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airbrushsie edition

>When Josie Stream? @sheep_xing on youtube
monday regular/Wednesday membership/friday regular

>Will there be a season 3?
>Will it be ass
>fishtank Season 2 tv links
>What is Fish Tank?

>Season 1 archive Days 1-42 + the full motion capture archives

>Thread template if needed

Previous: >>20821256
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josie is the best and i love her
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lovely angel
josie needs to get over her hang-up about selling her artwork. people are giving her money just to read dumb out loud their stupid comments. giving them something tangible for their money would hardly be more exploitative than that. the demand is there, lady.
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Dorksie. I love her.
I miss Abi
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She heard you.
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Gone immediately.
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soooo cute
handcrafted by josie, lucky bastards
maybe we'll get an actual pool stream one day...
She can't swim, hates the sun and will never wear a bathing suit on stream.
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best girl
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yeah, what was i thinking
that latest short doing some numbers
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when will humans learn to stop gulping the poison bros
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eh the risks are well known. too damn good to give up entirely.
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Anyone else see the shit on tonigetem being a creep?
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damn i love josie. i'm glad she's making stuff and i hope she's encouraged by the obvious demand for it.
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She loves crafting things so this is good
In Her Lane
some inner circle fag, went ballistic on some people talking to the one jap girl when he harassed her for weeks
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erm i love josie. art streams are always the best :]
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I wish she was more confident in her art
I wanna buy it
yeah same I know it's unintentional but I actually like how the shaky lines look I think it adds to the charm of the artwork. kind of reminds me of madsaki's artworks
This thread is so grim. Trolling it would feel too mean.
anime expo video status?
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waiting for it to drop
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shirt is sick
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i agree plus the hat too
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she's so pretty
tiktok filter hapa josie or redskin injun josie? personally, i like the real deal.
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also came out he tried to confess his undying love to a girl with a fiance not surprised lol dudes just a genuine creep and needs to stay away from josie
keveinseethecord strikes again dudes a genuine fucking creep who needs help
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i guess wiggers are just universally lazy
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god damn i love josie
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Real quick? Boobsie.
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ERM!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE JOSIE WOSIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol josie get better music taste
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josie and bad taste in all forms of media just go hand in hand lol i have learned to accept this
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cutest dork
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wosie friday!
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have to miss this one unfortunately fml. hope it goes well.
Why does it seem like that there's not a lot of enthusiasm around Josie anymore? Is she falling off? Are people finally starting to get bored of her?
it's over shes done and the trash factory is calling
Fags here love drama so when there isn't any they think nobody cares anymore.
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okay discord nig lol get back to leaking screenshots of the most recent falling out that seems to take place bi-weekly. we're chillin.
cordfags killed the community with their constant infighting
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It seems like no one even wants to troll or fabricate drama anymore. Even niggerlips got bored.
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we won, simple as. this has always been the josie stream waiting room but now it just has fewer baiting niggers roaming around.
Congrats I guess. Personally I've always found these threads more entertaining than her streams.
Calling this toxic shit hole a community is hilarious.
typical fishtank fag mentality. the forced fake drama and feeding into attention hungry losers like heck and niggerlips was always cringe and gay.
Well enjoy your 1 post per hour then
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Hope Josie know who shes hanging out with!
This girls publicly expressed having a fiancé many times.
i will, thanks
Nigga shooting his shot. I don't see the issue.
Give us some chat leaks or fuck off back to the cord
He's ugly so it's a problem for her.
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Still doesn't make him a creep lol. You guys are such fags.
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>You guys
no chance it's not just 1 guy that got bored and decided to IP hop
How would you guys feel if toni did this to Josie?
u dont actually care. if u did u would do something besides complain. + toni W
They've hated him ever since he called Q4L out for being a perv so it's not a surprise they're trying to smear him
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and yet they all react positively to him when he's in stream chat lol
If they think Josie likes someone they'll pretend to like that person too
why should have Q4L banished when Toni subjectively did worse?
>oh no a guy liked an adult woman! lock him up
You haven't provided any proof that Toni did anything
Like I said, post some chat leaks or fuck off back to the cord
they both did a cringe. if you care so much bully him publicly. are you afraid of him?
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He harassed this girl on steam for weeks and multiple voice messages guy deserves to be outted as a pest
also had to go digging for this ofc the cord tried to hide the proof
make a x account or say something in chat if you care so much but you wont
I'm not really convinced, got anything else?
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Look at what you've done.
irl stream today?
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Looks like it.
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i love josie
she just recently came out with this stuff, shes scared of him. i'm sure she'll reveal more in the future.
Care to post what she said about it in the cord?
I'd like to hear it directly from the horse's mouth
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Oh so THATS why Toni freaked out on q4l. Toni wanted Froggy but she wanted that 30 year old q4l cock. KWAB
Okay, that does seem kind of weird
I don't know if I'd consider it worse than what Q4L did but the dude clearly needs to chill out
By the way, I hope you edited the timestamps on those, that's what they've used as evidence to kick people before
Toni wanted puppybot who had a fiancé yet still went after and confessed to her. moreso think this was an obessive little sister thing which is still so fucking creepy
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Stop making /ftl/ threads. I'm not picking sides. It's just time.
>moreso think this was an obessive little sister
Wtf does that mean?
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Hey guys, it's your buddy Chad here. Has anybody gotten attention from Josie yet? Attention you didn't pay for, remember.

