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>Weed kills 0 people a year

>Weed makes you more creative

>Weed relaxes you

>Weed can cure some cancers

>Weed makes you laugh

>Weed promotes the growth of new brain cells

>Weed makes you question societal paradigms and teaches you to think for yourself

This last point is the most important reason why conservatives want it banned. People who think for themselves are a danger to them.
Weed made me schizo
Weed kills libido
Feels like i'm back in 2011. Shut the fuck up.
only if you're low T, I can get high all day, goon all day , blow 3 loads and still have 2 loads later for my wife.
They changed the weed many years ago. That shit ain’t calming in any sense of the word.
>>Weed makes you question societal paradigms and teaches you to think for yourself
no it doesnt, it just helps you focus intently on things. and that's only a specific strain that stimulates the brain. its up to the individual whether or not they will learn new paradigms or "think for themselves"

i was a chronic weed smoker for many years and i've given it up for years now, i wouldnt recommend it as a frequent habit for anyone. it ruins your drive, memory, dreams, and lowers your general cognition the more you use it.
it easily becomes a crutch "ah i cant be creative without it" but that's bullshit, and you are just addicted. the one good thing about it though, is that the addiction is only mental and not physical. in comparison, nicotine cravings can actually physically torment you in negative ways. whereas weed won't, making it much easier to quit if you really wish to.
weed has gotten plenty of people killed.
weed brings you in contact with niggers.
niggers get you killed.
Banned or not who gives a shit? You really want daddy state to tell you what to do so badly?
Im sure weed smokers believe this
nicotine kills your libido. Weed does not.
>Weed relaxes you
haha, no
I die every time I smoke weed
Some years, I've died like a dozen times

>weed, not genetics
Yeah, sure
Weed does not relax me around other people. It makes me paranoid. When I'm alone, then it's fine. But I don't know how people go out in public high.
do you actually know any long term pots heads?
its a slow decline into retardedness
it all starts off fun and games
by the time its done, tying shoelaces takes concentration
everything you spewed is kike propaganda
>take the herb, goy
no thanks
Weed is ok when you grow it yourself, legalization makes it just another candy bar or piece of bread on the store shelf, the true magic and mystery are lost.
Why I know she got a potbelly
I want a gf to toke with.
>>Weed makes you question societal paradigms and teaches you to think for yourself
no it fucking doesn't lol
anything that gives you fake happiness, ie drugs and alcohol, makes you LESS likely to pursue difficult measures to improve your life
you can't say it's relaxing and encouraging action, these are antonyms
junkies aren't even human, I don't take anything you say seriously since I know it's just the drugs talking. As far as I'm concerned the real (You) died when you took that puff.
Quitting tobacco was easier, i have quit both on separate occasions and weed is harder.
No it does the fucking opposite.
I’ve never seen someone improve from excessive weed use. Gummy’s and oils are good for muscle relaxing, anxiety, and sleep though.
Weed makes people lazy and schizo and thats worse than any individuals death
They want it banned because it makes you lazy, which is an undesirable quality for a slave.

Get back to work, wagie.
Ibuprofen works better than weed and has no addictive properties.
the indicas strain definitely do, but if you are doing sativa which is a mind stimulant, it can easily spike your paranoia and anxiety.
indica has its uses medicinally, it should be given as pain medication rather than opiates in a lot of cases. but that's not a reccomendation for recreational use, just helping people in severe pain.
Apparently some people are genetically predisposed to that. You could have done a dna test beforehand to check whether you have those weed-induces-schizo genes. At least that's what I heard.

