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#NOD edition

>Season 2.5 is now over.
>Who Won?
Who cares?
>Will there be season 3?
In August supposedly.
>What is Fishtank?
Fishtank is an online reality show, directed and produced by Jet Neptune and Samuel J. Hyde. A smart house is monitored 24/7 & broadcast live to the world. All bedrooms have cameras, common spaces are monitored via video and audio surveillance. When the lights go out, the IR comes on. The Fishtank house is always on.

>Socials (needs updating pls)

>Missed the show and the previous season?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit

Previous >>20849009
I hate Tayleigh and she has not suffered nearly enough for the bullshit she did yet.
Good afternoon, I hate Tayleigh
She will.
truth nuke, she deserves much more
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>I hate Tayleigh
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My Taytriots, where you at? It is time we reclaimed this general.
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We didn't really need a bake yet
trve, but the lack of '/ftl2.5/' in the title field was bothersome. the other one should die soon enough
God I wanted to coom seeing this the first time, my fucking COCH is purple and my BAWLS are the size of grapefruits
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may god have mercy on her wicked soul
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Its interesting how different womens bodies can look from one another
One does meth and the other does not.
Letty is fucking sexy (when her eyes are looking the same direction)
lazy eye is cute desu
Letty is ugly but she does have some fantastic titties.
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KWABF (Kek What A Bald Faggot)
That's a pretty good shitpost
Ok I'm just gonna say it, Juliana is kind of cute even though she's rat faced and her body is a twig.

How can anyone think that this isn't Q?
I need a clip of Q saying "I'm handsome, actually" please
he sounds less like him at the end in this clip
I disagree
>I'm sorry, but you must be aware of how you look
Also the "circus freak" thing was said a lot on his spaces.
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yea he does sound like him in the beginning, he said circus freak before I think too, it's just... idk, like some clips he sounds JUST like him, and others he sounds different, like Q sounds a bit more "eloquent" and has a deeper voice and more handsome vibes unless he was using a voice enhancer software or something.
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I almost forgot juliana called him that in a space once
He was probably just nervous, also the audio sucks in those rooms. Everyone sounds slightly different in there, they echo so much.
yea I'm thinking the echo and audio just suck ass
different acoustics
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>You don't really hate me, do you anon?
90 IQ ugly Texas redneck cunt
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Manifesting Q/juliana romance kindapping arc
Q looks like this really ineffective bully you had in school
we need Juleigh gang instead of chud gang
Great shitpost, it perfectly encapsulates how people who suck Q's cock are either faggots in love with him or projecting gay tranny niggas like Benleaks.
are you mad because he's in SS tier and you were reduced to C tier and made a resurgence back to B tier?
Nah I mostly feel bad for you tbdesu. You should've worked harder on the crochet and cared less about what /bant/ and the retarded pay pigs thought. If you got those orders out quicker and had more fun on stream, nothing could've stopped you. But you let it get to you and had to find a cock buddy to cope with the pressure of it all. It's unfortunate really.
who fucking cares nigger kill yourself
it's just funny that she decides to mail them NOW, probably after seeing her reception on 2.5. was she really betting on that production job?
that's the plac we know and love
you just know if she got a job for S3 or production she would have ignored the orders and her shitty "business" first chance she could get kek
i wouldn't even think that if she had just shipped a small batch before going on
were Kato nudes found?
Also went from "It'll be maybe 3 months until I stream again" to "will stream before end of month" to radio silence after seeing the replies to her Tayday and Fanart tweets.
I got em but I will not be sharing
ikr hahahahahaha
all she has to do is acknowledge she fucked up, it might help
Exactly, but we all know thats never gonna happen
Would it really? Who would she be streaming to? Brock, Wes, Jordan,.....you guys on bant again?
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Well...what does "soon" mean?
no wonder she quit college she's the biggest procrastinator I've ever seen. She probably put off all her assignments until the end and just said fuck it.
There is no amount of apologizing she could do to make it up. She showed her true colors. The mask slipped. She let us know what she really thinks of us. Fuck her. She deserves all the misery she has.
nah she has to quit now i think

