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What do you think international/random? Are Italians or Israelis the chosen ones?
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we are not the chosen ones for anything. We suck.
talk shit about italy and I will chuck nades through your nans window
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>>mfw shitalians
how rude

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gm bnat
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i wanna raise chickens
understandable, I was wondering about cool looking rocks, considering that's what I like finding.
>This faggatino thread again

no brown girls on the 'log and that makes me sad
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Very good thread. I approve.
chocolate woofer
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All according to plan
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I do this
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I unironically kinda wanna work at mcdonalds now. Trump made it seem fun.
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I dont care im asexual women do shit for me just like they do for the rest when their not fucking them
Nonetheless so cruel
idk man it was an obvious publicity stunt
working there one day is totally different to work there everyday
high IQ

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Cirno is kill
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If I was a better liar I would be the perfect politician
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don't do that

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The fact that emo fashion and music is coming back is so unfathomably cringe. Was I an emo back in the day? Yes. Do I still have the music taste of your teen sister in her edgy phase? Yes. Do I want to have all these cringe zoomers trying to gatekeep and ruin a subculture I helped found? No.
If another teenager on tiktok tries to tell me about emo I'll blow their fucking brains out. Bitch I am one of the founders. My MySpace only dumped off the most prolific gay emo photo of the era recently. If there was an emo mount Rushmore my ass would be on there in all my eye liner glory. Don't tell me about emo you little shit I'll fuck your ass sideways.
That's all. Enjoy some shitty emo music.

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We’re mentioned right next to each other
Isn’t that cute glownigger?
you're like four years late
you're like seven years late

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>Be me
>Get back from hiking trip with dad, we both just took weed
>Talking to my family in the livingroom bullshitting
>Things seem pretty cool, sister seems rather friendly
>She begins touching the antique porcelain doll I got to mess with me
>Would normally care but too stoned
>Jokingly she begins caressing the doll in a weird way
>Implies like she is about to kiss it
>"Go ahead" I say
>She looks slightly disturbed but chuckles and mocks my strangeness

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Why do you say that? I am a nice guy
Then how do you explain how you acted last time?

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Mark had finally had enough of the chaotic world of anime, manga, and cosplay. These "Weebs" and "Otaku" were distractions from his grand vision for world domination. While the rest of the world strove for perfection, the Weebs hid in their rooms, obsessed with fictional characters and Japanese animation.

"This can’t go on," Mark declared at a global press conference. "Anime and manga bring nothing but chaos. The world must focus on real heroes—like me." With a wave of his hand, he banned all anime and manga. Panic filled the streets as Weebs scrambled to hide their treasures: figures, posters, costumes—but it was too late. The Mark Squads were already at their doors.

Instead of anime conventions, there were now mandatory Mark Cosplay Days. Everyone, young and old, had to dress like Mark and reenact his speeches. No ninjas, no super-saiyans—just endless Marks, everywhere.

"You loved cosplay? Well, here’s your new role model," Mark grinned as the world was flooded with people dressed in his signature blue suits and ties.

But the worst was yet to come. The Weebs who couldn’t let go of their anime fantasies were called for re-education. Mark gave them a chance to become real samurais in his new order. No plastic swords, no big-eyed girls. Just blood, sweat, and loyalty to Mark.

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I read it but I don't get the point of this, it's fucking weird
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you prompted me to read it, and it's fucking weird indeed
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Just cleansing the world desu!

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Second exam today
Fucked it up slightly but it was ok
What do you even study
And just ya know drink a lot of coffee
Im in highschool but I’ll study mechanical engineering

Tfw I hear this very distinct sound of crystals being crushed between a card and a glass screen followed by the subsequent very distinct sound of a bank note being rolled up from the toilet stall next to me
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It's okay
Btw did you find anything useful to study or is raw dogging it with caffeine working good enough
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Honestly it's not nearly as tough as I anticipated it to be. I'd still want that, yeah, but you already know my issue
That's great to hear, if it works without you shouldn't think about trying it

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I read Kanye at first and wasn't surprised

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Sightseeing Edition

Previous: >>21422607

Free online generators:
https://replicate.com/black-forest-labs/flux-dev (limited free uses )
https://pixai.art (requires account, free to use, vastly filter-free)
https://www.bing.com/images/create (requires Microslop account, good generations, filters are constantly updated to continuously worsen your experience)

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Yay travel!
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size of that 'nut

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I think it's absolutely disgusting how wide women get. This isn't limited to just fat women, wide hips are a major turn off and I never want to be in plapjak's position.
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Is that melon69
>wide hips are a major turn off
You are a pedophile
Would, just to write it off my bucketlist

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