I just want to share my favorite wolf.
This website still has tiny filesize limits so have a sample
>>2824965Here's your pic without that weird filter.
>>2824963Only wolf better than Liru
While this thread isn't going anywhere.What is better on or off model and why?I say on model because then the character looks how they should adn cannot be mistaken easly for another.
>>2832081/e/ is always slow dont worry about it.for me its on model, but it can somewhat deviate.
Holo is the most beautiful and hottest wolf girl in all anime.I feel like I'm in a harem with these images
>>2832081i like on model too, because it gives legitimacy to the drawing sort offlike off model fan art is nice, but its a bit like deepfakes irl, its jarringif i want a different bodytype or age, there are other characters for that
>>2832141>Holo is the most beautifulYes.>hottestNo. That would be Liru. >>>/h/7512033Holo is for marrying and lovemaking and holding. Liru is for dating and fucking and howling.
>>2832825wait a minute. hear me out. how about both in a threesome? ehh? that be something.
>>2832993>how about both in a threesome?hmmyesi could definitely get behind that idea
>>2832081Ugh, personally, I really hate it when people go WAY too far off model. Like, say, if the character is a loli, but then they draw them like a tall, curvy, busty woman. At that point it's like "do you even like the original character"?... I said "like" a lot lmao
I never watched the anime. Should I?
>>2837693>Should I?AbsolutelyAlso there's a remake coming out this yearHopefully they continue farther in the LNs
>>2837693it's more /biz/ than /e/ but yeah>>2837742>Hopefully they continue farther in the LNsif they don't get to Myuri I'll demand my money back
>>2832081On-model, I DESPISE hack artists turning slim, supple girls into fat bitches with cowtits.
>>2840205I have a name for that. I call it the trailer park version. When fan artists downgrade the character from the original model to something that looks lumpy and trashy.I think the worst part is when they put a completely generic face on the girl and whipe out all of her personality.
>>2840374Those kinds of "artists" 100% deserve to be driven out of business by AI.
>>2840767It's already happening
Anyone know when the new series is supposed to appear?
AI allowed in these threads?
>>2850782I hope someone with enough of the same autism I have but more drive and knowledge trains these models specifically on skirt lifting, because they all look so bad in every pic I've seenthe entire rest of the image can be perfect but the fabrics of a lifted skirt, shirt, etc always look fucked and it kills the whole image for meused to get the same peeves in video games and was the number 1 reason I learned blender and papyrus to mod cloth physics into skyrim SE, shit just bugs me so fuckin muchthanks for reading my cloth rant
>>2850896Sounds like you have the perfect amount of autism and drive. All you need is a handful of okay images to train something and a GPU that has a minimum of 12GB vram. If you want to make it very robust, your training set would need to be fairly large. Say 5 images for each scenario. Skirt lengthCamera angleWith underwearNo underwearBushBaldWeightSay 5k images total with random combinations of the variables above if you want a very robust skirt model. Or 20 images if you want something quick that gives you the idea someone is lifting their skirt but don't care if it gives you the same angle and skirt every time.
>>2850782If only it actually looked like her at all.
>>2824963Is it furry if she isn't fully a fox?
>>2850908i don't have a GPU with 12gb of ram nor do I really have the skills to do any of that>>2851968*taps the sign*
>>2851968she isnt a fox you fucking faggot
>>2853232stay in your containment thread
I for one am enjoying the new Korbo.
Dog fap
>>2851968>Is it furry if she isn't fully a fox?Firstly: SHE'S A WOLF YOU FUCKING RETARD!Secondly: Normaly she's a 1 on the furry scale, but if she was feeling freaky in bead she can immediately jump to 5 if she wanted to. Just know it's death by snusnu if that happens.
>>2832081I like on model though maybe with cup size bigger and a bush. But holo is great either way>>2870334This. I do feel like wolf form would be a cozy bed.
>>2837768This. It’s way more character relationship building with mgs style dumping about mercantilism in the renaissance. I kinda like it.
>>2870921>I do feel like wolf form would be a cozy bed.It would also be an absolute life saver if you're stuck out in the wilderness during the winter.Imagine being stuck out there, tired and needing to sleep and your GF just turns into giant canine with a fluffy winter coat. Just fall asleep between her front paws and her neck.
