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Elon Musk’s Sexy trans daughter Vivian is calling out her father in a new video calling “incel” supports of her father out for supporting his toxic anti-trans politics.


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Elon Musk is powerful. You are either with him or against him, so I recommend you start sucking his cock on social media.
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There are 2 threads about this subject. It would be a shame if someone were to bump the thread that is about to die...
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I think its common practice for jews to trannify the kids of people they despise as a method of humiliation.

Its similar to how in the lead-up to WWII they would drag out Hitler's distant relatives and claim theyre homosexual, as if it somehow hurt Hitler's reputation by association.

I'm sure, if they could, they would also try to transition Barron Trump, luckily he is too much of a chud to fall prey to this.

Musk is no saint, he is a south african philo-semite and friend of peter thiel. You should not defend him.
However this exchange is a battle between likud jews and left wing american jews, and youre just a bystander.

she is touching grass
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She is touching herself.
And you don't seem to understand...
It's not grass, it's poison sumac.

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Play dungeonborne..
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I want a Korean Wife...
I bought dark and darker before it was free...
play Haven and Hearth with me and other bantoids

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Is the fact that no ones uses xbros anymore but instead uses xsisters representative of the trannificaiton of 4channel?
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Cutting off the penis
No it's meant to insult them by calling them trans
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This website is full of ironic trannies, they all end up dropping the ironic part.


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I svffer as a lolicon in scatvia
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Oh so this is a manlet thread? Then let me point and laugh at op
I suffer as a tall girl lover in Moldova
That's it, I'm done with this country, I'm going to Latvia TOMORROW.
Have you watched Wakfu?
So all those tiny girls I see on the streets in Poland are some of the tallest in the world? Most of them are my height or less, and I'm an absolute manlet.
The world sucks.

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friday is here

What are yuo doin this weekend?
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Modding what? texture? models?

I like racers too, thoughbiet old racers
Sadly neither of us are old enough to drink yet, mainly just going for the rides because they’re fun. If blacks start fighting we’ll probably just walk away

More like a mix of hex, binary data and databases

Models i don't even want to learn to work on them because we have shitty exporters for that game and they were never open-source to begin with

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Same weak father as pederson
And you imbeciles think he is smart
Cant even raise a boy lol

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>absent dad
>become a tranny
Would be really funny if all his kids turn out like that
it would be really funny if we put you all in inpatient facilities because you're too mentally ill to be allowed to wander around strung out in public.
Projecting. Ywnbaw

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>>>/pol/ weirdo
Good morning Saaaar
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Here's how it works. Glownigger wannabees want to dox /pol/ users.
Problem: They don't have access to server logs / IP addresses of users
>1.) Torrent a JAV off nyaa
>2.) Upload hot .webm clip of said JAV to /pol/ with some shitty bait
>3.) Wait for new peers to connect after you post your bait
>4.) Log IPs, go to data brokers to connect to IRL names and addresses.
>5.) Dox & destroy
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Oh look the fed nigger has arrived.
Me too but only the strippers that have put their toes in my mouth.
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Previous offering to jupiter: >>20784321

Free online generators:
https://waifus.nemusona.com (currently down)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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that isn't me.
yeah i'm glad i wasn't there i hate beaches
then who was that

Emma Watson is now an alcoholic. Please support her habit by buying her gin.
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Were i asking a permission there?
What exactly was happening there?
Classical Harvey Weinstein

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Hello /bant/
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Fuck you, Jew. I agree with you.
Fuck you jew, I still haven’t seen lucky star yet
Yeah she's great but still same level as Tsukasa.

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do you have the slightest idea of how much I despise living
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that's the spirit
Have you tried enjoying all the beautiful wonders that life has to offer?
How do I into enjoyable life?

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Google Chrome updated.
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Do you think that chrome will turn into a project like terminator?

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join the maxgaming2007 army now

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