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File: Tribesgirl_-edg-.jpg (461 KB, 1183x1521)
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461 KB JPG
>>2928791 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
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Request Anchor
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Previous Thread Highlights
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Once you run of artists to try, plenty of franchise tags also work as styles. Ones that get more screenshots/official art than they do fanart, or that have a style fans like to copy.
Requesting a beautiful girl with silver hair is being watched by the people around her in a nudist resort.
>Once you run of artists to try,
Next eon? Fuckers are increasing exponentially the lower you go kek
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close enough, don't feel like inpainting
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File: Xilonen.png (3.62 MB, 1671x2963)
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Requesting Xilonen (Genshin Impact) lounging topless on a pool chair.
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Mind sharing the box for this?
Holy Moses
Sure thing. I was just testing the other day, if the newly released NovaAnimeXL illustrious could do Xilonen. But it only vaguely looked like her, so I took this opportunity to download an IL-based LoRA for her. Works quite nicely
illustrious itself knows her fine, so that mix must be quite destructive in regards to kowledge
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this is why I don't do requests anymore
cat eat borger
Wow! That is hot! Thank you!
whoever posted this last thread should post moar
Requesting Tearju nude in her classroom looking embarrassed
Is this taken from the ole maidfag or are you still here and still using NAI v1 lol
they're technically bannable here anyway
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I'm using noob my dude and here's a blast from the past.
What did he mean by that?
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Request threads are, if you make a whole thread for the purpose of "post XY" don't provide at least six pics yourself. Requesting something within a thread like this will not get you banned.
Not sure about that part, but it's anyways not enforced in this general;and would be blamed on the request anchor even then.
That was me, I'll see if I can do some more later. I also just adjusted that prompt a little for this >>2930062 - did you have anything specific in mind? Or just more brow tribal girl?
another round of artists and i end up with two "daves" next to each other
wild because it's sorted by count
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Requesting Usagi and Flannery hanging out at a nudist beach with Daphne Blake
Wow! Super hot! Thank you!
Any more of her would be cool. Bonus points if you feel like making landscape / wallpaper sized images but you do you.
I'll keep that in mind
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I enjoy brown women
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I've been generating chichi all week long, never took her clothes off, I'm such a gentleman.
i love Morrigan, her hips are what made me the pervert I am today, If you are still around I would love a catbox, or an srtist or lora being used
A fellow mithra enjoyer, good day to you, Sir.
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I'll give it a shot while we wait until you're ready.
this is excellent
thank you, timpopo chang
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Requesting this (https://files.catbox.moe/9ljkr8.png) with Ann Takamaki (Persona).
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4 years on carbuncle/bahamut. I attribute my love for fit girls to mithra and the artist kedama
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Four or five ears on Phoenix here. Good times. No mmo ever quite managed to get the same feeling, especially all those "theme park ride"-mmos.
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Same thought. FF14 was a huge disappoint for me. It just felt like I was playing a reskinned WoW. Miqo'te are also a step down from Mithra.
Not an mmo but would recommend >app/2135150/Elin/
If you're into Log Horizon type of complexity.
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You're back in the kitchen.
I haven't really played Elin yet, but I've played a lot of Elona.
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Requesting Ariel and Isane Kotetsu together
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I think i finally got the wuxia vibe i was looking for. Thanks to the anon in the last thread for the tips. For the life of me i couldn't remember the word nahfu
I'm chilling with Moonring until Elin full release
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really nice work anon
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one more with tiddies out for good measure.
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Requesting Sayo Hitsugi being frozen in Carbonite
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requesting Passionlip giving a thumbs up with one of her huge claws
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i love bots
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Requesting Isane naked in a hot tub
File: Gladiator Duo.jpg (1.05 MB, 1800x2696)
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Wanted to see what kind of detail loss generating two characters would involve with this model, even with a simple background. Not bad, but could use some work.
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Does anybody have gen ideas for Hakufu here?
fake anime screencap of her giving an address in the oval office in her birthday suit
Started local recently (Noobai) and I'm trying to figure out inpainting. Trying to focus on this image as a starting point, mainly trying to have it where she's wearing a thong. My first attempts were even worse, but this is my closest and it still leaves a lot to be desired: https://files.catbox.moe/xvqgpg.png

Here are the parameters I used: https://files.catbox.moe/4nbv8n.png

Prompts were just "thong, g-string, ass, nude". Negatives were "bikini bottom, covered ass".

Another image I've tried so far, specifically trying to give her thighhighs: https://files.catbox.moe/tcs6mq.jpg

My "best" result using about the same parameters as before: https://files.catbox.moe/2j7vys.png

Again, prompts were "black thighhighs" vs. "bare legs."

Also, I might have gotten it down, but how do you simply preserve the original image size without changing it? It gives the impression you have to resize.
prompting nothing but what you're inpainting is made up
anyway, whole picture will change your picture size to your resolution but masked only won't
Some things are harder to inpaint than others. For changing her bottoms to a thong, it might be easier to open the original image in an image editor, copy her skin color, and paint over the area of the bottom you want to be skin. It doesn't have to be perfect, just try and get the shape right, and then inpaint over that edit.
About your settings. I use masked content: original for the method above. I haven't had much success with the other options.
Your denoise is pretty high, I usually start at 0.4 and if I need more or less change I try bumping it up or down 0.2 at a time
Large inpaint areas at low resolution like 512x512 will come out looking bad or completely wrong. Your thighhighs example might be in part because of that. The reverse works too, inpainting 1024x1024 in a small area like the eyes can increase the detail.
You can do inpainting in multiple passes at low denoise if inpainting changes the style too much and causes a mismatch.
>prompting nothing but what you're inpainting is made up
This is only true at low~medium denoise. Once you get above 0.6 you start seeing more things show up that shouldn't be there, like a tiny 1girl in your inpaint area. And it might be placebo but I think my inpaints come out with better details if I only prompt what's in the masked area.
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Requesting Aishwarya's tits exposed.
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more geah splits https://files.catbox.moe/bsipe7.jpg
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>>2930177 Just Use K®ita SD
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Requesting Nessa being naked with Ariel.
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1.26 MB JPG
Requesting Minako and Noi in the sauna
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1.49 MB PNG

This is what i got using img2img, the key is to use a BETA schedular with something like a EULAR A sampler.

Then use a control net TILE model with the preprocessor set to NONE.