it's valve timeâ„¢
Gained negative momentum from 2.5, pissed off all of her fans, fishtank slop content continuing into S3, it's over. Nothing to be done.
i'm a chronic procrastinator and dropped out for that reason but at least i don't make promises i know i can't keep
she said sometime this month, maybe
so it's on tuesday
No worries, the thing that's annoying is when people can't admit it. I've worked with people who have these grand plans and schemes and just put shit off every time, it's infuriating when you're on the receiving end of it tho.
to be honest, i learned that at her age so maybe she's about to have that epiphany too
The procrastination can be fixed but I don't think she'll stop being a cunt. That "who really got played here" shit was so retarded on her part.
She basically bragged about manipulating and deceiving us. If you still support her you're a retarded cuck.
was your procrastination caused by drugs too?
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This clip confirms it 100% for me. He spoke the same way in spaces when he would get flustered and/or try to talk over people. Idk how anyone could argue otherwise, there would be way too many coincidences
Q you did well, just come out and confirm it already. /tv/ actually loved you, go look at the archived thread.
Yes I hate you
i bet jet actually did want to bring Q on during 2.5

>rolls eyes when she gets the TTS about the stream deck

i was drug free through most of my time there. maybe weed would've helped me, i dunno.
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It's just asperger's cadence that made people think he was Cole and shit and it's probably not him but if it is he displayed power and dominance.
Yep, they probably had him on the backburner. Maybe part of the deal was he can't post here or talk to anyone from here, hence his radio silence here and on twitter dms
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I've talked to him more than any of you and I'm not autistic.... it's him
they're unironically looksmatched
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You are a parasocial queer loser. Everyone who watches this garbage. Sam fell off hard
no he didnt
it wasn't a shitpost, i meant what i said. Q owes me sweet and passionate sex
So it's not AI?
probably couldn't announce he was Q too so Tay wouldn't seethe
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Such an elegant and artistic princess!
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Not enough human moments ITT.
gay bald arc?
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>actually 2 months ago now
maybe the brainworms is why she turned into a cunt
>makes her wear a burka and he call us cucks
nice going methbuddy
btw if she wasn't aware of it, she certainly doesn't believe it even though this is really easy to verify independently
dude cucked everyone made her wear a burka to shove it in their faces that he's fucking that sweet Pendleton pussy
no one sane feels "cucked" by this. in fact it's kinda fucked up that he feels like he cucked people, isn't it?
she's like a trophy for him, his KFC nigger life achievement is getting Pendleton Pussy from a Sam Hyde reality show full of mid bitches
the AI simply generated my thoughts and projected them onto an imageboard. both statements are trve
>2 months ago
we're not seeing that seethe stream are we?
I don't feel cucked, I feel extremely insulted and disrespected. I rooted for her and supported her for months only for her to act like a cunt and basically spit in my face.

