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Anxiety, depression and autism aren't real, those are just signs of being a weak bitch and retard.
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being a bitch made retard is enough of an excuse to leech off your government so...
Anxiety and depression are psy ops by the drugs companies. Autism is by product of the drug companies vaccines.

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'a/ meetup
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Oh no, Not like that
and here you are quoting your favorite hentai
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I fucking love when my thoughts replicate themselves in a way fractals do
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love yourself lots
I will shove a glass rod in your dick
I love they teach you language but hardly a thing else

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my pizza is like 70% tomato and its pissing me off
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just eat a jar of tomato sauce and skip the carbs then retard
not me
pizza is good

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>Imaging starting a fight with a prepubescent kid half your age and still losing

I'm posting this here because nu/b/ isn't fun anymore.

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Circus edition!!!!

previous cottage burning event >>20655558

Free online generators:
https://waifus.nemusona.com (rest in peace)

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CONSOL Energy Edition

Commodities include
>Precious metals
Platinum, Gold, Silver
Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base Metals
Copper, Nickel, Zinc

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390k shares of poo. Just waiting for the stock price to up.
that's a fat bag of poo. we're going to make it, bro
Had to do some recent bottom feeding because the price is too cheap. Hopefully Rana and his village is happy. If we can get to a dollar or so that would make my year.

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still not paying any taxes that I'm not forced to

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Post... well, women.
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"The Waifu Wrestling Alliance. For over 250 threads, the revolutionary force in sports entertainment. Then. Now. For as long as we damn well feel like it!"

>What is /wwa/?
Waifu Wrestling Alliance (WWA for short) is a video game and 4chan E-Federation that uses Pro-Wrestling Video games to simulate a fictional wrestling promotion of user created waifus. We mainly use the WWE 2K series of video games, however we have also utilized other pro-wrestling games such as Fire Pro or Wrestling Empire.

>Getting Started/How do I join?

>Simulator Video Games
WWE 2K23 (Our Main Game): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1942660/WWE_2K23/

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Kelly’s eyes widen in surprise.

>The hospital? I’m so sorry, I had no idea. Thank goodness you’re okay now.

Kelly is overcome by regret as she realizes Sheila’s table mishap must have happened when that rowdy mob stormed the bar. On the night of Kelly’s *incident* with Nikki, Sheila was the reason they both made it to the hospital safely. But now Kelly had failed to return the favor. If only she had some way of getting in touch with Sheila, perhaps she’d have at least found out what happened to her, and would have been able to visit.

>You know, this is kinda crazy, but we’ve never exchanged numbers, so what’s yours? I mean, everyone’s got a phone, right?
Kelly chuckles.
>That would solve our divine intervention problem.

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Kelly notices Sheila’s slight hesitation before mentioning Cassie. She knew those two had history, and it wasn’t positive.

>Well, I tag with Kasumi all the time so we’ve got our chemistry down. Cassie too, I’ve trained with her a bunch in that ring she’s got under the club. Really, we all know each other pretty well, especially when it comes to wrestling, so we don’t need a whole lot of prep.
>It’s just that cousin of Cassie’s. I guess she’s gonna be our fourth woman in Wargames. I’ve seen her back at Club Xtacy a few times, but she’s barely said a word to me or Kasumi.

She glances at the shoe store, then back to Sheila.
>…My mom’s gift isn’t gonna buy itself, and those pretty feet of yours deserve a comfortable pair of shoes.
She extends a hand toward Sheila and smiles.

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8 bumps.

Combined 600-800 fathers and mothers between us and the widespread adoption of agriculture.
They lived in a totally different world than the one the last 20 of our ancestors lived in with the widespread adoption of literature.
These numbers and the pic fill me with a sense of dread I am having difficulty articulating and I am usually very good at articulation.

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Redpill me on what esoteric or symbolic insight I can gain by 'flat erf'.
As an actual model that represents the inner mechanical physical working of the universe it is unworkable and leads to the consuming abyss of schizophrenic nothingness. Accepting flat earth is chaos. We live in a snow globe? That is inside a simulation inside an instance of a hypervisor? Satellites are fake? Stars are pixel tracking cameras?
The only coherent worldview of 'flat earf' is that it is a deeply human centered perspective; if you can't see it, touch it, fuck or eat it what use does it have to me and if it doesn't then notmyproblem.bmp
What does a duck care of newtonian models. Flat earth is a rejection of the concerns of the ration mind/eye and an embrace of the intuitive. Is that it?
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They're bots programmed to post only on /pol/.
some of them seem so realistic
not a flerf to be seen

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It was being discussed in the flat Earth thread but I went to sleep
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flatties are like little children, crying for attention, and when they get laughed at they cry.
do these dumbass niggas still explain the night day cycle by saying the sun is a laser pointer?
its when they cry about censorship but then disappear if a thread gets moved while staying open. they clearly dont care about the discussion.
all flerfs have gone

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influencer type shit edition

>Will there be a season 3?
Hopefully not and TJ won coaltank s2
>fishtank Season 2 tv links
>What is Fish Tank?

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This apparently.
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cute wosie
she brought her special retard shoes

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