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I made a thread about how "it's so over" for beginner artists that are going to be accused of tracing AI pictures just because their art looks like shit, and apparently, it's a troll post?
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I love it when annoying faggots look at jannies banning people for the most dogshit reasons ever and defend them like they're in the right.
smiling friends sucks ass
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I will avenge you, brother

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What are the political ramifications of watching Everybody Loves Raymond on Monday nights at 7PM only on CBS??!
This post is advertising or begging.

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>increases your prolactin levels
>which in turn raises E2 levels (yes, that’s estrogen, you are literally turning yourself into a tranny when you watch porn)
>fucks with vasopressin levels which disrupt your pair bonding ability
>fries your dopamine receptors, causing depression
>dopamine levels also fall afterwards, causing depression and post nut regret
>funds roasties, Jews and Israel, pays their bills and buys them mansions
>causes balding
>distracts you from finding a wife and making white children
>heightens your standards to unrealistic levels, again preventing you from settling down with a real woman and ever reproducing
>is used by the government to pacify angry young men

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If my T gets any higher
I'm going to start a war
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>tfw been watching porn since I was 8

how can i make the italian government legally recognize my marriage with bant-tan?
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i had to go to sleep but also wanted to know how you are doing
my body feels like the blood pumping through my veins are shards of broken glass and i last ate friday
how about you?
that does sound painful, i'm glad you're still with us though, even if you may feel differently
i'm as usual, somewhat less active on /bant/ due to irl circumstances

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I can't do it. I can't play video games anymore. There's just too much awful, evil things happening in the world. I can't just forget about it and lose myself in escapism while children are dying, mothers are dying, babies are being aborted, society is tearing itself apart. I bought Cyberpunk two years ago and I can barely play it for 15 or 20 minutes at a time before I am reminded of all the evil shit happening all around me and I have to turn it off.
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>wastes your life posting on /bant/, the worst forum to ever exist on the internet
>but i dont play video games because it's unproductive/childish

if you cant enjoy video games but post on /bant/ I can only imagine suicide is within your 5 year life goal
have an anxiety attack and kill yourself
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Goodbye Twitch

back in 2013 when I was a 10 I was invited to a Farewell party of a classmate. Everyone was invited and I had the time of my life until 6 pm. I was left alone because my friends left looking for some soda. I had my phone out and was playing some kind of game and laughed. 3 minutes after laughing a couple of girls came to me MAD and ONE of those girls was my crush. She was VIVID and CRYING because NELSON MANDELA passed away like 10 minutes ago. Screwing up my fucking evening.

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all this time you have been deceived, penis size actually does not matter at all.
women will simply just love you for who you really are
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That's a man.
She really is
And no, you can just look

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>be me
>finished school in 2022
>get invited to reunion party last week
>really dont want to go
>go anyway because the alternative would be sitting at home and watching YouTube for 10hrs
>meet the old gang again
>there is the ftm transsexual retard who makes a living of scaring children with a mask in a themepark
>there is the balding twink turned crypto bro who pulled up in a Tesla that had the logo of a carsharing service on its windshield
>there is the athletic nature boy who had a bright future turned stoner hippie faggot by his now girlfriend

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>he tries to rationalize her choice

Don't even bother. I was in a similar spot with my high school crush. She choose a 8 yo older guy so beta he was sipping testo from the enviorment. Indecisive, submissive, without his own opinion. Working a bit over full time just to sustain himself and his 30 m2 apartment. I genuinely got to know him just to try to find what was his "wow factor". Zero, null, none. I bet you're in the same situation. Just stop giving a dam and you will be way better.

>worst part, she met him literally 2 days after we broke up
Most likely he was banging her behing your back. Women always lie about date of meeting her next bf
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>finished school in 2022
>Reunion 2 years later
wtf I haven't seen or heard of anyone I went to school with in 6 years!
What the fuck, the European is yankmaxxing about age gaps and the Yank is Euromaxxing about them. How is this possible

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9/11 never forget.
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Wash your fucking vagina
Thanks doc
thanks doc

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Fishtank Enemy No. 1 edition

>Season 2 is over now

>Who Won?
TJ won after beating Shinji in a boxing match

>Will there be season 3?

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Jon is finishing what TJ started
>Jon correctly sussing out that tayleigh is only using Jimmy
LOL @ sam making tayleigh move the bike.
I bet that apple bottom tts was from wes

Ciel Phantomhive Fantastic Series 児童ポルノを見る

Only difference is that one killed innocent people and one killed bad guys and Elliot is probably more evil
both very relatable tho
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Suck on this
the pimp was originally black but the studio made them change it
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Purchased it
Have yet to watch it

It's sitting there
Waiting for a lonely night

Mood has to be just right considering I already know the plot yet haven't seen it


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