I'm not even talking about her having a boyfriend, I'm talking about that day she took off her vest, pointed it at her, and had an hour long seethe session.
I just need one last seethe stream and my cathartic release will be complete
thinking about this post makes me wonder what she thought would happen
she probably lurked again against her better judgement as well, she probably thinks her entire audience hates her at this point (they do)
>she probably thinks her entire audience hates her at this point
She should know that if she looks at the replies on her tweets.
Nice, own that shit nigga
it's not really hatred on my part, it's disappointment. tay, if you're lurking and want to apologize, look up "weasel words" on wikipedia so it looks honest, at least.
Juliana is sweet
>you got played
>you're all degenerates and perverts because you wanted to hold my hand
>I will never apologize
>you're going to pay for the beanie you ordered right anon?
It's up
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>i'd never hide it or rub it in
>spends last month hiding it
>shout out cockbuddy lore
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Juleigh is a princess
What could she possibly mean by this
yeah that shit was crazy
She could apologize 100 times and I still wouldn't care. She's proven to be extremely adept at lying and manipulation. She can't be trusted. Nothing she says can be taken at face value.
Just a reminder that it was NOT Q in the tank, carry on
>Disgusting degenerate freak
She'd only ever apologize if she runs out if/when she runs out of money or if/when cockbuddy cheats on her and she wants attention again.
how soon is now?
ur obsessed with me
I wanna fuck you
Brazilian culture
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this. Q is too docile
fucking faggot. go back to being exiled already
tbqh yeah
Hi benfreaks. You will NEVER be on Fishtank.
Q was, though!
weird how he shows up a few posts later, tranny freak
All brazilians have to dominate a femboy/tranny to transition into adulthood, now that I know Q is an ugly faggot you'll have to do Benfreaks. You will be in the back of my motorbike in the favela.
always happens when he does this, he can't help himself
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It's up again
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Hey Q or Benleaks, we know it's you.
Imagine watching your daughter sexually humiliate herself repeatedly and then keep volunteering and suggesting humiliating activities and repeatedly being waterboarded
in the shower
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We need a human moment
of course you like abi
2 of her cats died thoughbeit
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she had 1000+ endorsements before she had 2 leave i think everyone does
guys, i think i wanna have sex with claire
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youre a loser
God Hayley is such a bitch
imagine Sam just goes full force on one of the bitches here, just knocks her in the head like she's Lena Dunham in a dark alleyway.
ok yeah. but like i want to put my penis in her?
Claire needs a big fat ween in her warm moist poosey
yes, Abi had just over 1k endorsements, most endorsed girl
I hate her and Claire desu. Don't like any of them though
i still don't get why she projected towards Taylist of all people. i get that she wasn't in enough on /ftl2/ to understand that the playlists were for the community, but he wasn't really that bad towards her. he never reached out or tried to plug his playlist in the chat, nothing creepy like that. he didn't deserve that desu
oh yeah, plac is saying what we're ALL thinking. manifesting hatesex with benji
lol the taylist diss made no sense, she acted like it was the creepiest thing she's ever heard of. Dumb fucking cunt. Clayton was right.
if they had endorsements in season 1 i think Josie or Letty would break the endorsement record which i think shinji or tj holds
that's fair, the Bitchtank cast isn't really the best
>i still don't get why she projected towards Taylist of all people. i get that she wasn't in enough on /ftl2/ to understand that the playlists were for the community, but he wasn't really that bad towards her. he never reached out or tried to plug his playlist in the chat, nothing creepy like that. he didn't deserve that desu
Didn't she ask for music recommendations or something too? I thought that's why he did it initially but it's been so long, I can't remember.
Benjamin owes /bant/ sex
Does ben have a better bussy than sebastian tho?
she did ask for recs and the guys entire shtick was making playlists for everyone, so i don't know what her problem is. he did ask jimmy to send her the taylist so who knows how jimmy did that.
she might have even asked to see it but my memory might be wrong here. maybe methbuddy convinced her it was fucked up or something.
The scott posting is the only good thing about the tv threads desu
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posting a streamer who listened 2 the playlist i made her and didn't interpret it as creepy
i fucking hate this girl, sam associating himself with grifters is so grim
oops meant 4 >>20853749
She only ever takes accountability when the consequences of her actions catch up to her
She's just a bitch. She loved the attention we gave her until she got a boyfriend. You could tell what we were doing was really improving her self confidence and making her happy. The only thing we did wrong was give that attention to a miserable bitch with a rotten soul.
Post your fucking bussy already
I'm a Shadi bro now
Juliana mogs tayleigh so hard it's unreal
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the word "mog" is banned!
Abi the cat killer
it's like comparing human shit 2 dog shit
Tay is so fucking retarded, she's acting like he sent her a cum tribute video.
>ask for music recommendations
>ew a guy sent me a playlist
Total Tay death desu
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Shut up tranny
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Sam would suck or get jet to suck a bag of dicks to get a c list celeb on the shoe
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best thing to come out of post-2.5 content besides STAR power
>we're all disgusting degens
>meanwhile she eats Pizza Hut with this guy
this will never not be funny. I wonder if she's in denial or she accepts Sebastian as the femboy reddit gooner he is.
im still waiting for the HydeHits
Is this real? Did you actually send a music playlist and she responded with a negatively kek Does Jimmy actually send anything to her? I would think she would immediately ignore anything that Jimmy says if it has anything to do with her fans.
She's a massive hypocrite with zero integrity.
>does a space where he outright calls him by his real life name
kek he ruins everyones lives

