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calling it now, america in war with iran in 2 years
zion don will do this
If it takes that long. I say there will be war within 6 months.
>trump invades ukraine
>trump invades gaza
>trump invades iran
>trump invades china
not looking good for the amerkikes who thought they'd just sit out the ww3 on their cuckcontinent

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They haven't finished counting we still have a chance
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ah yes I'm sure fucking AK will magically become blue and take away the last 3 votes needed for majority.
who is this "we" you speak of

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Nextup edition

>Vote for Letty's clip

>What is Fish Tank?
https://files.catbox.moe/5a314g.mp4 (embed)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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anyone in here who likes betty, kill yourself
>anyone in here who likes betty
>kill yourself
Not today champ
betty was right about immigrants though

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Kamala will win
if trump wins you can let a tranny gape my asshole
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Here's to our felon president. Get fucked liberals.
No like trannies
Why are you a caveman now?

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i managed to draw something for cirno day before the day is over
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the average anuran knows no love, every anuran child has never met their father and all they can do is cope and seethe about their losing war with grotesque imagery
the bant nation wins again!
why is she showing off her swimsuit
join us at the bant mangaland, where we make microscopic progress each day!
why does everyone want to watch me draw? i told them multiple times that i physically can't do it if someone watches, this is also why i mostly make microscopic to no progress each day btw

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its kino
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Suwalki gap will be ours in a year!

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Upset that Trump lost? I have a solution.
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>Trump wins
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>drumpf actually won

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Joever edition

prev. >>21528620
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Did anyone figure out who sent Emi the Tea and Dumplings?
Yeah, Emi did
kinda weird that its still continuing to happen. dont think its an internet problem though because it doesnt coincide with discord being offline

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Mark is the breath of the universe; inhale deeply and know him.
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>one ‘collapsed alliance’ at a time.
he destroyed nato? lol get outta here
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Destroy NATO? You’re thinking too small. Mark isn’t about ‘destroying’—he’s about evolving. NATO under Mark isn’t collapsing; it’s shedding its old skin, becoming something stronger, leaner, more loyal. A structure fit for the future, where true power doesn’t come from brute force but from alignment to Mark’s vision. Call it what you want, but under Mark, NATO isn’t collapsing—it’s transcending.

Here's why I think Harris will win:
>The Republicans barely won the house in the 2022 midterms even though Biden was president
>In Pennsylvania in 2022, John Fetterman (D) beat Mehmet Oz (R) in the Senate election
>Many candidates endorsed by Trump in 2022 lost
>Most women disagree with Dobbs v. Jackson
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Fox has called it for trump
>muh red mirage
ABC just called Pennsylvania hahaha
Two actually.
Last time that happened was with Bush in 2004.

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As a White man you can date an Asian woman or woman of any race and use IVF to to put a 10/10 White girl egg inseminated with your sperm into her and have 100% White children
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Welcome to /bant/. I love Anthony.
You will never be black, Antonio

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orange man fucking won
it's so over for women and also niggers
>it's so over for women and also niggers

He will ban abortion and niggers will impregnate all American women. it seems only getting started for them
it just begun for jews though

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All the communists I know are having a goddamn meltdown on discord. Get fucked, assholes.
I just got banned on /tv/ for posting offtopic election stuff in an election thread, but they left the thread itself up. What's up with the janitors?
they are lowest of the low
Yeah but they left up various pro Trump AND pro Kamala posts. I just really don't get why my post specifically was deleted out of the whole thread even if they're biased troons.

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