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hitler and trump are teaming up with putin to create the white ethnostate in the woods east of lukino, near tver
hitler told all 4channers to meet him there next week to claim their traditional catholic wife and off the grid cabin
IMPORTANT: you MUST come alone, or else the jews will follow you to the top secret location!
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Very funny, jewtard
>ip grabbing link

Another friday alone~

Maybe I should've made friends, but here i am spending my night on 4chan
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wow a britanon who posts taiga.... do u happen to play CSGO?
And MArio kart wii..............

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Redpill me on why Flat-earthers still exist in 2024. Are they just people with low IQ's or is it mental illness? Are they being exploited for financial gain?
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They lied to you about literally everything else. Why wouldn't they lie about the earth's shape too? Answer me that for a change. I'm not even a flat earther, but I'm not necessarily a round earther either. To be honest, I couldn't care less about the shape of the world.
>Are they just people with low IQ's or is it mental illness?
neither, they are individuals who examined the propositions of globe earth theory
none of them stand the test of even the tiniest scrutiny
>Are they being exploited for financial gain?
no, the people who believe in globular earth theory are
one needs only to see the overwhelming amount of $$$ that entities like NASA get annually for making cartoons and having actors like Neil Tyson talk scientism blabber to see how profitable the indoctrination of globe earth really is
In terms of incentive my guess is that flat earthers tend to be schizos which is the opposite of exploitation for financial gain. Schizos try to understand the truth past all the lies and bullshit but sometimes it goes too far (pattern recognition misfiring); looking for something that isn't there. In this case they believe it's possible this world is bigger than the government lets us believe. That there is unexplored territory outside the "Ice Wall" and the governments of the world are just keeping us trapped in this little circle like a big prison to keep control over people.
There's also a sense of "tradition" or a natural worldview among flat earthers because for most of human civilization people believed the earth is flat.

TLDR; they're lying to themselves because they really want to adventure to unexplored lands. It's honestly not too different from a Star Trek nerd that thinks one day a "warp drive" will be invented and humans will explore unknown worlds and make contact with aliens.

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Chill Edition

Previous 300th gem: >>20784321

Free online generators:
https://waifus.nemusona.com (currently down)

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Bless this thread
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she seems so happy

it's over and bereave-able

>fearless in the face of her demons

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Deary, how ARE you gonna spend it?
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full name: James/Jimmy Stephen Donaldson
>Jimmy: Hebrew, means "supplanter"
>Stephen: Greek, means crown
>Donaldson: Gaelic, means son of the ruler of the world

So his name literally means "supplanter of the crown of the son of god" and he calls himself MR BEAST
when did you realize the antichrist walks among us /x/
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mr breast lol
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No cap, his Zaxby's box is straight bussin'
the first meaning of James in hebrew is Protector or Guardian


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are bananas good for you?
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only if inserted in the proper hole
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Dr. who visits from the other realm

life is empty and i feel no joy oyasumi
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I'm the deer
I am the one taking the picture for I am ugly and pictures should not be taken of me.
untrue sorry

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Imagine being the parents of that kid, spending thousands of dollars on a Mario themed coffin for your son who died way too early just to see people in the internet meme it to death for years. If I was the father and came across this, I would probably kill myself.
heh you should post this on /v/ it will be funny
not cool man

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Bru aka
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36 points of Yostar apologising to CN players for their fuck up.
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which question is the one about the blacklist?

seeing a lot of men and women walking their cats on leashes. is this r*ddit soiboi behavior?
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I will put a bullet in both u and your dog if you ever come close to my cat
Fucking dirty mutt your life literally mean nothing
Off your self brown mutt
I'm going to start checking craigslist for cats for sale.

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What are the jews hiding?
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The true map of boundaries of nations/collectives are so different from what you will find on the internet.
So many unique peoples are in that area.

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please post a randomly selected image from your downloads folder in this thread
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Never forget
everything's says spray the area with concentrated cleaning vinegar
that's a great cleaning agent too.
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>50 cis women were asked about what sexual fetishes they had which were added to a list of fetishes alongside a description of the fetish. Then 500 cis women ticked boxes on what fetishes they had. Cis female scientists were used as women tend to lie to male scientists about their sexuality

>The following are the top fetishes amongst women, how many women have it and the description of the fetish:

>1. Financial Domination 98% "I get turned on when I take money from men or men buy me gifts."

>2. Loving Myself 97% "I romantically love myself, I get turned on by how I look and act."

>3. Feminist Cuckolding 85% "I want to sleep with other men when I have a partner but the men I sleep with are beneath me and serve me sexually they are not degrading me."

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chudcel masterrace thread...
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>womans world
that explains
neither is 4chan yet you are still here posting faggot opinions

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This really might be the worst VP pick in history
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I hear dolphussy crazy
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>Has sex with couch
>Likes beastiality
>Thinks he's gay
>Marries a poojeeta
Count me in also and add some hentai to that. Dolphin hentai is the shit.

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