Goes over the process fairly well. You dont neceessarily need to use the SD Ultimate Upscale.

but yea with minimal work i got this result.
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Probably would need to inpaint so each person has a different face, but not bothering
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Do you guys have any tips for getting good backgrounds? I have trouble getting the backgrounds to be high quality in my images, and I'm not sure if it's just the artist styles that I choose or if there are tags or inpainting techniques that I should be using but haven't been. An example of what I'm talking about is this image, where no matter what I try the shower head looks warped and funky.
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1.35 MB PNG
Its a pretty useful technique for when you want to make what i would call "structural" changes to an image.
for me it's
>white background
You can't.
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902 KB PNG
loras can be found here:
Here you are, my anon friend.
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652 KB JPG
All these butts made me want to prompt something
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Requesting Cynthia Moore from Great Pretender at a nude beach in Hawaii as she is making a peace sign.
good ol' SD1.5, how I miss it..
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2.6 MB
2.6 MB PNG
You know, your post made me realize we have no thread theme for a while now. Ass is the current thread theme, then.
hey, I have one of those.
File: 00024-4036318541.png (2.75 MB, 1256x1872)
2.75 MB
2.75 MB PNG
>I have one of those.
We all have one, that the charm!
File: izuna.png (1.71 MB, 768x1280)
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1.71 MB PNG
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3.8 MB PNG
why are tights pure sex?
File: neet ninja.png (1.6 MB, 768x1280)
1.6 MB
1.6 MB PNG
>I kind of wish this was done to really look like an anime screencap. Are there good loras for that?

I've been using the Hoshino model a lot. I'm absolutely in love with it. Didn't research anything about it but it hits my sweet spot which is the "artist cg set" look. Apart from that I only use a few negatives for "style" if you can call it that, which are "shiny skin, oily skin" something that I despise in ai generation.
For me it's thighighs with garter belts
because they can be a second skin
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2.85 MB PNG
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3.81 MB PNG
Any skintight legwear really does it for me.
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3.73 MB PNG
didn't get anything interesting these past two artist runs, i got down to 106 image ones
i think i'm done till the tism kicks in again
now time to mix what i got and run through the 2000 or whatever combinations kek
At that point it gets tiring just looking at them all. How did you set it up to mix them? xyz+wildcards?
Just a GPTd script for combinations without repetitions. I have the entire process relatively automated so it only takes quick flicking through the gallery and selecting out stuff. Most of the time is spent on the genning since I wanted to go full genning steps this time.
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1.18 MB PNG
>7+ AI threads on this board
Don't come here often but, jesus they weren't kidding when they said this board was slow
Yeah it's kinda obsolete when the jannies on /h/ sleep anyway, I'm only here because /hdg/ is awful and the furries only gen and don't talk lol
The currently oldest, active thread on /e/ was starte on June 21, 2022
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843 KB PNG
hello! i'm new to this, did i do well?
Requesting this with Rangiku Matsumoto.
bretty gud
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906 KB PNG
thank you!
>Requesting this with Rangiku Matsumoto.
it gets buggy when i generate twocharacters i can't get the prompt right :(
Nice! Now do Tsunade from Naruto please.
what's up with the white outline? Otherwise it's pretty good, I love the multiple moles thing.
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i'm getting meh results, i think i touched something i should't have
thank you, sometimes it generates a white outline idk why
80s style busty beauties. Beaches, clubs, neon lights, city streets at night. Film grain!
she either fused into her leg or that pussy is aggressively puffy.
extra puffy
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>mermaid discovers that having a human pussy is way more fun than having a fish pussy
very nice cats
Requesting Vocaloid IA in something of a setting as the girl in the OP but with "trival" bodypaint. That bodypaint can be random, the normal type of tribal lines, Neo Ranga bodypaint, etc.
dang, nice
A shower head is a simple cone/cylinder. Color pick and manually redraw it.
My wife

Can you do either one of these?
Very cool idea. Messy execution. Probably just needs higher resolution; or selectively inpainting all the details, fingers, toes, eyes, teeth, jewelry, armor,...
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Chichi is lucky to have a supporter like you.
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Im surprised this concept has not been explored more...although may be it has been explored and I dont know if I usually don't search for disney porn
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1.12 MB JPG
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If you are gonna do that, wouldn't be better to use "sketch inpaint" better?

In my experience, let me emphazise this because MAY be is my experience only and may be technically there is no difference between inpainting an entire sketch and doing img2img on an sketch.
But I feel the sketch tab does understand sketches better than the img2img tab.

But it may be just coincidence from the times I did it
File: 00003-1351625017.jpg (2.06 MB, 1680x2160)
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top is img2img, bottom is inpaint sketch
If you're using seed -1 you will get different results every time.
sketch inpaint is basically only masked but for the area of the sketch
the one you do in the ui itself...
yes, obviously, and overall the ones obtained in the sketch tab were more accurate to the sketch concept than the img2img one.

Now, then again this could be mere coincidence since may be it does exactly the same thing, I don't know
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there's also the option of using controlnet along with either of those
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2.71 MB PNG
zankuro, m-da s-tarou, fizrotart
zankuro is the only one I clearly see there.
zankuro is just too strong
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m-da s-tarou is not only too strong, it's also really hard to not mess everything up.
File: Young Miara.jpg (394 KB, 1440x1920)
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394 KB JPG

Sure, cheers.


That's an interesting one, I'll need to revisit that.
mmmm... 2 of my favorite things, Bottomless and Elves
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For a second I thought you would say "night elves"
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what do we think about 天使?
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elves are not things, anon
elves are spoils to be taken
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>Film grain!
This is something that annoys me from most current models, they come way too clean even when you specifically ask for grain or artifacts
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Requesting Usagi hanging out with Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel as friends in the nude.

