computer, but I don't think SDXL models understand the concept: they can only produce typing on a keyboard.
That's something I would setup with Flux. And then just inpaint some nudity and a better art style.
touching screen like keyboard
File: Felx-o-AI.png (3.17 MB, 1792x2304)
3.17 MB
3.17 MB PNG
Stolen from /hdg/
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2.56 MB
2.56 MB PNG
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3.86 MB
3.86 MB PNG
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1.04 MB
1.04 MB JPG
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1.7 MB
1.7 MB PNG
Every day is Halloween if you want it to be
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624 KB JPG
It took a bit of effort to get a decent Dullahan but here we are
At some point I guess it kind of became "throw every Castlevania monster you can think of at it"
Turns out to be pretty hard to prompt for "big tits, but also don't actually show the tits"
Could you just pick out the best ones, or make a collage/gallery on catbox? it's getting spammy.
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please continue posting and ignore that guy >>2929159

these are nice gens
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You need to take one pic and put the rest of them in catbox links instead of spamming. See >>2927181
Contribute to the thread before you start making up rules retard.
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Fuck off retard nogen
So angry. You should spend some timer lurking or in the archive, newfag. Before you embarrass yourself further.
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post genki girls
>This could be better, but it's a good start.
Yeah, you dont need to sugarcoat it for me, that one is shit.

I got really excited when that gen came out because conceptually seemed perfect, looks like an actual picture, she had the little girl on her amrs, there was another girl in the floor, then something that could resemble his husband on the back. So for an instant I was blinded for it as a whole

After posting it I realized how fucked up the gen actually was, it seems the after detailer didn't even trigger with the other characters, the little girl is a fucking mess, the girl on the floor has terrible perspective and looks like another boudica and the guy in the back is a blur

But I have to get back to that prompt because I really liked the idea. That image is way fucked up to try to fix it, but I can try to get a better gen
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she looks flaming passion, better has a Volcarona as an ace
What did she mean by that?
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Wooper... for no particular reason...
Nah jk I'll do this for real in a sec, it's a fun prompt
spooky, who's spreading her cheeks?
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Probably prinny. But it just turned out better than the other ones I've tried I posted it.
I got the joke without you explaining, and explaining actually kind of kills the joke.

Also, I know its an ARMLESS joke, but is still a cruel one
Just don't uhh... ah whatever, I'm throwing my hands up, you win!
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I think there's something wrong with your upscale workflow. Details are melting all over despite already being very high resolution. Her tongue, earrings, arm-belt buckles, bracelet, pantyhose lace,...

Might be very low denoise during hiresfix? Or just a dumb ersgan upscale without an AI pass? Not sure what else could cause this.
It's pretty 3dy so maybe it's an older model or som
File: List.jpg (36 KB, 374x476)
36 KB
Already tried multiple. if you know of any other one I could try please tell me
What's som?

Well maybe, but from what I remember of 1.5 it usually had the opposite problem, making things far too detailed after upscale instead of smudging.