I also came back to show you this picture that warmed my heart, but also made me laugh at the same time. It warmed my heart because look at these two young lovebirds, headed for the prom. You just know they fucked that night. So touching when down syndromes like them makenlove. Like the ones who are so dumb as to be harmless kinda thing. Anyways, it then made me laugh at the same time. Not because they are down syndromes. But it made me think of you guys. This black negro down syndrome who probably lives in a group home has lived a richer life than everyone posting itt.

I never should have dropped that acid and smoked that opium with that blonde chick on a french plantation in northern Vietnam while on a mission to kill a rogue Colonel who they claim had gone insane. The truth was. He wasn't insane. It was the war that was insane.

Anyways good luck next time losers CHAD OUT

Like he assumed froggys was his little sister. Or maybe it was romantic who knows; weirded out by it and had to say something.
You're welcome.
Eh, in that case it doesn't seem that bad. The Q4L thing was pretty messed up and I can see how Toni would really want to make sure she realized how weird he was
It kind of sounds like he took it way too far, if I was in his situation I probably would have just considered her beyond saving and given up
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Discord was a mistake
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>gay drama
you're like schoolgirls i swear
What did Q4L even do besides try to invite an 18 year old to Japan to self harm and smoke cigarettes together???
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Being a random name in chat has its percs frfr. I never have to worry being exposed on here. Some 1idbp posts "MegaTronJoeyy fucked up today" with my 'cord screencaps.
who care?
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general faggotry
good god, all chat talks about is what they've been eating / plan to eat. is that what most of you talk about all day long?
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>erm ID
i won
it finally happened
I got it like a year ago
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a brazilian josiebro got it a long time ago... damn i don't know why i remember that
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Objectively good (non-toxic) brosies
>deep fried baka
>seb diddy
>spruce team six
>mac and cheez
>Christina L
>flowmasta flam
>mysterious fossil
What about Ligman Ballschowitz, our resident non-jewish friend?
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jpn girl or froggys emilie w/e here i would like to say ive been exiled for outting toni as a creep
i didnt leak this shit but now ive been exiled from the server just from outting toni as a weirdo! i have a lot more to say but that beaner harassed me for weeks and i was kicked cause i didnt sit and be pretty about it anyways AMA on inner circle ;)
>Incoming 'cord damage control cleanup crew in t-minus 1 minute
That may have been plac a mentally ill tayjeet
>im not here
Its over
This is the drama?
Yeah, they do have a habit of kicking anyone who tries to call people out for acting like freaks
You hear anything about the weird stuff they did at AX?
Why are you "jpn girl" I thought you were white?
posting this for her shes too retarded to figure out captcha
Shes not japanese she was the one who wanted to meet up with Q4L in Japan
Hello is this the drama thread?
you faggots watch reality tv? jesus fucking christ this site is dead
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Did you do anything yet
Who are you?
wosie soon
oh wouldn't you like to know
That's why I asked you nigger.
bowling a good idea for a stream. who doesn't like bowling
Why don't you just confront him yourself? What do you want us to do? Why involve us in your gay discord drama?
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shes making fun of (You)
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agree it'll be goofy
Omfg yes mommy martinez step on me
Would you want to talk to a delusional schizo beaner? lol
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Hi, could you please answer my question >>20853325
Thank you :)
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>i/oc572Q was a literal schoolgirl
boundaries were uncomfortably crossed from what i heard
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incredibly cute aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Are they still trying to keep Dokk's Discord begging a secret?
damn i want to bowl with josie
Why is she so anxious now?
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loud noises or something idk look at er go though
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Bowling by herself on a friday night
Dokk pressured Josie to add her on Discord at AX
i love josie
Fascinating how stupid she is
Did she?
Yes, Dokk has Josie added on discord. Do what you will with that info.
Hi Andy! bet youre jerking ur tiny cock to this rn
She isn't on the server.
Also, Dokk showed up early when nobody else was there when he added her on discord
This is correct, she said no multiple times but he kept asking until she gave in

