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>granny was a poor immigrant who worked hard to help feed the house while pregnant and childrearing
>mom is a respected doctor who had me while in college
>taught me a lot about life and how to manage money and raised me as best she could
"wow, women are amazing, i cant wait to have a wife of my own"
>ALL women in my (small) dating pool are retarded and lazy and in debt even when they make triple my warehouse wagie salary
God is cruel....
Pee ID
I believe this story
my wife chino is so cute

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comfy bink edition

>What is fishtank?

>Who is this thread about?
Famous House winner and Fishtank Season 3 1st place runner up, BinxBasilisk

>Binx's accounts:

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Super long streams this week though
She's the one that pulled out Bobby Darin and Fred Astaire.

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Bitcoin and theres no second best..
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he's korean
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I should really make friends at this point (at the point of feeling like I'm insane yet sane enough to come back from)

>I should really make friends at this point (at the point of feeling like I'm insane yet sane enough to come back from)
you should

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what's his name?
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straying sammy
p not t
prankster primothy

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lick the veins and make the cummies spurt out
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wtf why does it look like that
i dunno what's with the veins, mine looks similar but not that bad
i used to run 7 miles every other day when i was 15-16, that's the only thing i can think of
Vacuum sealed/freeze dried rotdog

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I only listen to real music.
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Based nightcore enjoyer
That's disgusting

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How do you cope with the fact that Archons are real? How do you even deal with it?


Brett Stuart / Moksha project
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Do they really?
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My brother died on this day 15 years ago
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Spontaneous combustion, look it up

a rip in paradise

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The left cannot meme, but why are they so good at living rent free in MAGA spaces? I think part of the secret is picking a very obnoxious looking profile image, especially if it’s unique to stand out from the crowd.

That “Doctor” (Gu?) made me rage during the last Trump term.
buy an ad faggot
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>Twitter/X profiles that annoy y-
Your thread fucking sucks.
twitter was created to piss you off
I have blocked so many accounts
So I can only see things I like now

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I looked into this because I was curious if any threads got move to /bant/.
None have and only 1 of them got deleted even though they are mostly off-topic

>"daddyyyyyyy, i want to work like men do"

>"daddyyyyyyy, i want to gain as much as men even if that destroys all the economic stability of society"

>"daddyyyyyyy, i don't like 50/50 and i want Princess treatment even if i gain the same or more as men"

Seriously, are women fucking retarted?
Be quiet retard
Women will never willingly emulate masculine virtue and anyone could have told boomers this.
Women are utterly repugnant. This is why we’re an Anthony website.

milf contact list: 2

thinking about more. like my next milf be a nunnerino
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show us
new strategy

I gotta get my explore to only show me black women first and then i look for big boobed black women

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I listen to Panic! At The Disco while stimfapping to anime girls. You wouldn't get it.
tf goin on in Luxembourg, bro
Have you heard the milk story? Really fucked up shit. Brendon Urie should be cancelled.

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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, habbenings, haqqenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting / avatarfagging et al. belong in the /nah/ threads (>>>/trash/nah/ and >>>/vip/nah/)

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why are nerds like this?
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never heard of nimingban
holly shit

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