I don't mean the upscaler itself, they only have small differences anyway. But normally you run the upscaler, then do a second AI pass on the output to clean up. The whole process together is then called hiresFix. You might be missing that step.
I personally use NomosDAT but yeah that pic looks almost like it wasn't upscaled at all.
I do have that step in, maybe I'm just doing it wrong. Thanks for the new Upscaler and something I have to look in to.
>no 4xNomos8kDAT
That's the one I use and it's pretty good. I also used IllustrationJaNai in the past, but it can fail catastrophically sometimes, so I stopped using it.
Shit, anon reminded me that I actually use IllustrationJanaiDAT now. Used to use Nomos but it changes the colors a LOT.
Got a request?
That way I don't post same image/prompt all the time while I troubleshoot it.
nomos seems like overkill to me, it's insanely slow
feels more like something you'd want to run as a final step on a photograph before you send it to print
I don't think hiresfixing is a good idea anyway, you want to inpaint and fix errors on lowres so I do exactly that and only upscale right before the final upscale img2img pass.
It takes 12 seconds to run on a 4090, which is about the same time it takes to run a base generation. It definitely is slow as fuck.
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yes that's a falconry glove but shhh
Her name is uhhhhh Toulouse, she's totally from Kalos
Which is fine if the upscaling itself doesn't introduce new errors. So then you have to keep the denoise low and maybe add controlnet or use multidiffusion, or other tricks.
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With 4xNomos8kDAT
Oh hey, I made it again. Neat.
Also, tired kitty is resting.
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3.33 MB JPG
2022, home, at least it was before i fucked everything up
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Tired kitty is showering after a very intense workout.
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sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler
Kitty is trying her best.
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snap city
she better straighten that arched back
Yeah, her form is terrible.
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Just fill in the blanks with your old workflow, I left you some notes.
Workflow is currently broken

Removed >>2929197
upscale since it is malfunctioning
oof, nice backboob, any chance we can get a frontal view?
File: 00058-840143542.png (2.63 MB, 1872x1256)
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2.63 MB PNG
>one of the hashed styles i used all the time in pony is working in noob
>i never ever use it
explain this liberals
it looks worse
"See, is that drone again. He's spying on us!"
>inb4 shoes, I should put barefoot on the positive lmao
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I like this style more than your last one
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File: Aishwarya Ray.png (3.12 MB, 1728x2304)
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Requesting Aishwarya's tits exposed.
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Anyone watch the Nvidia CES talk? What caught my eye was the DGX "mini super computer". It will have 128GB of unified memory for AI applications.

$3000 price tag though
Check previous /hdg/ thread where we talked about it extensively. But in short it's unclear just how much slower this unified memory will be compared to dedicated vram, and given the 50 series benchmarks were basically a scam I wouldn't trust them here either.
128gb of LPDDR5X memory, pretty slow probably, but I guess if you were willing to run it constantly you could train something on it
Requesting Makoto Kino naked with abs after a sweaty workout.
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1.28 MB PNG
Time to wait for proper benchmarks. There are rumors Nvidia is not hamstringing their compute in this gen. I'm hopeful the 5090 has a 30% increase over the 4090.

I'm betting the digits box will have roughly 3090 speed but with 128gb of memory.
Training capabilities are where it could get interesting. I haven't messed too much with LLM which is what it seems really geared towards.

They did talk about NVLink so not sure if that would increase the memory bandwidth? They did say it would pool the memory but not sure if it would help with total memory bandwidth.
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poolside with wet clothes is a pretty cool idea.
Funnily enough there ain't even any local LLMs worth that memory
>Training capabilities are where it could get interesting.
Especially because it's a separate box and will still allow me to use my main box to gen all night away. I'll leave it burning through my energy bills no problem for months to train stuff if it is minimally fast enough.
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>they don't know I'm making waifus at work
It's another "lost the battle but does not have money to pay so she pays with her body" episode.

Never gets old
Pretty based request, I'll revisit it when I have more time later
doesn't really fit her expression
her expression only shows she lost on purpose to your lv2 caterpie and fainted lv6 charmander
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it's over
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Testing those styles until my GPU burns
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Requesting Sayo Hitsugi being frozen in Carbonite
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this nigga lol
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Requesting Isane naked in a hot tub
It'd be something different out of the norm
Even if someone does it, it will just get requested again in the next thread.
Requesting Jasmine buying wonder bread and farting
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2.16 MB PNG
The amount of times I'm typing out the same tags I need a damn shortcut setup
>finish training model
>be extra conservative with poses, clothing and expressions trying to not prompt-botch my waifu

