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Thread dedicated to the manga by Seiji Matsuyama and the OVA by J.C.Staff.
Fanart is welcome too, you may also post other underrated titty shows of the early 2000s like Jungle de Ikou in here, or other short-lived titty shows.
previous >>2845902
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I didn't actually expect it to be made that fast.
...but since it was
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From the beginning I have had many lewd thoughts about this creature.
Who's the dark skinned one supposed to be?
Not him of course, but it's that one girl from Dragonaut that I don't care about
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That's Garnet Mclaine from Dragonaut, which is a forgotten show with some titty.
Are you perhaps gay?
>The raws for the last three volumes are available, but the manga's translation has completely stopped with nobody picking up on the slack. I might try to read the raws with Gaminik one day to see if it works out.

Does anyone have access to the RAWs of the untranslated, last chapters? I think the last translated was 137 and there's still around 4.5 volumes remaining.
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People were on about that AI LorA last thread, so it's only fitting I present some img2imgs.

Original Art by SuperBusty by the way.
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For what purpose?
mainly to determine the sheer power of the LoRA.
Scary good at converting to the anime style.

I shouldn't get too addicted, however...
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Red haired titcow.
this one looks more like the ova than this >>2893409
Let's be honest. Chiharu is boring compared to the others, but I would trade all my worldly possessions to latch onto her tits and never let go.
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I can't get her out of my head.
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So what anime besides eiken have excessive amounts of breast jiggling and gainaxing? I don't particularly care about realistic physics, i like it when the tits bounce like crazy
i remember maken-ki, and maybe queen's blade had it too? Or it just had tits anyway
I think there are better purple hair options.
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>Kirika never wears any underwear
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>Densuke got a faceful of Kirika pussy multiple times
eiken more like tits amirite
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I discovered the Eiken manga and anime when I was 12, and it ruined me for an entire summer. Kirika killed millions.
That being said, I remember Mouse being another decent ecchi.
For me, it's manga chapter 21
Of what, Eiken or Mouse?
I meant Mouse, Eiken ch.21 sucks and is only good for the opening page that was just posted.
Oh, that's the bug chapter, lol.
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Ah, Mouse...
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The power of AI, in the hands of a responsible user, can be used for the sake of good. I think some of these could have turned out better though.
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>in the hands of a responsible user, can be used for the sake of good.
as basically all tools really
Since /a/ mentioned again this thread.
It's what it is.
Even though I don't like her, I tried to decensor the Kirika CG from Eiken for PC too for the sake of everyone, but it kept looking like shit so I didn't want to waste any more time on it. Matsuyama's anatomy was still fairly terrible back then, so Kirika was too difficult to work with.
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Bump for the Miifriends coming from /a/.
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I love Mii so much
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We love her too!
Nice nippples.
Reminds me that manga Eiken is being remade with AI
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There's not enough jp art of Mii. Who are some good artists to skeb?
Seconding this.
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