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What can be done about 4chan's declining userbase?
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>There are rules and have always been rules.
No shit Sherlock. I'm saying the rules are enforced arbitrarily more than before. For example, you'll get a ban for going slightly off-topic on some threads, while other off-topic threads stay up forever. The mods are arbitrary, look at how they fucked up /biz/ with advertising bans.
Ban the chinese/russian shills
Get gook moot to not abandon us. Otherwise, embrace alt chans that actually do have a vested interest in their userbase.

How big of a cock is too big?

My childhood was a dark nightmare, I bet i was raped and I don't remember
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I was actually raped when I was in the third grade. I still remember.
And no, it wasn't the fun kind of rape.
These are infants.
It was sad and empty. Devoid of real experience.

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just bee yourself
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that's okay
are you sure
thank you
hang on let me check again

Blue Archive
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i imagine every poster in these threads to be weak, short, scrawny and without body hair
i could easily conquer all of you
maybe scrawny the rest hell no
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And do you have reoccurring fantasies about "conquering" these twinks you describe? Faggot.

pizza time
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your local pizza place cares
order wings and/or breadsticks as well
are you larping as me
he prolly sleepin doe frfr

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Post examples of justice being served. Like how Junko Furuta got what she deserved for being a female.
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this guy dying of his own fatness is a sort of self inflicted justice
god, you have no idea how many twitter artists I follow that are at an unhealthy weight and later start tweeting about how they're in the hospital and feel weird and can't draw or whatever
like holy shit, you think this is just happening for no reason? it's happening because you're fucking fat, step on a treadmill fatso
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pic related
that's a woman

pistachio patrick
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i like piss tachio pat rick
omg patrick !!!
shut up idiot

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>I have to endure 4 weeks before I can take my holidays
They were too fast and I was too slow now I have to stay on watch nyoooooo
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I will miss his sigma threads
>bare-chested loli uoh ToT image
>racist/sexist/retarded statement
I have no idea what threads he made I miss one of my orbies
which one?

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Because the mods are fags, it's impossible to make a decent thread on /v/ that allows me to post nudes and have freedom of speech. This is my outlet to talk about vidya unrestricted. I think I'm just not going to bother with blue boards anymore. I'm just going to post blue board content on b, bant, and trash. Fuck you.

Let's talk about games we're playing, characters we like, and particularly what's your go-to game to play while sitting on the toilet. I think Dragon Ball The Breakers is a fun game and I want to play it more, but those dumb japs don't give a shit and region-locked the matchmaking and (as of this latest patch) matchmaking is fucking broken and won't allow me to connect to games. It's some faggy fucked up bullshit. There are lots of hot guys and girls in genshin, I'm particularly feminine-sexual so traps and girls for me. I've been working my way through Zelda A Link Between Worlds. I'm nearing the end of it and it's been really fun. I'm pleasantly surprised by it. Nobody ever talks about that game and it's one of the best 3D games on the 3DS that I've ever played.
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die avatar tranny. maybe you should use reddit instead, you'd have a permanent username attached to all your posts!!!
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>Play underrail
I just got it, thanks for the recommendation.

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221 replies and 31 images omitted. Click here to view.
pretty sure. world cup was then
maybe heinz, dutch comic from the 80s, has a lot of dumb puns
Ah right.
Puns and ketchup. Your favorite.

I sleep.


why do 99% of white/asian men have a tiny pecker?
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"Even for niggers" do you just go around town comparing nigger penises all day?
Are you the nigger penis inspector?
this is so hot. where did you find this?
no need to be so heavy

That’s it.
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no sorry
thank you for your services
Idk, I wanted these bad boys…

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they tongue it

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