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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

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4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
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Is this true my anons
>From Earth
no, this is gray sdubversion

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>For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved
A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!
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sadly anon, despite the song, heaven will never be a place on earth
Never say never! Why do you think that, friend?
>Mark 14:7 For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always.
It's outright stated by Jesus that there will always be those in need, as you've noticed, our fallen nature as humans leads to strife and conflict, even if you dedicated your whole life to completely removing the root, it would continue. I do think, it's in everyone's nature to try and remove circumstances that get past a certain level, but what can ordinary people even do? How would you put an end to the Ukraine war for example?
Yeah, you're right. The Ukraine conflict goes back millennia as far as I know, like Israel/Palestine. I wouldn't know what to do there...
I meant as an example of fixable temporary problems as opposed to unsolvable ones like poverty, forgive me for my confusing wording.

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Storytelling edition

Previous thread : >>77283168

Rules : Ignore annoying moids

>What is a book you were required to read for school that you enjoyed?
>Do you enjoy fanfiction? Whats the most bizarre fanfic have you come across?
>Do you enjoy reading recreationally? What was the last thing you read?
>Do you like writing and storytelling? What about roleplaying? What do you write?
>Describe a scene (or give a quote) from a book or story that you still think back on often


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I love all the nonas!

All Nonas Matter!
That's just really sad to see. I feel really sorry for the mother not having a proper place to put her son in so he can get better care.
Goodnight, don't let the bookbugs bite
Lol no worries, I only complain about making them because I'm also lazy, it's not actually a hassle.
The thing is that I'm not normally lazy. I just don't feel like I got any energy right now and I don't know why. I may just try to go back to sleep and see if that does the trick. Have a nice day!
>I just don't feel like I got any energy right now and I don't know why
What have you been eating this week and have you exercised? Has anything changed?

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This is it, this is the glitch in the matrix. What online grifters will never tell you is that older women are the best dating options you have as a zoomer
>they're richer than you
>they have a stable job
>they have real interests
>they're lonely and socially awkward
>they're horny and desperate
>they think younger guys are cute
Stop chasing tiktok addicted zoomerinas and date socially awkward older women, you can have kids with them even up to 40 and they look young as fuck if they didn't waste their youth on parties and drinking.
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I told you X is hag haven, if you have a niche interest they will come to you
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Its not a great avenue but I've had mild success using discord. The most notable one I met this one autistic woman who's 29 and had been single her whole life. She was very avoidant about dating talk at first, but she was super interesting to talk to in general so I just avoided the topic and showed interest in who she was. A few months later she flew me out to meet her. She wants to get away from the east coast and is planning to move to my city this fall if everything goes well meeting my family.
But I don't live in the USA or an english speaking place :(
I live in Italy and I found an italian hag lol
Su Twitter?

>got bullied in middle school
>started using this board and other incel places when i was 14
>hatred of other people and pessimistic worldview is so deeply ingrained within me that i haven't even talked to another person irl in years
guys how do i fix this
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>i don't see how someone else could "make life worth living" or whatever.
do you like being the way you are? im guessing you dont
would you like to have someone to talk with? someone you can share your struggles with?
someone that you can rely on?
i think you would
thats what i mean with someone that makes life worth living. having someone that makes your life not a living hell to be in. because as you described yours in the post, it doesnt seem very fun. you cant get anything good without putting yourself at risk first, its just how life works
>do you like being the way you are?
yeah of course not, anon.
>would you like to have someone to talk with? someone you can share your struggles with?
i mean if i have to talk to someone i can just do it online. i don't like to bother people with my problems unless it's me complaining anonymously.
>someone that you can rely on?
it's not good to rely on others though.
>you cant get anything good without putting yourself at risk first, its just how life works
the risk isn't worth it for someone like me, anon.
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>it's not good to rely on others though.
everyone does it. no one relies on himself only for all their lives. its not something you can do.
>the risk isn't worth it for someone like me, anon.
then you'd prefer staying the way you are for the rest of your life? be my guest then but dont complain or ask for advice if you do nothing anyway.
>i mean if i have to talk to someone i can just do it online.
is not just about talking, its about this person being there for you, hanging out with you and doing things together. sure, online friends dont hurt, but theyre simply not enough. at least for you, judging by how you told me you feel.
>yeah of course not, anon.
then this should be enough motivation to take risks, simply to not be the way you are anymore.
Find people with similar interests and hobbies irl, go outside with them and talk about the interests or the hobbies and generally have fun. Sooner or later the social skills improve and you get more friends.
>then you'd prefer staying the way you are for the rest of your life? be my guest then but dont complain or ask for advice if you do nothing anyway.
idk sorry anon maybe i am complaining just to complain. i feel like i either continue to do what i'm doing or "take risks" and then inevitably end up disappointed once it ends badly which i can't bear the thought of. so i'm kind of just stuck between what i feel like is a bad option and a worse option. fuck like i can't even remember the last time i had friends irl.

