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this requires the population to actually agree on what dictatorship is and when to do something about it
seems like a far shot considering half of you think things becoming legal is communism
Ok so if the ruling in favor of trump makes the president immune to prosecution over official affairs what's stopping the democrats from having Biden sanction assassinating Trump?
It's like the Uno card
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You should just trust the law experts like we did with covid.

do you like Mao Mao?
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it was fun, easily one of the recent cartoons I liked the most
sadly it was cancelled and removed from most (all?) platforms when WB discovered that they could make more money committing tax fraud than making cartoons
it aired right at the time everyone stopped watching tv
the last cartoon i watched was spectacular spiderman and that was cancelled too

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How much would you have to get paid to get BLACKED for a minimum of one hour while it's being recorded and then uploaded to the internet so i can fap to it?
50k seems like a good investment
and look,, there he is.. AHAHHA Ah HAHA AHA A hahah LMAO
I don't really want that to happen but I recognize the power of money and I have no shame so let's say... 4 million?

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When did yours crack?
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Never cracked because I never lose
Hello, are you White from discord?
No clue what you're talking about, anon. I'm surprised that my story is so common it gets people to mistake me for others, but I guess that's to be expected.

Holy shit, Ramzpaul absolutely ANNIHILATES nigger lovers


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he's mogging me tho
I love jewish folks personally.
Same. I like Jews. I also like Mel Gibson, but it is not because I think he does not like the Jews.

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My must see non-poz movies of the year:
>Godzilla Minus One (absolute peak)
>Wonka (great family film, feels like a stage play)
>Furiosa (if you like Kojimbo's video game directing, especially in MGSV, you'll feel right at home)
>IF (fosters home for imaginary friends, but a live action movie that had gotten both theaters I've seen it in to absolutely break down in wailing)
yeah they're also terrible. but this is mad fucking max, and it looks like a marvel movie. the whole movie was basically a CGI cartoon

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>100 reasons to stay alive
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Nice remix
I'm still here. That's not me and you didn't actually kill me.

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What does /pol/ think about tattoos? Personally, I have three and they look badass
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You are right, that there have been viking remains in russia, that got tattoos.
But that doesn’t mean that the vikings that remained in scandinavia had tattooing as a tradition, since there is no written evidence (which vikings proudly and meticulously wrote about), of them having any sort of tattoo culture.
The majority of my coworkers younger than 40 have multiple ugly tattoos. I'm one of the few without those gay permanent marker skin doodles. One looks like a Playstation triangle button, but I'm sure he will say it has some special meaning.
People with tats think they look cooler than they actually are

People with face tats look like they got touched in prison

People with sleeve tats can be chill

People with neck tats want to be touched in prison

And people who have alot of tats covering their body have family issues, statistically recorded via FBI listings

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Why would gay Westerners support fundamentalist savages?
They do know arabs would've publicly executed them if they could, right?
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i hate muslims, because they would execute me if they could. i am well aware that they are, in fact, still the enemy. we are enemies for ideological reasons. on the battlefield, ideology isn't everyone's biggest concern.
the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
kids think being antisemitic is cool now and treat it as a fad to gain social status. needless to say, I'm very popular with the younger generation nowadays.
>It's about being anti-Israel and ugly disgusting jews
From the heart of consumeristic, capitalistic culture? sure
>gay westerners have been supporting the fundamentalists for years, from afghan, to syria.
solid point
it's almost like welfare breeds naivety

You're on your weekly walk in the forest and you see pictured in a ditch nearby.
What's the right course of action here?
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Do your fucking job mod glownigger.
I would literally not do anything. Women have turned me off on every level I'm no longer heterosexual.
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>What's the right course of action here?
helo my basterd bitch redeem the bobs

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>35 years old
>ugly charismaless nofriends beta male
>have boring wfh job
>no woman attracted to me ever
>never even flirted with a woman
>went to university, had many jobs - still not the slightest hint of pussy
>no friends since school
>lifted weights for years

In school I was probably much more of a loser than I realised, even though I had friends. I was never invited to any of the parties. I didn't go to the school prom and I still remember playing a video game on that night.

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> school prom
You didn't miss out by not going to a lame British prom.
> 35 years old.
This is fine. You are a man, not a woman.
> no woman attracted to me ever, never even flirted with a woman
Sounds like you are autistic and have no social skills. Or if you aren't autistic you've created a lifestyle that makes you effectively autistic. First thing you need to do is rebuild your social skills with other men first. Go to your local rec/leisure center and look for a sports club, casual football evening etc. Volunteer somewhere on the weekends. Join a hiking group some bollocks like that. Get used to talking to people, men will be more forgiving than women for your lack of social skills.
> lifted weights for years
Good, keep doing this. Likely your aren't ugly, just awkward and socially retarded.
>It felt like university was a huge party for all normies, which I wasn't invited to.

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The truth is woyimen are deprecate and aren't worth the effort nowadays.
I'm not saying you should go the way of the gay.
Just that the women archetype today doesn't make any sense. Not even a reproductive sense.
I'd rather look for a female that think like a man or a male feminine enough if the relationship is based in love and trust and not in social influence.
Women here like intelligent and calm men, NOT bragging smart-arses, and if you took a bartender job in a pub in Copenhagen, you would be busy and thus relaxed - instead of feeling insecure being just a pub guest sitting and hoping for contact and yet afraid to look at women.

As a busy bartender you only have time for brief, polite phrases and thus you don’t get stuck in a conversation and suddenly can’t come up with more to say - it will be a safe and excellent training for naturally becoming more and more used to talk to women. And it’s always the customers who have to catch the bartender’s attention, so you won’t feel it’s you ‘bothering’ the women.

You have absolutely nothing to fear, so think about it.

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look at this little kitty one
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the jokester
that's a good quote
He has been reading political news on the internet.

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He is turning orange

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