people thinking i'm taylist never fails to put a smile on my face. i couldn't come up with half the shit he does.
"Yeah, I'm friends with Jimmy, but I haven't been friends with him for THAT long if you know what I mean".

Tayleigh is a snake and she'll turn on Jimmy soon enough too. Just wait.
How many loads did Jordan pump into his virgin ass? Tay probably has aids now.
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I got this before she shit talked me on 2.5, trailer trash cunt, the tattoo hurt (first one ever), but what hurt worse was the betrayal
Whoops, but hey! At least you got something out of this simple mistake
no way, you should tweet lmao
it's kind of fucked up God made someone who looks like this
Time stamp this shit, I don't believe you but that's funny lol
Squish her head like a grape with your hands fishtoy when?
lol i remember you talking about potentially doing this. I really hope its stolen from reddit or something.
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It's over man
>people can't tell that this is photoshopped on
Cute rodent desu
You think Q wasn't on fishtank, you're retarded.
you can't tell when something is photoshopped (that means taylist has good Photoshop skills) so i guess that makes us both retards
holy fuck actual rat KEK. cute tho.
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Richard isn't Q tho
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I hated abi in season 2 and didn't like Claire much in the cell but their relationship really humanized them for me so I like them both now
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>a literal nigger can use photoshop
Sure thing buddy!
aren't you black
because other girls cant compete
oh yes, he is black...most definitely
Nah, just you. Picture might be real but I doubt it's Taylist.
And Cole said that Q is just like him, what did you mean by this?
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If you don't know my lore don't (You) me lad, I use MS Paint exclusively, the tattoo is real, I'm more retarded than either of you for getting this shit on my body, I'm getting it removed as soon as I can

>Going by his look, demeanor and (likely, based on his class status and upbringing) father issues, I am going to assume that if he is to be tempted by the sin of lust, it will be the serpent in the garden and not the fruit that tempts him. I must concoct the perfect specimen, and persona, to tempt Jordan's wandering gaze, especially while Tayleigh has gone. A "cock buddy" with only his plushie to keep him company is merely one fleeting glance from a mysterious, charming stranger away from giving into the temptation of sodomy.
>Lower class whites very commonly fall into homosexual behavior because of some type of dysfunctional relationship with their fathers, whether that be, a complete absence of the father in the home, or because of an overly aggressive father. Now I realize that Jordan lives with his grandmother, so there's a chance of absence, but I believe in the leaked photos of his family I saw a man who may be his father, if anyone wants to post those again, that'd be great, as they will assuredly come to play in the formulation of Jordan's Tempter.
>This might be a good idea but I think Jordan is more likely to fall prey to an older domtop/soft bear daddy kind of guy. I need to take advantage of his subconscious need for a strong, male protector, as well as the hatred he likely feels for his father. it has most likely created a psychosexual need to be dominated by older, stronger men.

