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GhostPolitics from True Capitalist Radio inspired HITSKITZ entertaining audio of his son Celtic smoking cannabis.
>HitSkitz Smoking HUBBA-BUBBA Cannabis With The EnginEar.
>HitSkitz Kosher Kush And Greening Out With The EnginEar
>HitSkitz "The Pursuit Of Pioneer Passion" With The EnginEar
>HitSkitz Jamaican Goodness Yes Yes With The EnginEar

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What are the jews hiding?
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You are aware most if not all Tarim mummies had black hair, brown eyes and east asian facial structure? All of them had EDAR. They also weren't white. They were WSHG mixed with some east asian.
J*nnies moves the thread to /bant/ when someone actually tries to discuss archeogenetics instead of feeding the egos of white s*premacists as expected.
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>most if not all

It’s most certainly not all, I’ve seen them with my own eyes at Penn archaeology And Anthropology Museum when china let them on tour over a decade ago. The genetic testing done on some showed mixed Asian genomes in later mummies and R1a and J2 genomes in some of the earliest (and largest) mummies.

The oldest mummies had blonde and red hair, the later black and brown. Much as you would expect with recessive alleles breeding a mixed population.

They bred into the Asian population, much like in India where they bred themselves out as well.

Noticing the truth about the past and the lies that got freely tossed around academia shouldn’t be considered (((bants))) either, tranny janny

Another friday alone~

Maybe I should've made friends, but here i am spending my night on 4chan
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You're pathetic anon, we bot hare
I love 4chan though, so many friends right here. I mostly come to get the feeling of cuddling up with a homie/ roommate, as much as you can through text and images anyway.
it is quite nice i suppose
A community of retards just like me!

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Caring about grammar is soi
As long as you're understandable it's fine
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can you prove that you're not a girl in real life?
you a real life soijaks
i bet you have an exposed brick wall in your micro apartment, drink craft beer and go "YIPPEE!!!" when something makes you happy
Thanks i hate grammar nazi

Every single time I see trannies online, they always, always seem to be so much into weebshit, anime and Japanese media. Almost every single time.

This realization really has made me want to quit watching anime altogether, despite having watched literally hundreds of them over my entire life.
You just have to see the kind of main characters these shows have 99% of the time to realize this is a form of media designed to make you weird and emasculate you.

Anyone else noticed this?
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the reason so many trannies are avid anime watchers is because trannies turn into trannies in order to live out their fetish aka autogynephilia
anime can give you autogynephilia because in anime there character types that are foreign to the west, these characters are known as "traps" aka a guy that looks like a girl
people who start watching anime might be intrigued if they familiarize themselves with such a character, but overtime they might jerk off to them since hentai is the other side of anime
a lot of people say stuff like "its not gay to jerk off ot traps since they look like women" so this emboldens anyone who is interested in jerking off to them for the first time
once a person starts jerking off to traps, overtime like all porn kinks it develops even more (every porn addicted started jerking off to worse shit over time)
so they go from traps, to actual trannies, from there they either turn into tranny fuckers or the trannies themselves depending on who they associate with more during the masturbartion, if they start associating more with the tranny they will start jerking off to sissy hypno and other gay tranny shit
years of jerking off to that type of shit will make that person really want to play out that thing they are jerking off to, so they start wanting to crossdress and wear wigs and jerk off to it, or they even have actual gay sex on grindr
eventually that person fully transitions to live out their sexual fantasy
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keyed brohu

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Just took a Friday night shit

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Why the FUCK are xbox 360 games prices so damn high? 50$ equivalent for a 2nd hand old game. FUCK OFF. Not even original xbox games have got this bad. FUCKING FUCKS DESERVE TO DIE YOUFUCKING SCALPER SHITS GO BACK TO SHOVING THE WII CONTROLLER UP YOUR ASS
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>toaster is a 1080Ti+ whatever the fuck my daddy bought me
You should get raped by a pack niggers though I know you would enjoy it mongoloid scalper fuck.
Because the 360 was the peak of console gaming.
I could never get into xbox cause the stick is in the wrong place

They banned me because they fear me
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Is this the girl from Kill Bill?
it's the girl from kero kero bonito
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I think that's a child, bro.
You can't do that, bro.

Does anyone else use cbd what's your opinion on it
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Wish flower was legal here, you can get cbd buds but that probably has the same problems since in the uk the thc needs to be less than like 0.3% or some shit
i use cbd to cope for the fact that im losing money holding superverse
Junkies out

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septoil edition
>what is this general for
It's for talking about the septoil

septagon or something like that
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or someone...
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thats not me

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the jews used my roomba to unplug my PC again
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roomba here
i noticed the jews were monitoring your pc so i had to act fast
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thank you for your service

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Average American family tree
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it looks brazilian though
maybe, I think you're becoming more like us.
seems legit

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He looks like that one guy from the Civil War.
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>Looking like a hipster doesnt make you one
thats literally the only thing that makes you a hipster
>Do you define hipster as "skinny faggot who doesnt bathe or cut his hair"?
third row fourth picture
this pic reminded me of michelle phillips before i zoomed in. probably some mamas amd papas cover or rare pic somewhere

btw every definition of hipster online disagrees with you. your definition of hipster is more like the eric cartman definition of hipster

proteincope Friday...
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wow amazing pnakcaes good job excellent work

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oh my god

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