This is correct

This is not correct
I'm on the server. She isn't there.
head canon
oh boy, more infighting!
he added her as a friend on discord, retard
Thoughts on the inner circle peer pressuring her to go to universal with them after she hung out with them for days at AX and when she ignored h tier dms they offered to pay for and still didnt get a response?
she doesnt even know it's gios birthday LOOOOL
a japan stream would be amazing. i hope she wasn't just being polite
That's pretty fucked up. It's also kind of fucked up that they were taking and sharing pictures of her without her permission :(
A free trip to universal? Those sick depraved mentally ill fucks.....
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a member they had in the server for months btw going back to the twitter groupchat if only you know how bad it was i hope someone tells josie about this stuff and how fucking creepy her "fans" are they save photos of her from highschool.
i have to agree it sounds fun but they asked her and she didnt respond and then proceeded to pester her after being ignored when she was obviously mentally worn out from everything
He was kicked.
after like 7 months lol
Oops, here comes damage control!!

Well, considering she unfriended Dokk Dewky and Quand after the con I have to assume she has some idea of how weird and stalkerish a lot of her fans are
She specifically told people she wouldnt talk to them if they kept being weird
aidan right now
i have more
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Keep going, I'm hearing stuff even I didn't know
the reason yoyo was kicked cause "furry hate" when in reality he made moves on josie and slept in her airbnb and people got insanely jealous and kicked him cause of that
Hi Rex and Andy!
how was stream i had to miss it
The abo and canadian cockposts were less gay to read than this discord drama desu
Also, Jon was in the cord for a little showed proof and everything however thats not really juicy

You're welcome Aidan and Andy! 2 peas in a pod
I know they like to use "leaking" as an excuse to kick a bunch of people at once. How many of you got booted this time?
If she doesn't hate you guys yet it's only because she's too much of a pea brained retard to realize what everyone's true intentions are.
None of you are any inherently different than bad ideas kek
they also stayed over at josies hotel room who knows if someone spent the night but seems they were drinking and having a lot of fun! :D
theres also photos of her looking just so done and wanting AX to be done she looked so sad in some of them like she was being forced to take photos with sex pests
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They all make fun of moe but he's just another side of the same coin.
Does everyone in the discord have male BPD? How can this many people turn on each other at the drop of a hat? This is like the fifth guy.
Funny that they still have the audacity to pester her online like nothing happened
It's probably best not to be associated with Dokk and friends at this point lol
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great stream
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josie having a mild autism attack at the bowling alley was fun
are these people full of shit?
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idk what u mean
Crabs in a bucket
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giobros say it not so
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this has been needing to come out for a long time that theyre all creeps
no particular reason im asking this but got any thoughts on ol zackb? i hear hes quite the creeper
Spam time lmao
nothing i know of all that nigga talks about is wrestling
however theres some harsh words if josie doesn't conform to their every action
mean shit if they dont get a pic with her and i just feel bad cuz of her anxiety
all i know is schizotoni called him a creep one time with 0 evidence backing it up but toni legit needs meds so
will say ive noticed hes oddly parasocial with her and thinks of her as like a close friend when hes admitted to never talking to her in his life
No one has tried to call you out. I believe you
Dokk say something... say anything.
also hiso and dewky have girlfriends and ik hiso still is a top donator to josie why not spend that money on your girlfriend? if you actually have one
he can't defend it its just the absolute truth theres nothing really to lie about in this situation don't get me wrong either i like dokk the ax thing was beyond weird though
imagine having girlfriends and not telling them or even asking if its okay to hang out with a girl youre obsessed over and have openly expressed loving lol
Lol I find it hard to believe either of them have girlfriends since they spend all their time stalking Josie Wosie
awee their lil josie wosie posie needs more attention then their actual girlfriends :3
you guys need to get a grip
Thank you madasylum1 pls stfu now
Keep going actually. It explains a lot.
well what do you want to know?
I heard they didn't even really talk to her at the con, basically just dragged her around with them
Pretty funny (and sad) that they just treat her like a doll
they objectify her so much if only you knew how bad it was if you were in the cord lol its like shes not even a person
Have any screenshots of them saying shit?
ohh josie dont do this pls do this go to here!! go to this con but dont do that also dont talk to that person but talk to me!!! dont wear that dont talk like that dont act differently dont mature dont dye your hair dont wear that certain style
if ur in the cord i shouldn't even have to show screenshots the posessive shit is enough with them telling her "YOU CANT GO ON 2.5 OR 3 YOU NEED TO STREAM FOR US EVERY WEEK!!"
This one in particular is cute
Do they ever goonpost
yes and someone got called wrong for saying its fucked up and should be shot for lewding josie
I'm not that's why I asked.
I'm sure they deny they do any of that stuff if you try to call them out on it