You could legally grow less potent weed yourself. Surely you can source some more original strains.
Being a drug addict isn't political
>tfw weed helps me with my anxiety more than any prescribed medication has
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>there are different strains bro
literally the meme
>please smoke weed
>sincerely, chinkenstein's monster
the various strain names like "OG kush" and all that are entirely meaningless in their differences. but the distinction between indica and sativa is real.
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>Weed kills 0 people a year
Think again!
it was better when it was illegal because it forced people to talk to me.
all women are whores
That's a man.
sour grapes.
they aren't permanent tho if that's what you mean
I wish I could smoke weed
Like 15 years ago smoked all day every day, but anymore it gives me psychosis and it isn't any fun
I am a complete degenerate and I do loads of drugs, and even I can admit weed makes you a lazy faggot. Sometimes if you have a week or two with no responsibilities it's fun to be a lazy faggot eating pizza and watching tv, but if you have a real job you will perform worse if you smoke weed regularly.
you have to be predisposed, it is just like the alcoholics.
you could recover it if you quit
Weed is the only thing I have found to help me with my anxiety. Too bad it makes getting a job a pain.
Ever since weed became recreationally legal in AZ half of phoenix smells like skunk ass and diesel fuel. You can be driving on the freeway a quarter mile away from one of those grow warehouses with your windows up and still get noseblasted with that rank scent. Niggers driving around puffing on blunts at stop lights without a care in the world... kids all vaping weed in the school bathrooms... half the people in the checkout line of any retail store are clearly high as shit on either weed or pills... I'm so fucking tired of it bros...
relax karen
weed makes you lazy slob.
t. I was working in with dude-weed goys in a british warehouse
It was actually Ashkenazi genes
Weed makes you a low energy retarded zombie. The lengths stoners go to with their copes...
>just chill while society crumbles around you bro
>don't worry about it bro
>just smoke weed bro
great idea... surely this will end well
>weed brings you in contact with niggers
Not when you grow your own.
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you sure it was the weed?
Kek, you’re one retarded gorilla nigger.
30 year smoker here, built a biz and sold it so I could retire in my late 40s. Most of the successful people I know are high daily.
Your cope is funny, because it’s so patently false. Retards get dumber with weed, intelligent people do not. You are clearly a retard, thanks for letting us know. And stay away from the weed, waterhead.
>Throws the radio in the bathtub when white rabbit peaks.
t. Guy who just watched Reefer Madness
No. You’re schizo cuz you’re Jewish.
Based weed resisters.

Jews legalized weed to further destroy their american golems, make them lazy and dumb, a cope mechanism to deal with the anxiety of their society being destroyed and not even care about it.

I remember during the plandemic when the goyverment gave out the "stimmies" a bunch of gringoyim I know spent all the money on videogames and weed. I told them they would get assfucked by inflation and should spend it wisely. They didn't listen. Now they whine about inflation every day... and also keep smoking weed every day to cope, rather than man the fuck up and fight.

If you didn't live in a fucked up dying society you wouldn't need the daily jew herb to cope. Same goes with uncontrolled thothery and pornography.
>it should be given as pain medication rather than opiates in a lot of cases
Maybe that'd work in Canada. I was dating an ER trauma nurse for a while and we got into the discussion of why fentanyl even exists, he response was pretty point blank - most people are addicts of one form or another but when they end up in the ER they need anything that will actually stop the pain.
I have a high pain tolerance to begin with. I've smoked plenty of weed in my teenage years. I can hold my liquor. If I showed up to the ER and they offered me weed for my "pain" id give them an ear full the same way I do whenever they offer me their hospital grade Tylenol for $200 a pill.
The only actual usecase I can imagine how weed being used in a medicinal setting is for people with sleeping disorders. Maybe give them some weed instead of ambien or trazadone. Better yet, have them get off their lazy asses and go to the gym once a day so they can burn off all that extra energy.
Society needs to stop pretending that weed is actually beneficial and just needs to acknowledge we all collectively want another recreational drug to enjoy.
>This last point is the most important reason why conservatives want it banned. People who think for themselves are a danger to them.
This. Ben Nosepiro and Shabbos Walsh don't want you to smoke so you go and flip burgers for their capitalist buddies.
supplementing T will make your balls tiny
Weed makes people get anxiety and schizoid behaviour and gay thoughts.
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Weed stinks worse than shit. How can anyone enjoy this?
There are people saying same about beer.
You talking about 70's weed, weed nowaday is hard drugs.
Based AZ fren. My apartment neighbor smokes in their car non stop because you can’t smoke in the lot. I can literally smell the car from around the corner, it’s so dank. Plus the last concert I went to was basically just one giant hot box.
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>reddit spacing
weed is an MK ultra psyop
Was anti weed, started smoking to cope, became addicted, and now I've been sober for about three months.

