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Rightoids really blame their problems on somalians instead of the bankers and the ruling class
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transportation officials like bus drivers and pilots lol
wait until anon finds out (((who))) those bankers are
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this "ruling class" is desperate for mass immigration because it will make things like UBI more impossible. everything has been a way to obstruct the path of UBI.

unlimited 3 world immigration simply uglifies things on every level. i don't understand why you're insistent on making this happen? self-loathing? white guilt? slave morality? "punching up" ethos? oversocialized "virtues"? false feelings of " globalized unity" induced by the trappings of social media?

does the idea of a beautiful, serene and peaceful community living in its own bubble dissociated by geopolitical rot upset you?
Somalian anon when will you understand that nobody cares about you and we only see you as a low life poor pirate
anon UBI wouldn't even come close to working even with a 100% White population

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Anime and Manga Edition!

Previous thread got nuked :(

Rules: Ignore impolite moids

>What is your favorite anime/manga?
>If you could live in the world of any anime or manga series, which one would it be and why?
>Who is your all-time favorite anime character and what qualities do you admire most about them?
>Have you ever attended an anime convention or cosplay event? If so, what was your favorite experience there?
>Do you prefer reading manga or watching anime adaptations? Why?
>What genre of manga do you enjoy the most, and why does it appeal to you?
>Do you have a favorite mangaka (manga artist), and if so, what draws you to their work?
>What do you enjoy most about reading manga compared to other forms of storytelling, like novels or comics?

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scaranona can't stop visiting 4chan so she declared war and will take down the site instead. That's why jannies are scared.
She will free us all
She's addicted to 4chan. She needs to detox cold turkey from it.
>What is your favorite anime/manga?
I'm not a weeb
>If you could live in the world of any anime or manga series, which one would it be and why?
depends, I want to live in a techopilled world mostly cowboy bebop, beautiful story telling
>Who is your all-time favorite anime character and what qualities do you admire most about them?
I don't admire anyone
>Have you ever attended an anime convention or cosplay event? If so, what was your favorite experience there?
no a lot of them are normies that appropriate our interests
>Do you prefer reading manga or watching anime adaptations? Why?
mangas, og story line is best
>What genre of manga do you enjoy the most, and why does it appeal to you?
Moeshit that has a deeper story line under all the happy slop
>Do you have a favorite mangaka (manga artist), and if so, what draws you to their work
kento mirua and Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, I want to merge their art styles they are so fucking beautiful.

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someone should introduce her to vocaroo
Vocaroo is even worse.

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Blacks have their own niggers now but instead of taking their jobs, they are taking their white man gibs me dats. I find this amusing.
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Imagine if the Europeans came over to America and started hunting buffalo and tending to crops under the supervisionn of the Indian chiefs that were giving them a small fraction of what they would have given their Indians as reward, thereby enriching the tribe on the backs of these Europeans. We would have called that slavery.
You are pathetic, dude. You are the most worthless group of people on the planet and the state of your countries in the modern day is an example of that.
Gaslight somewhere else euro cuck
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Bro, just shut the hell up and go to work. Enrich the people that own the capital, you stupid fucking slave.
>Youre worthless
>That's why we killed our own in a civil war to keep you around
Go gaslight somewhere else eurocuck

Why do men have shit taste when it comes to women? Like seriously look at this, these are supposed to be top tier female porn stars and they are all ugly as sin, like Jesus Christ the 5 tons of makeup and filters are doing nothing, like I know it's a meme that men will fuck anything that moves and with a slim body(this I can at least agree with) but common, have some standards, people, your porn is disgusting and shame on you.
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Are you sure that anyone actually likes those girls? Reminds me of the big titted blonde bimbos back in the day.. no one liked those girls lol. It's almost like these girls exist just to spur us on to bigger and better things

I have no fucking clue what's going on in the girls' heads though, I've never figured that one out
I mean i'd be stroking my shit all day too if my dick was huge
post what you like then
I dunno if you've heard but Onlyfans kind of wrecked the scene.
>post what you like then
Oh shit, I guess I don't even know about that one because I just don't really care about looks all that much lol. I mean, I do dislike any bitches that look fake as fuck, whether it's porn stars like in OP or your typical goofy white bitch with her fake nails and makeup and all that shit, it's all the opposite of hot to me

I just like a regular ass bitch, basically, but that covers a whole lot of ground. I do like when girls wear those shirts that expose their stomachs, but they're totally not in good enough shape to be wearing that shit, you know what I mean? Shit makes my fucking tongue hard..

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If your job doesn't produce anything, it's useless.
you cant smoke in here

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Previous thread: >>78824316
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Wow Anon, you're so mature and uninterested, tell us more.
>I doubt the devs behind Palworld have access to the kind of capital they need to blow on a copyright suit,
They literally made the 2nd most successful game of 2024. Provided they weren't morons, I'm pretty sure they had prep time to at least defend themselves from what was obviously coming.
>I'm not sure how far the "You will not discuss anything that violates local or United States law." goes.
Oh, they're 100% breaking that rule lmao
>They're banning people on /fit/ for trying to roid up, but not this?
Mods are probably unaware (big surprise).
If you want to ruin the day of a few degenerates, you could go whine in the irc.
sometimes 4chanx doesn't alert me of a (You) in the thread watcher imminently sometimes it takes like 4 - 8 minutes for the eye to turn red. i even saw the thread i got a (You) in before it was marked and when i opened the thread it turned red
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>bloatware is s-slow?!?!?!?!?!

