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Alone on a Friday night?
Gosh you're so pathetic
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I know ...
It's friday already?
good image
>pathetic evendoe I m the coolest person
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Friday night and I'm getting ghosted
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We gettin' freaky on a Friday night!
it is saturday morning
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wagie here been workin all day, got a full time at day and a part time at night
friday and monday is busiest for me
got very tired, just finished my supper
i'd space out in front of pc till i feel sleepy
hope you guys have great friday night/saturday morning and have fun or some good sleep :3
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Piss on me sparkle
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I wish i had someone.
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No, I'm never alone.
I will find that thing and kick it.
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Why would you do that though
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Friday night is over
Holy zased
I'm still alone
Because I am a gypsy.
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That is not my problem
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I'm working
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It might become one
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Might as well kidnap a woman and brainwash her into loving me don't i.
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Sucks to be you
Oh my edge
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You know what also has an edge? The knife I will pierce you with
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only boymoder is allowed to post Yuna anon
My bed restraints and ballgag arrived today. I'm gonna tie myself to my bed while an electric scalp massager tickles my feet.
be careful not to gerald's game yourself
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And how do you plan on enforcing that?
I love being called pathetic and i love sparkle <3
The risk is part of the thrill.
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Holy zased
sparkle <333
How come the romanian has the most orbies on r/trant now
this is the worst timeline
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This board's limit sucks so much
wdym anon?
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Filesize limit is 2mb
it's annoying~ it limits how much sparkle we can post
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There is no such limit. Just minor annoyances
Sparkle love~ <3
I wanna kiss her
sparkle feets
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Damn I'm thinking based
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Waiting room for the fumo
I love sparkle~
gooning COAL thread
I love gooning to sparkle!
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gooning on a friday night? gosh youre pathetic !
hehe ik, and being called pathetic is hot
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It's no longer Friday night though
such a cute pic ^^
Yeah for me friday ended an hour ago~
Awake on a Saturday night? Gosh you're pathetic
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only by women however
you're right, but it's weird to say it's saturday morning when I haven't slept yet
it's NOT saturday night MEDS
starting to think that i might be pathetic..
wtf go to sleep losers
true.. i just imagine that they call me a loser
I guess i just want girls (especially sparkle) to bully me ig~
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Saturday morning is just an extension of Friday night
that's what I;m saying.
its just more sparkle gooning time
i love sparkle so much~ Perhaps i should make a thread
Think i'll do one tomorrow hehe~ gotta sleep soon
a cum tribute thread right
since im gonna spend so much time looking at her, it might do
But i dont have two phones.. so i dont think i can do tribs
Nah bro, I'm le hyped for le deadline even doe nothing's happening.
deadline? for what?
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no printer?
That's so hot~
I might try to get one of my old phones working, so i can show sparkle how much i love her <3
It would make a good thread I think
i'll do it tomorrow, probably when i wake up, so like 9 hours from now
Should i do it here?
It deserves its own thread here on /bant/ yes!
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Have you pulled her?
tomorrow will be fun~
waiting for rerun- i need her so badly, but once i have her i dont think ill be able to play HSR without jerking of whenever i see her
i dont even need her hehe~ but im a simp so i cant resist her
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I should have never opened this thread.
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Too late you have to E6 her now so she can laugh at you for spending money
classic mistake

thats the plan hehe~ then it will feel like im actually dating her and shes using me~
I'll be going sleep now, look out for my sparkle thread tomorrow!
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She reruns next patch so you're in luck
fuck- idk if i can afford it if its that soon
got another sparkle boner... cant sleep now!
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You have to use the card
youre right!! anything for sparkle, she deserves it
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Don't touch me
Good call by whoever made this girl on putting little dots under her eyes.
quality images ITT
hmm i should probably make that sparkle thread i said ill do
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i feel like I'm like ten posts away from seeing someone's dick on this anime girls picture
not that I would complain though
just wait until i make my thread hehe
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its so late I don't think I'll be awake for it
i have things to do tomorrow :3
aww thats ashame, maybe itll still be there when youre home ;3
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Still up, whoa
mornin, i should probably start a new thread lol
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I'm looking forward to it
made it~

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