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What are some things that are a big deal only because people make them a big deal?
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>What are some things that are a big deal only because people make them a big deal?
running over glowies
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when they're right they're right.
count off the algorithms you have watching your actions on a daily basis.
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Diet and exercise, white and black dogs, talking to your appliance's and gaming console's corporate headquarters through their devices.

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MINION 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

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it's over bros im ngmi
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you can make your own self-fulfilling prophecies too
you are more prone to receive the vibrations you put out into the world.
actions and presentation as a vibration and harmony.
if you present yourself as defeated, defeat is all you'll ever know.
go on solana and buy someshitcoin that becomes a 100x. WAGMI

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where do i go to get laid?
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I'm about to tell you where this photo was taken from.
Skill issue.
Then don't.
Too many negroloids.
This was taken in the Virgin Hotels off 4455 Paradise Rd. Kinda ironic given she's a whore. I could probably find her in particular. I won't.
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-- S2E7 is on the website and YouTube, watch for FREE right now

>Watch Here


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I agree. I liked almost everyone from season 1 and 2 but i didn't like anyone from season 3
I thought Luke was alright and could have been a contestant in the earlier seasons, maybe Binx and Alex too, but everyone else really weren't worth paying attention to. Not even that fun to laugh at
Will the truth ever come out, that Taylor cheated? Or is her aura too overwhelming, and the truth doesn't matter?

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Protecting community gatherings is important.
Who would resist that?
Who would resist the people of the isles being with those who the people of the isles want to be with?

No one.
Total nonsense.
No one ever would resist.
Not even to the slightest extent.

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This is Davie Selke. He is a professionel football player in germany. His mother is czech, his father ethiopian. It is interesting hoe arabic he looks. Arabs are truly a mutt breed of whites and negroes. This is what the (((elites))) want.

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Put Humanity over profits.
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Put the people over the ego.

Worshipping people like Lenin was the worst thing that happened to the Soviet.
And you’ll say they should all go to church instead of having vast verities of community.

You fear being executed.
put beans over rice :D

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*sigh* where did it all go wrong?

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What the fuck was Bethesda thinking?
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Glad I'm not the only one who thought this. Everyone on YouTube mindlessly called Eternal a high test game with a crazy twist story
>Arcade game, colourful arenas that look as artificial as a Mario map, no attempt to blend into a story/setting plausible area like in 2016
>Lazy story, all the effort went into making it "crazy" so people will say "wow, that was crazy", instead of being remotely interesting like 2016
I loved the story in 2016. It was very simple but very compelling, and the Doom guy was a side character in it.
>Man too angry to die gets sealed in the Nether and wreaks so much havoc that Satan has to put him in suspended animation
>Humans figure out how to make a Nether portal, start using it for infinite lava buckets to power their furnaces
>Find Doom guy while strip mining, bring him back to Mars
>Pigmen start coming through the nether portal, better wake this guy up he obviously was a problem down there
That's my headcanon anyway, Eternal had to go add Lore™. 2016 isn't really story, it's more worldbuilding.
doom 16 actually felt scary, eternal turned it into some cartoon. both still good games I think.

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How many times have non-white women ever shown romantic interest in you?
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funny enough, all six of mine have been white
I’m a white guy in a majority Hispanic area, so all my love interests have been latinas. Funny enough it has only been the lighter skinned to white-passing ones. Darker skinned never liked me.
Three Jewish Women showed interest in me. I married the third one. T. Irish-American Catholic

I don't get it
We are the autistic guy on the right and on the left Brad Pitt is the normies that come here from time to time
It's a reference to the movie Rayman, where Al Pacino is a savant genius who can count cards and has no neck, arms nor legs, but has a floating head, hands and feet.

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peace to you!
Why is gaymierda like this?
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Honest thoughts?
Prv. >>497555035
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As Russia destroys the remnants of Israel, Russia becomes truer.
Frieren my beloved
Anime lovers are cursed

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