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What's special about McDonald's in your country?
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2 chicken mcniggers and a large goyslurp pls
I can get 20% off orders if I use the app
>animal slavery
fvuckin' lol'd

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I need a Steam delivery catgirl ™ in my life
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around the time everything else became DEI
gabe is /our guy/
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I was talking to the Italian, I don't care about you or that you're playing with some "friend".
>they used to ban hentai games
when? i remember they let very controversial games stay up despite most people being mad about it

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>Aint nothin worse then a scum bag who hurts a child!!
I think hurting attractive women aged 16 -- 38 is worse. They have jobs, interests, people they love, people who personally love them, and can comprehend pain better than children. Being able to understand why someone is hurting you makes it worse. Children can not dwell on their mortality like adults can.

>Abortion are a crime againts humanity
Infant mortality was quite high prior to the 21st century. We've developed special coping mechanisms as humans to respond to the death of infants. Fetuses should be grieved over even less. It really is not normal or moral to be this obsessed with the suffering of fetuses, who aren't even sentient, aren't attractive, have no dreams, relationships, hopes, or identities, and won't at least for another ten years.

>What every pedo needs is a bullet to they're head. Their not normal
Tranny deepthroat rimjobs aren't normal either. In fact, most modern sexual behavior is highly abnormal and repulsive. Simulating tying a woman up and strangulating her is arguably worse than an adult having a consensual, loving relationship with a young teenager, because the former puts evil out into the world.

>Moslems are evil goat fuckin pedos

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Biologically, a scrotum contains two testicles, not five. So the metaphor doesn't even make anatomical sense as a descriptor for the five male justices.
physically, I kick them

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Ah hell NAW
2 big
post 2 gay

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see the last thread if you missed it, 450 replies lmao

anons could not best my attempt to prove to them 1x0=1, and moved on to division. but there was so much seething and jidf raiding going on i couldnt answer all the questions. but this anon right here perfectly describes the fundamental flaw in mathematicatics, which is that anything above zero when dividing or multiplying you must add a 1 to

If you are this anon who needs to divide an apple for his three son's: simply ask yourself how many times you need to divide the apple to cut it into 3 equal parts. THE ANSWER IS 2 LOL

thats it. thats the evidence that mathematics is totally fake and gay and jewish. it translates to the real world because its literally math, with the additional step of adding 1 to the number. its so inefficient and jewbrained i dont even know where to begin. its like a jewish tax on mathematics.
>inb4 but jews didnt invent math
youre right, Based chad Euclid did and he never wouldve tolerated this shit. jews and their ideas had infected europe which can be seen with the rampant degeneracy arising out of nowhere and semite brained mathematical formulas like this, with its very definition being attributed to the jew book they subscribe to as evidence. its embarassing. if a nigger can figure it out, and i were you, id truly to start to question whether or not im not the real nigger with this npc system imposed on you as soon as youre old enough to listen
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I'm starting to understand how humanity lost the ability to build aqueducts and indoor plumbing in times past.
1. I don't care, he's black
2. It's not wrong to develop a new framework to think about maths, it's wrong to co-opt terms that already have a concrete and consistent definition to have a new meaning. If he was just talking about how a different operand behaved it would be fine but he wants his new "multiplication" to be canonical multiplication. He wants it to be commutative and associative (without knowing what either of those means)

For that reason he's retarded

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feet friday wont be over
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Drawthread: Home Edition
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I forgot the image......i thought i selected it....i always embarrass myself.....
I really like this horse. Last time I rode one it almost launched me across the fence. Uncle laughed. He said the same thing happened to the owner except the horse was successful that time. Uneducated horse..
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I think the eyes turned out nice
button eyes sounds cool, reminds me of Coraline

>A fresh cheese curd makes a squeaky noise when bitten into, that could be the texture you dislike?
I don't like soggy, squishy, or rubbery textures. Stuff like fat on meat makes me gag

>What about the fries?
the fries are fine, unless they've been sitting in the gravy for a while and get soggy

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Been so tired over the past month, but especially over this past week even moreso. 3 weeks before this one I was tired AF but still sleeping regular, about 6 to 7 hours. But the past week ive been sleeping 9 to 11 hours.

I got a tick bite a month ago and I'm wondering if this is the cause for my tiredness. The bump is still there and its slightly itchy, itches every now and then. It's a real small bump so I don't think I got lyme disease, but ticks can harbor over like 120 different harmful bacteria I heard and I'm wondering if im so tired because my immune system is being overworked trying to get over the bacteria from the tick bite
ya u have lyme, get that shit checked out before you die on hood nigha
Idts. Plus isn't it really difficult to get a test and diagnosis for lyme? I looked at a bunch of lyme bites too, and while the bullseye bite doesn't happen to everyone that gets Lyme, the bite still is usually pretty big from the non-bullseye lyme bites I've seen. My bite was really tiny, like a mosquito bite, its finally just now starting to clear up like I can't see it at all anymore, but it does still slightly itch every now and again, to the point where it feels like a phantom bump/bite. Like I can feel it but can't touch or see it

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Does the regular woman think and fantasizes about dicks the same way regular men think and fantasize about boobs? Are women just more subtle and secretive about it?
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Yes but not the question
regular men fantasize about dicks
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your flag looks like a stuffed olive

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How do we fix Japanese animation, /bant/ - Random Anime Transport Torrents?
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what the word of the day?
no wonder you have so many power outages

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They were once men.

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Happy Canada Day, banter
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Thanks I hate it here
>>20686833 (dubs)

why cant crypto catch a bid while the stock market is non stop pumping

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