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The fourth thread dedicated to long-haired girls! Any hairstyle, color or texture is fine, just make sure the hair is very long. The longer, the better!

Previous thread: >>2585790
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very cute thread
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Lotta black hair in this thread
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i feel unusually sexually frustated recently, i wish i could cuddle with absurdly long hair gf
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this, except i wish that length in your pic wasnt considered absurd, and just a normal everyday style
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imagine the world when this length is considered the shortest
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Just imagine a world where the archetypal attractive woman not only had a nice body and a pretty face, but also had extraordinarily long and healthy hair. A world where women were encouraged to pursue this ideal even with the difficulties that come with taking care of hair like that day-to-day...
We must solve the economic crisis so haircare products would be cheaper and more effective
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what do the moon runes say?
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nobody have this artist manga translated somewhere?
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does someone know how to translate or find a translated version of this and its sequel please?
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Venus!! <3
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We all want it, anon.

It's a few factors, time and effort is only one of them. I wish I could grow hair like these.
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There was a discord, but links on archived.moe are dead.
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Has is really been that long?
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I wish tomboy archetype had extremely long hair.

I'm 99% sure this is a recolor.

Does anyone know about that discord?
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It is.
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Why is this thread on /e/, not on /c/? I know why not /a/, althought there was one kino hair fetish thread recently.
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Should've been >>/c/4213275
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Take this shit to >>>/d/
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In the future girls will be able to genetically alter themselves to have hair that stretches forever. I await the glorious future!
Oh to live in a world, where picrel (and any hair that doesn't reach the heels) is seen as "daringly short".
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That scene in the 3rd season of Sailor Moon where Sailor Saturn's hair grows clear out the windows, down 30 floors of the building all the way to the ground and spills down the streets.
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Yeah, there's a genetic factor to maximum hair length. Someone may let their grow their height indefinitely, but it kinda stops growing at some point dictated by genes.
Sucks, really.
anagen cycle sucks
gene editing when
get on that Crispr diet
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technically they can do it now
pls explain
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