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Honestly, it is kind of cool to see that some right-wingers' days are numbered
>start saving any money you can
nice to see alimony is not so popular these days
It kinda isn't though. Liberals aren't having any children. IQ and birthrates are falling harder in educated, liberal circles by a long shot. If anything. From a Darwinian perspective, antinatalism and low birthrates among liberals might be a sign that such political temperaments are maladaptive.
>save money
Only possible because her husband is providing for her.
>don't make it known that you're planning to leave him
Because her husband should intuitively know you're unhappy.
>leave while he's working
Again, he provides, she does... what exactly? The laundry?
>your husband will pick up your kids from school
Well if you suddenly disappear to who knows where, of course he's going to pick up his kids to bring them to a known safe location (their home).
>do not engage
Do not answer his questions about what happened, because they might somehow cause self-reflection which should be avoided at ALL COSTS.
>throw your phone away because it might be bugged
Cut yourself off from all your friends, they'd probably side with him anyway.
>keep your plan to yourself
Because that way when it all goes wrong, you can blame others for not realizing your unhappiness!

Looks matter a lot.

I just ordered my bratfast at uber eats and the man who brought my order was an ugly (very ugly) arab and he had a bad raiting but the delivery was ok. At the end he asked me to give him positive review. But he was so ugly...
Idk why but I instinctively gave him a negative review and said there were two idems mising in the order (they weren't). Fuck, it sucks but looks matter.
GOOD. Gulf arabs are ugly as fuck. Someone who looks like that doesn't deserve anything good in life.

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roastie bros, why come we always wasting money tho?
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Depends where tou are. Kansas yes absolutely huge amounts. Las Angeles California? No it's not that much
Anon is probably a teen from r/wsb and has never actually invested in stocks.
250k today is unironically like what 50k used to be 10 years ago. you can easily blow through 250k in 1 to 2 years if you're not saving it.
Maybe not retire, but you can buy property with that.
you'll have so much money when you can legally take it out

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Where can I find a blk boy similar to picrel? There are no blk boys in my country
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Face mogs 90% of black women to be quite honest
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He is beautiful. Thanks for letting me know about this tranny. I'm going to bust the thickest ropes.
Cyberjuuls you retard
I only ever see black dudes that can naturally look like this off of estrogen, no surgery needed
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That's the BBC we've been hearing so much about?

I knew a girl in my first year of highschool on snapchat who would occasionally send me vids of herself farting. I thought it was the hottest thing ever, I probably jerked off more that year having her on snapchat than any other year of my life. My question is, how can I find another girl like this?? I've been looking for my whole life, both irl and online in places like snapchat and discord, and I've never found another lady quite like her. Sure their are content sellers and stuff, but that's kind of different than just having some cute lady you text that sends you her farts because she thinks it's funny. Any advice would be appreciated, I have been chasing this fantasy ever since I stopped talking to that girl.

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Honestly... HONESTLY... If there WAS a vajajay between those legs... and that's a BIG if... I'd still hit. And I mean a real vajajay, not a poop-smelling fake one.

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How often do you think about death and dying
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>How often do you think about death and dying
Daily, knowing full well that I can't commit to offing myself yet knowing that it would be my peace. I want out.
not much but i think about getting older while being a loser
when I wake up
it takes time for the internet dopamine to kick in
very close to everyday. i am tired of going to psychwards. i am tired of being abused. i am tired of being used.
quite often
it's usually seasonal, once fall hits i get really depressed, basically thinking about suicide every single day
it's been that way for the last 7 years, ever since i turned 14
never have acted on it thankfully

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they definitely can't but why?
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They have poor reaction times. Poor hand-eye coordination. Cant judge distances and measurments well.
pretty much. he'd give her the keys to the rv towing the boat at 16 and say drive us to the lake while he slept in the back
they have worse spatial processing and lean on emotions but the road is mainly rules based
personally i am scared and this probably makes me undateable among many other reasons
Poor spatial awareness, same as Asians.

