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Waifus with cowboy hats and cowboy boots
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Absolutely based thread, I wish there was more of this stuff
The other pics are good but remember this isn't /h/ and beast stuff can get you banned too
Oh fuck
Fuck that's on me, I guess I got too excited and forgot what board I was on but it's too late for me to delete so I guess I have to take the ban, sorry gang, I'll leave one last image as apologies
been there
done that
honorable apology
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A new fetish awakens...
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you only started liking cowgirls now?
Is she branding his eyes with a hot iron?
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looks like it.
Too bad is a one page pin up not an actual manga
>posting pics with "sample" watermarked on them
What are some good western cowgirl shows/reads?

I'll look into it. Thanks.
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moo tan is double cowgirl!
female cowboy AND human with bovine features!

trigun is sort of a western.
True full Westerns are hard to come by in Anime and Manga. Can recommend for reads Renjoh Desperado and Kiba no Tabishounin. But the former is a fusion of western and samurai and the latter of western and dark fantasy. With both leaning more to there other elements, but both do have cowgirls and some decent ecchi.

Trigun is good and one of my favorites and would agree it is a western in terms of themes but also there aren't really any "cowgirls" in it or none that fit the traditional aesthetics. And its pretty light on ecchi.
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nice sample, dumbass
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we really need an edit thread to get rid of the SAMPLE watermarks
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This is nice
I'll be honest, I think samurai are cooler than cowboys but don't bring a sword to a gunfight.
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man, theres something about a mostly nude girl in a cloak/cape
Samurai still have the ancient Japanese weapon known as the tanegashima
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this feels so retro anime
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That temperature looks too cold to masturbate in.
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How else are you going to keep warm?
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hope someone can help me find a doujin of a cowgirl who's hired to defend a stagecoach and then it all goes sideways. I think the girl was dressed in the bikini with leather style in many of the pics in this thread
The last generation of landed samurai absolutely used just about everything you’d see in a Western
Bust Shot Honey 3rd Shot, by Kon-Kit
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plus digits
threading winning post
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sexy cowgirl
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sexy cowgirl
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El Cazador de la Bruja
It's kinda Western and kinda good.
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Kill yourself. There's blatantly banned western style art in this thread that you aren't complaining about at all, but you're going to flip your lid over decent images that are perfectly allowed and on-topic just because of the tool used to make them?
Sorry you lost your job drawing book covers or whatever because computers can do it better, but shut the fuck up about it. Go start your own ecchi site where AI images are banned if you don't want to see them.
damn bro, what did the person say?
Learn to use archives
"Stop shitting yourself over something that's completely allowed here" isn't whataboutism
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Buff gals in western wear really make my head spin..
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Why do cow girls work with bikini so well?
Women that choose wheel guns are unfathomably based
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Western Cowgirl thread and you post an Eastern Pirate.
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I love when they use American flag bikinis or say English phrases
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Go back underage retard
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minor ai dump for the thread seeing as it seems tolerated here
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DAMN! Where did you get this and is there more?

I would kill to have talent like that!
nostalgic reminder that masamune used to be good
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specifically at the filename

he was
This image always makes me laugh, because any guy acts like that in real life and Americans would be happy to accept him into their friend group. Take him all around and show him cool American cultural stuff.
I thought this might be a western artist since it looks ugly with it's big lips and nose. And I am correct. Art needs to be of eastern origin and style to be topical on /e/.
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I saw diffusion art so here's my something.
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Unfortunately nothing shows up on danbooru
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>no one has posted sei shoujo's cowboy yet
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