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Boomers applying to a bank loan:
>2% interest rate

Gen Z applying to a bank loan:
>credit score

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It will all become easier with the new CBDC digital identity powered by Microsoft and IBM. Imagine the comfort of having your vaxx passport, your social credit score and your 15 minute city license all available instantaneously via a chip implanted in your hand.
I fucking hate that I have to deal with this because normies. I hope they burn in hell.
A $4.15 breakfast burrito i used to get when I was zoomer age costs $13.50 now. I've lived in the same area my whole life so I know this.

These poor lil' niggas are royally fucked. I'd be fucked as well if I wasn't insanely rich lmao.

I am a passu holder. All of you people who use this site for free, you are actually useds. And you are working for me. My slaves...
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Did you never get another job after quiting your last one?
pretty cool that you homeless but still is passu holder
most ppl not such courage to set their priorities straight

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good night /bant/
im not going to bed yet bud
sweet dreams

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nigger ID get
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maybe not with that attitude
Buceta ID :)

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Europeans ruined the internet.

the internet used to be a nice place for nerds to talk and hang out. then euro thirdies got the internet now half the posts are just Europeans obsessing over America and being ass holes. all Europeans are cunts every single one of them. Europeans and zoomers destroyed it all overnight.

Every day I wish europe would get wiped off the map. every day. except Germans they never really bother me.
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>Europeans weren't on the internet before 2010 or something
whats happening in this webm?
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i wouldn't any black pussy in the world
i'm repulsed by their skin color, facial features and hair
they just don't look like real people to me
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I've only had one, but it was good. Was a light skin mulato but still, amazing ass.

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>dutchtroon will defend this
I don't remember ordering this shitty faggot nothingburger
why are you insulting yourself

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eggtoast ernest
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I used to mix eggs with crème fraîche into some viscous liquid.
I put it on toast and then into oven. I liked it. ate some paprika with it too
>crème fraîche
thanks rusbro
yeah I love quality food and do a lot of emotional eating, you gotta enjoy life sometime ya know...

invite me to some oлaдьи, мeдвeжaтинa. Oливьe someday. БЭ BЭЛЛ

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where is Tommy
need me a bratty bottom rn fr

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>reminder that you fat turbovirgin stalking faggots will die a miserable death alone and b ownz you useless faggots.

You get your info from b faggots. Stay delusional teccy stays winning.
Any emikif news from yesterday? Aside from miz and emi fostering cats?

Cute moments are also welcome and appreciated :3

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this shit is good..
Tu dois fermer ta boîte, parce que tu as un manque de cerveaux comparé à moi.
is talent is less than 1 percent of this talent.
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does it have anything to do with dungeon synth

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>leaf glownigger hasn’t posted today
Did they fire him?
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... Fix it then?? Mouthbreather
Don't talk to me like that puny girly man
This leaf is a new leaf, he’s not even a glowie, he’s just a retard newfag leaf

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My boomer grandfather lives in the path of the storm and despite my father and his brothers warning him to leave several days ago he remained there. What will happen?
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The idiot is at risk of being killed. Get him to leave OP.
Ride the lightning

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look at this stupid son of a whore
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I bet he wears running shoes when you're not looking
kill yourself you fucking stupid nigger
too small

Good meowning everyloli
I fucking WISH I was that chud
Everyone here is 18+ doe

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