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Do you look like that?
people don't have antlers irl sorry

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reading edition
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hello, sup?
got a ton done at home, surprisingly

Brazil bros they got back together
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I don't like wmaf
I always get banned on all boards though
no surprise why

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I have a plan... I have managed to save up $3,000. I have a "job" of sorts because of my retardedness that pays around $1k a month.

I found a plot of land nearby that costs $10k. It is zoned such that I could put a manufactured home on it. So I could get my parents to co-sign on the mortgage for the land and for the home to put on the land. Probably would be around $600-$700 a month.

And here's the kicker: I could continue living with my parents, rent out the place, and use the rent to pay the mortgage.

Like my plan? Is my autism good enough to be weaponized?
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>Guys I am SOOO autistic, just like the 4chan meme! So quirky! (tee-hee!)
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>wealthiest country on earth
>0 notable games
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Wengen and Victoronox Knifes
Ice tea (lemon and peach)
Immaletyoufinish but Schwizerdütsch takes away all the formalities of German and makes fun of basically everyone in the process.

>Hopp, Schwitz!

"hurra, sweat" a classic!
Rivella is like the nectar of the gods. Have loved Rivella since I was a child. Wish it would go international.

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>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I've thought about picking up the habit, but instead of smoking full time running nicotine patch in the morning through afternoon where I don't eat.
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Switch to cigars brother. Yeah a ciggy here and there is ok, but a nice cigar after a lovely meal is irreplaceable.
i can't believe those milkers are only 14

What do you think?

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What are the requirements to be a true polymath? How many people do you think can become a true polymath?
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you can call her whatever you want (notl like she'll mind, she's not real after all.)
I know. Stop reminding me.

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What lives in your head rent free? Those are some valuable neurons you have there but they seem to be used up by ideas that bring you pain and grief.

Get them off your chest! Start charging rent for those ideas!
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CIA datamining thread
But to be serious, probably all that thread war shit I used to take heavy part in. Also the soapbox preaching and total denial of newfags. It gives me mixed opinions on posting again, since I feel like I somehow tainted Dukeposting by association. Whatever, no time like the present for a revival!
Other than that, not much. I'm a lot more complete as a person now.
I'm glad to see you back and repping a tripcode. Glad you've worked some things out!

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he is terrence
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terrence is not a fucking retard
terrence is a drooling window licker
he smokes too much with william it looks like

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my friend chino is so cute
thanks chika

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Hello /bant/ subhumans, this is me.
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no it's some polack
My name's GABRIEL BREIER carve it into your fucking skull

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>wake up
>10 new messages from niggers on grindr saying they want to have sex with me
why are niggers so gay?
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classic glegle poster
bet you said yes to all of them
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rare flag hi
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True by extension

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billiam will have words with you
Billiam needs to relax, corn is really not THAT good
he looks like he's been blacklisted from every pawn shop on his side of town sorry

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Their mentality ruins the world and causes so much pain and suffering that they themselves know about but do nothing against out of fear of losing an advantage.

Is it just me that hates the Pharisee mentality?

>a member of an ancient Jewish sect, distinguished by strict observance of the traditional and written law, and commonly held to have pretensions to superior sanctity.

>a self-righteous or hypocritical person.
I would be mad too if I wasn't part of God's chosen
Break the rules once in a while and do some good, that's all I ask.

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