Reference for the pair
please seek help
In carbonite?
The one you're looking for the Carbonite part is this
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>Anyone wanna take a show with lil' old me?
What kind of show? Also I wonder if she has to squat down when washing her hair, that showerhead is placed uncomfortably low.
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Fuck I meant shower
Requesting Makoto Nanaya pulling up her halter top to show her boobs, 'drawn' as rough and sketch-like as possible. Like a lot of visible line work.
Illustrious/Noob realism sloppers are cooking https://litter.catbox.moe/4j6mfx.png
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she looks like Cletus, bro
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it's 2025 not 2022 get that 3d ass aom ass pastel ass western ass 3d ass face off there
in other words, go to >>>/aco/8674866
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>Eek! Anon! There's a Spinarak in the shower!
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Rosa is a menace
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A mechanical HDD I have has started to disconnect while I gen. I wonder if I should be concerned about that.
That's still higher than most shower heads I've seen. I'm only 6'2 and it feels like every shower I've ever been in was made for midgets.
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genuinely unsettling.
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cute mix
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Yeah hell, especially the really grainy one! How busty can you do a 1girl pinup, wish pubic hair?
actually no but i get how you'd get that
i'll post them when i'm done
Yes mommy, I wanna shower with you and Usagi Tsukino
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there was an anon on /h/ that said he gained like 6 different vices in his life and AI genning was maybe the most addictive.
and you know what? i believe him lmao.
I see wamudraws in the face
No hit either, it was tenchisouha, kafun, minuspal, bacun
>I wonder if I should be concerned about that.
Probably. OTOH, my power supply decided it was fine after a week of shutting my PC off.
I think it was overheating and something in my case was short-circuiting it at the same time.
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Is it just a coincidence the dude in the front looks like volt from kuroinu? https://files.catbox.moe/pby8og.jpeg good luck to the lady
>what if Ski Free was an anime
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Requesting a full-body shot of these two

For reference
reminds me a lot of Angelyne (don't google her)
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someone recognizes some artists in this nai pic? I think there is j.k., afrobull nyantcha and aestheticmemes but not sure about the others.
I would like to recreate something similiar but getting weird results
bery cool
that face kinda reminds me of one artist i definitely now but i could tell you his name for my life
he draws in that scratchy liney style
The eyes are very Mizuryu Kei.
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I was thinking of Echosaber
Did you prompt for the swirl effects at the feet? I only get them when I don't want them, but I don't know what tag could remove it.
For example, spinning will sometimes give that effect, but it's very random.
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i have noticed it before, but i think it is very pronounced because of the tag 'fisheye' that i used.

Have an ecchi one as well, been genning blueboard stuff for awhile
>Let's get physical, physical~
This is the 80s I've always wanted. Can you do it in a 4:3 aspect like an anime?
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Requesting Rakshata Chawla (Code Geass) belly dancing topless.
Love this.
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Would your characters look more like xianxia if they wore a hagoromo, this kind of floating scarf?
oh shit, that does, really need to look into tags more
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did a quick gen with hagoromo, definitely helped. I think it even gave more accurate clothing and hair aswell.
2930542 (Me)
You probably tagged me by accident, but I already found something I was happy with.
This is the one I posted.
It's not really wuxia, but I think I care more about the style influence than the theme itself.
That is very impressive, i missed it last thread. I am very impressed with the small details on the clothing. Would you mind posting catbox or some of the tips that are working for you?
There wasn't much to it.
This anon's posts >>2929822 >>2929823
My post here >>2929848 for the ink loras.
The tokiame lora looks really nice, but it has some intense watermark going on.
Unfortunately I have yet to find any way to get those kinds of colors and textures consistently without a lora.
Greetings from /d/. I've just spent 8 months realizing a passion project of mine with the help of AI and I can confirm that this shit's like cocaine. On many nights I found it hard to maintain my sleeping schedule, LOL.

Very cool!
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Did a very basic terrible prompt so i didnt somehow affect the results. Just prompted a bunch of different styles of chinese clothing styles to see what illustrious knows.

It isnt much and not surprising
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I wish it was easier to generate metalhead or rocker girls.
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So, this was a little more subtle an example, but I think it counts.
It's definitely in the spirit.
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didnt feel like coming up with my own prompt so i ripped off yours,

I found an ink lora i thought was interesting. Ill definitely play around with this. I believe i have enough tools to really nail down what ive been trying to do. Im getting a wacom tablet in a couple of days. I will be interested to see what i can finally pull off.
This is the style of ebifurya, the most prolific artist on Danbooru with over 6000 hits. He does so many 1girl, standing, white background pics that even if you prompt "indoors", everything in the background becomes white. I don't even like his style that much and I don't even want to use him in an artist mix.
those are some elegant tits
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Nice. Never figured out how to do these clean styles on illustrious.
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What really fucking sucks is that there's a tag for the metal horns hand gesture, but I can't get it to appear in any gens for the life of me. It's "\n/" on danbooru, and I'm not sure if the slashes are preventing reforge from reading it properly, or if it's a prompting issue, but it's driving me up a wall.
it's "\m/", you need to escape the first slash. It works if you do "\\m/"
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\m/ is a slightly different handsign where the thumb is extended, but otherwise that worked, thanks chief.
One must imagine Passionlip happy,
This one looks genuinely beautiful. Catbox?
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this is lucina from lunar 2 eternal blue. can you guys extract or remake or repair this with the help of tha ai?
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Gotta get some westernish artists but yeah it's hard to find any actual real pics with them or real goth chicks in the first place
Is this on Pony or something? I remember him being much thicker on Noob in my runs. Maybe thickest from the top artists.
the tag is "punk"
which I know isn't quite the same thing, but the model doesn't
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what do you mean? You only need to describe what you want exaxtly and that's it
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>I was a music producer but I died from overwork and reincarnated in another world and decided to turn music into magic!
Fuck! I just realized now I unwarely just made kazusa
If the OP's anything like me then an el generico singing =/= metalhead to him
Brutal legend did it first
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That's not metal, that's punk/alt. Metal has a very different feel to it, especially when you start diving into the subcultures, like Power Metal or Black Metal. The closest I could get is some classic metal fans from the 80s with denim jackets and band patches, like in >>2930617. A large part of it is probably just me being a scrub and not being creative enough with my prompts, but anime style artists aren't exactly known for depicting western fashion trends or subcultures.
bery naisu
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well, he posted a generico singing girl just not singing, so unless he had something more specific in mind I dont know.

I remember that game
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>robably just me being a scrub and not being creative enough with my prompts,

I see, I do not know what you are looking for specifically but you need to be specific on your prompt. You can't expect to say a magic word and get something.

That works when you want something more "generic" when you have something specific in mind, you need to be as specific as possible detailing every single piece of clothing and element
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this one also got isekaid
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Well, iirc my teenage years, melodic metal female lead singers were big on long dresses. Also red hair and dark lipstick. If you're aiming at classic metal heads, then the brutal truth is that they are no different from punk fans. You only change the t-shirts.
Can anyone explain what the deal is with vpred models? Functionally how are they different from other models? Do they need specific vpred loras or can they use more generic ones?

Been out of the game for a bit and don't understand this new format
I've been keeping a bunch of dummy loras for easy prompt autocomplete with visuals but is there a more elegant way to do it?
Simple explanation: SD works by starting from noise + description, then removing all noise and keeping only one image conditioned on the caption. To get the final denoised image, you can do something like:

- predict all noise, then do noisy image - predicted noise and display the image.
- predict the actual image and display it.