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>one chance at life
>born a autistic currycel
The only reason I don't ropemax is because my parents would be sad.
What's your reason, Anon?

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>tfw someone is trying to doxx me for no reason but because they think i lead on men (i dont)
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why cant i become friends with men? there is more of them than women on the internet and also girls are scary. but they never showed me any evidence of me leading on men. just sent me a long discord message about how he wants to find where i live and talk to my parents?? for some reason.
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maybe, but they unadded me before i could respond or talk about it. i dunno
ok your firends with multiple men (not particualuary bad) are you currently ore hav you in the past made s*xual "jokes" or comments to these men because thats what could b the isue
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i guess i made sexual jokes before but nothing flirty.. literally just haha funny jokes

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She's ready for you now, anon. Are you coming? She's been waiting for so long...
Why are you saving photos like this?
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why aren't you? you've got a little bit of history in every saved file.
U no like?!

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why do petite skinny women with perky little tits and beautiful faces always have long dangly pussy lips?
they'd be literally perfect if they had normal pussy lips
i once met one who had a nice neat pussy and was like oh i guess they don't all have dangly lips down there but then she confessed she'd had cosmetic surgery to trim them wtf
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youre mom sure does. retard
Complete broscience, but I think bitches with small tits have huge pussy lips since they have more inherent testosterone in their bodies rather than estrogen. Had they had estrogen instead, they would have had big tits and an innie instead.
>dangly lip haver
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maybe it's like how for men if we lose weight our dick looks bigger?

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why does Asia have so many more femcels?
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so many childless fat old women in asia
>All the effort of becoming fat and wearing cow print just to not wear cow ear headband
So close but no cigar
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close enough because udder
She reminds me of Xi Jinping a bit. Is she his daughter?

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I feel like there's something wrong with me but I can't put my finger on it. All my life I just didn't fit in anywhere. Anyone else feel this way?
yeah it's autism many such cases
yeah it's called being stuck with the poor normie npc pleb masses

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where do i find girls to sext with?
Twitter ofig orig
tell me more originally

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>there are people who have no problem ordering hrt online just to stop balding even though they don't want the tits
>i'm too much of a failure to do the same even though i want the tits
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>and you can't really change the past so whatever.
still feels bad to think about

>bro rn i can't remember the last time i left the house so idk about that lmfao.
i mean that doesn't really matter imo unless there's something you want to do outside of the house that you aren't

>how is being on tranny meds gonna change whether or not you can do shit anyways
it probably won't

>i mean idk why are you scared of taking it again
idk just seems like a lot could go wrong
>still feels bad to think about
yeah i know anon. i just try to not think about things like that lol idk.
>i mean that doesn't really matter imo unless there's something you want to do outside of the house that you aren't
uh idk i'm sure there's better shit i could've been doing than filling the r9k user stereotype lmao.
>it probably won't
i mean i think i'm good at hiding it so things aren't that different at the end of the day i guess.
>idk just seems like a lot could go wrong
like what though
if HRT prevents balding, why are so many troons experiencing male pattern baldness?
Because they're not real troons and are fat old men that transitioned for a fetish.
Okay, but my quesiton was: If HRT prevents balding, why are so many troons experiencing male pattern baldness?

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