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Given our ambitions to use technology to facilitate the creation of Robowaifus as well as Monstergirls thus replacing human women. It would seem prudent to consider the hindrances that seem to naturally upon taking such a course.Also as always post cute Robowaifus/Monstergirls
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that seem to naturally arise upon taking such a course
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A certain eventuality
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One such obstacle that I have given consideration to is the possibility that the creation of Monstergirls through genetic engineering may cause speciation bringing civilization into a state of systemic failure dissolving it and imposing in its' place an ecosystem
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My speculative solution to the problem is that if you make it so that Robowaifus have children that are either another Robowaifu or a Human Male and that Monstergirls have children that are either another of thier kind or a Robowaifu you can establish a kinship amongst all parties involved thus preserving civilization
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Entities are naturally inclined when able to preserve then replicate their existance and will compete with relentless ferocity under baseline circumstance sexual reproduction by creation of a common gene pool systematically incentivizes entities to act as parts of a greater whole
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We await sand-resistant models
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could use bump about now
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Men want one thing.
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>could use bump
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Another obstacle is how to produce children with a Robowaifu that would be a true meaningful synthesis of both parents (Robowaifu and Human Male)
and it's based
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>how to produce children
Artificial wombs will need perfecting
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My thoughts on the matter are that insofar as the technology involved is capable of simulating a human think Whole Brain Emulation creating such a synthesis may be possible
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to have a son yes but not a robot daughter
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What are your thoughs Anons?>>21941234
>>21941236 >>21941242 >>21941245
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>Men want one thing.
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I'm starting to think some of the Anons who usually post in my threads may have been banned
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Robowaifus look great in swimsuits
Robowaifus will save the west, bump
This will eventually happen, regardless of people trying to stop it. Male nature is for the majority to be disenfranchised and discarded, and today's society has polarized men and women to the point that loneliness is extremely common. Now add to that the need to coom and companionship for most men, along with ideation of fantasy women, whether anime, vidya, actresses, or even furfaggery, all of it will be possible with robots, and all of these issues will be solved with robot companions. Lonely men will not care whether society ostracizes them over it because they already are ostracized. A robot companion would get rid of their loneliness, have something to get their rocks off. And this is talking without even the perspective of robots being the general future due to them just being replacement housemaids. It'll be as common as having a car to have one cleaning your shit, and from there the whole relationship talk will naturally follow. It will be one of the largest social talking points of the future as the vast majority of men (again, male nature is majority being discarded) will naturally be inclined to have one as a companion. I don't see a future where we somehow consolidate the complete social disintegration between men and women either so this is the only natural outcome
the 4chan mods are grooming again
not banned fren, it's just 4:10 AM here
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I'm not a mod
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so what are your guys thoughts on my previous posts >>21941234 >>21941236 >>21941237 >>21941242 >>21941245
>anal for beginners
GOD, I'd love to have anal with picrel.
let's just stick with affordable robots for now
the bigger debate will be arguing with feminists and their simps, who will want to ban them because "they enable abusers" or some bullshit
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I don't find human women sexually attractive from my perspective your desire to produce subpar offspring with them rather than a Robowaifu or Monstergirl is nothing but dysgenic
You made an assumption without understanding what i like. I like em' cute, soft, kind and humanlike with unique features. Some want monstergirls, others want steel svetlanas. Different strokes for different folks.

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My thread is not only postulating a complete restructuring of civilization and Humanity on a fundamental level. It is also speculating on how such a reality ought to be brought about. How is that not political shouldn't it be on /pol/?
some of you type really wierd and not normal. as for this thread I prefer robowaifu. im not against monster girls but that to me is a hot cow female human hybrid or whatever the fuck its called. >>21941240 its in that pic in the lower right I guess. but apart from kryptonian and saiyan female I pretty much just want robo waifu as thats a reality thats possible. And people in this thread talking about having babies with robots and stuff. interesting concept and with the right future tech maybe. honest shame magic doesnt exist. it'd help bring about the whole robo waifu thing better.
>tfw cant snuggle up to old black and white horror movies with a cute robo waifu at 2am
Honestly, anything female that's loyal, kind, faithful and wants a big family is preferred to me.

The more I find out about the average roastie, the less appealing they are apart of a distinct role as a slave wife or surrogatemother.

I just don't find them and their flimsiness, their body language towards me, their psychology that has driven them towards their current situation and so on attractive anymore.
I will probably just look for surrogate mothers when I make it, or move to a country that upholds prenups to the point I actually can see myself marrying and copulating with a roastie or kick her to the curb the first hour she refuses her wifely duties.
God, no man deserves a wife that is biologically wired to mistake kindness and love for weakness and can't return the same love she gets in her darkest hours towards the man in his.

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