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Does anyone else use cbd what's your opinion on it
9 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
Wish flower was legal here, you can get cbd buds but that probably has the same problems since in the uk the thc needs to be less than like 0.3% or some shit
i use cbd to cope for the fact that im losing money holding superverse
Junkies out

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the jews used my roomba to unplug my PC again
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roomba here
i noticed the jews were monitoring your pc so i had to act fast
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thank you for your service

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Average American family tree
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it looks brazilian though
maybe, I think you're becoming more like us.
seems legit

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He looks like that one guy from the Civil War.
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>Looking like a hipster doesnt make you one
thats literally the only thing that makes you a hipster
>Do you define hipster as "skinny faggot who doesnt bathe or cut his hair"?
third row fourth picture
this pic reminded me of michelle phillips before i zoomed in. probably some mamas amd papas cover or rare pic somewhere

btw every definition of hipster online disagrees with you. your definition of hipster is more like the eric cartman definition of hipster

proteincope Friday...
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wow amazing pnakcaes good job excellent work

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oh my god

bnat daily reminder that boymoder loves u
thx dude
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Kill yourself nigger
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I know , u don't need to remind me

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Very well, I'll play the hand dealt to me
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Can't do anything else.
true anon, true
also check'em
fug so close ;_;

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I urgently need a woman to make fun of my short manlet height.
a woman's entire worldview is based on advertisements and movies

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Just realized that almost everything I cared about is not my problem
I gonna get a italian airbnb, shloud i do this to xhem
I don't know. Never been to yurop
why do you ask here? you gonna pour oil down the drain and break spaghetti there?

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Is liking feet normalised/main stream in ur country?
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I did not wanted to see that
thats a man
thats a man

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My life is so boring that I don't even have a thing to make a thread about. That's why I'm making a thread about my life being boring.
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good advice right here
Make a thread about the life you want then it will come true
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Redpill me on why Flat-earthers still exist in 2024. Are they just people with low IQ's or is it mental illness? Are they being exploited for financial gain?
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It's a bullshit psyop to make actual conspiracy theories look crazier by comparison
Nobody in their right mind would believe flat earth, 5G vaccines, QAnon, and shit like that
But what do normies talk about anytime the topic of conspiracies come up?
The only actual 'conspiracy' is that questioning the narrative is being suppressed by bullshit
>image is always a flat topped object floating in space
I can't believe even tribal retards have better imaginations
They lied to you about literally everything else. Why wouldn't they lie about the earth's shape too? Answer me that for a change. I'm not even a flat earther, but I'm not necessarily a round earther either. To be honest, I couldn't care less about the shape of the world.

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My mother twidded my fucking tipples!
Jakkable material.

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Bros I'm so scared I'm having a panic attack
I'm supposed to enjoy vacation but I keep thinking what will happen in 2025, what if Trump wins, Ukraine surrenders and Russia wins, then Moscow can demand Yalta 2.0 and either the West spends 5% of GDP on military and risks war with a nuclear superpower or they throw Eastern Europe under the bus and we become a buffer zone and a Russian colony while Baltics and Moldova are annexed into the Russian Federation
24 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
Trump is pro-Russia.
Russia will start another war.
>Nuclear superpower
Many keks
You're having a panic attack because you're a fucking pussy. Like all Poles.

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