For a bunch of sciencey engineering reasons, normal checkpoints will do the first one. Later, after SD was released, someone realized it was easier to train a model if predicted a thing called "v". v is something like noise - constant * original. If you know the constant, you can also use this value to recover the image, and because of math, it makes training more stable, faster and better (there's a thing called zero terminal snr which is possible to reach by using v-prediction, and it makes things more colorful). SD3 called this "rectified flow" because they wanted to sound smart.

Everything needs to be custom for v-pred models because they are spitting out a different answer to the denoising problem.
Vpred models fix an inherent issue with SDXL that causes the average color of the picture to always be shifted towards grey, allowing for more saturated colors and creating pure black or pure white backgrounds. They should also in theory learn concepts and styles better, but the colors are the main feature.
When using them you have to lower the CFG and/or use CFG rescaling extensions or your pics will become oversaturated.
You can use loras trained on non vpred models just fine from what I've seen.
They are merged with other models so they basically needs the base model lora.

Vpred illus model works with illustrious models, vpred 1.5 models works with 1.5 models.

I don't think there are vpred pony models. But I remember seing 1.5 vpred models, I dont know why

But I think you need comfy ui and "activate it" for the vpred part to work, if not the model still works like any other model, but without the vpred part
>I've been keeping a bunch of dummy loras for easy prompt autocomplete with visuals but is there a more elegant way to do it?
I do not understand the question.
what do you mean lora for easy prompt autocomplete with visuals?
You can add prompts to loras to autocomplete when you select them in the menu so I just have a bunch of "fake" ones with inbuilt characters and their prompts. Good for characters that need complicated prompting.
You can set this up https://civitai.com/models/611924/wildcard-gallery-extension
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Hm I guess that works but wildcards aren't editable like real prompts you get from the lora autocomplete are, or is there some setting to input the entire prompt?
>wildcards aren't editable
They are txt files, of course you can edit them
In UI, man. Lora's autocomplete get you the entire prompt so I can put in the entire character with outfit etc and then prompt normally, wildcards get you that uneditable wildcard tag, so no game.
vpred + ztsnr (v-prediction + zero terminal SNR) is a hack for full luminance and color range, the base model has to be trained on it.
noob vpred still has some teething issues related to color oversaturation and is a little more tricky to use. for example it's more hesitant to fill in unspecified details than most people are used to
you can use non-vpred loras on vpred, but they tend to impact the contrast and colors (the reason you typically try vpred in the first place) to some extent
up to date forge, reforge, and comfy should autodetect vpred checkpoints and use the correct settings but may need to manually force vpred + ztsnr
CFG++ sampler and snake oils like rescale have more significant impact on vpred
align your steps, karras, exponential schedulers no work so good on vpred, try SGM uniform, normal, simple, or beta instead

perpendicular cyberfix is closest thing to generically better checkpoint versus base 1.0
How do you make vpred loras in the first place?
I don't know if it's some interactions between my extensions, but if I delete the last underscore in the wildcard tag and then type it in again, the autocomplete replaces the tag with the whole wildcard prompt. But it's probably not the kind of solution you are looking for.
I'll just stick to having to delete the fake <lora> thing
Put her in the mixer
in sd-scripts it's --v_prediction and --zero_terminal_snr switches
then you turn off most or all of the noise-related hacks like noise offset (the most important one to turn off), multires noise, snr gamma, etc
So does baking on Illustrious for Cyberfix need that? I've been off the grid the past few months regarding models.
In short they have a wider color range. Mostly this gets memed for making pure black/white background, but it applies in general. They require CFG rescale (of any kind) otherwise it fries the contrast. In regards to loras, regular ones still work but are a bit weaker. v-pred specific loras do not work with regular (eps-pred) models at all.

You don't need comfy, old A11 and new Forge can use it too. If you do not activate v-pred it will generate pure noise, the checkpoint cannot "work without".
you should bake on vpred models using vpred settings for vpred to preserve colors and contrast, that's definitely affected by using older loras on vpred
i decided to slap some loras trained for noob vpred 1.0 onto regular illustrious checkpoints for slop's sake and they had startlingly good compatibility, so you may not need to bake for both
And they worked? When I tried a vpred lora on eps it only made noise
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So I should train on what base for use in Cyberfix?
Damn youngsters making so much shit, back in my day it was nai 1.4 and that's it
maybe it was luck but this https://civitai.com/images/50820410 was two vpred locons slopped on an illustrious realism shitmix and i was honestly perplexed that both seemed to be value added
i'd do noob vpred 1.0
>noob vpred 1.0
Ogey. What you said would actually make sense given how grey I thought one of the artists I did was despite them not doing images that desaturated. I'll give it a try.
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my personal training for vpred has had best results keeping ip_noise_gamma 0.1 but dumping every other noise hack, and reducing LR a bit vs epsilon
testing mixes is driving me proper mad
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That is an interesting effect. She is mostly flat like a paper cut out effect, but then hit tit is like 3d rendered.
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1girl, beach, male swimwear challenge,
That happens a lot, specially if you use a character lora that is trained mostly or entirely on screenshots but the prompt highly deviates from the lora dataset, because what the AI does there is basically paste your anime girl face on a random ecchi image
Beautiful. Box please?
too funny for /e/
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Thanks! Spent more time on creating that down-blouse than I am willing to admit

what's the goal here? make the girl wear them? having them lying around there somewhere without an actual male appearing?
How about we make them hold them so it at least provides a bit of a challenge idk what OP was talking bout
nta but the "challenge" is making the non-OC girl (usually flat tomboy) look like a dude
>usually flat tomboy
I'm not taking flat chest/small breasts/medium breasts from my negatives.
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Oh hey, nice.
Have a boxing kitty now.
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Opposite for me. I can't stop genning itty bitty titties
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Thank you.
I'm surprised to see anyone still using this. It looks really good, but I heard it's pretty stiff.
Good work wrangling that one out of it.
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I like these :)
>I'm surprised to see anyone still using this
I'm still in my "only using one checkpoint without any loras or other advanced shit" phase, and Animagine yielded the best results so far. Is it that outdated?
>but I heard it's pretty stiff.
You can get some more flexibility Using Euler a and playing around with the steps. But yes, generating specific things can be a bit of a pain. This shit is therapeutic for me though, fiddling around for an hour feels like 10 minutes. This anon is spot on >>2930506
>Good work wrangling that one out of it.
Much appreciated!
That's that in Easyscripts? I see "V Param" and "Scale V Pred Loss" but that's probably not it. Should I just add them in optimizer or extra args?
What's that*
>Is it that outdated?
Is the previous meta model to the previous meta model to the current meta model.