I am a literal Oracle, I was only off in terms of Jordan's preference
fucking kek
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Never sent her a playlist, or got a tat (man that's a rough one), but I did spend nearly 200 hrs building a theme in her honor.
when people here say nigger do they mean black people or something else entirely
just rename it to tyrone
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Damn dude, this looks fuckin nice. I remember you posting about this back in the day, I wish I wasn't on 11.
The taylist guy is canonically black and a scamming scumbag
thats a picture of liquid q
It's not ironic we mean black people. Look at the picture.
can you send it to us?
jet neptune's good dave hunting
Pretty sure he actually paid him back in the end but yeah he is a nigger at the end of the day.
am i allowed to stay on the website if i don't hate black people
answer my calls jet
Taylist has to be white, I don't believe he's actually black.
4channers are all keyboard warrior Timmy's what do you think they mean
Yeah I'm retarded, at least I lesson, I'm never simping over a (white) woman again
I paid him back (plus 15 dollars in interest!) pretty shortly after the whole blow up, I just had a problem with some clients and didn't get money that was owed to me as soon as I expected, me and bald have been cool again for a while
Well from his own mouth he is black why would anyone lie about being black lol
It's funny, he sounds white.
I can't believe people still think your black.
That's cool you made that. Sadly, she is too bitch-made to see or think things through.
Not me but yeah, it's sick. It's this guy here >>20854644
Definitely using the 11 port, if he has time for it.
Had I finished it about a week or so later I would have named it UNIONE for Univac. IBM is where the 700 and 7000 series comes from. Could have had a play on both. It's back luck to rename after the fact.
You can get it at deviantart. The addy is there in the screenshot.
Ty, a bit distracted.
Very cool dude.
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Dude I saw that upload date, that's so unfortunate lol. It's literally 1 day before the cave picture got posted. Really cool theme though, I don't think the name needs to be changed.
it's a good scheme, maybe i'll port it to my DE. maybe i won't, i'm a procrastinator after all!
is it over?
this is so crazy, he could've shut his mouth and it would've looked like a schizo conspiracy
this is not real idiots
Jordan robbed her of the easy mode egirl lifestyle but she does deserve it.
it really could have gone a whole different way
it was going to happened eventually, sooner was probably for the best. You guys probably would have donated more money and whatever on his wishlist
very real, actually
her* wishlist kek, brain doesn't want to work today
she was going to shout out cockbuddy either way. You people put way to much blame on the Kentuckyfag.
I agree, timing was just funny. Jordan did a lot of people a favor desu
Yes the name stays and it will always be there to remind me what a fool I was, but so many of us were fools. It stands now as one of the many cautionary tales.
>first bf she gets after an abusive one is a bf that instantly destroys her streaming career
funny af

>implying it wasnt going to be his wishlist too

she did it out of spite. she was in that space, remember?
Exactly nigga
>College dropout
>Sgt. kicked her out of his 3 foot world
>Not cute enough to be a stay at home wife
>No friends besides Maria
>Boyfriend is a deadbeat retard druggie who lives over 1000 miles away
>Wasted the opportunity to grow her crochet business
>Suicided bombed her streaming career
>Was so shitty on 2.5 she'll never be invited back onto fishtank again
>Has long periods of unemployment on her resume

It's amazing how she was so fucking close to fixing her life only to somehow make it even worse than it was before lmao
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>>Has long periods of unemployment on her resume
>can you explain this gap on your resume
>Of course, I was smoking meth with my gay boyfriend and his femboy boyfriend while pretending to run a crochet business for a few years
>incredible, how does $300,000 sound for your starting salary?
KWABleigh is in for a rude awakening when that $15k is gone
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Its fucking insane she thinks 15k is enough to just stagnate for 2 years she is a coddled cunt.
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jet. fr answer my calls.
That's great Jet....glad people waited for this.
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Q was already on the tank a month ago...
She doesn't have to pay any bills. When we were trying to help her fix her internet she didn't even know who her ISP is. She's that sheltered and coddled. $15,000 could last her a very long time if she wasn't taking trips to kentucky.
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if she's just living with her parents and doesn't even have a car, she could live off 15k for a lot longer than that

