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Smokers corner (and maybe other mouth things too). Light 'em if you got 'em. Don't spit on the floor, please.
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Do you have a preference in lighters? I enjoy the look and feel of a classic Zippo, but their maintenance is so much work. I've found myself being drawn more to torches now.
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Also, this could be a slightly silly question, but is bubblegum okay here? A girl's gotta have her nicotine gum every once in a while, after all. And I so much enjoy the moe aspect.
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> is bubblegum okay here?
I’m okay with it.
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Cool. Bubblegum balloons are so cute and adorable when their happily colored mass hides the mouth like that.
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Time to enjoy and light up
Not really, but I like torches more than cheap lighters.
It's oral fixation afterall right? Of course it is. Nicotine gum or not, acceptable mouth fetish.
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oppailove_ if you're a smoker and want to fap together
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Light them
Hot. Would love a taste of that
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bump to get rid of the spoops
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cigar or watermelon?
while the cigar is certainly sexier, cigarette smoke gives me nose bleeds so I probably shouldn't boff her while she's smoking it...
as for the watermelon I don't like the flavor, but she is certainly sexy in that outfit. Plus I could just muck with the palette to change the flavor.
A better option would be if she had a corn dog in her mouth, something that is phallic and also appeals to my taste buds.
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theres btw also a /d/ version of this board
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I like the unadorned realness of the humble Bic.
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Nice, any sauce besides some random twitter accounts?
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