I fell into that trap of "weed makes me more creative and happy" when all it was doing was making me a numb retard and making me feel sick. Plus I was beginning to develop psychosis and extreme paranoia.

Weed is great in small quantities but acting like it's a miracle that can do no harm is purely retarded.

I feel so much more energy and just as happy as when I was fucked up 24/7.
Weed is by far the most intense and damaging drug I've done. That list invludes fent, coke, mdma, dmt, pcp, meth, acid and ketamine. It fucked my life. Made me a paraboid, anxious, mentally ill wreck. I knew a very serious criminal who said the same thing in prison.
Weed is literally a tool by the CIA to make you apathetic. the whole weed madness thing was a psyop to make people think its actually good, but the reality is that it IS bad. You got got pot heads. I fell for it too in my youth i wasted so much of my youth because of weed.
If this was true why would it even be an issue, libido is a curse.
where did you get your weed from?
thats actually a good thing lol
i wish i get rockhard when im stoned, not so much when im sober.
addition to what op wrote
weed amplifies the mood you were / are in while using it
if you smoke weed when you having a latent schizo paranoid epsode or are in the process of learning about how fucke dup the world is (you should not smoke weed then) you will have a bad trip
if you are having a good time, stable life, no fear, no anger, are well grounded so to speak, you will have a good trip

bad trip can fuck you up and fixing that stuff takes years
Damn I should start smoking weed with femboys in a bathtub
90+more days for flower, cant wait for my next batch because all the stuff i can buy here is kind of shitty. my weed gives me superpowers dont care what you say. i was only able to start my own business because of the weed.
dont mix weed with tobacco
dont use tobacco leaves / blunts either
only smoke icebong, use a medical vaporizer or use it for cooking
do NOT mix with tobacco
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most people are useless retards and if they smoke weed or not doesnt matter. their lifes will never amount to anything. its basically just random if youre a maker or a hanger.
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>pasty white weedsex in cold bathtub water, with no ambiant noise to block out every brap and slish
what a disgusting, tiny little tub
Lmao look at that tiny bathtub. Imagine telling your bitch to squeeze into a tiny tub with you
jews can't handle any mind altering substance because it breaks your coding and you are confronted with how shitty you and your swarm have been since the dawn of time.
Surface tension makes fucking in water very awkward.
Being alive and living are two different things. Weed junkies don't live, they're merely alive.
jew hates people at peace, jews need you in constant state of anxiety, fear, despair so you focus on wageslaving and have no time for anything else. jews want you in office most of the day because then it's easier for them to do their things and go about their business. ever drove around city mid day and how nice and mostly free of people it is, no traffic no crowds. now compare that to when everone gets off work
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Weed is nowhere near as bad as alcohol, I'll give you that, but the promotion of weed has negative consequences for society.

>Weed makes you more creative
Dubious at best. The most creative era of music was fuelled by psychedelics like shrooms and LSD.

>Weed makes you question societal paradigms and teaches you to think for yourself
Again, psychedelics are the only type of drug that can actually put things in perspective and improve your life long term.