It's like almost 1 year old and 1 year in sd is a lot of time

But eh, there is people still using 1.5 so don't let that influence you if you are happy.

But right now any noobai/illustrious model is like a direct upgrade over animagine
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Anon, the "challenge" part is for the girl being brave enough to try to pose as a guy. not for making the girl look like a boy.

The one going through the challenge is the girl, not you creating the image

Would be lot more fun if you could use flat chest, but you should not tempt your luck
I was just going off of the tag description https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/male_swimwear_challenge
Which literally calls it an art challenge, along with some history
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Thanks, I'll check it out! Have another qt in the forest
Gary Oak fell off
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Protip: "linea alba" is a useful tag for making characters look fit in a subtle way, without giving them abs or tagging them as muscular, toned, slender or skinny.
more like a useful tag for making characters look weird like wtf is that supposed to be lmao
It's the chest scene from The Thing
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I like them, too. I threw in some Ishikawa Hideki as well.
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goddamn these katana fingers
needs a tiny edit so the top doesn't get cut off by the ring
She has a few variations between her standing picture, fanart, 'official' art by the developer, etc. for how the cloth is attached.
I can get the cloth to be attached to the ring, rather than just kinda go into it and disappear, if you prefer.
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>tfw no underwear left
>cytadel martyr
I thought it was porno
It's a surprisingly good boomer shooter. If you like the original DOOM, give it a try.
The first game is good but very jank, the second is even better and a lot less jank.
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that one is always a fun artist
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It's a pretty good gen, clean and good composition.
But count your fingers, we're past awful hands. That one's a really easy fix too. Manually delete the extra finger, then inpaint at 0.2 to 0.4 (the worse your edit, the higher you need).
Also I'd give her foot an inpaint, it doesn't look quite right, the way the sandal goes between the toes.
Since when did elves wear underwear?
i've seen a lot of images like that
Underwear or lingerie?
for elves there's no difference
But one you only wear to show off!
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did i stutter
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more slavegirls
read that as more slavgirls at first, and now I'm wondering how they'd look in anime
Found this in a catbox

>guidance_limiter_enabled: True, guidance_sigma_start: 25, guidance_sigma_end: 0.28

it appears to be a CFG attention technique. for the life of me i cant find waht script this is. It is not self attention gauidance or perturbed attention guidance as neither have those sigma values as settings. Any ideas on what this is?
Reforge dev branch APG extension
That's the settings I use.
Pretty sure in reForge it's underneath PAG on the PAG is now your CFG tab. Or something like that. It's not PAG, it's just a separate setting inside the tab.

I've probably gone as far with the concept, and the same character and all the same elements (beaches, lights, night time), as is practical. Though it's given me the idea of revisiting the "Lofi Girl" concept through an 1980s OVA veneer.

>On the next episode of Space Cobra, Cobra is rescued by an elf exorcist visiting the beach planet.
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Love her outrageous tits, and elf of 80s dreams. Thank you
now i need to do a little character run
i'm so forgetful
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Well, challenge accepted.
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OP revisiting this- I'm sorry, but I'm still not really getting this. I downloaded this model and put the model in Stable diffusion models folder, but this model only shows up under the upper left checkpoint drop down. It doesn't show up in the models dropdown under Controlnet Integrated, just "noobIPAMARK1_mark1 [13579d81]". Nor does my Controlnet Integrated resemble their example image.

Here's how it looks for me and their example in the lower right.
It goes in models/ControlNet
You put it in the folder for checkpoints.
I didn't put it very clearly, so I'll correct it just in case. If I understood you correctly, currently your controlnet tile model is in models/Stable-diffusion. Only regular AI checkpoints go there.
It needs to be placed in models/ControlNet.
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catbox please? nice gen
box? nice jaggy lines
Mirko dabbing on the moon.
thank you
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>more sla
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kek nice
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That is very impressive. Would you mind posting catbox?
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Kitty is taking it easy for the day.
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Tiara from Shamanic Princess only has about 20 pics on Danbooru, and trying to use her name in a prompt only generates actual tiaras, but it's not hard to reconstruct her appearance if you start with CLAMP's style.

Dildos and vibrators are supposed to go on /h/.
Might help to use her franchise tag at least. Although in this case it'll probably work like a style too, it's all from the same artist.
Now that Noob is form perfect for a model this resolution I have to grasp how uncreative I am in utilizing these
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>reference posts/228520
you liked the mix huh
is this cosplay? because the color is wrong
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Oh, trying to recreate her clothes is a whole different matter. You can say "red short dress, long sleeves, high collar, cleavage cutout, navel cutout", but the dress she wore in the anime is in two pieces exposing her midriff, joined by X-shaped straps that cross above her navel, and there's no way you can prompt for that.
Time to get out the MS Paint and inpaint
You could ask LLM to describe her outfit and see if that will be enough.
Do any LLMs know booru tags or are they all natural language?
there's joytag but i havent tried it
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Requesting these ladies standing in an area of water either a pool or an onsen based on this link.
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anon, when I said I wanted to get some wine, this is how she behaved. What did she mean by this?
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she's an apoplectic slob
Requesting Castlevania/Bloodborne inspired stuff.

Vampire hunters, not the monsters, we have vampries often
tomboys passing as boys at the beach, yes please more
.....still better than Pony.
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requesting Dehya's bra removed
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>https://files catbox.moe/7zz73k.png
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It's a hard niche. That being said the worst part of illu / noob off branches is they just want to lean into degeneracy. I want some kinda ripped clothes and it's just titty flashes / vagenes all day on anything. If I want like no pussy seen in scene for sex stuff it wants to make futa because something has to be there even fi the angle wouldn't show a pussy. It's just a unique problem I've encountered with later illu derivatives I like like cat tower or wainsfw.
They know their audience, sloppers who want to create low-effort fap material. Just go back. If you can't achieve your style without, use that slopmix as a refiner only.
Nah I like the style why I'm using it it plays decent with my loras still. I think it's just a suite across the newer stuff besides personal merge. Truly just the miracle model like based64 that just worked.
genned with negative dy https://files.catbox.moe/uzzmm8.png
>worst part of illu / noob off branches is they just want to lean into degeneracy

I disagree. Worst part of illu/noob is that images are always way too clean

Sketches, pencil drawings, film grain, whenever you want the image NOT to be clean you are fucked up because it will come out clean anyway
Just use an artist that does it well? Or even a lora since they are usually better than the baked in artists, i have seen plenty of sketchy looking gen from illus variant model
Do megumin please
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np i love me those sluts
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Thank you. If you end up doing more, topless ones would be nice.
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Doing a little bit of experimenting. No inpainting on this one yet, but I wanted some feedback on how it's going so far. I've found that most of my gens always have the small details be just a little bit off even wheni use inpainting to correct it.
Likewise experimenting: watching retrospectives on the old Hitman quadrilogy (or just trilogy, Contracts kind of hits all the best points of Codename 47) and thought I'd try to recreate Lei Ling/Mei Ling from memory (and a few screenshots from Silent Assassin). Don't think I succeeded, but hey, have a huge-breasted callgirl at a Yakuza boss's mountain sanctuary.