this is a new kind of autism I didn't know I had.
>0% ETA: 33:30:43
This is fine
Got more ideas for Faye here?
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My wife ladies and germs
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How do I use rescale cfg for noobai? I'm trying to make my gens a little less blown out but I'm confused, do I do low CFG and set the rescale high? I'm having a hard time understanding what it even does
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use auto complete and press tab after typing the first 3 letter
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Try a CFG of 9 and a rescale of 0.5. Thats what looked best to me. But your specific model may need something else. What i did was make a big xy plot of different CFG and rescale calues and picked the one that looked the best. I had to gen like 64 images but it was worth it.
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chatbot anon returns. If possible, could someone inpaint the right leg so it looks like regular skin, and not like there's some fur? idk if it's possible without the original tags, but you'd be appreciated regardless
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It's tricky to get an "on top position" angle without male presence. Even with 1male, 1boy in the negatives.
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Searching your specific post on /hdg/ it's kind of annoying so, here you are, uncanny delivery
this one really caught me off guard but it's raw
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Really missed that uncanny aura she gives off (it makes you feel like it's the monsters who are the ones afraid in those pics (*)) and seeing the progress made on this theme altogether is always nice. Let alone people doing "normal" Poolrooms pics, Danger-Zone Poolrooms stuff is almost non-existent. Thank you for the Good Stuff.

By the way, nice Clown IA. Did you made that clown suit based on her official one or was it pure concidence?

(*)Great job on the monsters but gotta admit that ae70fa.png and the last one are the ones that hit the hardest. It probably may be on the "rule" that entities are scarier when they are still not shown
What tags are you using? I would think with view and focus tags it shouldn't add males.
That last one is super spooky.
>Did you made that clown suit based on her official one or was it pure concidence?
She has an official clown suit? the fuck? I just did her like that because I like leotards
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>She has an official clown suit?
>That last one is super spooky.
The back-ligh and the barely visible eyes are more spooky than any monster for some reason.
holy shit it's real, where is this from? aside from the skirt it doesn't seem that hard to pull off
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By chance I ran into some nice poses of Bond Girl Izabella Scorupco (who was in her mid-twenties in 'Goldeneye', damn) and decided to give them to my mainstay character.


You're living the dream, anon.
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So she's either preparing for a gunfight in the forest....or failing her audition as a Bond Girl.

>Well, at least she has some trigger discipline.
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As with all things First Place, it was a one-off art piece from an event (pic related) that happened a while ago and then barely, barely ever gets used again... Let alone them making more of it or people actually making fanart.
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Very interesting, I'll save the design for later but yeah, I was completely unaware of the existence of clown IA
Imagine Shampoo from Ranma 1/2 was there
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>What tags are you using? I would think with view and focus tags it shouldn't add males.
for the pic I posted I used:

>sitting on top
>from below angle
>looking down viewer

Okay, I had it coming with the first prompt but my goal is to have the girl actually sitting on a surface simulating the cowgirl position. Pic related kinda tried to draw a male down there, you can see an attempt at a belt buckle but the loincloth covered it.
Sitting on top may be having tag bleed with girl on top, which implies a character underneath.
Here's a box with some tags that worked for me. I'm not sure I captured what you were aiming for and it's kinda bad since I'm testing a new model.
Prompting what she's sitting on and getting away from sitting on top is probably enough.
>aside from the skirt
Apparently that's called a "Bubble Skirt"

>I'll save the design for later
Here are the results of a quick search:
>https://gelbooru com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5105044
>https://gelbooru com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5104454
>I was completely unaware of the existence of clown IA
No surprises there as it's really was a blink-and-you-missed-it type of thing. Thanks for dropping by tho and lol at the coincidence.
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nice, I'll give it a shot.
File: anis.jpg (30 KB, 345x353)
30 KB
Requesting Anis from Nikke
...however, her hairclip MUST look correct!
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what artist tag?
Does that mean the rest of her can look incorrect?
Well, incorrectly large boobs is a given.
Too many to type, here's box:
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2.3 MB PNG
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2.69 MB PNG
>here's the catbox with the prompt in the metadata
>save the image
>no metadata
Am I doing something wrong?
I don't know if that's the issue, but webuis don't store metadata in the windows picture metadata format, you have to use a webui to check them.
You can read the metadata in plain text if you open an image with notepad or any other text editor.
Yeah, I ended up having to open the image up in Notepad++ to view it. I don't have any special plugins just for this sort of thing.
Unless it's NovelAI or the stealthPNG webui extension, since they use the alpha channel instead.

