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play metro last light on ranger hardcore mode and eat maccy cheese with me
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i do not like metro and i do not like maccing cheese sorry
questions 3 and 7 are trick questions and have no right answer bc you never know until you try

question 8 does not present enough info bc it does not say whether or not rupert did anything with the third

question 4 is gay af if they are cuddling and caressing and kissing on a semi-regular basis

your test is mildly flawed sorry


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i played the first game on highest difficulty. i'm stuck on the library. also, i walked right past the think to turn on the radio signal on the rooftop without realizing and there's no way to go back. not having fun.

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>my son is a girl or something
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I neither look like this nor say this, but I do not represent the average American
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>Israeli IP

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If magic is not real, then why they build major important buildings like this?
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modeled after old forts and shit
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Kinda looks like Marisa’s mini-hakkero, deep state kleptomaniac magician cabal confirmed.

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Jartytroons lost lol
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she's probably hunsrikisch
Admittedly, yes, it's over. sharty is finished.

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too much cheese on pizza time
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on the contrary i think it needs more cheese
more casu marzu

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zucchini zachary
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fucking bitch nigger faggot op
not the time or the place

what's the REAL redpilled take on israel vs palestine? who's better for which country? kamala or trump?

why do russia and china and iran side with the palestinians? are the jews really committing genocide in gaza? does america support genocide?

what is the consensus on this board? as a christian conservative right winger, I want to know if I should vote for trump or kamala in the november elections
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I was waiting for someone to post this.
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jannies will not deny me my right to post ugly cats!
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this thread really makes me sad... theres just no way.....


400 replies or I kill myself.
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i NEED a pass
Hiro get him a pass for those digits
im gonna buy a pass

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I thought Westerners are clever
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You like the smell of sweat isn't it? :)
Also we wear it in winter or in the Malls with air conditioner


Good to know
Do you perform sexual acts with the masks and suits on?
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I leave for three weeks and I come back to see the thai furry posting this shit.

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Is this a good or bad plan to make myself rich in the future?

>work to save up to buy a vending machine
>save up vending machine profits to buy a rental property
>invest rental property profits in the S&P 500 index

Sincere criticism and advice is greatly appreciated.
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Average about 2600 on a vending machine a year (if all goes perfectly with location, foot traffic, etc). That's at least ten years of running the machine before you get a sizeable down-payment on a property.
I like the idea of investing rent income into the market, but I would prioritize another income source towards the rental property in order to steepen your overall return.
>I would prioritize another income source towards the rental property in order to steepen your overall return.

I think you’re right. Can you recommend a better source of income that I can realistically do that will more quickly get me to be able to afford a property?
Please be specific.
Working a full time job is the safest answer. I would look into running a home improvement business, landscaping, moving company, etc. Something that isn't complicated and that can be scaled rather inexpensively. But, mind the stage of the business cycle the economy is currently in. Patience can yield discounted deals on machinery or equipment when owners and vendors are forced to sell. Then, when consumers have cash to spend again, because you waited, you took the risk, you enjoy many times in terms of gross income what you would ever see working for someone else. At that stage we're talking a handful of rentals instead of a single one. Risky, sure, but by maneuvering strategically, you can practically game it.

>nonwhites are so based they hate gays!!!!
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>lol guys look how schizo i am im gonna post random photos with no captions lmao xD
the state of internet trolling
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I listen to this album every week.
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Any songs as good as WAKE ME UP? I know the singles aren't always the best but I never bothered to explore Evanescence.
Buttrock is a meme that doesn't make any sense.
I mean, I like every song on the album. I would recommend Whisper.
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i listen to this every week and its been a decade no joke..

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You will never be a real nigga. You have no hood, you have no crack, you have no bitchiz. You are a FAKE NIGGA twisted by the paper and the game into a crude mockery of the street's perfection

All the “hype” you get is two-faced and lyin. Behind your back people snitch on yo ass. Yo daddy and momma are disgusted and ashamed of you, your "niggas” laugh at your honky appearance behind closed doors.

Real niggas are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of dollars spent on gold chains have allowed real ones to sniff out fake ass niggas with incredible efficiency. Even niggas who “pass” look wack and unnatural to an old head. Your pale skin is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a bad bitch home with you, she’ll turn tail and bolt the second she gets a whiff of your little white boy dick.

You will never be cruisin down the streets in yo '64. You load your piece every single morning and tell yourself the next nigga who tests you gonna get smoked but deep inside you feel the FAKENESS creeping up like too much lean, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight of the sauce.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – you’ll screw a dealer, try to rizz the wrong hoe, and you'll end up fulla holes nigga. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment of having a fake ass nigga for a son. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your "Street Name", and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a fake ass nigga is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably white.

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Posted again
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how is she breathing when her entire snorkel is underwater
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