Looks pretty promising so far. I like the pose. Aside from the rose, the tattoo details don't hold up great to scrutiny, but that's to be expected. Hand is pretty easily correctable, along with the whites of her eyes. Background is simple but a nice touch with the light bouncing off her back. Considering there's a lot of subject detail, the errors are pretty minor.
I really love her tits and their volume, care to gen a few more? The black on black may to tough however.
Thanks fren
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My main issue when I inpaint is that is feels like an rng where I'm hoping I don't get something even worse than what I started with. I've been wondering of there are any keywords that I can use that could help fix the details with inpainting with a minimal number of attempts, or even better if I can get it right without any unpainting (a bit unrealistic I know, but I'd like to try to get it consistently right on the first try each time if I can).

Here's the only other decent one I've done so far today. Again, no inpainting yet, so there are a few weird details. I'll probably try a few more tomorrow.
She got a name? I love her tits and her titty-driven confidence.
drop a prompt let us all try to gen her
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Requesting this thot
does said thot have a name and possibly a source anime/manga/tv show/etc retard?
No name, just a vague outline of a character.

Positive Prompt
volumetric lighting, gradient shading, very aesthetic, ultra detailed, film grain, beautiful woman, goth, short black hair, narrow green eyes, pale skin, mole on face, gigantic breasts, nipple, black shirt with band logo, torn jeans, beanie, ear piercings, nipple piercing, black eyeliner, black lipstick, black nail polish, tattoo, shirt lift, annoyed expression, pout, aside glance, nightclub background

Negative Prompt
artist name, blurry, username, watermark, signature, jpeg artifacts, normal quality, low quality, worst quality, cropped, missing fingers

Wai Ani NSFW Pony XL


CFG Scale

DPM++ 2M Karras

Lora 1
Gothic Details

Lora 1 Strength

Lora 2
Breast Implants

Lora 2 Strength
From the filename, I can get this with a little poking around Danbooru:

In-painting is leaving it up to chance. I've come to rely on it exclusively for specific element generation (for example, a particular hand gesture or a weapon) rather than purely corrections, which I usually just do by hand. But that might just be a very outdated approach.


Anyway, here's to Groupie Goth Girl and her massive jugs. Which I just ran through one of my templates with the prompt you gave and very little change. Her pose certainly draws your eye to her melons, and beanie and shirt are passable, but the background leaves something to be desired (I guess she's in a...Dave & Busters after the show, or something?) and the style of nipple ring is wrong (that can be corrected by lowering the weight though).
Sweet. I prefer the rings.
Looks great!
>the background leaves something to be desired
Yeah, my backgrounds were really bland despite having "nightclub background" as a prompt. Maybe it just had low weight due to being at the very end of the list. That can be easily corrected though.
Now I feel like I need to see a busty goth elf.
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Thanks, I got that.

And this is still the best I'm able to get. I'm following all the parameters in the original example screenshot. What am I missing?

Cheers, glad you like it. In my own case, I'm pretty sure this model just doesn't really understand "nightclub" as a concept. I'm surprised it gave it a reasonable college try at all.


Haha, those are the canonical "stat" for my ol' Blonde Elf Knight (with a +105 cm bust, she "puts the 'K' in 'Knight'" gag, still not tired of that after two years), though as a measurement of the difference between the Goth Groupie's underbust and largest circumference of her shoulder boulders, it's plausible. She may have "athletic" Saori beat.

>Bowing to peer pressure. Or just wanting to drink 2000% your budget.


For putting up with my corrections, I may look into that later.
I followed the comment chain back, you're trying to use controlnet to skip inpainting, right?
Then you need to turn down the control ending step. That determines how long it references your original image. Start with 0.5, and if it still doesn't look good lower it a bit more. If it's too low your image composition might change.
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Made some adjustments to >>2931083 . It's a bit better, but it still can't do the background right. I might try some new gens from scratch to get the nightclub right from the start.
Catboxes? Amazing stuff.
If you want a good background my suggestion is to gen the girl with a simple one colour background, then gen the background on its own, then combine them manually and do an img2img to blend them.
As long as the lighting isn't complex, it works.
Another possibility is using the IPA controlnet with a picture of the setting you want, though that's a bit more fiddly.
You're clearly doing something wrong with inpainting. Hard to say what tho without more information, and you seem to never share boxes. Read this https://rentry.org/fluffscaler-inpaint#inpainting-v2
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Your big tiddy goth gf xir.
Quick little example gen of using a picture of a club in controlnet to direct the background.
Could probably add a second picture of a black square to get it darker.
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Followed the advice in your link, and it worked wonders. I kinda feel like an idiot for not doing this before. Thanks.
Nice! Love it!
Haven't tried this method yet, but I might give it a shot later.
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Well, its just some random prompts with ONE artist only, very simple, but well

boxes please?
praise hits a bit shallow if you throw it around five at a time
thank you both. nice gens
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Always good to see more monstergirls.
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oh no
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people get 3days for posting girls that have megumeme's body type here so idk man. even though there's a non ai thread for her up almost at all times elsewhere on the board
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Returning your prompts

Positive Prompt:
volumetric lighting, gradient shading, very aesthetic, ultra detailed, film grain, nightclub, beautiful woman, goth, short black hair, narrow green eyes, pale skin, mole on face, gigantic breasts, nipple, black shirt with band logo, torn jeans, beanie, ear piercings, nipple piercing, black eyeliner, black lipstick, black nail polish, tattoo, shirt lift, annoyed expression, pout, aside glance, nightclub, bar (place), people in background,

Negative Prompt:
source_furry, source_pony, jpeg artifacts, signature, low detail, pubic hair, 3d, pubic hair, pony, muscular, censored, furry, holding, patreon logo, watermark, text, initials,

pony, blank background, white background, censored, furry, (bad anatomy:1.3),(amputee:1.3), deformed, ugly, bad proportions, unicorn horn, (horns:1.3), extra legs, deformed anatomy, bag legs, english text,

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I can't help it, I like the "very awa" shading.
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>very awa
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>male hand
Sometimes I crave the McDonald's fries. It is what it is.
I honestly don't get the "no males ever whatsoever" rule, isn't this place for softcore anime pictures in general? A male being present shouldn't be against the rules as long as no dicks are visible and there is no form of penetration.
complain to the mods, the rules are extremely clear here
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Why does AI love making beds too short?

