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Men are lasso maxxing now. Have you heard of this strategy?
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Cutting off blood flow to the brain results in unconsciousness in 5-10 seconds.
Good thing the stupid nigger didnt tighten it or she could have been brain damaged
>Per capita isn't a magic word that makes random numbers support your argument
That is exactly what it is in this case though
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The null hypothesis that all people are equal would result in per capita adjustments showing the same patterns seen in the raw absolute numbers.
Instead we see that black women are more likely to commit murder than white men.
You can see why the bear vs man is a thing.

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Tell me about your childhood.

>What made it hard?
>What makes you miss it?
>How would you change the relationship you had your parents?
>Ever been grounded, or otherwise chastised? What for?
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i remember all of those! i dont remember any website too well as i mostly lurked and skipped around, but later on i remember using habbo, this brazillian game, minimundos, and a korean app, kakaotalk. eventually moved to deviantart, tumblr, 9gag, reddit all the regular ones and here...
>You still know your dad?
i try to get along with him and text him now and then, mostly to ease my conscience. He goes on benders sometimes but i dont think he uses hard drugs or pills anymore. He used to call when he was on these benders but i started leveraging my time in order for him to only contact me while sober, i don't have as much trouble as your friend since he lives in another city.
nice thread op wish you bots the best
>What made it hard?
mom was gone most of the time, she divorced my father and barely let me see him. i had bad friends in high school, so some of them fucked me over pretty bad.
>What makes you miss it?
i really just miss this one girl from my elementary school. she was just some nerdy short haired girl, a year younger than me. i spent like 2 years being friends with her, i remember her always trying to get me into mlp and warcraft
>How would you change the relationship you had your parents?
i just wish my mother was kinder to me, she used to yell at me for crying and having panic attacks.
>Ever been grounded, or otherwise chastised? What for?
i was grounded for all of 7th grade, and i was forced to stay in my room for like a month, and that was during covid, my mother and stepfather grounded me for buying snacks, staying up late, having a bad attitude, and other minor things like that

i turned out ok so far, im just a bit too clingy and a bit too self deprecating.
dude lol this is reminding me. I remember in the early 2010s/late 2000's I would go searching for a bunch of different web MMOs for teens like gaiaonline and stuff, making burners with some friends while on VOIP and trying to be le epic trolls to some poor emo kids. I actually fondly remember one though, and there's a lot of tacky 15 yr old unregistered hypercam vids on YouTube with 10 views documenting it before it was shutdown. It's very nostalgic to me.


I remember this osu!mania ripoff they had, I still listen to some of the songs occasionally, this one is called Hourglass Broken and it took so fucking long to find it
holy shit it's all coming back to me
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>what made it hard
I was the oldest of a large family with a disabled brother, my mother was a junkie whore, my father did not really give a shit in general, and I grew up in the rust belt right around the time the 2008 shit happened to name a few things. Was pretty much the definition of parentified now that I think of it, I had to step up to the plate pretty early on in general. Also got raped/molested as a kid too, go figure. My mother laughed at me about it.
>what makes you miss it
Not a damn thing outside of my grandfather, but parts of me does lament just how much shit has changed in such short time a little. A lot of stuff was like leftovers from the 70s-90s growing up, and seeing it all just gradually fade away bit by bit just made me feel weird. I guess Newgrounds was pretty cool too, and of course I have been on this shithole for literally most of my life one way or another.
>change the relationship with parents
Either reroll or have that truck that hit the car I was in as a kid finish the job. My dads childhood was turbo fucked so I cant hate him too much, even if he was a bit of a prick. But my mother, fucking Jesus himself could not save that bitch, and I want nothing to do with her at all.
>ever been grounded/chastised
Of course, all sorts of stuff. One time when I was around 9 or so I accidentally bought pay per view porn because my dumbass thought it was free or something. They were not too happy about that. The charge that is.

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What is "the incident" that happened at your school?
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A kid in my grade was being abused at home. Don't know the specifics, but cps removed him from his parents' custody and his brother went to prison.
I think we were really starting to be friends when he disappeared. I can't find him on social media and can't bring myself to look for obituaries.
>his feels like a sydney type of thing.
Outback, actually.
A student attempted suicide at school by hanging himself in the stairwell.

Had to have a helicopter fly him to a hospital in order to save him.
That's going to be me one day but I'm no longer in school
A kid told a teacher to hold out his hand and close his eyes, put his nutsack in the teacher's hand.
Kid made a marionette of the nutsack victim teacher as his art project, unveiled it as a surprise. It was supposed to be a joke but everyone was just uncomfortable.
Boy in nutsack teacher's class tried stabbing a bigger kid with the first thing he could grab, which was another student's art project. Funniest thing I've ever seen.

