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Genuinely, what is going on with /v/ why is it so weird lately?
last time i checked, there were a lot of anime butt & booba and it made me cum
that was 2 or 3 months ago IIRC
what's happening currently?
neither of the 2 games i want updates for have updated even tho they promised january and im getting angry

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Therefore Hail Satan
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Praise be to Weydan and all his subgenia, from Oathin to Poseidon and Hitler himself.
The UFO guys will be here shortly, and their appearance will be very disruptive on so many levels you can't imagine.

One big disruption will lead to the death, crap out, roll over and puke its guts out, of all organized, dogmatic, book directed, religions. All of them. Going to fall down flailing as they die in the dust of history.

many christians remaining faithful and true regardless how much evidence there is that all abrahamic religions and hindu is all base on worshipping space aliens as gods,.

Oh, this will be b/c they are all based on bullshit tales extracted from ancient humans' interaction with space aliens when we were dumb fuckers with no awareness at all due to the lower energy levels during the Kali Yuga.
Fuck Yahweh’s archons/Jotuns

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obligatory anime post to piss off retards
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autism and not the funny kind

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women have "work husbands"
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oh shit...
whatever you do, don't have a kid until you respect yourself
my mom ate my dad like a praying mantis then made him have a child
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i dont understand
my husband does work??
dt again

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is that the fuckin cthulhu guy?
he looks like a bioshock character or somethibg
Nah it's Kurt Gödel. You're thinking of H. P. Lovecraft.
ah ye, ty
dunno why i couldn't remember his name
i gotta finish "godel, escher, bach"

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you should separate your porn and meme images BEFORE downloading 40gb of stuff into one folder
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my condolences
so that you don't have to sort through 3 lines of interracial rimjob webms to find the perfect frog for your post
you VILL observe ze interracial rimjobs upon each file management operation
- your own computer

ok faggots, i know this isnt strictly pol but this where all the traffic is, and im dire straits here and i know for a fact this is an issue effecting allot of you aslo

>high level satanic family
>psycopathic coven
>psycotic witch mother and her family coven trying to disinheret me
>they have done extremely powerful ongoing rituals to a. turn my dad against me (they seem to have placed or activated an actual demon in him that has now fully overtaken him - very tactical as he is my only support and im pretty much isolated from rest of family)
b. engaging in some kind of blackmail to do this to him. they are also spreading rumors about me
c. for anons who understand this stuff explain this, they (the demons when they manifest) say they are ''charging me'' - im not sure exactly how this works, but its some kind of accusation in a spiritual court (judges ?)- that then leads to mr being marked and persecuted
- this is an attempt by her/her family and coven to scapegoat me - and i believe make me destitute so i can be ritually sacrificed/killed or something else like abducted/experimented on
>i know this is a large scale phenomona occuring to many anons at this time (its part of an occult/satanic pogrom (ritual sacraficial system

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oh hey jannie, was I outshining your gaytheist tranny friends again? Lose another debate?
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>say they are "charging me"
Yes, Satan is called the accuser. He's the prosecutor. You need the defender. Do you know Who He is?
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> Get the CEO of Egg on the line
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Eggman has a lot of explaining to do

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Trump making America Sexy Again edition

>Educational sites:


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A Taxi Driver (2017) has the dad from Parasite in it. That one was good too if you haven't seen it.
Anybody see that nigger we're sending back to Haiti praise Obama and say he's not going back? Like lmao you stupid nigger, you're going back! These next 4 years are going to be awesome.
This is the first time anyone has heard that you are being sent home.

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>new fat bald basedboy coworker
>already complaining about his job to anyone who will listen
>always tries to make jokes, laughs at his own bad jokes
>if you give him a pity laugh he'll laugh 3x louder himself
>if you ask him to repeat himself he'll just laugh instead
i hate men so much it's unreal
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rump ID
also "tf" ID
i've just started a new hard drive, my previous one has around 5000 stolen, unsorted images which is around when the drive becomes unusable

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hi its uhh me
*fumbles with microphone*
Pepe the Irritated Videogame Guy!

A-and, in todays video we are reviewing... uh.. hold on the disk isnt in the box.. So uh, i was going to review final fantasy 7 but, instead we'll play Doom...
i found an un-chewed cocoa nib behind my top-right molar while reading your post, it was a nice surprise
thanks pepe the irritated videogame guy

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Since /int/ is under a discord raid right now, I wanna ask a question, wht they never raid with actual CP spaming? I remember /v/'s discord raid, it's always dead infants or scat porn, but why never with CP?
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Frog spammers are mods. I can imagine they don't want to spam illegal shit while they're logged in with an account directly tied to their real name and address.
Nope, I'm referring to the discord raids, not frog posting, check /v/ at the dawn
Play more games, browse less v

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impressively high score
Something like that.
That's good then.
See, I knew.
I sleep.
see, no complaining then
but she was the baddie, thought she saved people too

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captcha: J0J VN

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why did /bant/ get so fast right when i posted chapter 3's release date? something is afoot....

maybe this can be the /bant/ drawthread?
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it's about bant-tan and cirno's adventure to reclaim the bant crown
here's the first two chapters in case you havent read them
chapter 1: https://up.heyuri.net/src/3354.pdf
chapter 2: https://up.heyuri.net/src/3355.pdf
i just cringed so hard after re-reading my own previous chapters, i can't believe i thought the art was passable
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I will read this stuff properly tomorrow but don't beat yourself up over the art. Yes your newer stuff is noticeably different but the old stuff is not really bad. And the whole silliness fits nicely with the style.

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