I used to smoke weed in high school and university, but stopped after getting a real job.
I've never missed it at all, but tobacco has its grip on me still.
Never met a respectable pothead.
I frown upon people who drink alochol and smoke tobacco as well, would ban all of it if I could.
But there are many okay people among them. Weed has that extra edge of hedonism that attracts terrible people, I guess.
It is?
there is correlation with schiz and low iq btw
no, being a jew did. weed just made it more apparent. just like psychedelics don't make people retarded, it just brings out the person deeper within the nesting doll. some people unleash a feminine energy, others act literally like retarded children. because thats the person they are beneath it all.
I will never get to experience intimate moments like this
its always helped making work a lot more tolerable. a very small amount of weed in the morning, maybe some at lunch and definitely some when you get off work, thats the most enjoyable time to do it. but some jobs are made easier in that they can be both mentally and physically exhausting, but weed cuts into that discomfort factor that can be a drag. im sure most people assume weed can only hinder work, but they've probably not done a variety of jobs where weed makes the labor more bearable without slowing down production.
have you tried.. getting high?
>Smoke weed
>It's laced with fent
>Oops, now you're an addict
Many msuch cases.
You were always schizo
If you really are you should be baptized Catholic
If you fight me you're not a schizo
t. Schizo
They pass, then you're back where you started or where you are now
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Weed makes you a dysfunctional left-liberal piece of shit that can be trampled under a FEDERAL BOOT...
it CAN make you give fewer fucks, sleep and relax better. but, hard working people use it too to make working so damn hard all the time a lot more bearable. copes? why the fuck do you care so much? the lengths anti-weed people go to to let everyone know they hate weed. we get it.. its none of your business though unless it personally effects you. you simply not liking it is a really petty and retarded excuse. and thats exactly why im telling you to get high. so that you can realize how stupid you've been for being so against it.
Rabbi Goldsmith with the hot questions lmao
Are you me bro?
If I stopped smoking and took a Testosterone supplement I bet I could cum through walls.
don't smoke weed, bro. just talk about things online, like how gay and retarded weed is.

great idea, im sure people like you will change the world.

seriously i am going to change the world even more than i already have, and i'll be stoned the whole time.
>Weed makes you question societal paradigms and teaches you to think for yourself
I see how you wonderfully rephrased "increases the risk of psychosis", miserable kike piece of shit faggot.
LIES I love pussy on weed more than anything
You're stupid and cant differentiate between indicas sativas and crosses
Also do not smoke northern lights or anything with northern lights in it if you get scared easily, it might give you the impression you're having heart palpitations. White widow too.
>images you can smell
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How old?
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turns you into a pacifist fag ready to take in the migrants. you are not supposed to chill, nature & instinct tells you to rebell against the corrupt system but weed makes you docile. you are not supposed to chill in times of struggle.
as someone who has enjoyed weed for the last twenty years and been around plenty of different people who've also done it for many years i can say yes, many of them own businesses and wake up at the crack of dawn every day and work until the sun goes down. and i worked for them so.. i also know from how many of them ive interacted with at dispensaries that the true weed heads. and you can tell them apart.. the ones who really are spuer high just all the time. theyre not dumber, they're actually smarter in a strange way that i almost hate.. but i'm one of them so... but it can make someone more shrewd. they develop a certain personality that is truly "chill" or relaxed, but at the same time they are very judgemental and are quick to see how un-chill and retarded other people are. its nice when everyone is having a good time and enjoying the same things, but the second theres a disagreement of some form you'll see how pretentious and condescending they can be. they're almost always subtly insult you and plant the seed in your head that you are in fact stupid. like the eye-rolling waitress that can tell how lame you are. thats the omega stoner.. they can read your stupid fucking mind and they're bored of it.
weed is for copeniggers
You wot nigger I'm mellow AF yet ready for TKD
Weed makes you lazy, unmotivated and retarded
I've lost friends to weed, they didn't die but they became worthless degenerates that I don't wish to interact with anymore
My girlfriend even struggled with it for awhile, it's very hard to stop once you're hooked