to think, i could have saved her
Richard Smalls sends his regards... bitch
chat is this real
Claire and Juliana are both genuinely unironically perfect.
voiceblind vagrant
delusional dilettante
scheming schizophrenic
My bad, nigga
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all good brodi
Please don't post yellow Tay... that Tay is dead and gone, and it only brings me sorrow to look at her
omg he's white, now we just need the rest to match/mog the bettycord
stoned sex with Tayleigh... now that's a name I haven't heard in a longgggg time
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I can still remember the sound of those thighs and ass cheeks clapping when she hopped forward on that bed. Tayleigh I hope you're reading this, LEWD.
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evil manipulative cunt
dyke loving snake
white trash piece of shit with no integrity
fucking bitch
jet answer dms
I hope they send you in lol
this pic is like when imperfect cell drained all the people in the city with his hose and they only had their clothes left on the grondm
I just started watching tonight and now it's all over... Nearly bought the pass kek. Close call. Fuck bros I wanted to see the Jewess prostitute girl go through a redemption phase.
if only Abi would have stopped showering
>the Jewess prostitute girl go through a redemption phase
who is that
Who is the namefag with safeway in his name spamming /tv/ shut the fuck up retard
hold up jet answered
I think its the dope fiend guy who posts his exs nudes and gets up to 100+ posts in the thread
Juliana. Idk if she's a Jewess I just get that vibe
As an expert i can say there's no jew blood in her unless you're a chud calling her a jew cause of her rat appearance
i missed the ending, what happened?
Welp, just ruined a week of my life for nothing.
They're pulling the fake ending from s1 again
sex with claire is to be happening
What mental disability grants you people the superpower that makes you able to get invested in some braindead trash slop like this. does a show having deadpan "quirky" average looking college chicks automatically leave you retards salivating and anxious for more? youre even worse than the dumb normies who watch shit like the fucking bachellor
get a life
no i only good to anime characters fishtank is pure
>does a show having deadpan "quirky" average looking college chicks automatically leave you retards salivating and anxious for more?
sex with claire
stop being so aware
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What should we be watching instead?
I can only speak for myself, but in my case at least, it's 2+ standard deviation IQ that makes me the way I be
Yes she is a bit ratty which is was I was referring to. But I'm into that. Cute rat face is absolutely S-tier. I don't think I'm a chud but idk
it just hits different motherfucker, that's it. it's vicarious dumb shit. if normies can do that, so should we.
this, hawk tua
I just started watching this season tonight but it's the constant live "company" that does it for me. I live alone, it's kinda nice to just have people existing on one of my screens.
The big girl agreed to start working out. What if she got fit as fuck? Or the hooker girl ended up getting a bit traddy? Shit can happen. Idk, I don't think it's justifiable but neither is 90% of the internet nowadays. Just felt comfy.

