Can you see the stars when you look out into the night sky?
>>21355770What is a star?
>>21355770Now I can, but back when I lived in the city the light pollution made it impossible to even see the northern lights when we're right smack dab next to it.
>>21355803It's no wonder you reeeeeeee
>>21360414This speaks to me on an emotional level.
No but we have this thing called the Luxor that shines a bright ass beam of light into the sky all day and all night. I wonder if the ayys see it and want to come party.
Years ago my grandma died and left behind her memoirs, she mentioned how when she was young she used to watch the aurora australis from her backyard, we can't do that anymore, I weep.
>>21422247Australia has an aurora?
9 getexcuse me
>>21355803This picture hurt my eyes
>>21439580Lets un-hurt them!
>>21442647lol>>21364834god i remember that thingat night, there were so many moths in the spotlight that i saw BATS eating the mothsincredible>>21355770usuallythere's a nice graveyard with low light pollution out in the piney woods
oh hell yeahnormally kill threads, but the cirno threads are immortal, i didn't think about that
>>21355770Stars are annoying.
>>21464724I wish I was a barefoot little girl
>>21464813But then it would hurt to step on hard ground.
>>21467436I DON'T FUCKING CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>21355770i see stars in your eyes
>>21355770What do you think about this cutie anons?>>21486676
>>21355770Yeah because i dont live in the city
>>21355770yes :D
>>21355770there's a lovely graveyard here outside of town, near the piney woodsthere's a huge clearing/empty field directly to its north. you can see the sky from the graveyard lookng in that direction. no light pollution or anything.
>>21628182I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
>>21355770Unfortunately only a few, I wish I lived out in the country.
>>21355770>Can you see the stars when you look out into the night sky?no
>>21355782What is love? What is creation? What is longing?
>>21670587I will show you the way of love, Tomoko
>>21423791Southern lights. Opposite of the northern lights. He's complaining about the increase in light pollution in his hometown.
Stars are not real.
>>21355770Yes because I finally moved out of the city
>>21355770barely, i live in a hellish cityscapei will be able to later when i move, hopefullyi'll then buy a telescope and get into stargazing
>>21720669i can assure you it's worth itthere's things i hate about being in this tiny-ass town but it's beautiful every night
Kill yourselves animetrannies
more like troonho
>>21355770Sometimes when I go to the outskirts of the city I can sort of see faint dots in the sky but I’m not sure if they’re planes or stars, normally no the sky is just gray with the only light being airplanes
>starsGayass mofos, worthless balls of hydrogen and helium. >noo but they are twinkly and cute-Fuck those stars. Harvest them for fusion reactor fuel. We don't need faggot glowing dots on the night sky. Build dyson spheres around them, harvest maximum energy, fuck those twinkling little shits TAW total anthropocentrism win
>>21783685Holy fucking based, we should also rape them in front of their planets just to stablish dominance.
>>21783685Rude and based
>>21783685Fuck the stars is right. I'm on board with this attitude.
Yes i watched the gemnid shower from my back yard.
sometimes i see the stars but not always
That Canadian is a glowie anons
>>21828780>>21828782I guess you’re British and Aussie no surpriseThere
I was taking out the trash and the stars were so bright I had to take a 3 minute pause.
>>21846692For the past few nights I've been able to see Venus bright as a welding arc in the sky.
>>21355770i can even see the planet mars shining, it is so magnificent.¡adoro ese planeta! me llama
anyone tells me how to find polaris?
>>21388188Cirno studies C++
(You), OP.
dubs and i jerk off
>>21945914No sinning today, apparently
Dubs and I'll finger my eye sockets
>>21948225Guess I'll still be able to see
>>21948227You're playing a dangerous game
>>21940372leave the cities
I saw so many stars and planets the last week anons! Very cool!