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Based Friday
hi chads
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Tummy and pits > feet.
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Explain this?
And it doesn't have to be a femdom thing. I also sometimes like seeing a bitch get her feet licked and fucked Nonconsensually, or when she's tied up, or while she's getting mating pressed.
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>And it doesn't have to be a femdom thing
no but it has inescapable similar elements. you are a dirty boy who doesn't get to enjoy the good parts of her, you get her feet. there is absolutely a level of humiliation fetishization that's part of this on a fundamental level and I would bet serious money that the same people deepy into feet also watch cuck porn and other similar degrading anti-male subversion.
>no argument
you tried your best
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>no argument
>to my non-argument
how much cuck porn do you watch? and don't lie.
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>You don't get to enjoy the normie trinity PiV, buttsex, and facefucking
Y not? I get in the mood for those things sometimes While never being into any kind of NTR.
And who decides what parts are better than other? Because going off of pure sensation a womans booty is tighter, nicer and clappyer than her "natural" pussy, even though the only reason it doesn't count as a fetish is because its so common.
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>why the arguing?
some "people" like to enter threads with things they don't like and insult them. it's their coping mechanism
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the adl is trying to shut down /bant/ yet again
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/bant/ has like three users. A glorified discord server desu
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God I fucking love Lappy.
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almost monday here
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die footnigger
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live feetchads
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bump for footkings
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excellent taste
good to see a fellow based zankuro enjoyer
dead twp incel gooner in a ditch friday LOL!!!!
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I dont really watch a lot of porn but when I do its a combination of feet/cuck/femdom it hits just right. but I can only appreciate it if the bulls are black and dominant and athletic af and have huge perfect dicks. I dont like seeing white men in porn (unless theyre subs - if the submissive is black it also ruins it for me), im 100% straight so a dominant white guy cuck video automatically ruins it for me cause it breaks the fantasy and makes me feel gay

I also really like those bnwo/whiteboi beatdown/ballbusting/stomping/forced dirty feet licking splitscreens and anything thats very degrading and beta and loserish for white ppl while black guys get to have lots of alpha dominant sex in the same video. Im also into taylor swift a lot
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this is the most jewish thing i've read this year
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No hard feelings but I think feet are pretty neat.
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bold statement tbdesu
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how does it feel to know this deviantart artist is a transexual man
(male to female)
i give exactly 0 shits about it
>a transexual man
so.. a brainwashed tomboy right?
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