I think our 4chanx script is the only one that can read all formats reliably.
>I don't have any special plugins just for this sort of thing
Which UI are you using? Because I'm sure that all a1111 based ones come with the PNG info tab, and there must definitely be some Comfy node for it.
It you want do do some real fucked up shit, some samplers on 4 or 5 steps will give you literal digital horror
Requesting some Wuxia stuff
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2.61 MB PNG
You've been bean'd.
>she is so mad she became white
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can you make a nude version of this?
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It's some kind of cat thing, with a forked tongue? Feels like I got baited, focused so much on the hairpin I didn't realize her clothes are off.
isn't that just a cat mouth
Fire Emblem pegasus knights
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2.36 MB PNG
catbox? that's cool
Hate to disappoint you but uh...
Kitty likes fresh bread.
uhhh...kitty's face is merging with the bread
ah fuck, I see it now. it didn't really look like any model to me initially.
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close enough heh
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Bulma is meant to be way younger and also wearing a much larger shirt in the original scene, but this is a nice idea that looks nice, too.
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Requesting Hoshizora Rin with HUGE boobs, in the style of Yoji Shinkawa
I remember this anime because of her and the imouto
Box please?
Its using a lora I just made
Looks like it came out well, then?
If you're willing to share the metadata, I would like it anyways. I'm trying to find a clue as to how to get colors the way I want.
What's the deal with "score up" randomly appearing as text in illustrious images sometimes? I thought that was just a pony thing?
stop looking at civitai gens
I'm the seaart anon so there's no metadata to share. But I just used Hassaku Illustrious and "masterpiece,best quality, anime screencap, anime coloring," as tags.
What's the deal with "deformed, mutated, bad hands" appearing in illustrious images? I thought it was just an SD1.5 recommended negative, one that never worked in the first place.
I don't mean in the prompt. I just made an image and "score up" appeared written on a jar even though it's not in the prompt. Sometimes I'll see it written on walls or something if I prompt graffiti too.
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didn't work so well
I see, thanks. I guess I need to pursue the anime coloring angle.
Those are actual danbooru tags. Not mutated though.
It's hard to say if using them with illustrious has any more meaning than it did on 1.5.
I haven't seen that, so it might be an influence from one of your artists? Score up sounds like it could be from pictures of characters playing games.
No artist tags and not prompting any known character or anything game related. I can only assume its some weird residual in the checkpoint I'm using.
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Because we all copy some other gen tags when a new model that works slightly different comes out.

And we set it as the "automathic" quality tag. So, its the same in every generation we do. If you put some typo in there, or some unnecessary shit out there, is there forever in every gen

When I first generated illustrious I set the quality tags as
>, masterpiece, best quality, amazing quality, very aesthetic, absurdres, highres, newest

>lowres, worst quality, bad quality, bad anatomy, extra fingers, sketch, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, old, oldest, 3d

So it appears like that in every gen, There is no more secret than that.
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2.34 MB PNG
Oh, that, sometimes if there is "english text" or other text related things on the prompt and there is any english words on the prompt it trends to put that english word as part of the image.

For example, if you use "yes-no pillow" and english text is not weird to see the "yes-no" appearing somewhere

Or if you use "HOTDOG" it may appear as text if you use "grafiti" on the same image.