Yeah I said it in jest. As long as there's no sexual stuff involving males it's fine.
4chan has always been most inconsistent on any kind of rules and standards
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>TWO males
You like to live dangerously.
AI has no concept of space relation or perspective. Why doors are fucked up and the girl is tall as the ceiling.
i am the edge
I usually end up prompting (bed:1.5) to avoid that.
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KLK girs are so cute.
Didn't really do much for me from some quick tests...
I've been attempting to humanize amaterasu by dimwitdog, I find it funny that the ai assumes mole on breast without prompting.
I don't know where that stupid idea males are not allowed in these threads comes from.

Anyone lurking /e/ as a board know males are common, there are lot of voyeurism and lucky pervert images and even dedicated threads (toilet threat, nudity in manga, public nudity, slavery, etc, etc)

You can not post pictures of especific male nudity nor pictures of males gropping girls, or pictures with exclusively males on them, but outside of that, males are completely safe.

There has been even "imminent rape" threads in the past on /e/ without any issues with plenty of images surrounded by men. As long as they dont touch the girls, and they are not naked, is fine
I assume it's a case of thread culture vs board rules. Perhaps you can post males "legally", but that doesn't mean they'll be welcome.
It's a fair skinned POV hand, nobody minds.
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I'm not specifically trying to do that, I'm just trying to inpaint to begin with. Whatever will allow me to inpaint/get results like others got with this image is fine.

No matter what I set it to though, I still got really bizarre, ugly outcomes. This was one of the results for setting it to .5. It got even worse the lower I set it to. No ending control step setting results in anything good.
NTA but our setup/model/sampler must be fucked up because this is not normal
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>this chick having boobs
The CFG+++ samplers are busted as shit on my end so I'm not surprised that's what you're getting
Which model? Im still on illus mix since noob seemed unstable
It's a mix based on Noob vpred 1.0.
Let's look at your settings again.
Euler A CFG++ requires much lower CFG than normal. I haven't used Beta scheduler but I think it only gives noise if CFG is too high as well. Try 1.5 or 2. You can also consider using easier to use sampler/scheduler combinations.
Masked content:original is what I told you to use a ways back, but that is based on you using an image editor to manually draw the colors to guide inpainting at .4 denoise. If you're going to use .75 denoise and brute force the change then fill is probably better.
>This was one of the results for setting it to .5. It got even worse the lower I set it to. No ending control step setting results in anything good.
It would be better if you learned to inpaint without controlnet, rather than fumbling blindly with two different tools. It's much harder to learn as you go when you don't know which tool has the wrong settings.
An anon kindly posted a link for an inpainting guide not that long ago. I recommend you read it. >>2931131
>be looking at samplers
>the one i tested before to be best gets eliminated first round
it really do be like that sometimes
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>what? Something wrong?
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Kitty regrets her recent life choices.
no wonder if she ended on a graveyard
And being convinced to give a try to spicy ramen soup.
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This is a cool image but why is it so vaselined
That's just the dragon crown style.
Hey, nice, the new sampler I chose has none of that Smea Dy / Neg Dy greyness at higher resolutions issue.
Oh. Well, it is nice. Just get that 6th finger.
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I'm sorry, but I honestly skimmed over your original post when I saw the results with >>2930206 >>2930218. I thought what they presented would be easy enough to go off, but apparently that turned out to not be the case.

I've been using masked content:original all along, it's been visible in all of the setting screenshots I've posted.

I've tried pretty much everything you've suggested, including trying all the different Eueler A methods. Just about everything I get is different bikini bottom texture variations that might have the outline of a thong underneath or something, but never anything resembling the original images posted. I even went ahead and mimicked the settings here https://rentry.org/fluffscaler-inpaint#settings (as close as I could- I don't have their Karras sampling method) and I got pretty much the same exact outcomes, just texture variants with a partial thong outline or something.

My intention was never to necessarily try leaning inpainting with controlnet, this again was what I was presented with ITT. Whether or not I have inpainting activated in this seems to make no difference though.

DESU I'm not really sure what easier sampler/scheduler combos would look like.

Does any of this have to do with the prompts I'm using? Because for this image, it's pretty much always been "thong, g-string" and "bikini bottom" in negative.
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>I've been using masked content:original all along, it's been visible in all of the setting screenshots I've posted.
Original takes what's already there, it's the weakest setting. Fill should make the inpaint effect stronger, did you try that?
Also, I hope you're setting an inpaint mask only on the part you want to change.
>I've tried pretty much everything you've suggested, including trying all the different Eueler A methods.
Based on your most recent screenshot, you're still using Beta scheduler. Beta is not a normal scheduler. I don't know what you have, but if you have them try Simple or SGM Uniform.
>I got pretty much the same exact outcomes, just texture variants with a partial thong outline or something.
This is a good indication that the problem is your settings. It's drawing a thong, but the regular bottoms are still there. So you either need a stronger masked content setting, as stated above, or you need to raise the denoise level.
>I even went ahead and mimicked the settings here
Sampler/scheduler from the guide don't matter that much. Just find something that generates properly for you.
>DESU I'm not really sure what easier sampler/scheduler combos would look like.
Checkpoint, CFG, Sampler, and Scheduler all go hand in hand. You can try copying settings from people's catboxes. I use CFG 4.5, Euler A, SGM Uniform on Noob Cyberfix. I don't know what JinkiesNoob is, but my settings should work for you, if it's blurry you can keep CFG 7. Regular Euler is another safe choice for Sampler.
>Does any of this have to do with the prompts I'm using?
It's pretty basic, and it doesn't tell the AI what perspective it's from, and doesn't have any helper tags. Your checkpoint also might not be a good one. But you're still getting the behind of a girl in swimwear so it's probably fine. If you want to improve the prompt try "thong, g-string, from behind, ass". That should at least give perspective and push it towards skin a bit.
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I knew that since you used very awa but which mix exactly
My own mix, I mixed parts of some old Pony mix into it and some other shit I don't even remember.
I see
for some reason I cant make the scene with low light
not even the "dim lighting" prompt worked? Try to emphasize moonlight.
Use the tags "dark", "dim lighting", and "shadow"
Tried that, subject still looks in a spotlight
prompt a more specific location, describe window, balcony, stuff for the girl to stand against the moonlight or something.
You're using an eps-pred model, right? This is their disadvantage compaired to vpred. You can try "night", "backlighting" and "cinematic lighting", but as a last resort you'll have to use the Alternate Init Noise extension to darken the image.
1. If you're using a shitmix or a lora they probably trained it only on images in full light, so the lighting got baked into the characters. Some models are worse than others.
2. Some models respond to tags like dark but not darkness, and vice-versa. Dark background or black background helps. Artists affect it too, some artists don't mesh well with dark scenes, and some work very well with it.
3. Lowering your CFG helps.
4. Finally there are band-aid solutions. On civit there's a vae that darkens the image at the end of the generation. You can also try controlnet/i2i a black square, supposedly that works.
It's not just about eps-pred vs vpred, because base illustrious does dark lighting just fine. It's more of a blue tint than black, and it can't get as dark, but it looks right.
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Speaking of which, might as well jump on the Goth GF Train. Ended up being a case of "Busty elf after 10-minute-transformation to Goth GF," but sometimes less is more?

