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She isn’t Asian
the tears are glued to her face, lol.
dw Tyrone will enjoy the food and much more

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I've never seen a valid argument against free will.
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>punishing someone for something they were physically forced to do is unjust
what if you change your perspective ?
the person or institution 'punishing' the other is being also forced. justice is irrelevant here

I was forced to write all of my messages and think all my thoughts, and you were equally forced to write and think all of yours
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I have free will but I guess some people don't have that experience.
what is a soul?

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i fell for the meme of dating asians and am with a cute vietnamese girl, my problem is i cannot stop laughing when she speaks in her language so i end up having to leave the room. so far she doesnt suspect anything but, she asked me to meet her parents who dont know english well and im worried (im pretty sure itll happen) that ill end up bursting out with laughter when they start talking to each other and i dont know what to do. i already met her brother and sister and the moment they started talking in their language i just started laughing and they kept looking at me like something was wrong so i just had to make up some stupid excuse. i dont know what to do. should i break up? i mean i just cannot stop laughing when i hear them talk in that language /pol/.

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It's OK if I already have 2 white kids, right?
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>They complain about western food, complain about western culture, complain about fucking everything
Wow, literally me
OP said Asian.
Go to a chink massage parlor

hey /bant/

im back again looking for more contributions

music recommendations are always appreciated.
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nice man
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thank you

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Tom and Jerry Tuesday..
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Im about to finish the last 35 minutes of the movie... It was so boring I couldn't stay awake.. Idk why this movie has such high rating....the only good scene was when jack was making out with the naked woman that turned into a dead old lady.....
Clockwork orange is Stanley's only decent movie... Everything else from him is overhyped dogshit...
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cute tom
thank you..
You will drink the Korova milk and you will be happy..
tom and jerry tuesday

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Catholic /v/irgins did you pray to Blessed Saint Carlo of Minecraft, Fortnite, and Roblox today?
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>Acutis' body was lifted from the crypt in Assisi and exhumed back in 2019. Immediately afterwards, it was claimed on social media that Acutis' body was "intact."[28][29] Carlo's mother and the postulator of the beatification process, Nicola Gori, had also spread this information[20].
>The Bishop of Assisi, Domenico Sorrentino, later stated correctly that Acutis' body had not been found intact, but had undergone "the normal process of decomposition"[30] and had been "reassembled with art and love".
>The heart was removed from the body and placed in a precious reliquary, initially in the Basilica of St Francis,[3] and in October 2022 it was buried in a new side altar dedicated to Blessed Carlo Acutis, financed by American donors, in the Cathedral of San Rufino, the historic episcopal church of Assisi,[32] for permanent reburial.
>From 1 to 19 October 2020, a recess in the front panel of the high coffin made it possible to look inside the burial chamber. There, the reconstructed body of Carlo Acutis could be seen dressed in everyday clothes from his estate, his hair prepared and his face and hands modelled in silicone[3][6][30][33][34].

the mother is liar
and then they butchered the corpse
catholicism is a joke

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No it's more nuanced then that.
But your an ass. So I won't bother.

You'll never be cool enough to have your body paraded around on your feast day.
Ahh OP thanks you re-posted my thread from last night

I haven't made a thread since /bants/ founding circa 2017, I started to make a Facebook or Twitter post but posted on /pol/ instead >>>/pol/472826051

I checked to see what threads were getting bumped with my new topic and saw my toenail was like wtf /x/ kek

>be Millennial gamer incel
>perform two miracles
>become blessed through relics and beatification
>become 1st Saint skipping entirely over every other generation since the Silent Gen.

Gen-X Can't Cope


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>shes going to die soon if she dosent start eating more!
>shes going to die soon if she dosent start eating more!!
Let me guess.
She NEEDS to eat more, right?
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I eat almost 2k calories a day and am still skinnier wtf
Post cum on screen on her face
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Unironically un starvable. Genrikh yagoda murdered millions, he is a kike.
I donno how to take a picture of my phone using my phone.

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Stop copying my threads. I bought a ps2 today.
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>luxury items
>second hand PS2

lmao, even
Make your body sweat and drink a ton of water. Avoid sugars and limit carb intake. Sweat it out

hey kraut i bought coq10 cause u mentioned it
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is this real?

Cant you just eat sardines and chicken or beef livers for coq10? I hear its better to get vitamins from whole foods as opposed to supplements anyway

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I have the bone structure of a girl (small head, high pitched voice, narrow shoulders and 5ft8 and 130lbs) , also a -7 myopia.

In real life i can't be assertive, i am submissive because i know i can't take a punch.
I tried boxing years ago and even a light jab in my head rocked me

I tried to lift weights and put weight but i can't go above 145 even with with 3500kcal and i feel sick eating that much , literally stomach pain and sweating.

I got once a gf who was a introvert.. i was searching for weird girls who don't want a manly male.. but she left me when she saw what a bitch i am and submissive with others and i can' t talk even to cashiers.

down is a photo of me when i was 14
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>i feel sick eating that much , literally stomach pain and sweating.
what the fuck are you eating
just get two pieces of fruit and then fill up with dried meat
there's no way that upsets your stomach
You need to wear a wig and let NIGGERS fuck you
You need to get of 4chin

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txh hebes
I love Kuro. I love Illya. I jack it to them daily
thanks lolis

I made a thread about how "it's so over" for beginner artists that are going to be accused of tracing AI pictures just because their art looks like shit, and apparently, it's a troll post?
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I love it when annoying faggots look at jannies banning people for the most dogshit reasons ever and defend them like they're in the right.
smiling friends sucks ass
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I will avenge you, brother

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What are the political ramifications of watching Everybody Loves Raymond on Monday nights at 7PM only on CBS??!
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