You can also tell what do you want it to writte. Of course, not every gen writes what you want perfectly
File: 00028-4272208470.png (2.22 MB, 1160x1696)
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When you try to do it on purpose it make take some gens to get the words right
>we all
File: 00029-4148668755.png (2.02 MB, 1160x1696)
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2.02 MB PNG
Lol you are right.
Have a chingchong styled kitty instead.
File: 00032-1274757054.png (1.88 MB, 1160x1696)
1.88 MB
1.88 MB PNG
I tried
File: 00033-1274757054.png (2.28 MB, 1160x1696)
2.28 MB
2.28 MB PNG
thanks bud
pretty neat
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1.49 MB
1.49 MB PNG
Does Illustrious know Shinkawa's style, or are you using the LoRAs trained on SDXL or Pony?
yes it does but not very well, I was using an illustrious lora and I think the other guy was as well. it's not very good
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Requesting these two hot tubbing together.
Illustrious doesn't seem to know it at all. I tried using the tags anyway.

I could have used a lora, but the only one I found for Illustrious, simply doesn't look like his style at all. So I settled with using just the prompt
Don't you ever get tired of panhandling like a beggar?
File: file.png (2.73 MB, 896x1344)
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2.73 MB PNG
Does this looks raw?
what do you mean by raw
File: Amphibious Landing.jpg (565 KB, 1728x2048)
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565 KB JPG

Very nice, I wouldn't mind seeing more of her. Is that just a torn leather bodysuit or something else?
too good to be true
As in it came out of the txt2img pipe without anything else done to it
it seems like "wariza, from below" was the magic prompt. Still not as dirty as I'd like, it'll have to do. Thanks.
>too good to be true
I mean yeah you got all the telltale unrefined stuff like the hands and eyes and some of that latent artifacting that almost looks like jpeg artifacts
pure txt2img without at least an upscale pass isn't gonna come out great because the base gen resolution is just too low, unless maybe you use something like kohya hrfix but idk how well that actually works, I only tested it out briefly and felt like it had its own problems so I didn't bother
Yeah It's not easy to get flawless pics at such low res
I'm glad it helped. What do you mean by dirty?
>What do you mean by dirty?
making the girl look like she's humping something. But anyway, enough about fapping material. I'm all about six-finger katana-wielding now.
File: chichi blossoms.png (1.53 MB, 1280x768)
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1.53 MB PNG
Fuck man why can't we get anime that look like this. We've had boobs in anime forever but something this erotic is beyond rare.
Eiken had boobs this big, but was there any actual nudity in it?
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cute! any catbox?
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please inpaint some big racks onto these mikus
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Manyuu Hikenchou
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Yeah I know all of the big ones like that Valkyrie Drive, but those are already getting old. And most of the ecchi stuff we get is just like that one with the fantasy harem. Boring, lackluster boobs.
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Surprisingly annoying to get chinese wuxia/xianxia to work. I dont know of any tags that work well
"fighting stance" is a must.
Damn that's nice. What parts did you struggle with?
I did a quick search here.
Unfortunately there aren't many artists that do wuxia stuff there.
There's a lot of tags that could work, but with all the overlap it probably needs a lora to get it really accurate.
What's the lora for that? I love that grainy cel look.
Holy shit some of those gens are pure Kawajiri.
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Mianly that it is chinese fantasy/xianxia and not just a generalized martial art girl.

I have read a lot of cultivation novels so i have kind of a set idea in my head for the traditional jade beauty type in those stories, this was my other attempt.
>I have read a lot of cultivation novels
Me too, me too. Good ones are getting harder to find these days, though.
If you make more with this theme, please post them. You got me hooked so I'm going to have to start a folder for references.
That reminds me, you might have some luck with IPAdapter, if you're willing to step outside of pure prompting.
I have never messed with IPAdapter at all. Dont really even know what it can do. Ill need to watch some youtube videos or something
I haven't used it that much myself. But it's used to pull things like special effects or outfits from a reference image into your gens.
With other controlnets I found it's easier to just play with the control weight and ending control step sliders than try and find a guide.
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No the extra toes, it's to late now
Wonder why that UI puts it together with controlnets, it's diferent tech.

