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Return of the classy thread. Artists' models, expensive/complex lingerie, sports cars, hotel rooms, low light, boudoir photo shoots - live the high end life with scantily clad waifus

Challenge mode: no Azur Lane St. Louis
Never give you up
Never let you down
Never gonna run around
And hurt you
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The closest yet this artist doing some sort of more lewder, the panties tho
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Had some commissions done, I need to put these on a booru

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The world needs more anime girls doing boudoir
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best thread
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Apologies for sample, but original was above the 4mb limit
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Absolute trash. How can anons even believe this is classy or good?

Still the sexiest work this artist has put out... hoping they can come back doing lingerie again
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this one is a staunch qanon supporter

trust the plan wwg1wga
nice tattooo
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he only tagged one of my posts... bros.. have I fucking made it???
We can believe it when people bitch and moan about classiness without posting an example of classiness

Until then, it's artistic nudity, high-stakes flirtation, hotel rooms, rose-petal baths, lingerie, and champagne all the way
I have posted several ones ITT and the precedent one. Go fuck yourself, faggot.
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Sure you have champ
The world needs more spinach, these are luxury items for the soul. Thank you for sharing, my friend
/e/ deserves luxury items
Who is she?
Karen Shinomiya from Im@s Million Live, artist is Hiroki Ree, Google Lens is your friend
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you're only getting legs from me
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if you want class, this artist knows it
Best thread
Classy is best
But I like St. Louis
There's a reason she's the Queen of this fetish
She's so powerful in this dress that I started playing Azur Lane just to be able to get her in it, and that was the first time I gave any real mobile game a shot. In a sense, I owe a lot to St. Louis and this horny-ass, glitzy party dress of hers.
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Got disc, I'm into this aesthetic as well.
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