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Subject says it all. In this thread we welcome those who really can't justify why we've failed. No tragic backstories needed, but those who have are welcome as well.
Get the miseries off your chest. It's a friday night so vent to your hearts content
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Lol you probably should just ignore what I'm saying. Imagine if literally every single product in the world with 666 in the label was unique. So that's what I'm trying to tell you.
Yeah it's really like that. He's also created the porn somehow. Maybe not all the porn, but like a lot of the porn is just him. It's so hard to comprehend that because I've never had sex really. So, it disgusts me at this point. Im totally disgusted with what hes done to me. He could just let me fuck his asshole every night, instead he makes me watch recordings of himself fucking his own asshole. That's really what he's doing. I said im not okay with that but he won't kill me.
Idk how I'm supposed to get a bf/gf as a schizo. The stigma makes it incredibly hard to form intimate relationships. I just wish I could've been more then a failure
too late, kinda feel better after u told me. idk why
i know i'm both a loser and a waste of human life
but at the very least i managed to finish school and highschool and managed to a certification, but i been a fucking neet without neetbux with no future nor nothing to live for and i been more and more suicidal, i honestly don't have the patience to job hunt as i can't stand getting ghosted in countless interviews, i can't make ANY money at all
at least i can take care of the house, mom and pets and take out the trash

This board belongs to Siel now.

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sigh guys why does empath-chan mog us robots so hard? shes more dark triad than most robots. grooms 14 year old girls and goes to porn cinemas. is she a real genuine femcel?
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I thought she killed herself.
How disappointing.
of course not empath-chan is a bpd histrionic bitch shes alive as fuck typing in her server right now

mid levels off the charts. literally the only thing thats attractive is shes skinny
If empath was in my house she would steal everything except my virginity
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why wont goddess empath-chan fuck me

Joss Bay, Kent edition
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>"[Your physical body] is the machine you've got to work with (...) There's no use in wishing you were 6 foot tall (...)"

Or a woman for that matter, heh
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Yeah, you're probably right. Still fun to imagine them being aliens though. Apparently the magnetic storm is a G5 now and ISS astronauts have been put on alert corr.
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Sober and pussyfree Friday nights are the best x

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Of course I'm not using porn and ASMR to cope with being a sexless loser. Nah, this is just the way I like it. Someone fucking kill me.
I have no arsehole and i must fard

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Ohhh fuuuuck need cock in my ass fuuuuck
I will never have this body either as my own or as my partner. It is over.
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I can't tell if this a gay posting thread are straight anal thread.
Anon, you already know.
Fucking that doggy style would look like fucking a giant penis
I don't know cuz I'm not a faggot or buttfucker nigger

Literally does NOT work!

Look at this embarrassing nerd incel EMBARRASSING himself in public.
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Andrew Tate couldn't even afford good-looking whores (IN EASTERN EUROPE!) to act as his "groupies".
What if he wasn't recording?
That was before he was famous tho back when he was a camwhore pimp. Right now that is definitely not the case, I don't even like him but this is cope
>actually thinks Andrew Tate is famous
Y'know he wouldn't even need to be famous to have groupies and easy access to sex, you have semifamous twitch streamers who do it with a fraction of the clout. You don't really have a leg to stand on this argument

Post emotional music.
Bamp for music
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Good to see the egg man. Anyone else watching?
Post the link dude.
Yeah I'm watching the kino.
aww hell yeah egg kino in the house always a good night when eggy streams

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Why didn't Jet save her
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it just proves you're a newfag
You're a faggot. So, shut up.
you sound perturbed
>never saw her poo
A true crime
>still threads about ciara
>still threads about iris
>Randy Taylor 69 is forgotten
For shame.

The reason men are magically bisexual now liking femboys is the same reason men in prison fuck eachother men. The sexual revolution plus the internet made it so the top 10% dont get locked down with the other top 10% of the opposite sex, now 90% want the 10%. Since the rest of us can't date women or fuck them, we see what we believe is within reach, aka men. Research correlations between each generation on how little sex they have and what percentage of each generation identifies as LGBTQRSTUVWYZNOWIKNOWMYABCSNEXTTIMEWONTYOUSINGWITHME
This already has a term and it's "prison gay". Good job.
Its literally just the fact that some guys can have nice shaped asses and thats it. If you can get a nice round butt and keep a thin (enough) waist, men will fuck you. Theres nothing else to it, now does that mean they want a relationship? Does that mean you can get any desperate guy? No. You have two major groups, militant heterosexuals and coombrains homos and they exist online and feel the need to argue for attention. This means fuck all.
A lot of it is just porn's influence. 9 times out of 10 these new bisexuals became curious from, not real life interactions.
it's not that only the top 10% have sex it's just that you're the bottom 10%
I see booba in that picrel.

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You guys would be happier if you stopped dehumanizing others and accepted that you won't always have control of every situation.
women dehumanize men far more than men dehumanize women

sub 5 men are literally invisible to women and considered not human
That guy in the suit is the only sucker here. The rest are absolutely based.

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Drug use discussion thread

I think it's time for alot of people who post in these threads to step up their game little bit.
Also please be 18+, I've seen questions like ''if i smok wed on a beer wil i ovardose an die?''
Anyone with any age experience in life knows atleast the basics about these drugs so that's how I know you're a 12 year old faggot asking if smoking a bowl of bush weed will kill him.
This also brings me to another point. Don't just do drugs without knowing anything about them, it's so insanely easy to just do a quick goolge search and read some wiki entries, it boggles my mind sometimes when again; insanely basic questions about their drug of choice are asked. Like shouldn't you know this? How can you not even be a little interested in knowing anything about the stuff you use? And even if not, out of safetey reasons it's basically mandatory imo.
It's like you people are driving without a license and any training in theory.

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>haven't done drugs in two years
What's the matter, Anon? Can't find any or what
yeah can't find any
Praying 4 the drugs u need 2 enter ur life
Ideally wait at least a week, preferably two.

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