If you do it more than once a week you become a drain on society
Legalizing it was a disaster for society
I’m on day seven of quitting weed after over a decade of daily use. I think about suicide a dozen times a day.
weed makes people slow and dumb and lazy

spaced out degenerates
Based. I judge people in a microsecond.
>smoking cures cancer
This is doublethink you retarded mongoloid. Keep slurping up propaganda.
I set out once to quit after 10 years or so and 7 days I decided its a stupid decision.
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>two dirty hippies hitting a bong in a dirty cluttered tub
was that really the best weed-related image you could come up with for this thread?
Shawty is just about as appealing as a log of shit that somebody done scooped out the damn toliet!!!
This. Makes me hate smelly potheads even more. Get a job you fucking cretins.
I feel a lot dumber after hotboxing my car every night for 6 months straight. Been over 2 years without it now but have never felt the same.
you talk like a subhuman. you are not supposed to be 'mellow'.
Keep on moving forward. I was just like you. Realize that needing anything everyday is a weakness. Basically you're not even a man if u rely onba substance daily. I'm not trying to make fun of you, it's the kind of thinking that made quitting easier. Smoking anything is bad, period. Daily even worse.
Modern mainstream strains are very high in THC and low in CBD
They nuke your brain , cause anxiety attacks and dissociation and get you addicted fast
Never smoke anything above 15% THC by weight (150mg/g), aim for at least 10% CBD as well
Indica/sativa/terpenes "Entourage Effect" bullshit is disproven low-IQ stoner pseudoscience
Only THC and CBD content matter, the rest just determines smell and taste
>Weed kills 0 people a year
people are killed BECAUSE of weed like with any other drug, not necessarily from it
>Weed makes you more creative
>Weed relaxes you
makes me paranoid
>Weed can cure some cancers
>Weed makes you laugh
I laugh plenty. weed makes laughter obnoxious
>Weed promotes the growth of new brain cells
>Weed makes you question societal paradigms and teaches you to think for yourself
it just makes me incredibly thirsty
Makes a lot of girls horny though. Or it did an ex gf of mine back in t he smoking days. does opposite for me
but ALCOHOL bad
Same here anon. I'd go in the garage 5 times a night all while I could have been hanging with my wife and kids. Choosing time with weed over time with my kids was stupid. Not everyone smokes as much as I did. But still my life has been much better since I gave it up. My relationship with my kids is better. Me and my wife do better shit than smoking a joint and watching movies
Alcohol is bad anon. If you want buzzes there are much better ones
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>first 2 posts from genetic dead ends
for normal people weed makes us feel good and like horny dogs
must suck not to be able to enjoy it
>Weed makes you more creative

Weed makes stupid people think they're being creative, while everyone else around them who isn't fried just thinks they are retarded. Of course, the pot head is completely oblivious to this.
Weed replaces genuine experience.
It steals meaning from life.
It makes people believe idiotic things.
Weed makes people change how they think and they can't even realize the errors in their own cognition.
Weed makes people stop giving any shit at all about abstract morality.
Weed changes people, makes them rude, crass and dumb. It makes people intellectually lazy, habituating them to a reward loop where you get to the point right away without enjoying the particulars of life. Without having curiosity, without cherishing moments.
Weed makes people anxious and agitated whenever they can't get high.
Weed fucks with memory, and creates zombie cognition.
Weed is effectively addictive.

It's hands down the worst thing to happen to the white race.
It disarmed us in the 1970s and it's been downhill since then.
Weed is the worst most destructive drug if you haven't figured that out you're a retard get the fuck off pol
and then there's you, staring at the ground and angrily posting online about what your day
I'd make you take a hit, watch you start freaking out then beat your fucking ass on camera
in the case of beer, the beer we consume today is nothing like what our ancestors did
beer today is full of estrogenic hops which give you bitch tits
>The estrogenic activity of this compound was reflected in its relative binding affinity to estrogen receptors from rat uteri. The presence of 8-prenylnaringenin in hops may provide an explanation for the accounts of menstrual disturbances in female hop workers.
>pussy who had a bad trip is retarded
Lmao Ngmi if plants retarded tribals smoked and mastered scare you off lmao
niggerweeed drug addict cope thread

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