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Oh no, poor Jesus, got nailed to a cross over 2,000 years ago. Boo-hoo. Get over it, already. Plenty of people have been tortured, killed, and suffered way worse since then. Quit acting like your ancient martyrdom is some special snowflake event. You really think this ancient tragedy still matters in today’s world? Pathetic.
>Memeflag slop thread
I wonder if 4chan jannies will at some point employ AI to filter threads.
In fact, many thousands have been crucified, not just him.
100% of christcucks are double digit IQ retards.
kys jew
why are all the bait threads meme flags?
Jesus didn't exist.
He knew that it would happen and He let it happen willingly so He could fulfill the scripture and become the Author of salvation
But he sacrificed himself to save us from himself!!!
Then why did god drown the world if he loved it so much?
Simon of Trent. That was way worse. Why don’t we worship him? Oh yeah jews wouldn’t like that..
Jesus isn't special because of his death, but because of his teachings. For example he has greatly advanced physics with his ground breaking Schrödinger's Cat experiment where after his crucifixion he locked himself into a cave for 3 days where he was in a superposition of being both dead and alive until the cave was opened and he was revealed to be alive.
Enjoy the lake of fire, you digusting dog.
He did to save the world/humanity through noah's lineage. God believes in an afterlife.
(3) But heaven forbid that I call these people faithful. For to me the shrine of Matrona and the temple of Apollo are equally profane. If anyone charges me with boldness, I will in turn charge him with the utmost madness. For, tell me, is not the dwelling place of demons a place of impiety even if no god's statue stands there? Here the slayers of Christ gather together, here the cross is driven out, here God is blasphemed, here the Father is ignored, here the Son is outraged, here the grace of the Spirit is rejected. Does not greater harm come from this place since the Jews themselves are demons? In the pagan temple the impiety is naked and obvious; it would not be ease to deceive a man of sound and prudent mind or entice him to go there. But in the synagogue there are men who say they worship God and abhor idols, men who say they have prophets and pay them honor. But by their words they make ready an abundance of bait to catch in their nets the simpler souls who are so foolish as to be caught of guard.

(4) So the godlessness of the Jews and the pagans is on a par. But the Jews practice a deceit which is more dangerous. In their synagogue stands an invisible altar of deceit on which they sacrifice not sheep and calves but the souls of men.

Kikes are upset that u take offense to them torturing and killing the incarnate author of creation. Let that sink in.
Faggot kike
Pre-diluvian humans were almost unsalvageable. Literally fallen angels mongrelized them and created nephilim.
But he spared Noah and his lineage because they were the only salvageable humans left.
He a saint and shiet
never drown someone you love. you lay awake at night for the rest of your life swearing you'll never do anything like that again

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