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Poopano eats babies!
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they're saving the white race
By having incest sex? They're siblings.
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Poopano mother is a convicted child sex offender
This whole saga needs its own wiki article
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This is all you need to know about the entire thing. Basically, the moron spamming and forcing this simped hard.

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Is it absolutely true that there are no "absolute truths"?
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Its not really oxygen.

Thats just a name humans came up with
I'm cool.
omg that's his signature?

>Friedrich "Nutz" Nietzsche
he was merely fighting god obviously
nope. That's a post-modernist satanic screed. Just because all absolutes have an exception, doesn't mean the exception isn't contemplated by the absolute's very existence.

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>my parents named me Eve
>I can't fucking exist normally next to men named Adam, which is a much more common name
>the amount of Bible jokes and shitty pickup lines I deal with is insane

I feel murderous about it sometimes. On its own, it's a pretty name, better than Braxlyyn or some shit. But the second I come into contact with a guy named Adam, I see the fucking looks on people's faces, they desperately want to crack jokes. I'm from an atheist family, what the fuck
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i think you can assume which character i share the name of..
(i am the complete opposite of this character btw)
You have a beautiful biblical name and you spit on it you ungrateful kid
It's a game about the human condition and specifically getting lost in seeking meaning at the cost of making enemies of an out group.
Adam and Eve are two male robots you fight against during the game and serve as foreshadowing of events to come.
Adam is obsessed with experiencing what it's like to be human so much so he wants to experience death. While Eve is entirely emotionally dependant on Adam and really just wants to spend time with Adam.
Adam is one of my favourite characters despite having relatively little screen time. Basically nier good.
>I mentally groan every single time I encounter a dude named Adam.
My name is Adam and I'll make you physically groan as well!

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I'm at this internship in a office building right now for 5 out of 6 months and they give me easy jobs because they think I'm mentally handicapped
should I feel bad? kind of hurts in my pride but on the other hand they give me easier stuff to do or nothing. won't get a job after the internship anyway most likely , seen a guy just now looking more retarded that has gotten it I think but he clearly had the mental game going for him. any robots with similar experiences ?
Why stuff like that never happen to me? Even when i did jobs where i was doing very fucking poorly to the point i was expecting my boss to fire me at any given moment for how much i was fucking up my tasks, i was still given lots of work.
I envy you.
south park says you can get on people's good side by buying everyone ginger ale and marshmallows

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Stop being weird moid
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>interact with people in the real world without doing something that makes someone uncomfy
>if you can keep conversation flowing
>[...] make her laugh
>this shit really isn't that hard
You quintuple nigger, if I could do half of that shit I wouldn't be a wizard. All that shit that you say "isn't that hard" is the most inscrutable, illogical, indecipherable enigma I've ever banged my head against. All the shit about Chad is just saying that Chad can either a.) figure that bullshit out naturally, or b.) be attractive enough that none of it matters and women will want to sleep with him regardless. So it's "terminally online incel talk", yadda yadda to say that I can't manage to pull off a.) or b.), then?
>interact with people in the real world without doing something that makes someone uncomfy
When do you tell me to bee myself, then? Yes, of course, just solve this impossible problem, and make sure to do it in real time so she doesn't know you have to think about it. Sure, thanks for that, normalfaggot.
"Non-binary" autists would probably get judged based on their sex, it would play out the same for the males and the females.
Because I have a strong hate for most of the big social media sites. I deleted my facebook and instagram years ago and never looked back. I've been using 4chan for over a decade at this point and even though the site has changed a lot over the years its one of the few places you can talk about things that you cant talk about in these other places. If someone here is being a faggot here you can tell them as much without someone trying to cancel you for saying mean words.
Autists dont talk about Chads, they know that the problem is autism and that autism is the single biggest determining factor in their virginity
Yes but depending on the severity autism can be managed, especially if your mostly high functioning. There's all sorts of resources to help you better integrate yourself into society, hold a job, etc. Behavioral therapy can teach ways to adapt and manage your emotions an stuff. Most are fags though and would rather shake their fist in the air like an angry old man instead of at least trying something that could really benefit them. Many such cases.

Is it unethical to have a harem? If you had the chance, would you go for it? Most girls react surprisingly positively to the idea of building a sisterhood around a man.

also how is your harem project going?
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totally me even in my late 50s. women shows affection/interest and I sperg out
your parents really fucked up huh.

you need help. it's never too late.
jordan peterson is a beta cuck who got rejected by her wife his whole young adult years
this is the ultimate cope deu
this is beautiful. desu
this is what men should do

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I got fucked in the ass and it did not feel as good as I always thought it would.
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Liberals told me it would.
g spot
This isn't true btw anon, you can recover.
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man look at those based frogs
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liberals are all homosexuals that want futa and dick in their asses

Only low T beta faggots hate this beautiful aryan goddess.
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She moves in atomic ribbots.
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Homos love Taylor Swift, they're a large percentage of swifties. Wtf are you talking about
Homos are gullible and susceptible to propaganda.
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Heil Tayler 15'89
Remember the Fifteen words:

Abigail gave everything she had to a boy
Who changed his mind
As a nonwhite male. I wish I had a rich white girlfriend like Taylor Swift. She'd make me feel secure and happy about my life (more so than I already am).

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Find this in the middle of the road and no one is around. What do?
call 911 I guess
how about you OP?
probably would feel a little upset over how sad the family and possible children would be
then would likely call 911 and wait around to watch the body get taken away in an ambulance
ignore because it's a stranger so I don't care
not a disgusting mudslime and poojet and would try to help
Whatever it was, she voted for it, so whatevs

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