>>2871035Yeah. At the same time it’s kinda scary. I have been reading the manga, which is solid but it’s also way more explicit. Nudity obviously but also holo has a fucking body count. She explicitly kills all those dudes in the sewers. She eats like 3 of them alive and then smashes another against a wall and scarfs him down do after injuring his rescuer by breaking his leg. She is a giant monster. But I weirdly find that comforting. Because she wouldn’t do that to you, just people who tried to hurt you. Tltr. Holo makes me scareroused.
>>2871383>At the same time it’s kinda scary. holo has a fucking body count.>Holo makes me scareroused.Fucked if I know why, but the idea of being with a gigantic wolf who can transform into a cute girl just doesn't scare me and I seem to find extra comfort in the fact that she has a kill count. I think I have a thing for girls who can easily kill a fucker while still retaining their feminine side.Holo fills this weird spot of being a gorgeous charming girl who can be exceptionally dangerous, while at the same time not being some macho girl boss who don't need no man you find in most media today.
>>2871542to say the same in fewer words:holo is peak female
>>2871542I feel like your response kinda clarified my thoughts. She kinda hits a lot of tropes I like in a fictional character and her being willing to go full monster mash to defend her love just clicks right. Like sure I might have nightmares about it sometimes but I’d know I’d wake up to find her wrapped around me fast asleep maybe mumbling in her sleep, and I’d feel safe.
>>2871542Also i have the same statue.
>>2825691That's really nice. The way she's looking at the viewer as if you're in there with her makes it even better too.
>>2871542>>2871705I've just ordered that same statue, thanks for the tip Holobros
>>2874429yeah. its a good statue. id probably wait for the new one since it looks a little better. ill probably get the drunk one too. i got the figma doll(6 inch with clothes) and she is adorable.
>>2876841new art from new show design. is good
>>2878187Beautiful wheat fields...
>>2878243Can't go wrong with pubes either
>>2878286yeah, i feel like Holo would have a bush, but thats just me,
>>2880398DEFINITELY not just you
>>2880462>>2880461"realistic" holo is always hit or miss for me. one of the reasons i genuinly like the remake a bunch is that they improve on holo design a bit. she always looked too young in the LN pictures and she is kinda weird looking in the og show. in this they aged her up a bit and gave her the manga preportions but with better face.
it's disgusting how little new art the remake has brought forth
>>2886774Twitterfags have a monopoly on art and they aren't watching remakes of old shows
>>2832081Who ever heard of a harvest goddess that wasn't bountiful
>>2898647Fertile wolf tummy
>>2871542The butch gurl boss cancer is a product of insecurity, same as its male counterpartHolo has nothing to prove to anyone so she doesn't need to act tough
Official character sheet from recent NewType event in Shinjuku. Anyone knows where to find the original?
>>2871383Upset the cute wolf and she will vore you
>>2915793Implying that isnt exactly what I want.
>>2915833Thank you for contributing to Horo's gorgeous figure.
>>2915793i mean, i kinda figure she has eaten a couple people in the past, there is a scene in the second light novel where she basicaly compares some hard choice to eating lambs, as "look lawrence, you ever hear a lamb scream when its throats torn out, it sucks, but my stomach is louder, so do what you gotta do" i dont think holo is some active killer or whatever, but i feel like she has done some fucked up shit to defend herself at times.
>>2916406I think its the eaten alive part that is the problemShe didn't need to have her stomach finish them off, but she did
>>2916441to be fair. im pretty sure she spits them out in the manga. least one of them. my point was holo will fuck you up bad if you come at her or someone she loves. most of it is implied mind you but dont fuck with holo. its kinda hot.
>>2917312i dont like speechbubbles on my pictures. in case anyone else feels like me.
>>2912164I was looking for that picture too. All reverse image searches find nothing.
>>2922702>>2922703>>2922705>>2922706>>2922707>>2922710thank you for saving the thread :D
Korbo's nipples have been on display in the full version of the manga since volume 1. I wonder why they never gave them to us in the anime.
>>2923108the american/western versions have her uncensored tits, i have up to volume 6 now. will eventually get the rest.
>>2923108she only shows nudity in the very first volume and the very last extra chapter though.
Korbo bump
>>2938737Everyone loves Holo's bumps