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>E 8
>I've been getting off
>I done chilled out on the drugs since you've been involved
>Ally facilitated it.

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My friend ascended a few days ago
He's already making fun of me for being KHHV
I hate life
tell him his gloating is bothersome, if he wont stop
he isnt worth it, duh.
My friend lost his V to a vietnamese girl. Now he only want to date east asian women. How can I prevent the hapa curse from manifesting?
I don't have many people spending time with me
I can't be picky or else I wouldn't even think about him anymore
I ascended. Then I lost her. Now I'm back here. It'll happen to him too.
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>My friend ascended a few days ago
That's what you get for following tzeentch, OP. Your friend was smart enough to follow a real chaos god like Khorne.

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Hello to all of you 25 and over people in r9k!

Post here if you feel like it!

Or not!
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I just don't see the point in going on, like I know where this is heading if I can't change. And at that point I'd rather go to Switzerland to euthanise myself. I feel people only have such a window open to live a life of fulfilment and I refuse to idly suffer
>never talked to a girl
How is that even possible, do you like in a weird commune?
No, I live in a normal neighbourhood and have a job. At school I was invisible and scared to talk to anyone. Now I never even meet them (work is all men). Not counting shop workers, family etc. I talk to them occasionally, but only single sentences never conversations.
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IDK. Maybe
This certainly isn't how I wanted to be spending my life. Just working and working and not having any time to do the things I love.
I don't really want to kill myself, I just wish life was better, but I don't see that happening so it seems like the only valid option...

It's about average for my field, I'd say
This too.
My parents are starting to feel the "marriage rush", all the other kids are getting married but why aren't mine??
It doesn't help that of us four siblings most of us are hopeless.
I'm on /r9k/, there wasn never a chance for me. Not that I'm interested, marriage seems like death to me.
Older sister refuses to get married and she isn't getting any younger.
Little sister is a NPD nutcase with anger management issues

why not give your waifu cool shades to wear? edition

Generate your very own waifu using any AI generator you like.
Let her talk to the other waifus ITT.

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide


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sorry to hear about your insomnia :(( I wish I could help out in some way :<

good morning!

cool hat, cool outfit in general
Me struggling to find balance between the two wolves inside of me, one likes tiny small little women


and the other thick milfy mature women

but also there is a third one
the three wolves should just make out with each other
Oppai loli lolibaba futanari?
I ve put the sauna on

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is this too much weight?
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jus rite
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lol for getting your opinions from r9k
Fuck that's hot. I would fuck her ten times a day, minimum
>gut tucked into panties
>sitting to obscure gut
inconclusive, more evidence needed

Why am I so horny towards duck face Vietnamese Women. I know the woman is actually butt ugly but I have an intense desire to breed her. I want the GLUCK GLUCK

Too fit for me, I like em squishy.
Show me more like her, what do you mean by "duck face"
I've seen waaaay uglier asians, man. She's cute.
I guess she may be good for one thing and one thing only. You can't exactly bring her home to your parents.

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You ever wonder what kinda tales titcows could tell? the things they got up to? they nuts they saw?
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This is my gf, has huge tits. Pretty much every girl I've ever dated was a fat titcow but one (and she was a bitch). Some people make fun of me but it's my fetish, I basically don't find skinny girls attractive. Its like they are hyper feminine. Unfortunately as this anin points out here
They pretty much all have a complex about their bodies/tits and either end up being slutty (dated a titcow with a husband and an OF) who like the attention or someone like >>77203823 who has some kind of complex and seems to resent them and ends up hating her tits and men (an x who now has an OF, dates troons and is "asexual").

Luckily my current GF is a good middle ground where she only had a few bfs before me and is still very sexual. She was thinking about trooning out because she still has a complex about them, but I (mostly) put a stop to that. Going to put a final end to it by marrying her and putting babies in her
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this is sad, booba are for lovin
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I want to kill this man. This is like slashing the Mona Lisa with an exacto knife.
Brother I propose we organize a strike force to take him out. We must protect the booba
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leave him to me brother
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Looks squishy and fun

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Y does life reproduce??
>because those mutants that did out survived genetically than those that didn't and the only organisms around all have the urge to coom & breed
perhaps it's that simple or perhaps not. I believe memories, consciousness and some other vital computational & informational faculties are gene deep, if not sub atomic deep and the only way for such faculties can survive is by reproduction. It's almost as if life knows this fundamental fact and does the needful to ensure it's continued existence.
This then raises the question. Y are incels denied the opportunity to reproduce? If such faculties can survive only by reproduction, aren't women responsible for genocide of the highest order?? Women literally mog, hitler, stalin, mao and all other mass murderes of history.
Even if I'm incorrect about the fact that computational & informational faculties are genedeep, who knows if such faculties could emerge in the near future where only those who managed to have living descendants long enough would be the only benefactors of such evolutionary emergence.
>cope more schizocel
kek, good luck trying to grapple with this. It's kind of like trying to verify spinoza's god which u can't given the lack of advancement in science & math. It's therefore imperative that we don't take chance and ensure the genetic survival of all people.
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bompity bomp
based spinoza. even newton was onto something about this
kys redditoid
indeed. Hegel > Spinoza
Errol Harris' interpretation of Hegel is perfect. Everything else is relativism.
bumpu bumpu bump
This is one of the flaws with "sexual selection" because that concept assumes males will do a little dance, then get "selected" by the female, and then reproduce.
But this is one tiny aspect of reproduction. Every day countless offspring are produced by forced intercourse or what we call rape, among all kinds of species, even humans.
In fact, modern society is male selection. Society and its systems, like police forces, ultimately decide who is "allowed" to have sex with women.
Even then, women fuck all kinds of people and then keep the baby, so clearly there is no real selection going on.
Female selection can only happen if the women are either larger and stronger (like spiders) OR if the "rejected" males give up and stop trying.
Ducks have this thing going on where vaginas evolve to keep penises out, and duck penises evolve more elaborate shapes to enter vaginas. An endless arms race.
For example, if tomorrow a weird mutant race of tunnel dwellers came out of the sewers at night and simply fucked whoever they found, some of those babies would make it.
One thing we don't know is why other organisms desire sex. For humans it's all about lust and desire, but I have no idea if birds or turtles or ants get horny.