I think part of it is also that these chicks knew what they were signing up for and that immediately makes them all at least potentially based. I can't think of a single woman I know IRL that doesn't hate Hyde's guts because "muh trumpublican" or something. These broads went on a show run by Hyde. I know for some it's purely money but then you've got Letty saying her ideal dude is a white guy and she likes nerdy guys and isn't a fucking prostitute.
Some of the contestants on these shows are genuinely real people that aren't just copy-paste slop. I think this show is the only "reality" show that comes anywhere close to actual reality.
TLDR I'm retarded.
checked and this. whining anon is alive in 2024, there is no way he isn't engaging with slop of some flavor of another. he's just having a bad friday i think.
Yes it must suck living in greekistan with the sounds of constant Rhominoi bickering and loud motorcycles in your ear
>can't watch claire 24/7 anymore
>have to deal with my annoying gf who i can't dump because she doesn't have a job and would be homeless
Sloptank induced retardation
If I had a general called /PD/ and I just streamed paint drying 24/7 and it was the most active general on /bant/ and had everyone discussing the fucking paint drying would you not be concerned? Literally just do anything else
Pretentious leaf fag
This is literally the unhealthiest most brain numbing shit you can watch. A bunch of 4chan autists interracting in this 4chan environment viewed by a majority 4chan community. Then obsessing over the girls cause they seem relatable or like more realistically reachable/interactive. This show was manufactured to exploit you people and you just gulp this shit down no questions asked.
>This show was manufactured to exploit you people and you just gulp this shit down no questions asked.
Very true.
that sounds fucking terrible anon. i'd just do it, especially if you're young. what's the end game? 3 years now she's comfy enough and now you're 3 years older. faggot generic advice but i promise shit speeds up and your biggest regret will be time wasted trying to be the good guy. give her two weeks to get her shit together and then she's out.
i do miss claire tho...
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>If I had a general called /PD/ and I just streamed paint drying 24/7 and it was the most active general on /bant/ and had everyone discussing the fucking paint drying would you not be concerned? Literally just do anything else
actually name something you pathetic rhominoi gpyc
>This show was manufactured to exploit you people and you just gulp this shit down no questions asked.
I've got a free account and have a lot of questions. But yeah I can imagine what you're saying probably applies to a lot of anons.
To be fair tho, all products that have ever existed need an audience to buy/watch them in order to survive. FT is unique and interesting, and entertaining at times. Not sure I'd agree it's any worse than modern vidya or almost all media companies charging you a service fee and shoving ads up your ass simultaneously.
What do you do for fun, anon? If you're just some freelance carpenter that spends his free time on his self-facing hobbies (impossible since you're here on a Friday night) then you are one in a million.
No disrespect anon, hope you're happy with whatever you're doing.
Biggest truth nuke to happen. Although, I would think most people are self aware.
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I need my fish tank slop you fucking nigger
>Literally just do anything else
like what? what do you do? comin in here awfully hot. you're either based as fuck or a bottom-barrel friendless faggot that spends his Friday nights going into generals he hates to cry about shit. so what do you do with your free time besides whining on Fridays?
you are right bro, brb, gonna watch the freak show that was the Olympics inauguration. Totally wholesome content : )
Sad to say i have to agree. Everything about the show was fucking stale. Xavier tried his best but to no avail so i ended up shitposting lmao.

While i think the simp behaviour is bad it could be worse. I saw people digging up shit on these innocent participants in a matter of minutes. Though, that does come with the territory. Have to say it still does remind me of who i deal with on these threads, lmao.

