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Want to learn something new?

The /int/ Wiki is a language learning guide created by /int/ users like you.

Cultural resources:
Cross-cultural etiquette guide
Flags of the world

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edycja końca piątku stópiątku
widzimy się za tydzień
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To i jeszcze prace dobra albo własna firme żeby jej zapewnić dobrobyt ale to już iq załatwi
cykl snu Trumana znowu został zaburzony
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było, zako
dzień dobry
smacznej kawusi
jebać kapusi

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muack besito
isch komme in deines richtung ich mach die stadt bis zum shore von italia.
bis später
tschau kakau

interessantes Gespräch uezs
die Bundeswehr ist mit dem Mann in guten Händen

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"or so i've heard" edition

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I don't watch porn.
Why do whites hate browns so much?
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that sounds cool my brother has a bunch of those kinda round 20 sides dice laying around cause he plays magic some of them are really pretty
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living my best life <3

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Ja maar ik ben niet in nederland.
ik stem op de partij die de wajong wil verhogen
wajong is een linkse hobby
is niet links of rechts hoor, is om te zorgen dat nederland niet vol school shootertjes zig

americanos be like
>"ancient rome?? medieval europe?? hmmm I think we need a few ruling nigs there to make it true to our history x"

Y do you do dis? Witcher or kingdom come were attacked for not having blacks too

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i wish i could fly like a bird.... edish
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literally my sister, shes legit tomboy covered in tats, in her mid 20s now and i bet she'll regret it big time one day soon if not already
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got the sausages on
What do you guys honestly think about pakis?
some are surprisingly attractive, with nice hair and skin
What about paki men?

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Is there any country on earth where women make the first move?
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Story time?
>you have to be willing to increase rejection rates
It's just the core mechanics of this game (life), nothing can be done about it. I was applying for jobs recently. If I'd take every rejection personally I'd be done and over it after like 5th time.
>when women were more modest in the olden days it was more obvious when they flirted
Not sure if women were ever modest, never lived in the olden days and can't trust the tales of the good old days just as you cannot trust your buddy when he tells you about his love life.
That's one retarded looking frog
>It's just the core mechanics of this game (life), nothing can be done about it.
Culture can lower the rates but its true its core mech
>Not sure if women were ever modest
I remember a world before yoga pants
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i had to pass every single major test to be kept on the school's basketball team. unfortunately, i failed chemistry. now, usually the coach can just coordinate with the science teacher to find out if i failed a test or not but because he's a lazy retard he decided to relegate that task to a bunch of students in exchange for free cuts.
now the girl who was tasked with that happened to have a crush on me and told me if i didnt do what she'd say she'd tell the coach about the test

i didnt want to leave the varsity team since it meant that i had to join the school's mandatory military training regiment or ,ew, join the boy scouts

so i did what she obliged

first it was simple things
help me out with my homework
do my essays
go shopping with me
then it escalated
hold hands with me
kiss me on the cheek

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Why not just move outta there?
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God punishing the great satan.
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It would have to be these you dumbass
>a house that can withstand a tornado would have to be a house that can withstand a tornado, dumbass
Why are you so goddamn retarded?
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The alternative:

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non-mleccha edition
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Why do you want us to be bullied just because your seething? lmao. What kind of a race are you?
i can't browse internet on libreoffice. libreoffice is a bloatware, microsoft office, google slides/sheets can be used for free online. Everyone uses gmail/outlook isn't it ?
i don't even care about FOSS. The concept is politically motivated yet it makes no sense. I would've been using windows 11 had it not been priced terribly. I also believe its immoral to use dishonest methods to activate windows thus I stick to free Linux.

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Sir Ben Nevis edish

Insignificant : >>196500558
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Good morning saars.
Finna cycle about 25ish kilometres today. And idk why but the starbucks beans taste a bit off, idk how to put it.

Summer got canceled in the northern hemisphere this year, it will just be winter for 16 months straight, see you in 2025 when we hopefully get some sun and above freezing
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Yes it is. Go back.
it's better than 30C all the time for sure, but what about it is paradise, lol?
Winter is literally the opposite of paradise. Winter is death. It is hell.
Leaving for work when it's -25 celcius outside. Suicide comes to mind.
Ah yes no sunlight and having to wear layers just to go to the store, how wonderful

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Why are the pagan Chinese who venerate the sun, moon, and stars richer than the Christian Philippines and Muslim Indonesians of Asia?
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Chinks are our Jews literally
right down to owning the Banks

They can easily snap their fingers and clear out many slum areas, build a gated park or open mall for the tourist for better optics for this country
but they just don't care

We are like a case study of what happens if the billionaires in your country has no cultural connection and just fly to Hongkong when shit hits the fan, it becomes a shithole
I think there are more Koreans than Americans in your country at any given time. But I cannot believe your country has any incels given how many single mothers there are.
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US takes the cake
>"it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God
t. Talmud, Bible, Quran
No both were ugly with the incel meme look.

Texas has officially fallen.
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IDK desu.
>send millions to the US
saaar those are zainichi guatemalans and hondurans
besides gerrymandering the fuck out what else do republicans there do to suppress votes?
we don't? our population will soon start falling
Demographic warfare.
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Leftists will see this and rejoice. After their celebration they will use it to manufacture statistics to slander whites.

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Fattest ass of hungary
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Send Hungarian gf NOW!
Enji Night
What happened to her face?
She looks different.
shit idk.

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