I heard they were trying to get Ren or whoever to donate a bunch to try to coerce her into not working with Jet lol
Fishtank is a mistake if she wants to keep the YouTube train rolling strong to be fair.
probably why he donates so much in order to support her enough to not go on another season its weird and i think they're trying to control her in some fucked up way
As former Inner Circle Janny I’d like to say that this collapse has been a long time coming and that they all are indeed Losers Creeps and Pedos
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u welcome i just mentally ill enough to out it
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uhhhhh josie is pretty
How come no one ever says anything?
You must’ve just been added recently.
This all has been brewing for well over a year now.

Stand proud that you have been able to do what no one up this point has been able willing to do.
So is this list correct? >>20853226
Yea essentially all the people named here are chill and simply enjoy Josie for her streams are have no role in the current state of affairs.

Their presence in the discord was simply that of fans of Josie and nothing more
white noise is that you????
Thank u white noise
Yeah, they really do see her as some kind of doll. You said you like Dokk but I really don't think you should let him trick you into thinking he isn't one of the ringleaders of all the awful objectifying shit
He does the retard baby talk publicly but constantly schemes and shit talks everyone behind their backs
He's nice to people he thinks will get him closer to Josie, a textbook brown-noser
cuz theyre embarassed and have the same hivemind and dont wanna out eachother as creeps unless someone does something they suddenly disagree with then that person is wrong
>one comes in to run interference
There we go. If legit why didn't you ever say anything?
Shiester xisters...
yes all of these guys from what i know are good and jjust nice ppl to talk to
Im just gonna take the zachpill and believe everyone I dont like is production
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>josie doesn't create a discord so she can avoid unnecessary drama
>it happens anyway
You tell me

Your welcome

A lot of the recent stuff I was not present for and most of the previous stuff I never felt was egregious enough that I felt the need to come forward, that it could be kept in house. I wasn’t present for the Q4L stuff as well, it was around that time I took my leave out of a loss of interest. I always wished to see the chat burn, I just didn’t want to be the one to do it

Shiester is a good boy, frankly he should be on that list as well
if u cant tell who i am by now ur tarded
Just say it nigga. Realistically what do you have to lose? Don't be a pussy.
Q4L did nothing wrong and it was blown out of proportion for dumb discord drama also miss u dude
if ur familiar with anything josie related you'd know by my typing style by now guessing ur a newfag
Yea I have no idea please enlighten me
lol most josiefans type like niggers. You're putting a lot of people on blast but won't put sign you're name on it. Kinda bitch shit. Was >>20855613 correct?
It’s Emilie kek
Damn close enough
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>I didn't speak up because uhhh uhh I didn't want to
Give me a manga to read lol
i/oc572Q, desu you haven't really revealed anything that juicy or that we didn't already know.
Hello Ducksen.
Essentially pretty much, I didn’t want to. Nothing powerful or heroic and I never claimed to be a saint, there were always others who took up the wholesome Chungus mantle that could’ve said something but never did either

Sakamoto Days
Oh so you knew this stuff?
If >>20853341 is true it’s a team effort
That they are bickering, possessive retards and a couple of them got ostracized for being weird? Yeah you don't have to be in any discord to know that.
So was all this just larping or is there something juicy?

Stream's up
What about the in person stuff? Those guys are still around. Sounds like you're trying to pretend this is totally normal
Ducksen is playing the white knight because he thinks it will get him laid. The guy is a loser that cries about how lonely he is all the time and blames everyone else but himself for his problems. Emilie ain't going to fuck you and neither will Josie.
It's not that shocking and this anon didn't really go into specifics.
Yeah, imo the only way to fix things is to get Dokk and Dewky and the rest of their little group to fuck off
For some reason they ended up in a position of power and everybody below them is too much of a pussy to say anything about all the weird shit they do (and pretend that they didn't do)
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holy shit this is so fucking gay
josies been kinda depressed acting the past couple streams is it over this drama? i dont get it
Wouldn't surprise anyone I don't think
Why would she be aware of internal discord shit though? how does any of it reach her?
Anime expo durrrr
The anon with 51 posts made it sound like she was in the discord server.
theres no way thats the case imo.

