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How do you create a box trap like the one in the picture? It should be anchored to the floor with a short chain, automatically lock around the wrist, and be difficult to remove or loosen. Ideally, it would also be inside a collapsing wooden box if possible
Previous thread https://archive.palanq.win/bant/thread/21894110/#21894110

>mechanical engineer for 10 years.
there are several ways to accomplish this, but the way it's shown in the picture wouldn't work.
>what's shown is a ratchet like a zip tie that she would have to pull perpendicularly to engage the teeth into the grooves.
>the issue that reaching straight into the box would not impart any force to close the loop.
>instead, I suggest mounting three pulleys to the side of box, one at the top and two at the bottom as part of a moveable block.
>the key is attached to a cable running up through the pulleys and to the loose end of the shackle. thus, pulling the key quickly tightens the ratchet at a rate of 2:1 compared to the movement of the key.
>the shackle is mounted with a locking cam to sit just below the opening of the box. when the ratchet reaches its tightened state, a notch in the cam allows a capped rod connected to side of the box to be released, allowing the side to flip down. 4x for each of the box sides.
you will have to use slight of hand to pretend to put the loose key in the box
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>She would've been better off ripping the strap

Hindsight's 20/20 obviously but not in hindsight she might've been in a rush because she had to pee and she figured it'd be faster to strip and unlock and get dressed and then walk to the bathroom. Especially if her swimsuit had thicker straps like pic related

Also if she tore the strap she'd basically be half naked anyway. Is she supposed to walk to the bathroom with a broken swimsuit? If she unlocked it it'd be completely intact
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>i can draft it up but it's going to take a while and I have a lot of other work to do first. probably next weekend, since the thread probably won't still be up I'll make a new thread to publish the files so everyone can make their own and start humiliating anime girls

pedophilic image
>t. has never seen anime before
the circle of life

the game

only the strong survive

catch a girl get a girl
Based engineer

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