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Itty Bitty Titty Committee - 2024 edition

Post small breasts and flat justice.
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/wivpgn.png
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Man... why are girls wearing literally just a shirt
so god damn hot?!
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fuckin love small booba downblouse
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Can I get some IBTC adults?
I'd be all for that. They're just so hard to come by.
Smol-tiddy-adults are criminally underrepresented.
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i love the angle in general, especially on flat girls
I know. Most of the art I got is them in clothes
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How is this one?
The pic itself is good. However, I'd prefer if this thread could remain AI-free. I'm using stable diffusion myself a lot, so I'm not against it per se, but I still think that gens should be posted in the according SD generals like /edg/. I appreciate the thought and contribution though, Anon.
Her mouth is so fucked up. Stay in your containment thread.
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my dream
inshallah it shall be true
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So good
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not being able to see their faces takes away a lot though
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I don't know, I really like this kind of close up
Nessa shouldn't have huge dobonhonkeros. Always a shame if good artists go for maximum tittification. Can't look at pics by Sakimichan anymore for that reason.
It's hard to blame artists who try to appeal to the masses, who generally prefer them big, but it's still a shame.
it's fine if they do it because they themselves like it that way; if they draw giant tits just because other people might like it that's just not acceptable
I like dfc, small tiddies, medium tiddies, big tiddies. Not enormous tiddies, but going to far off model in either direction can easily be too distracting imo.
>too far
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The best part about small boobs is how easy it is to fit the whole thing in your mouth. Love my girl's flat chest.
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I think that for me it's that they make the nipples stand out more.
Being more sensitive on average helps too.
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Saya my beloved
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good lawd.
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You know you're deep into the flattie hole when you start wishing the girls you fapped to in the past were flatter
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what about when you have started looking for edits where they are flatter
That's sadly rare without AI genning, but that too.
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Behold these perky little mosquito bites.
I'll gladly make them beheld
Megumin my beloved
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I have to say, Kazuma is a stronger man than I, being able to resist when she said he was the man she loved
I'm so glad this thread exists, I'm tired of people drawing perflat girls with boobs.
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This just in:
She's flat.
Now this is just fucking adorable.
God I wish I was deep in a flattie's holeā€¦
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That would be the literal definition of "heaven".
would look so good pregnant
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In hindsight, I should have probably realized I liked small tits sooner given how captivated I was by a classmate who occasionally wore her rather low cut(for school, anyway) gymnast outfit. Then again I was only 10 at the time so who knows.
Do pregnant flats even exist?
in 2D anything is possible, which is of course why it's superior
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