I guess, but she seemed invigorated by the AX trip.
Concern trolling fishtank niggers can shut the fuck up btw. Enough seemingly factual shit has been dropped we don't need you muddying the waters.
I believe Andy had leaked a discord call with Josie and all her top donators once
Invigorated to try new things. Doubt the gang was responsible. Imagine hanging out with those dudes for 4 days straight and how overbearing that'd be. Yuck!
>they missed the secret stream
lmao internet losers
emilie here again ig im using my actual name now but ducksen isnt posting this and he told me basically nothing abt ax except for having a nice time please dont bring him into this he knows less than you guys do
Then where is that then huh? I can believe her having spoken to some fans for a lot of reasons. Even if I doubt it a lot.

Yeah it seems terrible. I would also find going to an anime convention to be terrible and her tastes in general are completely bizarre to me.
Eh, I don't think Ducky has much to worry about
What are they going to do, tell Josie he was mean to them? And they think she'll believe them?
hes been targetted by andy N rex 4 months and still won lol
Why you shitting on andy and rex, they would absolutely love what you attempted to do here today.
this is true i like the people there but some of them seriously need to learn not to be creeptards
cant fathom why anyone is jealous about not being in the server everything gets leaked here anyways
oh im not and never had shit with them theyre probably enjoying this a little too much anyways if andy and rex wanna ask me any questions ask here or my disc!
See what happens when you let a bitch in the group chat....
who's the blonde chick? new? first day watching, i don't remember her being around earlier.
also i'm sad i missed the psyche moment when they brought streams back.
Wrong thread faggot.
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oh no! someone outted people for being sex pests. some of you are as bad as BI and dont realize it.
What happens?
>sex pests
They annoyed you on discord. Settle down.
She mental booms on 4chan and leaks all the perv creeps or the other one cut "REX" into her chest and posts abt eating disorders despite being chubby lmao
Hoes ain't loyal... Snitched on the whole crew baka
Run that last bit back. Huh?
I mean the stuff is pretty bad. No one is saying it didn't happen. The anime expo stuff is extra wtf. Sounds bad. Why are all of you so mum on this for so long?
no1 annoyed me there just u niggas are weird some of u r good but sometimes i look at messages and go what the actual fuck would compel someone to say that yk also just saying just because u kicked me doesnt mean im not seeing everything you guys are saying rn ;) u have someone astray in ur group and youd never guess who it is!:D
>Why are all of you so mum on this for so long?
They don't see anything wrong with that sort of behavior
Not gonna mention her name she'd probably get off too it too much all i have to say about it is "Benleaks" and before Froggys
I'm not in the discord schizo nigger.
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Emilie pls post more racoons
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Protect Josie
Cherish Josie
Smite Josies enemies
i got kicked for outting toni as a cockroach creep so i would be if that didnt happen
btw imagine getting kicked because you came out and said someone make u extremely uncomfortabe u guys r like creep enablers
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btw hi toni! i know youre reading this! by your own words
Dude lol
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You realize that there’s more evidence of Ducksen being a creepy weirdo than of anyone else right? When we roll out the guillotines your buddy will be first in line.
drop some evidence then you stupid bitch
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Whats your opinion on the age of consent?
however i get kicked meanwhile this guy was here for months BI was right josiepedo thing is real.
ur evidence is ducksen making dumb jokes nobody actually wants to sniff josies farts besides you Andy!
This thread STINKS
Now that Ducky called them out for being freaks they're all going to be gunning for him, not just Andy and Rex lol
Also dokks intentions with josie are definifely romantic ... i cant imagine why he'd wanna be alone in her hotel room... and privately ask for her discord without telling anyone... creepy
how do you know that this happened
welllll its not being denied....... and we already know they wanted her in a discord and wanted to put her in a seperate channel to hide their degeneracy
so you don’t know
ITT: gullible retards taking the word of an 18 year old alcoholic femcel that has no life outside of creating drama on Discord.
Pls don't create anymore threads after this one. I can't take anymore of this faggy discord drama.
These threads should’ve died a year ago

Everything post Whippet drama is an epilogue

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