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Today's random Bible verse
>God said to his chosen Shalvek "Shalvek you shall climb the mountain Gonad and take from it the green thou shalt see"
lol Gonad
why would I want Jews to love me dumb ass

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To serve and protect edition

>Who is Betty?
She was a freeloader who appeared on season one of Sam Hyde's internet reality show "Fishtank". She acted as a doppelganger of Violetta, even sharing an identical biography. She entered the house on May 16, 2023 and remained there until May 19.

>Her cat Poncho

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/tfg/ is kind of a comfy thread TF. I enjoyed seeing the fence repairs, the glass art, etc. It's always a nice little respite when this thread becomes a shouting match.
my life would be so much better if i could just filter and only say maybe 5% of what i actually do.
it feels epty it not the same

Any other GAFs here?

>what is a GAF?
A GAF is a gay person who is against faggots.
>but aren’t gay people faggots?
No, not all gay people are faggots. A gay person is simply a homosexual (or for this matter can be bisexual). A faggot is a homosexual whose entire life revolves around their sexual orientation. Think forced lisp, “dressing gay”, overly feminine for no reason other than to scream “IM GAY!”. These are the pride parade guys prancing around with dildoes attached to their forehead. Basically anything “gay for show”. Just because I dress and act like a normal human being doesn’t mean I’m ashamed or in the closet. You can be proud and not be a loud, obnoxious fsggot.
>but doesn’t this divide the LGB community?
Yes, it does, and that’s a good thing. I don’t want to be lumped in with faggots just because of my sexual preferences.
>well that makes you toxic!
No, faggots create the toxicity and the divide initially by telling me that I need to shove my sexuality down others throat.

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one of my close friends is like this and basically explained it like you did when i found out he was gay. I actually didn’t know for a while and when he told me he was I was quite surprised.
more like queers never diet ammiright
>but aren’t gay people faggots?
Yes. Lmao sodomites.

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Videos of Dalit street vendors do NOT represent the whole country of India.

White people are just jealous that Indians put more seasoning in their food.

white people are lower than dalits so they seething about us superior brahmins
Lmao, you're thread got taken straight to trash.
I will not stop making fun of india
I will continue to advocate for street shitters to go home

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Human beings are no different from garbage, Turning them down is no different than taking out the trash.
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There are two types of trash in this world, organic (dust, mud, food waste, stuff that naturally happens because of all living beings) and inorganic (cans, bottles, stuff mostly made by human technology). Out of the two, organic is worse in many ways.
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Are the Jewish people in the room with nus now?

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how do I stop rotmaxxing? I've been doing it since high school...
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Yes i said it you shitskin!
for some reason 4chan uses the old flag from the Saddam Hussein era, i guess they just like based people
yeah just confusing lol

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What is the point of Americans pretending to be spiritual or religious at all since Americans all go to hell on a bobsled, 1st class express anyway?
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41. And he carried me south and placed me above a well, and I found it sealed with seven seals: and answering, the angel who was with me said to the angel of that place: Open the mouth of the well that Paul, the well-beloved of God, may see, for authority is given him that he may see all the pains of hell. And the angel said to me: Stand afar off that thou mayest be able to bear the stench of this place. When therefore the well was opened, immediately there arose from it a certain hard and malign stench, which surpasses all punishments: and I looked into the well and I saw fiery masses glowing in every. part, and narrow places, and the mouth of the well was narrow so as to admit one man only. And the angel answered and said unto me: If any man shall have been put into this well of the abyss and it shall have been sealed over him, no remembrance of him shall ever be made in the sight of the Father and His Son and the holy angels. And I said: Who are these, Sir, who are put into this well? And he said to me: They are whoever shall not confess that Christ has come in the flesh and that the Virgin Mary brought him forth, and whoever says that the bread and cup of the Eucharist of blessing are not this body and blood of Christ.
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The Abrahamic religions force conformity and rob us of our natural spirituality

So beautiful

I am safe :)

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Is the frog-kun poster a psychopath ? Sure his drawings seem innocuous enough, but just think about it, he is basically trying to kill you with his drawings.
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Not really or no i don't
He has a thread on oekaki where he posts all his dirty smut
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My imaginary husband Anthony was an angel on Earth. This is your only reminder for today, I promise.

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>be Brandon Burlsworth
>fat loser who wants to play sportsball
>never drinks, never commits adultery
>never wavers in his devotion in Christ, follows the bible to a T
>convinces his other teammates to pray for success
>turns from a nobody into the cornerstone of his college team through sheer training and determination
>despite losing finals, he's drafted into the NFL
>11 days after obtaining his dream, he dies in an unexpected car accident
So tell me, Christians of /pol/, what benevolent God would do this to one of his followers?
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>dies in an unexpected car accident...

That is the nature of the universe in which we live.
Then why doesn't your faggot jew god just kill all of his followers now before they have a chance to betray him?

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What will be their punishment for destroying and betraying their own Gods and Spiritual records?
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Your skin is shit colored
The funny thing is you even know you’re subhuman. Without us you would be living in the jungle throwing spears at monkeys for food HAHAHAHAHAHA
Your ancestors worshipped a filthy joorat.

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Leroy Jenkins?

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the nazis were wrong about literally everything
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I think that hating Nazis more than Muslims is a sign of demonic possession.
Nazis, Fascists and Catholics of course being interchangable terms
Ebery single poster above and under me is a slutt for BBC

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>I’m 6’3 btw
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well i guess greeks and jews arent that close in looks but im half russian half greek and people usually say i look really good so theres that
greeks actually have a lot in common with kikes like their big nigger lips, curly nigger hair, gay weak chins, monkey body hair, greeks even have the kike beak except with wide nigger nostrils
but i don't think you stand out to people there because of those subhuman features
True, thank you

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