You give it 1-4 reference images and it'll transfer everything it can to your new gen, character details, style, composition, background, etc. Under the hood it's basically turning those images into a prompt which is then added to yours. Meaning it can't transfer absolutely anything, or be very specific in detail. Only things a zen prompt master could theoretically prompt for. The more images you give it, the more it averages out to only give you what is common among them. So if say you want to transfer a character, you would provide multiple images of her either all in the exact style and composition you want, or each image in a different one.
Nice, thank you very much.
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>Surprisingly annoying to get chinese wuxia/xianxia to work. I dont know of any tags that work well

Yeah, that's exactly why I requested it.

>What parts did you struggle with?
I'm the guy who requested the wuxia stuff.
My problem at least is most part of the time I end with generic sexy chinese clothes and fighters kind of vibes, nothing that gets that wuxia aesthetics.

Usually I end using raven court or apothecary lora to try to lead more into wuxia vibes, but I don't like relying on that
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rescued and then fixed from /hdg/
not sure what you fixed but she still has an extra finger
moar of this
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It's nice to see that Okami and Chichi have AI images.
I think of Oume and Kayo… but they have few scenes, so they may not be able to be painted …
From what I remember of the show, it kinda went downhill after the first half didn't it? No more boob stealing, she takes pity on some flat village girl, they travel a lot and that's it.
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That's a fun style
is this fucking uuuh
theatr... th...
the final fantasy rhythm game on the 3ds
eeeerm that's clearly kikuchi milo
It kinda reminds me of when tenma streamed the south park games
i swear i've seen that same exact style used in some ff game
or maybe its that one kh game
The dude apparently makes a lot of merch but eh that kind of cutout style isn't unique, it probably was some other artist.
First, I used Danbooru's related tags feature to see which artist was most heavily associated with the "hanfu" tag, which was Ibuki Satsuki. This is definitely an artstyle that fits in with wuxia novel illustrations:
Then, if you look at Danbooru's wiki entry for "chinese clothes", it also has a subheading for hairstyles:

I picked "feixianji \(hairstyle\), hair ornament". If you prompt for "holding sword, jian \(weapon\)", you should also put "katana, huge weapon, unsheathing" in negatives.
man it's clean
>this dookie lora is clearly fried and inferior to this other lora
>try another prompt
>non-dookie lora is now the dookie lora
what the fuck
It's probably just that I suck at prompting but SD hardly ever gives me any areola slips regardless of how many parentheses I spam :(
Bonus John Woo movie style.
have you tried putting nipples in the negatives and only prompting large/huge areolas? Don't even mention nip slip, see what happens.
>regardless of how many parentheses I spam
You won't get through to the AI by being anti semitic!!
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Really good tips, bro
Oh that's a good idea thank you anon
<150 image artists continue to produce way better styles than anything above
i think i'll get like thrice the artists from the last run than the entirety of >300 image artists
No, its the model, you probably got stuck into old models, current models can easily understand and provide areola slips without any ().
Actually, I used lot of () on the 1.5 days, that was normal.

Lot less with Pony and now with Illustrious I barely ever have to do it
Thank you for for ==
Thank you!!
The more different they are from danbooru's top artists, the faster they train.
I told you, that's where it's at.
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Real, danbooru top are all jap pivix sloppers with no style, most from the bottom half I save are western artists.
I'm gonna have so much mixes to run through after this though, that'll hurt.
I trained these two loras from 30~ anime screencaps each that weren't even full 1080p. I've been fapping to them all week long. I don't think I need danbooru anymore.

