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Post cute boyish women. God bless Nathaniel Coxon for inventing shorts.

Previous thread : >>2722857
And you are set free.
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[fushoku] Rakki Taishaku | A Twilit Toast

[Ikuhana Niro] Hirakinaori | About-Face
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I'm impressed you somehow saved a thumbnail of the second image in a set
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Not to ruin the image set for you, but the theme is "little sister." The tank top and shorts are because they're loungewear/sleepwear and you're seeing moments at home as the older brother.
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Now in human size ant anon.
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>Hope to see Tomochan more.
>Get this.
Man. Naw.
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Anons and fellow tomboy lovers I need your help. Can you guys reply to me and describe what is to you specifically your ideal tomboy? It doesn't have to be a character in specific although if it is a character that's fine, but it can be just your own vision of your ideal.
I keep misreading the thread title as "Tomboy Threat" and getting excited.
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I gotchu anon
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Tacticool/military tomboys are my thing
thank you for replying, I'm the same anon. I'm working on something where the main characters share a common appreciation for tomboys and didn't want to just represent my own tastes.

This thread is pretty slow though I don't think I will get many replies. I will probably ask again in the future.

I dig your spec ops vietnam tomboy though, the nonchalant toplessness is fucking great. I assume you drew it, i like your style anon.
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Unfortunately I’m not an artist. The artist is @konogeta on Xitter
I love a tomboy that is athletic and competitive, that really likes being my "bro", that teases me gently but is still very girly and sweet, very supportive and encouraging. And she is a massive power bottom who loves urging me on
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Red+blue oni tomboy, capable of either being energetic or relaxed, but always in an optimistic, carefree way.
Tomboyfags, i came to you in a time of great need, where only (You) can help me.
Two weeks ago, i was browsing [spoiler]sankaku[/spoiler] looking nothing in particular, when i stumble across a tomboy with absolute SEXO body. Came buckets from her, but being retarded coomer that i am, i forgot to neither save a pic, nor to put a bookmark on that post. And i spent literally DAYS looking for that pic, so now i'm going to to describe what i remember about it, and if anyone, by some chance, recognize that picture that i'm talking about, please please PLEASE post it here, i'm
literally on my knees.

Ok here goes.
Classical tomboy (tanned skin, short brown hair, small breasts) in orange bikini, looking pretty similarly to picrelated except she's a bit thinner and her ribs are clearly visible, trying to make a selfie in a somewhat empty room with a wooden floor. Dim, reddish lighting in the room, like during sunset. There's bright sun stain on the floor behind her.
Also there was some sort of phone text messages in the left side of picture but i don't remember what was it about.

If anyone recognized this picture please post it, i beg you.
Also my ideal tomboy is on the pic that i'm looking for. I hope someone could post it.
Is she tomboy material
Alcoholism and bile juice be damned
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i like domination loss. like the tomboy from futabu that gets her female prostate stimulated
they don't have balls so it isn't gay but probably doesn't belong here
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And what is your retarded problem?
Damn those boobs are perfect
Tomboys are at their best when you get to see not only their active, athletic side but their post physical activity silly, playful, homely side. It's a mistake to make them hostile or evil too often. A tomboy is a girl into athletics or outdoors. A girl who shames everyone around her constantly is a bitch.
The world definitely needs more domestic Revy. God knows how Rock managed to tame her enough to get her doing chores but he's doing something right.
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I love the kind of woman that can chokeslam me and caress me with the very same set of arms.
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saving best for last.
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aw yeah
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real tomboy hours will begin shortly
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drawing that i made :3
Everything about Tomo is perfect, that is THE ideal.
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