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Which one is the most superiorest froag of them all???
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'ob on the 'og
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say "apu best frog" or else

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bnat wokeuprino

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Princess Tummy Edition!

>What is Fish Tank?

>Who is this thread about?
Letty and her princess tummy!

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You guys are such fucking losers lmao sadder than the josieposters
ohhh yeah you are right. we'll see i guess. at least we know she'll try streaming again
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That sounds so sweet! Hopefully princess clears her head of all the things bothering her and starts her life anew!

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please post a randomly selected image from your downloads folder in this thread
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he is not allowed to leave until he eats the whole thing
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please do not fight
Somehow I don't think he'll have a problem with that damn look at that rotisserie chicken damn
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Stop crying, tranny. Here, have a dick

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I am in my late 20's and never had a single girlfriend, because Chilean women dislike young healthy men who drink alcohol, smoke, listen to reggaeton or go to parties/clubs
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get a haircut lil nigga
I'm so glad I didn't start watching this show...somehow I knew it was going to be gay
How dude? Wtf is happening with men seriously, I'm not a very good looking guy but I always had a gf especially in high school...FFS I'm so mad at you bro. Go out there try and fail...then try again AAAAAAAAAAAa

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Nick Mullen is my best friend
Their asshole is open forever, sorry no take backs
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It’s over
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Not my problem

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If I were I would do if I were American.
Me too my son, me too.
unironically brat

>Be itautistic
>Live in Milan
>When i've nothing to do sometimes i talk to random tourists or some crackhead
>When i see a black/asian tourist i always ask where are they from
>If they respond "well i'm from *european country*" here starts my trolling
>Start making tons of jokes and stereotypes about that countries, pretending to ignore that they have obvious african/asian origins
>After some jokes i always get the same reaction, they tell "well actually, i'm not from *european country*, i have *insert african/asian country* origins as you can see, my parents are from *country* so i'm from *african/asian country*"

Everyone wants to be white, but no one wants to be white

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thanks for the idea anon, definitely gna do it

post pictures that depict white christian male poles in a racist way and offend that group with a passion
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I'm trans btw
me too sisster
All these monkeys dating white women and non of you massarace ubermen ultra handsome and rich chuds can date one.

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>last name ends with "-us"
i'm secretly a cryptobalt
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i am a cryptohohol
it's definitely not latinx

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o algo
Why? Their international reporting isn't anything special.
I don't think she has ever said this in Gou/Sotsu

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As hard as you can, please.
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surely if you were going to clip an elf's ears you'd want them to be round not just shorter and still pointy
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my ear
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No niggers
No jews
No trannies
No simps
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the wealthiest russians are noviops, they make sure jews don't steal our wealth and resources
I hope all faggots drop dead some day.
True, Russia is second only to Brazil when it comes to best countries.

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