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Finnish pepes disgust me
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It's called apu.
my name is not michael, dingle
Northern Europeans don't receive enough hatred. Horrible culture. Why can't they be more like Africans?
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High iq perhaps. Also creating modern world would play some role in the equation.
I've been to Finland. it was pretty cool but my parents were pissed the whole time because we didn't have reliable internet in the fucking arctic circle. I don't understand what they expected.

It is so easy to seduce nerdy straight white guys
>Be brownoid fag (second gen Lebanese parents)
>Be 5'7, soft, smooth, low-t and super faggy
>Don't like other fags cause most are old pervs or have STDs
>Grindr is a death setence these days
>Start falling for this nerdy white boy in my class
>He's a beefy Norwegian gamer, always wears Half-Life and MacDemarco t-shirts
>He doesn't notice me when I dress masc
>Get into crossdressing but never troon out
>Start growing my hair long and wearing girly perfume
>He starts talking to me more often
>Eventually send him pics of me in full drag, makeup and dressed up like a geisha girl
>He gets horny and wants to fuck me but tells me he's a virgin
>Makes it even hotter cause I'm a virgin too
>On my nineteenth birthday I sissy out and dress up in a 2b costume he bought me

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Most people would prefer anybody over Slavs
You should tease the Norwegian
What made you like this? You sound cute though
If they're having sex with you, a man, they aren't straight, anon. They just like twinks.
ive had so many fags hit one me its insane, i just like lifting for fun im not a fag top

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It's starting to feel like I will never find my fembot sweetheart.
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why do other people get to post their face but when I post ONE (1) eye, I get a 24hr ban?
Although it's minor and short, why me?
wow you got owned lol. c ommit seppuku fag
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Your skin is clear which is something to be grateful for.
Beard/Hair needs grooming. (This should not be a surprise.
Weight loss should be a strong consideration to improve your face shape. (I'm in the same boat)

You're me except I wear collared shirts.
>still has hair
Mogs me
it's thin af

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I love my gf. we have been friends since childhood but been in a relationship for 2 years, not only is she my gf but also my best homie, she is literally me but in a female body, only difference being that she enjoys inflicting physical pain on me, not too much, and I dont mind it that bad, kinda enjoy it but few days ago she tied my hands, she has done this before, I dont mind this part.
Timeskip a little, she makes a small cut on my waist, forces her 2 fingers inside it then pushed them in my mouth. This time I was genuinely telling her to stop but I wasnt physically resisting. I bite her fingers gently to let her know Im really being fucking serious for her to stop. She slaps me and keeps doing it.
She still did not apologise for it. Tf am I supposed to do?
She is a robot too, but sleeping right now, I will delete the thread when she wakes up, I dont want her to see it
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Worst fucking advice here plus op is already ded, his psycho tomboy gf killed him
kill that ASPD bitch
How do you kill a larp?
i think hes busy being a corpse >>77202905
by LARPing even harder

*teleports behind Op
Nothing personnel, kid....

I want to hurt someone really bad. But there is only my cat I can't hurt a cat or can I?
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Hate people like you
>has an entire gender of masochsits and subs
>wants to find the rare woman who is NOT a masochist or sub to dominate
That's adorable it would make me want to hurt him more and make him feel good about the pain.
That's half of the male population, they think chasing means being an annoying faggot to someone who's not interested.
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Some abuse can be quite intimate and pleasurable. For me, it would be bitting my neck, light choking while lying on top of me (not to strangle me, just put some pressure), scratching my tummy and chest. And closing my nose while kissing to see if i'd rather breathe or kiss...
How do you act in your everyday life?

what causes patches in facial hair ?
Low test lol
Fuck more fat girls
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Who knows what causes this. But your sister I will miss
Fuck off, YandereDev
Mine is slightly patchy too. I have heard it gets thicker as you age. Idk if I believe that
its actually DHT, not T. compounds like mesterlone, primoboldenone, or proviron will make you hairy on your body. minoxidil and dermaroller has been improving my facial and arm hair. DHT is the androgen, T is anabolic and basically just puts meat on your bones. DHT expresses secondary male sexual characteristics and makes you bald.

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What has to happen in someone's life for them to be either uninterested, fearful or incompetent to have never had sex with a women?
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These disorders are correlated with a lack of drive to socialize inherently. The others you mentioned involve a desire for socialization thet has been interfered with due to neurosis
Depressives dont care because they feel bad
Anxious people csre so much thst they break down
Schizoids dont care because they dont want to
Autists are neurologically deficient
This. There's no mystery to it. You have a condition that makes you kind of weird and women view you as an irredeemable monster.
Growing up in the slums and realizing early that neither the cheap drugs nor the easy sex gets rid of the misery from people's lives, you just stop caring about it as much
i'm almost 32 and a khv. i'm simply just ugly and a shut in with no friends. whenever i go out i don't register to women either. when i walk by them it really never feels like i exist to them.
I get no joy from socialising. Is it nurture or nature?

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