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he is cheating look
5584kg is too heavy for a cat
thats not a very nice thing to say
i'm just keeping it real
>doesn't say 4155 on the scales
hiss haha
not that crazy
i dont get it
it says hiss
so what
total tranimal death look
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bass turd
it says h855
They're imperial scale so the cat only weighs 5584 ball bearings.
how many ball bearings is that
sorry to put you on the spot like that
no need to be sorry
I'm not sure I don't have that many fingers to count it
try your best
i am thanks
any update?
yes there is
glad to hear it nobody needs to talk about this anymore so lets move on to something else
I knew it
please play pokey ball on youtube
no thanks
why not
he was thanking you
thank you
but he prefers phone case diy
i just dont want to. i dont need to explain myself to you..
you dont know me
do you prefer the hit video game phone case diy on youtube over the hit video game pokey ball on youtube
i dont play youtube. only apps ; such as flappy bird, cut the rope, angry birds. etcetera
cut the rope is on youtube
i dont think so . if there is already an app why would it be on youtube also? why would it need to be in two places? i dont see a need for this.
boy howdy do i have a surprise for you https://www.youtube.com/playables/Ugkx2d5qQg5_Snq2mIm4BC1tyrHkdS_2daYs
thank you for the surprise
youre welcome it is cut the rope on the hit gaming platform youtube playables it seems jimper dimper was unfamiliar with the popular gaming platform youtube playables maybe in his country they are not too familiar with youtube
do you know what youtube is and did you know it is the next up and coming gaming platform said to rival other hit gaming platforms such as the playstation and the xbox and the mintendo and the ouya and the google stadia
ok i am sleeping now
not falling for this.
please read this >>20849178
disregard this >>20849233 i am not sleeping anymore
please read this >>20849612 i think he might be unfamiliar with youtube
he probably just knows about mr beast on youtube but youtube is transitioning into a gaming platform
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this mr beast?
wake up.
let me sleep please
good morning coffee time
i will sleep until my brain is awakened and not foggy and sleepy and tired
coffee time
mr beast burger time
how do i get that
i never had one before sorry i don't know maybe mr beast goes door to door
it's mr beast haha
troonimal redditroon discord thread try not to be a cancerous sub70IQ 3 word sentence reply cesspool circlejerk of gays and trannies shitting up bant challenge (Nightmare mode)
I still miss my cat even though he died years ago
he was an ex-street tom so he had some scrapes but he was really loving, always used to sit on me and just purr his head off n start drooling
he doesnt miss you
well yeah, he's dead
even if he was alive he wouldnt cause cats are psychopaths who literally EAT their owners when they die and shit on them
Look it up
This is the fate of cat ladies

cry about it bitch NOBODY has ever cared for your opinion
imagine not outliving your pet lol
Literally pointless argument
Ad hominem
stop arguing mr beast might be here
Just read the posts made by the ID of this loser to see the average quality and average IQ of troonimel posters
playing draw climber
did it work
oh my god
dont ask me
i just got done exercising so forgive me for asking you
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do you know him
i might know him
you have one mutual friend with him
that is pretty good i think
you can ask him anything if you become friends with him because he knows it all
i don't have any questions right now but thanks for the heads up
you could ask him where ralf is or how to beat 99 balls 3d
well you know what they say some questions are better left unanswered
or better right unanswered
well maybe people say that i don't really know everything people say
what do you think about salami
i would rather eat an apple but it's ok
apple wrapped in salami
what about caramel apple have you ever had a caramel apple
and caramelized onions those are real good
yes i have they are ok one time i ate boiled maple syrup poured on snow on a popsicle stick it was good
well you know what they say don't eat yellow snow if you know what i am saying lol
horse detected
it wasnt yellow
your detector is defective
nothing wrong with lemon shaved ice
might be pee lol
yeah? well good luck proving that!
please censor your swear words thanks.
no i dont want pee
thank you for the good luck i was in need of good luck you know what they say if it wasn't for bad luck i wouldn't have any luck at all lol
glad to hear that thank you
ok you too
looks its mr beast >>20854766
it's not the real mr beast that is a horse
but it says mr beast
you need to be careful probably is art official intelligence and it is not actually real
they might just have the same name could be a coincidence
seems impossible
name 17 people who said this.
sure no problem
i could do that easily
ask he who knows it all
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cheating? gotta play by your own rules
i don't want to bother him
listening to take it easy by the eagles
please watch the emoji movie
are you watching the emoji movie
thanks for answering this question
why not
please watch the draw climber movie featuring ralf
he is not good
now that i think about it he might be playing it in real life while we are playing just a computer version as in our computer drawn wheels and body move on their own but when ralf plays it that is his real life body and wheels that might be why he changes countries so often
maybe ralf is just an allegory
nevermind thats fucking stupid hes just bad at draw climber because he spends too much time travelling sorry my mistake
well that is the way the wheels crumble so to speak
next time i will write a word in cursive for the wheels any suggestions
i dont wont to
please use a m
but adapt if the situation requires it
ralf is in romania but i beat him so he has to move

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