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I guess that's a no
I tried my rizz
You were supposed to say "I want to hear your big sexy ass fart" try that and see if it works
your reaction: this man just did what you want to do
appreciating a big ass makes you a sick fuck okay
Eslbro has negative rizz

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Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support

It's friday :D

Hello everyone
>How are you doing?
>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
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more or less the same I'm just glad that Friday is here..

I like to wear jackets and not sweat everywhere

I'll make it. thankfully there's not much to do
>supposed to stay cold till next week
yeah but still.
>and not sweat anywhere
Let's say hypothethetically speaking that your boyfriend loved your sweat. Would you be more inclined to embrace your boysmell?
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dude, all the pain and struggle you've been through is real. just because someone might have it worse doesn't invalidate your experiences. and you can always come here and share what's on your mind with us, but you know that already. (^-^) best of luck advancing your plot.

>I'm just glad that Friday is here..
same. you got any plans this weekend?
>hi anon!
>doing the checkup because they specifically focused on the spots where you would hide it
that sounds scary
>don't have the energy to fuckin get up in the morning and brush their teeth for example
yeah even though for me it was more like I just couldn't bring myself to study and would rather waste my time on other stuff
>I think it's something we should start worrying about when it happens
you're right, it's better to focus on good things happening in the moment but sometimes it's hard to get into that mindset
>why? do you know why it changed?
not really, I think your mindset just changes with age? although I remember worrying over stuff like that as a kid too so maybe it's just something that comes and goes and I just forget about it sometimes

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Why do women never post things like this about men?
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>Men are disgusting
Let me guess you wanna take estrogen and grow tits so you can be "prettier gender"
Notice how the tweet is about loving ALL men whereas this one is about one specific guy
lol this is true
i have feelings like this but its only bc i want a male body not bc i want to date a male
>the tweet is about loving ALL men
Not exactly. It mentions being dominant. Not all men are dominant.
this is dumb, because lots of men also fetishize different behaviors and character traits in media it's not just a woman thing. it's lust but simply with a different trigger.

>human women aren't worth it
>but perfection isn't real
How to cope with these two truths?
Holy medication
They're an improvement at least I'll grant you that

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Show me an adult virgin and I'll show you a man who hasn't asked out 5 girls in his entire life.
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I've asked two women out in my entire life
First one was in middle school and it went badly (not that bad at all looking back but at the time I couldn't deal)
Second one was practically force fed to me, asking her out was a formality
I didn't even ask my wife out, she asked me out
My advice? Be decent looking and funny I guess. Having a car and your own place helps.
If you have anything to lose higher than menial retail, it would be smarter if you didn't since getting a "no" is basically giving your workplace adversaries free ammo to use against you. At work, there is simply too much money, prestige, and money at stake for people to resist the temptation to eliminate (You) as competition. Hell, even in menial retail you're still not going to escape professional consequences for rejection since even they want to ape the latest upper class trend, even if they don't fully understand why. This isn't a recent development either. #MeToo is about 6 years old, but it predates even that, by decades, as seen by the boomerism "don't shit where you eat". Ask yourself: is it really worth wasting all your investment in your schooling, degrees, certificates, and career just for LE SEX?
>damn it! how did he know that!?
Females should lower their standards and ask unattractive men out. It's current year, bitches can stop being so picky and unfair
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Cause I'm the same way. We assume girls don't like us and are correct 99% of the time, but never take a risk for that 1% chance of getting a gf. This leads to atrophy of the skills and muscles necessary to communicate with girls and we spiral deeper into virginity.

Do you enjoy jerk off instructions?
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shit is essential way to finish
The idea that a woman is telling me what to do turns me off
pornbrained npc who talks to a script
For sure, I'd say that's one of the good categories.
For me at least the old style of porn where they just filmed people having sex is over. I'll never watch that shit, it's fucking garbage. If I see a man's face I'm out.