>She's just happy to be indoors, with the aircon.
Thats just completely wrong, you can get gen as dark as vpred with eps model
Might be the artist/lora you are using
>Thats just completely wrong, you can get gen as dark as vpred with eps model
Are you the one who showed me a nearly pitch black image made with WAI a while back? If so, please show me the metadata for that, I have no idea how it was done. I showed my results back then, but cranking up the weight on the dark related tags caused the image to melt long before it got that dark.
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Yes that was me, reusing the same prompt as last time I get that, could go higher but at some point you cant see shit, just use (dark,darkness,dark theme,high contrast,dark background:1.6) and you should get similar result
Also v8 is the darkest one
Ah thank you very much. It must be either dark theme,high contrast or combining them into one group that I was missing. That solves a huge problem for me.
Well, this seemed to generally work. My problem is that when it resembles the style of the original image (lower denoise), there's always this weird discoloration across the inpainted area. And when it lacks that (higher denoise), the inpainted area differs far too much from the original style.

Any other suggestions?

Also, I got tired of just focusing on this image, so I tried another old Haruhi piece: https://files.catbox.moe/7djil0.png

Original: https://files.catbox.moe/wkjh3g.jpg

Even though this was pretty low res, the panties meshed well with the original, much better than what I've been trying with the bikini screenshot (only issue being how part of her navel is visible through the skirt now). So I went and tried this much higher res version: https://files.catbox.moe/bu5esz.jpg

Even though it's a jpeg, it never fully loaded and turned out to be a massive resource hog. Wasn't much better when I halved it in size. It wasn't until I went down to a quarter of the size I was able to get anything: https://files.catbox.moe/lprk2j.png

Is there any way I can get inpainting to reliably handle large image/file sizes without failing?

Soft inpainting seemed to help get better quality here too. Any suggestions on that as well?
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1.45 MB PNG
Never thought I'd start a trend, but here we are.
Hot off the press: a slightly different pose!
>{illustration}, gradient shading, soft shading, soft highlights, {fine details}, [[realistic yet stylized]]
>no artist tags
>posts to a strictly anime/nihongo style art board
what the fuck is wrong with you people
>My problem is that when it resembles the style of the original image (lower denoise), there's always this weird discoloration across the inpainted area. And when it lacks that (higher denoise), the inpainted area differs far too much from the original style.
Yes, part of that is that the referenced area has shading that implies covered butt cheeks so it will fight you a bit. Now that you can get that far, you can consider some next steps. One is to do as the other anon said, and use controlnet. This should let you set the denoise high without changing the composition. The other option is to do multiple rounds of inpainting until the discoloration goes away. I don't use this method, so I can't help you much there.
I mentioned it before, the way I do it is to take the reference image and paint over it with simple colors until it looks vaguely like you want, and inpaint that. It lets you keep denoise lower, and it already has the colors you want so you don't have to fight that. A one minute drawing can save you 30 minutes of inpainting re-rolls. I set content:original and .4-.6 denoise to start, adjusting up or down as necessary. You can use this in combination with the previous method as well, your current best result you can just color correct the skin area manually and inpaint that.
>inpainting to reliably handle large image/file sizes without failing?
This is an issue I'm running into as well. One option is to just do your work at the low res and upscale directly when you're done. With a simple anime style like you have, that is probably enough.
Another option is to cut out a 1024x1024 square from your image and inpaint that, and stitch it back into the base image after. Controlnet tile does something similar to this, but I haven't used it so I don't know the details
>Soft inpainting
I use it anywhere I use high denoise and don't need high detail. I haven't ever touched the settings and it works well for me.
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1.4 MB JPG
>away due to work all day
>thread is almost maxed ou
>post: 0%
>highlights 0%
Well. Time to start.
People need to be reminded every now and again of goth/emo girl supremacy.
Damn. The last image slot, wasted on a melted mess.
Yeah, it deserves something better. Just deleted it so someone else can take the last slot.
>If you're using a shitmix or a lora they probably trained it only on images in full light, so the lighting got baked into the characters. Some models are worse than others.
NTA, what are some good recent models?
The base model has some occasionally horrendous anatomy that mixes and finetunes can help a lot with.
I guess there's too much pressure now
Fine, here you go.
Well I would like to ask the same thing, honestly. WAI and Cat tower seem to be popular, and as >>2931387 demonstrated it's possible to get dark scenes even with a shitmix. The problem is that every single shitmix has the same problem with baking in the lighting. Shiny skin(small highlights) and bright lighting (large areas of skin that are very bright) are in every model and will look strange in the dark without some serious fiddling. In exchange for that and weakened artist tags, you get better details, consistency, and cleaner images. If you like how a model looks, use it. The damage is all about the same.
You can stabilize the base model's anatomy yourself by applying any lora, even at partial strength.
so are you guys like pussies that refuse to start a new thread without jUsT tHe rIgHt iMaGe or what

lmao even my captcha got you, it says PSSY but i can't post the cap obviously
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