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Can you see the stars when you look out into the night sky?
What is a star?
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Now I can, but back when I lived in the city the light pollution made it impossible to even see the northern lights when we're right smack dab next to it.
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It's no wonder you reeeeeeee
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This speaks to me on an emotional level.
No but we have this thing called the Luxor that shines a bright ass beam of light into the sky all day and all night.
I wonder if the ayys see it and want to come party.
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Years ago my grandma died and left behind her memoirs, she mentioned how when she was young she used to watch the aurora australis from her backyard, we can't do that anymore, I weep.
Australia has an aurora?
9 get
excuse me
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This picture hurt my eyes
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Lets un-hurt them!
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god i remember that thing
at night, there were so many moths in the spotlight that i saw BATS eating the moths
there's a nice graveyard with low light pollution out in the piney woods
oh hell yeah
normally kill threads, but the cirno threads are immortal, i didn't think about that
Stars are annoying.
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I wish I was a barefoot little girl
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But then it would hurt to step on hard ground.
I DON'T FUCKING CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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