>be me
>21 Khhv
>"known for having the worst fucking luck with fiding females"
>finally find a girl whom i have things in common with
>she accepts that we meet in university
>talk with her
>mfw she's fucking bpd lmao
>she doesn't want to meet outside of university because she's an introvert and her parents don't like her outside
>mfw i'm cockblocked

Not the fucking first time bro not the fucking first time, Should i persist or just fuck off
yep it's over
just persist you might find something if she doesn't then leave
> it's over

No it's not. Anons have mastered the art : >>77190801
I know that shit actually but i refuse to manipulate or do that bullshit, She's not that type that i should fuck up for a temporary power trip.
I mean i can't also constantly message her i mean i'm too self aware of my self that i cannot do it but still man it's exhausting like anon said
I have the same shit with you, She's nice but she also doesn't want to go out. She's fucking Bpd... for fcuk sake why do we always get the shortest end of the straw

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>be me
>uni cuck
>have small drinking habbit
>everyday after uni sit in local park with beer or pre mixed drinks and cigs
>just feeling the vibe and listening to fake punk rock
>but recently atleast half of the time some black nig shows up and asks me for a cig
>afterwards they always ask if i want ot buy weed antd its kinda getting annoying
>I don't know if they are feds or what but i don't want to keep giving them cigs

and before some some clever anon says just don't give them cigs, at the time they ask me for them, i'm always to drunk to care about giving them the cigs

I feel like i should just find a new spot to get drunk at
and no , I cant get drunk at home because my roommates are all "worried" about me and get into a hissy fit when i drink under the week
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>ask for free shit
>try to sell you bullshit
yeah that checks out
Checks out
Try pregabalin

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fuck you
/pol/ is faggot central thoughie. i would've said /int/ but that belongs to sensible gay men.
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nein nein nein nein
killu yourself dumb troon
thats mean abon

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Better not go ER at work, boy
fastest way is to increase your salary as much as u can
then you either start a business
you start to investmaxx, either extreme risk or long term if you are really enjoying your wagecuckening
with a bit of money saving and some investments you can make it from 1 solid investment if you are not a retard
but you guys are so
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This is the part where you tendiebuxmaxx.
How old are you?

It may not be too late to join the military and be provided free food and housing by the government.
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i only ask for the strength with which to face my death

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I love my gf. we have been friends since childhood but been in a relationship for 2 years, not only is she my gf but also my best homie, she is literally me but in a female body, only difference being that she enjoys inflicting physical pain on me, not too much, and I dont mind it that bad, kinda enjoy it but few days ago she tied my hands, she has done this before, I dont mind this part.
Timeskip a little, she makes a small cut on my waist, forces her 2 fingers inside it then pushed them in my mouth. This time I was genuinely telling her to stop but I wasnt physically resisting. I bite her fingers gently to let her know Im really being fucking serious for her to stop. She slaps me and keeps doing it.
She still did not apologise for it. Tf am I supposed to do?
She is a robot too, but sleeping right now, I will delete the thread when she wakes up, I dont want her to see it
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will have to repost this soon lole
Sorry OP, you may have doomed yourself.
>Mfw tread isnt deleting
Ah fuck this Im bout to accidentally break her phone. She wont use the computer cuz we will go outside as soon as she wakes up
Goodbye anon, I have a feeling you will die soon
I'm going to repost this tomorrow teehee

>intense self hate is back after almost a decade
>realise i just made empty promises to myself back then
>and hate myself for the same reasons again
it's sad how i saw myself as unlovable as a teenager, but now being in my early 20s doesn't make it better

also sry for my blogpost, i had to vent
ty for posting your crypto address i guess
What did you expect anyways?

Is it unironically over for aryans? I dont want whiteboys to die out since theyre even prettier than women. I mean it, compare aryan twinks to fat black women and decide who you would rather fuck. This is an emergency
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it's hoever
> nooo, why am I being molested
you reap what you sow
>tfw cutecel

i hate it. i only attract fags or deranged fujoshi fatties at best.
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>will never receive attention from dommy girls throughout my teens for being an attractive feminine twink
It's so over, I turn 20 next year

>Watch some stupid movie, can't remember the name
>Has a psychic in it
>Psychic can broadcast thoughts into people's heads to manipulate them
>That would be cool, why not give it a shot?
>Start envisioning my thoughts entering people's heads, just intensely thinking words at people in public
>Gradually devolves into beaming mental slur waves at minorities
>This becomes a daily routine
>Walking past a black guy on the sidewalk
>He turns around and says "Did you say something?"
>I shake my head and fast walk away

What the fuck?
anon I beg you, PLEASEEE have sex




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