Bonus points for sneakersNOT a muscle fetish thread
>>2782212would lick her legs
Really wish this style of uniform was more popular IRL
>>2789987It's actually quite popular in women's track and field IRL, especially things like pole vaulting and long jumping
Unfortunately all I have on the topic is some AI stuff I made, which I know is frowned upon by this board. I honestly don’t think it’s terrible though.
>>2789987you clearly havent watched enough Japanese University Women's track n field competitions on youtube
>>2790341The problem is you didn't make it. Anyone could type in the same keywords and get the same result. There's no reason to post it anywhere.
>>2782209>bonus for sneakersAscended taste
>>2794379Nothing hotter than a half-naked girl wearing cutesneakers.
>>2790341If anyone wanted AI stuff, they would have made it themselves. See the issue yet?
girls stretching is fucking diamonds
>>2794684>If anyone wanted traditional art stuff, they would have made it themselves. See the issue yet?
>>2794367>>2794684God you fags are annoying, the dude provided SOMETHING and was contrite about it's failings.
>>2782212I wish sports uniforms looked like that.>>2782210What an amazing image.
>>2802703You might wanna check out beach volleyball
Want a strong tall track goddess to [spoiler] pick me up like a bride[/spoiler]
>>2803260I want that too so fucking much
>>2804216That absolute marvel of a toned gluteus.
>>2794367Anyone could type in the same keywords on <preferred h-site> and get the same results as every image on this entire board. "There's no reason to post it anywhere"Of all the dumbass arguments I've heard for/against AI, this is the least thought out.
>>2805791This show looks like garbage but it definitely appeals to my fetishes
I love track and field girls
My love for athletic girls will never die
sneakers make it hotter somehow
>>2819184I wonder what makes sneakers with skimpy clothing so sexy. I think its the sort of intentional finality of it, if you see a completely nude woman it could be unintentional or in transition between outfits, but if she were only wearing shoes (traditionally the last article of clothing you put on) its as if she's saying "yep, this is how I'm going out today". I'm not a footfag, so it can't be that.
>>2819196The sneakers imply that they aren't wearing a bikini at the beach, which elevates it to the level of exhibitionism. The girl isn't just going swimming, she wants to show off her half-naked body
Sports events make it even hotter since they make the exhibitionism socially acceptable.
Physical exertion also looks sexy.
>>2782219This image lives rent-free in my head
>>2823941in my case it's actually paying pretty good rent
>>2830625This is a male, isn't it.
>>2839114Let's find out, female.
>>2804663no, this is the least thought out. do you really mean to tell me (since you're on this thread and like these types of images) you've seen every single image in this thread without fail, as well as any track and field/tomboy related image on the internet because you can "type in the same keywords"? it's not that simple and you know it, don't play dumb. ai is and will always be sovlless, without exception
>>2798289not comparable in any way. unless the art is shit it will be unique and have something others don't. ai will always have more or less the same base elements as whatever you install to alter it. traditional is what ai borrows from to create its outputs, and you're pretending it's a new argument to like traditional artwork, despite that being what we've always liked until, what, 2020? unless you meant to tell us you were born in 2020
>>2782221>>2782220>>2782219Track and field uniforms are so hot
Love this artist
reminder that burumas have been banned for 30 years and otakus still get off to them
>>2871924In Japanese schools yes, but regular track and field/volleyball teams still wear them (or similar clothes).
>>2871924Yes, because they're cute.
This is peak eroticism.
>>2789987The Olympics are full of them.
>>2794379What's with the Calvin Klein thing?
I hope your 2025 is filled with athletic beauties!