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In 2002, the Warsaw Royal Castle organized an exhibition, "Eagle and Three Crowns", which presented many items stolen from Poland, and kept in Swedish museums.
After the Deluge, the Commonwealth became a "cultural desert". Poland and Lithuania lost 67 libraries and 17 archives. Of all major cities of the country, only Lwów and Gdańsk were not destroyed, and when Swedish soldiers were unable to steal an item, they would destroy or burn it. In ruins were castles, palaces, churches, abbeys, towns and villages. As a result of the Swedish invasion, few pre-Baroque buildings remained in Poland. An estimated 3 million died

Among others, Swedish troops stole such items as:

both Polish and Lithuanian state records (Metrica Regni Poloniae),
the royal library from Warsaw,
libraries from Ujazdów Castle, Toruń, Bydgoszcz, Malbork, Poznań, Grudziądz, Gniezno, Lublin, Jarosław, Vilnius, Sandomierz, Radom, and Kraków, also archives and libraries from most towns of Royal Prussia. Most of the stolen books are kept in the University Library at Uppsala, the Royal Library at Stockholm, and private libraries of the Bielke, Oxenstierna, Rosenhahne, Wrangel and Brahe families,
all Warsaw palaces – completely robbed were the Kazanowski Palace, the Ossoliński Palace, the Daniłłowicz Palace, the Primate Palace, the Bishophoric Palace, the Royal Palace and the Royal Castle,
castles and churches, which were robbed and destroyed, as were almost all Polish towns; the most notable examples are Golub-Dobrzyń, Krzyżtopór, Wieluń, Krasnystaw, Wawel, Tęczyn, Lanckorona, Pieskowa Skała, Kielce, Sandomierz, Chęciny Niepołomice, Ojców, Wiśnicz, Łobzów, Kruszwica, Rabsztyn

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stop naming cats
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what name is him
eric the fox

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The oldest $CZ on #SOL is being revived because we support #CZ vs the government! ORLY!?

CA: GvyAa2LV2LM4b3GjvSMTW2Rpxn3MJhWxDU41aXLsWHeV
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I wouldn't be surprised to see this run to 1 million especially over the next few days as CZ is going to be all over the media
We will send just by virtue of being the first cz coin that shows up on solana
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Yo, holy shit, $CZ is actually sending x2 already.
Thanks anon

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What would you classify as S-tier hobbies? Made a list of some of mine and how much they cost every time I do them
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>That's so hilariously Jewish dude
sounds like you're the jew. I'm just trying to find a sweet spot between enjoyment and being frugal. I rather save money and retire early than spend it all and wage slave forever.
>you shouldn't have time for hobbies. go work 60 hours a week like everyone else
Already making 6 figs remotely with 6 figs in investments. No need to do anything at this point besides cruise.
>$5 per session to play video games?
yeah on average $5 for a video game. If I buy one worth $50, i'll probably play it an hour or two across ten days until I'm done with it.
>up to $15 to draw?
Yeah $0 usually, but maybe $15 for supplies sometimes

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Beating niggers with a stick is free
Golf sucks, way too many boomers.

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>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:
>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:

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>Everyone that is demoralized and depressed is a shill.
That's why they got so mad when people called them Sea Monkeys.

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Reminder that black men are being lusted after in China
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Why can't we have some blacks in Israel?
>Don't leave jewish women out!

Donbas Coal Edition

Commodities include
>Precious metals
Platinum, Gold, Silver
Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base Metals
Copper, Nickel, Zinc

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Schiff live soon.
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the wealth will be proportional to the loss of hair, it's just part of the deal
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Fuck it then I'd lose the hair.

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when (You) are mean to me, this is who you are being mean to
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fat dumbass
very wide
wow i did not know viper got a new laptop great news

So, how are we holdin' on during the dump frens?
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We really have insiders posting among us, huh...
I believe it, after all this coin was born out on /biz/. Does anybody have that airdrop thread that was made on /biz/?
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New FUD just dropped.
These kikes really do not want us to make it.

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They seriously expect you to believe this.
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fucking niggers moved it from /pol/ cuzz they dont understand it.
sounds like you're just too dumb to understand physics

ITT: /bant/ boss raid!

This huge motherfucking boss appears out of nowhere.
Read the full rules here: https://dragonchan.lolisandstuff.moe/

Here's some info about this boss:

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Trying to do a critical strike.
hopefully i dont die and deliver 99 damage instead
*cough cough*
leave me b-behind comrades... i... i can't make it... *dies*

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Get mods to remove email verification. We're here to stay, get used to it
As someone who has been here since the day /bant/ was founded, I can absolutely assure you that nothing worthwhile was happening on this board that you are getting in the way of. You guys are welcome to stay for as long as you want.
Thank you for your hospitality anon. The jannies here are far better and its a red board, throw in some decent money plays and that's a board worth posting on

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what is your fet /r/banter?
what tickles the ol pickle?
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used up whore
I spit on you *thuu* *thuu*
Ahhh so you're gay
when i first got on 4 (four) chan i used to find people openly admitting to watching cp very funny

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it depicts a bald, naked woman being flashed by a car outside her window
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still better than aof
He made a mistake, mistook a Jorgito alfajor for a flipper zero and ate it. Now every time it digests it captures signals.
that's probably true

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how exactly did i do this
*schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*

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