Why did his parents even racemixxmaxx? For this?Why? Why?
>>22140312I saved this picture just to remember to never fall for the yellow fever meme. Dying without children is better than producing turbochuds
>>22140312Weird nigger nose and lips.
Support Poland
>>22139939I wouldn't call Trump to be a revolutionary against the capitalist and western imperialist ideas yet.He intends to disband the alphabet agencies, give Ukraine to Russia, but it just seems like he wants to help the American adversaries to give a 'gotcha' to his internal opponents.It's schizo decision making of one man. Not a popular revolt against the system.
>no uprisings in the us guys!>that means the cia agents or whatever were so bad that the people were scared of revolting guys! definitely not because the ussr its satellites were shitholes where most people struggled and were arrested for the mildest political dissent
>>22140339>the ussr its satellites were countries where most people struggled and were arrested for the mildest political dissent>Hungary 1956>Poland 1981, 1989 and more>Czechoslovakia 1968...If there were arrests for mildest political dissent, how come uprisings?
yellowfever fags will move out of their countries for this
>>22139003She looks like she's sucking on a nigger dick here
>>22139003eating turtle meat is one thing but why this? for what purpose?
Shinobi sunday..
>>22139680was *that thing* a male to fem..? or..
>>22139680they probably thought you were some weird troon fetishist but decided that you are too ugly to fuck
Beans are a good, healthy, nutritious, and cheap way to fight against the Trumpflation that is affecting eggs at the moment. They're full of protein and fiber.
>>22140308Is buying an air fryer a good idea?I need to start eating properly and don’t have an oven.I’m considering buying and making chicken breast and veggies in it.Any tips??
>>22140326no, it's simply a convection oven, you dumb leaf faggot
>>22140308delicious but too hard on your stomach as you get older, my go-to cheap meal is meat like sausage slices, rice and veggies cooked all together in a rice cooker with some sauce and spices
I think working out and keeping yourself fit is the most important thing as a man since only strong men and women make strong children.The dangerous part is taking steroids so you shut down your natural test production. People like Sam Sulek will either become infertile or die young but their name will remain.What is your opinion about Bodybuilding, /pol/?
>>22139872Rather open bodybuilding than to look pretty because this doesnt look pretty also the arms suck in comparison.
>>22139900Can a short ugly fat women with fridge body and small tits work out to attract you?
>>22139897he got a transplant tho
Since modern women have given themselves unto the evils of liberalism it is only natural for Men to seek alternatives especially if you take note that Men are rejecting liberalism it would seem to be only a matter of time until advances in genetic engineering and computer science bring about Monstergirls and Robowaifus replacing human women https://theweek.com/politics/conservative-men-liberal-women also post Monstergirls/Robowaifus and yes this thread is political https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transhumanist_politics
>>22139756How is this remotely "banter"?This most certainly falls under political discussion.
>>22139756Roko's Basilisk posting it is Janny I will post Roko's Basilisk until Janny is Buck status: Broken https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMGdJGuF7VE
>>22139935banepost https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFofZW-eqrk
MAGA day 27
I just found out this Asian whore makes 400 grand a year playing piano in cosplay while I bust my ass 12 hours a day at a warehouse and can’t even leave my parent’s home. It’s not fair. I’m not going to work in the next few hours I’m not calling out or anything I’m just not going. Depending on your response I may never go back again. Why work if you can’t even get an apartment and support yourself? It’s just not fair. I just want to live.
>>22140344>Be me.29. Live with my parents because there’s no way I can afford my own place. Work 12-hour shifts at a warehouse that feels like a prison. Every day, I come home to parents who resent me for not “making it” like they did at my age. They had a house, kids, and a stable life when they were my age—because back then, you didn’t need to sell your soul just to afford rent.No friends. No girlfriend. Never had one. Grew up in a house where my parents were too busy fighting to actually raise me. Never learned how to talk to people, how to socialize, or how to be normal. Now, I’m just this broken adult who nobody wants to be around.Car’s falling apart. Every time I drive, I pray it doesn’t break down, because I can’t afford to fix it, let alone buy a new one.Then I see people like Pan Piano on YouTube. She cosplays, plays anime and video game music, and makes $500,000 a year doing it. Paid-off house, a nice car, a husband who loves her. She’s set for life. All from sitting down at a piano in a costume.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>22140371Nigga I was gonna genuinely reply to you; fuck your stupid pasta.
>>22140367>Fat, hairy and sweaty American plays piano in sexy sexy cosplay outfitThat seems like a brilliant cash cow idea.
FutaSuck got cucked?LOL!!!>>22136722
>>22138072what the tFUCK am i looking at?her nails look like mine
>>22137163getting cucked one way or another is the norm for most men not sure if this is really kekworthy cob
I went to the Romanian consulate here to request my Romanian passport. Never been to Romania but have citizenship through my parents. The girl at the counter was acting super smiley to see someone like me get a Romanian passport. It’s funny because everyone on here is “fuck off we are full” or “you’re not a real Romanian.” But they treated me nicely
>>22140235You can tell that foot is Romanian from the hair
Can you replace vlad for me now?
Reminder that the average African American is 20% anglo-saxon aryan. That is, still whiter than your precious japanese buddies. Are you going to apologize to your white brothers?
im black and ive been thinking of doing this 23andme test myself, just interested in seeing what the results says. i do realize its not always accurate and shouldnt be taken seriously
>>22140043crazy that you would admit that
>>22139647blacks still have yet to invent the wheel, in 2025.No black has ever successfully understood the mechanism of how a wheel is made and works. The closest blacks have gotten is a cargo cult simulation of a wheel by cutting a log really thin. See these bicycles for example, which in africa are called UngaBungaBoogaBixNood, (lit. Rape Location Speed Mover).
American minds can't comprehend this
>>22140278Yeah, I don’t get the appeal of a tilt window, other than to physically escape through it I guess.
>>22140300We have all kinds of national, state, and local parks. As well as other types of recreational and public use land etc. We have no problem with being outside. However, we do make an effort to separate outside from inside.
>>22140305the better made double hung windows will tilt in for cleaning
100 megaton truth nuke on the 'log
>>22140246That is hyperdila