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If you don't have a v8 or straight 6 you are a gay
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Evs are super gay
If your sexuality is defined by the engine in your car, you're in the closet
What if the 4cyl combusts niggers instead of fuel mixture?

I got xanax for the fireworks, oxcarbazepine for my brain damage, rizatriptan for my headaches and sound sensitivity, doxycycline and tretinoin for my acne, and hydrocortisone for my knuckles

But what would help more than any of these is holding hands with someone who cares
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cute anime girl who is she
goku from dragon ball z
holy shit

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Being tall confers no real evolutionary advantage. In fact the taller you are, the worse it is for your health. But somehow height is the single most important factor socially.
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haven't be jumpscared like that in years . gg
you fuckin nigger i yelled "OH SHIT"
the bigger you are the more capable of damaging an opponent.
theres tons of animals whose primary defense mechanic is to make themselves appear as big as possible, they innately know that bigger animals are more intimidating.

Women know this innately too, and while there are other social factors that also matter its still deeply ingrained in our minds to associate taller with kore dominant.

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his thoughts are very complicated
he looks to be thinking about fish

My game got an update.
41 levels so far.
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nothin really sorry
I would offer to help with your game(s) but I would probably fail to do that
I mainly work with Godot 4-4.3 (beta)
It's okay, I managed to get some help in other places and did some things alone so far.
I've also planned a lot of ideas for later parts of the game.
Also, another goofy wedding dream image.

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Why do all the American millionaires I see on Wikipedia have such distorted faces? They scare me.
That's what happens when you get old. Your skin get's all saggy and stuff, at least for most people.
>They scare me.
I wonder why
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Because they're demons?

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Baseball is the white mans sport. Soccer is for thirdies.
Aren't like half the players hispanic?
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Go, white girl, go!
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Why do white women, especially ones with blonde hair and blue eyes, love non-white men?
why are you a rertarded mutt cuckold?

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Who is gonna make a man think twice before fighting or disrespecting
6ft6 skinny guy or a 5ft8manlet full of muscle
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Iā€™m 6ā€™5ā€ 190 pounds. Total lankie, right? Wrong. I can fuck any manlet up even if they weigh more than me.
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Sure you can bro.
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POV: Any man dub 6 foot "male" talking about how height doesn't matter

I rike

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Whay # type of heroin is this? Black tar heroin right? Got 2 grams from the gypsies for 9 euros per gram so for the price it must be heavily cut

I smoked 90-100mg of it 45 ago in a crack pipe (I know I should have chasen the dragon), I can feel the warmth for sure and feeling nice and somehow euphoric so for the price as I said it must be cut because that's a big dose for someone with no tolerance like me
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yes it must be black tar heroin
Nigga you are a fucking junkie. You are never quitting the drugs fag
I guess we will see

I'd probably piss all over this. I'd be giving them more respect then they've ever deserved.
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Id rape some cute japanese pornstar
Rob a bank
Exterminate all humans, but just once.

How do you usually hide the fact that your hands are not particularly girly when cosplaying anime girls?
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Kitten mittens
I would like to order an tost

You shouldn't post pictures of yourself online especially not here.
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I posted my, I thought I would become a lolcow because I am ugly at, but people didn't even care. I even posted my Facebook here.

I will never be a meme, fuck.

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