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File: Lol.jpg (619 KB, 1440x2224)
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Mouth gaping tater tots are off the menu
dat slippery slope into degeneracy is getting steeper by the day, how any of these got approved in the first place is beyond me.
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>Chris's kiddie dog
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>Chris's Kiddie Dog
>Chris's Kiddie Dog
there's NO WAY that's real GEGGG
mr beast
>Chris' Creamin & Dreamin
fucking KEK
>obsessed retard cry / complain thread #7162553
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it's fake
Chris is the perfect textbook example of an AGP
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>Chris's Kiddie Dog
>Chris's Creamin' & Dreamin' Vanilla Shake.
God’s sense of humor sure is fucked up.
lmao that naming
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Also just read the item description:
>A premium all-beef weiner loaded up with Chris’s signature sauce.
This shit has got to be worse than Jarred’s five dollar footlong from subway.
He made a tweet on xistter saying he was removing him from all his companies the 25th

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