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Autist men, why don't you settle for autistic women? You give the ick to normal women because they can sense your autism (your lack in spontaneity in social interaction n shiet)
Maybe if you're very wealthy or that your autism is exceptionally low, there's a low chance but I think you'll have to settle for your mindsmatch.
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because she's an elf and has lived so long that everything I do would bore her
autistic men outnumber women 4:1. if you think dating site odds are bad....
okay fine. autistic women, come get this dick
Forgot to filter "ick", thanks for the reminder

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>be me
>Asian (not used to harsh scents)
>working at fast food place
>think pits are sorta hot, imaginethesmell
>white female coworker walks past
>EXTREME B.O (middle of summer, fast food)
>almost retch
>eyes watering
>nostril singed
>make excuses all shift to be at different part of store
>talking to different coworker, shes standing nearby
>hold in breath
>"hey anon, you sound a bit nasally a bit today"
>can't hold it anymore have a coughing fit
>say i'm feeling unwell leave early

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NOTHING will stop me from sniffing bbw braphog ass
This is honestly a huge fear of mine. I've had a fart fetish and sweat/body odor fetish since I was a kid, but I am still a virgin at my ripe age of 21. This is my absolute number 1 kink and what I have been into sexually ever since I was young. I'm kind of worried that if I ever find some kinky bitch that will fart on me or let me lick her armpits, I'm going to end up hating it, and then just become some sexual robot that is only attracted to his own deluded, porn-brain fantasy that he's crafted over the years.
I've heard that east asian sweat doesn't stink and they think every other race smells like shit by comparison.
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Ah you thought the scent fetish was your ally? You merely adopted the scent fetish. I was born in it, molded by it.

t. spent my childhood summer vacations with my sweaty country girl cousins, basking in their girlBO and family brap-offs
>family brap-off
How are you going to say that and not greentext

Why do manlets often look angry and bitter?
Everyone should start performing in front of the Holocaust memorial. Show them we're not afraid.

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Previous thread: >>78824316
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Woopsie daisies
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why do mods leave these threads up for 360 replies every time until they get deleted or in this case force archived on page 2?
>LRD has been gone for 2 months and hasn't done his LRD schtick since
I guess he finally got spooked.
Some hours ago, a sticky on /vt/ happened >>>/vt/85593958
Watson Amelia is concluding her channel activities, not leaving, just stopping them. She was one of the holoEN members who debuted in 2020 and made vtubers boom, along with Gura and her partners.

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all whites and Europeans will be eliminated soon
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Pussy boi should've just started swinging. If they're not gonna stop anyway just try to take down as many as you can.
big cities in balkans mimic those of western countries
belgrade is a shithole full of niggers, mudslimes and other subhumans of various types and are all progressive
they even have a fucking lgbt info centre(that gets vandalized every month or so but still)
I wish I had the superpower to curbstomp an entire crowd by myself.
Would have to include being knife and gun-proof though.
you will always be weak kevin
kevin nguyen

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Late update but as of these images from months ago she Is picking on her remaining laygs again. Why would someone self harm so much?inb4 just crazy, ok but in there head why is she doing it?

Pic was
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True. But if she's about to die who cares if those claims are real or not? Because it's not a stretch of the imagination to think someone that has actually happened to would do that to themselves as a result of those crimes. It might get you attention but it won't make you look cool. And you'd have to pay for the attention it's getting you too. Because it's only from professionals
>It might get you attention but it won't make you look cool.
Needing blood transfusions or losing your legs above the knee doesn't make you look cool either but here we are.
Why not just kill yourself at this point? If you're in so much anguish you're willing to lose limbs and cut down to the bone just kill yourself lol
suicidal women would prefer self-harm and attention-seek for years instead of instant death
they're so weird
there are also "men" on r9k who follow this trend
what a bunch of pussy, just kill yourself and stop making those threads
this is the girl who self-harms but larps as if it was an illness no? i remember reading about her some time ago, really, really sad.

why the fuck wasn't I born rich and happy. I don't give a fuck about heaven or God.
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this tard deserves to be trolled, waaaaahhhh I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth so it's so hecking over!!!!!
I'll give you my address over discord if you wanna do something. I don't call cops either.
I would bet actual money you still don't have them
I was being hyperbolic... I didn't expect you to even respond to any of my posts. I don't actually care that much, I just think your post is gay. You have to admit, you are being pretty gay right now. This is 4chan, I'm not coming to your house. I'm not Frank Hassle and you're not Boogie.

I'll admit I was being mean if you'll admit you were being homosexual and we can call a truce. Whaddyasay?
I'm rich and have no friends, its cool bcz i don't have to work but then I meet even less people and have basically no hope of meeting new people

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