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>e-celeb worship/faggotry
just get cable like the rest of the vapid normalniggers
>weab retard cry / complain thread #7162553
do people still use cable
I thought it was all netflix n stuff now
yea most normalfags just pay for 5+ streaming services. ik my sister does
jeez what a waste of money
just saying shit tank users could easily replace their lame shit with "days of our lives" soap opera and wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
also they're throwing their money at jews anyways.
at least the soap opera will charge them less.
I hide every general thread as soon as I see them so I mostly don't notice
but yeah it seems like a really weird thing to fixate on
yep a $5 a month VPN would save so many people hundreds a month
>Paying for a VPN
Be like me, mooch off of 2 people's private servers
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their life is so vacant and devoid of personal interest that they fixate on others.
it's a cancer comparable to lolcow obsessed retards from a disreputable website.
i just wanna be a silly moid without calling nonsense nonsense.
i cant do that I just use mullvad to torrent and let my friends use the 4 extra spaces I have
It is aneurism time, time to have an aneurism immediately
WTF i had one just now
world's fastest reply
psy powers sus
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what's that sorry
The flying fish world from yume2kki
how did the fish get up there
it likes being up there. also scary trips
trips checky satan
you guys can have this one.
i didn't have any plans coming into this.
does liking things mean they happen unconditionally
I have no plans to remain for longer than 5 more seconds..
who are you me?
Yes, you should give it a try sometime..
Obese walmart cuckshed fingernails shart soup
stale af
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>just get cable thus paying the jews who run the entertainment industry instead of "stealing" it GOY
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>sam "my Lamborghini was paid for by simps" Hyde le better

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