Can’t see these people sticking on too much longer. Losers will find another thing to fawn over. Always do. I just started painting though so been having fun with that. Realistically this is probably the last day for me. Everyone, it’s been a pleasure.
See you in 30 minutes bootleg mr heck
That's good anon. Although, there's always a saying that comes every time, and I know some fag will probably bring it up lmao. I think the number 1 thing most people forget is to not invent into anything of these people, as they should invest into themselves.
invest*, still distracted
>>20855626 (i dont understand the pic)
Why are you retards so defensive about the show anyway? Is the show helping you in any way? Is it improving your life in any way? Sam is a known snake loser who has no integrity and just wants to milk his fanbase lol and I say this as an og sam fan who finds the guy super funny
I just find the show so stupid. Am I not allowed to have this (backed up) opinion? Do i need to justify all of my hobbies and actions in life before I can criticize your show? Lol?
Thats fucking crazy
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how about 3
Id rather watch some retarded shit like that for 30 minutes than spend a lifetime watching 4tank
I like how the show gives me a virtual eGF for several months at a time, is that too complicated for you to understand???
what even happened before everything went offline? how long has it been?
If you never watched S2 or 2.5 then you wouldn't understand. There were some gem moments.
So, is the show over? I didn't bother watching anything else for the past few hours now.
They're saying the fake bit in s1 lasted about an hour so we'll see also Claire may have posted on /tv/ saying tomorrow but that's 99% fake
>Why are you retards so defensive about the show anyway?
I just started watching it tonight. am playing Zomboid now and re-reading books cuz I died. :( I just hate whiny fags that enter generals just to bitch, unless they can actually back it up.
>Do i need to justify all of my hobbies and actions in life before I can criticize your show?
Goalpost moving faggot. You entered the thread criticizing anons more than the show. You can absolutely hate the show, idgaf. Spending Friday calling anons pathetic (your words) isn't "criticizing the show" you spineless nigger. :)
I support you fully in hating anything you hate, I just demand that you be less gay!
What the fuck does this even mean. Is it supposed to be an own posting some 4chan teenager from fishtank making a stupid face as a reply to my posts? It literally just highlights your disability kmowing youve spent countless hours from your life on trash losers like that
best part of the show getting cancelled is no jimmy and no nigger
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I'm new but Jimmy seemed like a real fucking fag, I don't get why he seems to be a popular contestant.
best part of the show was q.
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he provides content and is funny seeing an incel interact with women
Re read my posts again retard my issue is with anons enjoying the show and having the most fuckimg active general in all of bant for this worthless slop. Also i know its a dangerously hard subject for you burgers to grasp but its actually saturday morning here and not friday
Yeah okay lmao that immediately explains it.
ur probably going to see Dave on the news soon
This. So much this.
No he doesnt and hes not a funny incel, Q is way better
they look greek
I’ve been saying this since the beginning. There’s so such thing as a wholesome chungus junkie.
>enter thread
>"hey, you're all pathetic retards and the show sucks."
>anons defend themselves.
>"wow relax, i'm just criticizing your show."
WEAK but yes I'm retarded for not considering time difference
Benleaks said dick isn't Q so you're wrong
it's funny as fuck, he seethes so much, seeing him run off in the woods on 2.5 after Letty and Vance humiliated him and he brought a knife and threatened to hurt himself kek. then he carried a bunch of sticks like some strong man to impress the girls.
idc if it was Q or not anymoar I'm just happy that i don't have 2 suffer through cartoon talk and trauma dumping i barely watched after abi took her shower anyways and most information i got from the threads
not funny
i just watch for claire. and sex with claire.
sexualizing her is weird, but based for watching 4 claire
you've never laughed at a kid at school who ran off into the woods with a knife and threaten to cut himself after being humiliated by a group of girls? man you must have had a nice well adjusted childhood
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yeah nothing like that ever happened, I had a nice well adjusted childhood
maybe this show isn't for you ese
jimmy is a nigger
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and you call us rotbrained. hahahah dear god.
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I miss her bros
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Abi update, did she use your screenshot or edit?
Abi enjoyer for life, Team Chud is over.
I wonder if they would have been as eager to pull the plug if she was still there. Jet seemed pretty broken up about her leaving.
sex with claire is reality
sub50iq niggerallure
retarded as fuck sex with claire
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Lets get 50 of these guys
50 arthoes
Monitor them 24/7
And stream them live!
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Clabi was real
what a stupid dumb bitch. looks just like this retarded BITCH I used to know. both autistic i can smell

Wow... have all of my money NOW!!
simmer down, edgelord
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fellow canadian Abibro?
literally just watxh the kardashians at this point
I wonder how much attentioj the dudes and the ugly/fat chicks get compared to the attracfive girls.
Holy shit Bitchtank is saved.
>Bliccy is back
Jet, I kneel
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Hailey is literally Tayleigh 2.0

>send me roses send me XYZ
>talks to camera directly like she's your girl
>wears similar socks and outfits
>similar body shape
>similar hag looking face
>similar mannerisms
>meth looking face
Alessandra, I'm sorry for being parasocially bonded to you.
Add this
>used to be bisexual
>used to be chubby
>calls other girls hos / ghetto while being both
>fixated on recent relationship
>is a fan of Tay
>soifaces about fishtank
>YEAHHHH sam hyde boxed me!

It's really insane
damn she really is her reincarnated, I fucking can't escape the bitch
I wonder if her thigh/ass cheeks clap when she hops around in that bunk bed
woah dude shes like jordan
Oh and she does the chud pandering, said nigger
vile wench
Bliccy is not an actress.
Bliccy is my cousin
no youre brown plac
As always, believe whatever helps you cope with your miserable reality cuck boy
>cuck boy
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she's a filthy jew whore and she needs to be pulverized
but you are a cuck
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why is my ID fucking blue GROSS
Because I fucked your mother
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nature is healing
9 inch dick btw
She's just added that she's Tay's biggest fan because she defended her on reddit.

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