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I love to see my virus is spreading
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>taking credit for anon's work
My young memeadept, years of shitposting experience are requiered, as well as hard work and a hint of divine inspiration to create a true meme masterpiece. It may seem distant and unreachable to you but with enough persistance you can also get there. Don't rush it. Enjoy little trollings and every day shitposts. Learn from your victories and faults, and one day, you too will become a Meme Master.

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post things you cant afford
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nothing can compare
Ok. transfer money for flight ticket

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This literally happened to me. I was a vehement anti-semite until I discovered Jews had the strongest magick and the closest knowledge of God
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All anti-semites are secretly jealous of jews. They have everything a trad white man could want.
>strong ethnic identity
>extremely trad ethno-religion
>traditions dating back thousands of years
>strong in-group preference and nepotism (jews help other jews)
>an internationally recognized ethnostate
>total control over the western world and significant control over the east
>literally exactly what european colonialism tried to do, but couldn't
Handsome (lady)

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Why should we respect them?
They got no
Completely irrelevant.
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That never happens in the 1st world.
Also the hot water isn't really boiling here for ecological reasons, it's well below that.
They still have the city of London but their pedo royals are losing power

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>On account of this incident the Buddha held a meeting of the Sangha and asked the Venerable Sudinna:

>“Is it true, Sudinna, that you have committed sexual conduct with your ex-wife?” When he replied: “Yes, Venerable Sir,” the Buddha rebuked Sudinna in the following manner:

>“You empty man, who have failed to attain the Path and Fruition, achieving nothing! It (i.e. what you have now done) is not befitting a monk! It is no practice of a monk. It is improper. It should not be done! You, good for nothing! Why are you incapable of practising in perfection, in purity for life, the noble practice of the threefold training after receiving ordination in the dispensation the Dhamma and the Vinaya proclaimed so well?

>“You empty man, it is rather better to put your male organ into the mouth of a highly poisonous, severely poisonous snake! But it is no good to put it into the female organ!

>“You empty man, it is better to put your male organ into the mouth of a cobra! But it is no good to put it into the female organ!

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wow he just like me frfr

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Does this image apply to you?
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What does this shit even mean
I don't know nor care. Hot women activate the dick. chubby, slim, beefy, flat, megamilk, short, tall, pale, dark, etc. etc.
that image only apply to tiny white pecker cuckolde

all white males are genetically coded to be a cuckold LOL

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good fancy friday to you fine gents
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titty floppin tard rage batman
you done stocking shelves and mopping up sharts for the day?
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did you find out where your sense of humor went?

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thinkimg about....
walkers shortbread.........
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play far cry 5 and ambush cultists with me
wat r those
tasty shortbread treat

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There is no God
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>tfw Buddhism is a science
>your ancestors were slave owners you must feel bad and pay your eternal debt
Same retarded argument.
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I don't know, but the more years I get on my neck, the more I start to imagine God not as an old man with a long gray beard, but as a God who is hidden in nature, in the trees, in the noise of a mountain stream, etc. I know it's stupid, but this approach calms me down. Fuck that old cunt with a beard, this image that is being sold to us is pathological and it needs to stop.

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Someone started crying to me and I didn't know what to do so I got angry at them
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The good thing is that the person likely won't cry to me again
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I think I genuinely felt bad for the person but I just have such massive cognitive dissonance induced by coping mechanisms
Idiot, when people come for you for compassion you give it to them

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the bnwo fetish makes no sense
it should be about the jews instead
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jews already run the world dumbass
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it actually does make sense now that i think about it, the jews control the niggers so by cumming to niggers you're actually cumming to the jews, that's why the jews invented all the nigger fetishes in the first place
>new world order even cob jews already rule the world

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hu-hu-how come when a car is t-turninged it-t the wh-wheel no turn also?!

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What's a good hobby that's inexpensive, fun, and allows you to socialize with others? Been trying things one by one. Finally got the free time.
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I have a friend who is fishing, Shloud i once go with him?
i wish i could play fucking tennis or volleyball
pokemon go

I want to go back to school and be the weirdo again...
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Applied physics, sociology and internet technologies.
Kill yourself
I never used them

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That one 2016 election music video is gone, one with predictions and meltdown during it, i wanted my nostalgia hit but got sadness instead.
It’s okay, we can just make new memories this election instead (:
Babies with Shinobu gf

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