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My life is so boring that I don't even have a thing to make a thread about. That's why I'm making a thread about my life being boring.
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good advice right here
Make a thread about the life you want then it will come true
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bleached archive
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I vouch
lol virgin girls with tattoos like that are always single or in a lesbian relationship("bi")
youre so mindbroken

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Redpill me on why Flat-earthers still exist in 2024. Are they just people with low IQ's or is it mental illness? Are they being exploited for financial gain?
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It's a bullshit psyop to make actual conspiracy theories look crazier by comparison
Nobody in their right mind would believe flat earth, 5G vaccines, QAnon, and shit like that
But what do normies talk about anytime the topic of conspiracies come up?
The only actual 'conspiracy' is that questioning the narrative is being suppressed by bullshit
>image is always a flat topped object floating in space
I can't believe even tribal retards have better imaginations
They lied to you about literally everything else. Why wouldn't they lie about the earth's shape too? Answer me that for a change. I'm not even a flat earther, but I'm not necessarily a round earther either. To be honest, I couldn't care less about the shape of the world.

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My mother twidded my fucking tipples!
Jakkable material.

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Poster Ids edition
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Feel like a wee boy doggy b4 it gets his nuts snipped. Am on that type of vibe rn
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Is bant even a real board? Am I being trolled? Isnthis a sql backend or summat. IRC botnet?This is ground control 2 major Tom.
Did you get banned from r9k again?

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Bros I'm so scared I'm having a panic attack
I'm supposed to enjoy vacation but I keep thinking what will happen in 2025, what if Trump wins, Ukraine surrenders and Russia wins, then Moscow can demand Yalta 2.0 and either the West spends 5% of GDP on military and risks war with a nuclear superpower or they throw Eastern Europe under the bus and we become a buffer zone and a Russian colony while Baltics and Moldova are annexed into the Russian Federation
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Trump is pro-Russia.
Russia will start another war.
>Nuclear superpower
Many keks
You're having a panic attack because you're a fucking pussy. Like all Poles.

fluffy friday
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Its one of my favorite pals to travel with even if its so weak and has a fairly bad attack that leaves it wide open. still adoreable along with chikipi who I enjoy alot more than I thought I would. Keep an eye out for giant shiny ones with sparkles around them. try to capture them. As you get really high level the pals get better skills (usually) and can take more of a beating depending on their stats. my level 55 lamball cant go toe 2 toe with other lvl 55s nor can it do awesome against lvl 45's but it still can be in it fighting and taking out decent amounts of enemies health. I also max condensed my lamballs into 1 super +4 lamball (this will make sense later) with better stats and more power overall. at lvl 55 its pretty strong all things considered and only really has alot of problems above lvl 45 and against larger groups like 10 humans with guns shooting at it while it tries to fight. still love it to pieces and bring it out alot more for battle than I probably should. Im legit thinking of getting a lamball plushie to put on my shelf and im not into that kind of stuff normally but I love the lil lamball. also adoreable art I saved it
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oh yeah, I still don't know about most of those things kek, but I appreciate the post!
looked for the plushie out of curiosity, there seem to be a few different models, this one is absolutely adorable
very adoreable plushie. I hope palworld takes off and grows and the game keeps evolving and stuff like more plushie and other products come out for it. Would be pretty cool to see and it has a ton of cute pals in it.

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twerking hoes with buttplugs
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this is my mom wtf
Tiny white pecker tranny betabux cuckold
marry me

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what is the evolutionary advantage of white males being tiny white pecker cuckolds?
goonhitler cuckdeath extinction

Brainwashed = filtered out of the gene pool
Evolution doesn't exist so who the fuck cares.

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Time for your daily dose of chocolate
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brown anime girls are their own race desu, most of the time they don't resemble any one ethnic group
she's got a nice shade of brown there
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My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Why are you so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish?

My God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer, by night, but I find no rest.

Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One;you are the one Israel praises.

In you our ancestors put their trust; they trusted and you delivered them.

To you they cried out and were saved;in you they trusted and were not put to shame.

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Which one is the most superiorest froag of them all???
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'ob on the 'og
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say "apu best frog" or else

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bnat wokeuprino

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name my dog /bant/
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name him cat
what type of dog is this, he so cute...
Turbo Raper

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Princess Tummy Edition!

>What is Fish Tank?

>Who is this thread about?
Letty and her princess tummy!

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You guys are such fucking losers lmao sadder than the josieposters
ohhh yeah you are right. we'll see i guess. at least we know she'll try streaming again
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That sounds so sweet! Hopefully princess clears her head of all the things bothering her and starts her life anew!

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