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A lot of Italians I know grew up in fucked up, dysfunctional households.
I know we meme westies about kicking out their own kids as soon as they turn 18 but a lot of "family-oriented" cultures are just as dysfunctional.
Family traumas are the reason of my permanent amnesia, despite the fact that I left the shithole called "family house" when I was 17. I believe my brain developed it as a defense mechanism so that my traumas cannot distract me while I'm focused on the future.

Anyways so my point is, if your family's screwed, so are you no matter at what age you fly away.
Maybe, but you can definitely direct the course of your life from being ultra-shit always to just being shit from the past.

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Whatever happened to him? The Grussyborn?
he redeemed
People like to mock India but grussy was just disgusting.
in thier tongue he is grussykiin

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So these are the people calling us amerifats?
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they're bri'ish
you can't suffer in the british islands
gross, uk is pure suffering
slags smear cheetos powder on their skin to try to pass it as a tan

Out of all the Latinx countries, why are these the only ones with good food? Is it indigenous influence?
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Brazilian food is delicious.
idk about your country, but brazilian food is absolutely just LA GOROROBA DE LA COMUNIDAD except in some specific geographic pockets. i'm not in one of this pockets but idc because caring about food is for faggots and autists
Serious question did Aztecs and Maya really use bow and arrow?
I don't think I've seen images of them using those
I searched it up and found
>The Aztecs bow and arrow was called a tlahhuitolli. It was similar to most bows and arrows, and Aztec warriors would carry a quiver full of about 20 arrows.

>Like spears, the Aztec tlahhuitolli were tipped with obsidian.

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Nothing can faze the Finnish man.
why are brownoids so insecure when it comes to finns? they seethe so much at them
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Attractive, athletic, intelligent, charming, BFC (big finnish cock), natural night vision, plus five resistance to cold temperatures, access to easy Swedish pussy at any moment. Who wouldn't be insecure?
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What is your opinion on shitbulls in your country?
Why is it always the worst kind of people who own them?
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Shitbulls must die
pets are for women and their simps.
Hate em
least deranged Asanagi post

Are brits the world's funniest people?
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>t. jealous jew
If you are 10 years old
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T. Racist Australian who feels the need to say jew because he secretly hates them
Just admit it man, I could care less
Peep Show is kino IMO

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>when an european tries to teach me history
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>gif isn't working
Gaules is a faggot
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>static gif
bro take the L and call it day
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very common here, they go over the incels
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Is there nice rural 1/3 Spanish 2/3 Inka tradwifes in your country? Maybe one of your sisters?

Would like to meet a girl from Peru's countryside
Yes they are
Bully answer
absolute retard
It doesn't state anywhere that they were bullies. Just that most have some mental illness.

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do you post on social media in your country?
the ear poking out from her hair is so sexo, I love baltoelves
damn i RLY wish I could impregnate her
>social media

Nope. I only have linkedin and instagram account but I rarely use both
sorry to disappoint you but she is anglo american and used to post here
she loves Brazilians and other men of color so you may have a chance with her
anyways what is the point of linkedin? i dont think people in europe really use it

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Издaниe для дyши
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ngl lowkey slaps kind of
Nur zurückgebliebene Boomer. Und das auch nur, weil Deutschland nichts anderes zu bieten hat. Eure Musikindustrie ist ein kompletter Scheiß im Vergleich zu der russischen.
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>Nur zurückgebliebene Boomer. Und das auch nur, weil Deutschland nichts anderes zu bieten hat. Eure Musikindustrie ist ein kompletter Scheiß im Vergleich zu der russischen.

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scratched my ass now going to sleep
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give it a good sniff for me before you go
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Stinky Fingers!
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fap sleep scratch repeat

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>twin tails are banned in Japan
what exactly is the rational behind this? Its not like this is office job
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idk what's going on with this person, but this is the creepiest looking countenance I've ever seen.
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Japs are a chinless race even among yellows because of the lack of north asian blood.

my sister always go to school with twin tail.
Konnichiwa, dude!

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How many girlfriends did you have in your country?
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People don't realise that basically every straight dude with100+, even the chads, are constantly on the hunt.
It's like a lifestyle and takes a lot of energy, time and a specific mindset.
A lot of guys have the potential to slay but usually end up in a long term relationship with the first girl they flirt with because she's smart enough to not let him go.

But can I ask you, how do you prevent the women to keep contacting you ? How come they see you as fuck material and not relationship ?
How do you not have psychos ringing your bell and contacting your friends ?
How'd you do it
We broke up badly, admittedly I was an asshole on her, didn't cheat just was very bad with her
I don't think I'm made for relationships
I did have a gf for over a year, dont know what that makes me but who cares
penis in vagina

Why don't you come Egypt????
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I've been twice, seen all I wanted to seead more so I wont be going back probably
Why would I?
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i just went because its cheap
also if i go though eilat that city has no VAT tax so i can buy cheap computer parts which i did.

for my next vacation i wanna go to cyprus or greece or something. either that or ill just work forever and never vacation
Is there anything to do there besides see the pyramids?

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