>I'm the guy who requested the wuxia stuff.
I tend to read every post on /edg/ but I guess I missed yours.
>My problem at least is most part of the time I end with generic sexy chinese clothes and fighters kind of vibes, nothing that gets that wuxia aesthetics.
Have you tried any of the XL ink style loras?
It's hard to say how well they will work, and the example images aren't too helpful, but if you can pull it off it could help with the vibes from an art style standpoint.
bro what screencaps
i'm talking built in danbooru artists
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>Real, danbooru top are all jap pivix sloppers with no style
Why do you think AI did so well? It was all slop all along...
>simple_background 1.8M
Why are there meme reaction faces in my ecchi thread
At least generate them with a cute girl
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>It was slop all along...
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Thanks, but Im following this anon tips >>2929822

and I'm getting some good vibes see >>2929832
Still have to experiment more though, but is a nice start
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now do 1 girl (,standing) 1 jar

This anon here

These are great tips! i need to use that related tag feature. Those are much closer to what i feel is wuxia
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Very arguably fappable but I can't stop liking this style
can you make the areolas faded instead of outlined? that'd be fappable enough for me, personally.
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Speaking of that horn, Noob knows the cast of Baldur's Gate 3
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>can you make the areolas faded
>find another neat style
>it's some svedish indie dev
it keeps getting weirder
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Any newer taggers than Caformer? I was thinking of cleaning up my tags and retraining some stuff but the current ones can be frustratingly overconfident about bullshit before they pull actually descriptive tags
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how do you make a girl putting her face on the sheets, table, floor, wherever surface she is on?

With "pinned down" she can put her face against it but there is a pov hand ruining the image, "Head rest" puts her face on the hands.

Face down, face against...Whatever I use does not work
"face on ..." usually works for me. Maybe it's the rest of the prompt? Are you sure you don't have contradictions?
this one's cute, probably gonna be nice for mixing
no catbox rectify immediately
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not exactly gyaru but same energy.
I kind of wish this was done to really look like an anime screencap. Are there good loras for that? I think that dupe of reality (as real as 2d animation is), just does it for me.
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This is a lovely style too
(lol at the censor)
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Requesting Kagome wearing a hula outfit.
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Anyone know how to gen transparent backgrounds on noob?
I can't tell if ironic or just uninformed. You can't gen transparency, anon. You need to use photoshop to take the background away.
Auto1111 provides the optional rembg extension. I think it should also work on Forge and reForge.
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How did you get that perspective look? The tag do nothing for me
Have you tried "from above, foreshortening"?
requesting Tanpopo eating a cheeseburger
there you go, sport. Enjoy.
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Very cute. They both came out nicely sharp too.
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Posts: 50%
Highlights: 25%
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And for something completely unintended--brutal mogging by the blonde on the brunette.
It's hard to get proper object permanence with snakes. Also, for this post and >>2930000, quads GET.
The best part about fucking a girl that controls a snake is that you can get a snakejob.

Also nice snake quads.
i love Morrigan, her hips are what made me the pervert I am today, If you are still around I would love a catbox, or an srtist or lora being used
If i dont make it into a highlight im going to riot
who cares
highlights are a blatantly obvious shitpost made by someone who wants to keep quality low
There is https://github.com/lllyasviel/LayerDiffuse but it's probably more practical to do it by hand in most cases.
Sounds like someone doesn't get picked. Try adding masterpiece to the end of your prompts
>Masterpiece, Trending on 4chan, I'm special
ah, that explains why she looks so western in the face. yeah it's quite popular even on danbooru, but not with the asian crowd
New Thread:

Long tails in general. "standing in water" is a cheat, gives the tail a sensible place to disappear and reappear like it wants to.
ppk \(girls' frontline\), from above, from behind, butt crack, small breasts, sideways glance, standing, barefoot, frilled bikini, beach, waves, sand, skinny, lowleg, areola slip, pulling own clothes, perspective, collarbone, evening, sidelighting, shiny skin, blush, parted lips, pink lips, white trim,

from above, then defining everything i want in the frame. then i added perspective, collarbone, to emphasize the perspective.
Test test
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