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2D art featuring gorgeous girls with beautiful, reflective mechanical battle armour. Not necessarily androids. Aim for at least three tones of shading. Use the images I've started with as a general guide for the kind of designs to post. If you can't find anything that meets these criteria exactly but have something similar, that might be good quality, then posting it here should be okay. AI art is also fine but no 3D.

Previous Thread:
258 replies and 242 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Girls with guns/swords/weapons/military in general
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the only thing stronger than a Sister of Battle is an Anime Sister of Battle
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is kino kino?
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Hermes is such a lucky bastard
oh to have Kino ride my single piston engine
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Waifus with cowboy hats and cowboy boots
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old thread:
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old thread:
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old thread:
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old thread:
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old thread:
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All girls from The Irregular at magic high school
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Takeda Hiromitsu New Thread
233 replies and 74 images omitted. Click here to view.
they're uploaded now. there wasn't as much animation as I hoped, especially for the ninja warrior parts in the 2nd episode. I'm still hoping for a sister breeder ova though.
You sound like me.
it was extremely disappointing. Hentai animation has really been lazy. I guess hentai animation does not sell as well as they hoped, to actually put in that effort.

So lame.

tl;dr Akane preorders should ship next week, apparently there were plenty of defects, if you receive a defective one contact them within 7 days (lol we're fucked overseas)

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Women are Beautiful. Life is (mostly) Beautiful. So what’s more Beautiful than Women creating the Miracle of Life. Post what ever images makes your heart warm based on this topic. The Rules Are:

1.The images should be of a neutral to a loving nature, couples of any sex can be shown (so as long it's a female pregnancy). Also, distressing scenes are discouraged, but are only allowed if she is rescued, or healing with some support.
2.Animals, or Kids can be shown, but only as an addition to the beauty of the woman’s gift, rather than the result of it (obviously).
3.PLEASE refrain from adding hyper-forms of pregnancy, X-ray, and birthing it’s just a bit… too weird. Also: Shota, Loli, Zoo, Incest, etc. Are also, obviously off-limits.
4. Stories are allowed, so as long there is an image to accompany the context, but the above content rules STILL apply to the writing.
5. But most of all, HAVE FUN!
291 replies and 256 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Basically I'm mentally ill.
I've been asking myself that same question for years... Maybe it's got something to do with a woman's increased sexual drive, the fact they look sexier with a big belly. What's not to love about it?
(OP, Here)
I'm actually so happy + proud of where this thread is going during my absence. It's not only the most civil one I've ever made, but also the most eye opening or this hidden, but still VERY popular interest. The openness of sharing IRL opinions & experience is both very informative & add in understanding fetishes as a whole. Well done everyone because, it's frankly not as weird as people assume & is also 1 of the most harmless types as well.

Thank you frens & have a wonderful day!
(OP Here)
Not at all! I issue is not the said kink, but rather the respect you give the person who's pregnant & the people around her. Just treat them with the same respect as any other peep & you can simply jerk it for latter, I mean patience is a virtue after all. Just don't get too hot for everyone's sake & just jump in the nearest pool, or fountain.

Good luck fren!

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Post cute boyish women. God bless Nathaniel Coxon for inventing shorts.

Previous thread : >>2722857
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can we get some cute and evil tomboys up in here

A new thread because the last OP was retarded.
75 replies and 71 images omitted. Click here to view.
hag areolas.
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