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What are your thoughts about Georgian people?
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Notes? Nigga are you a boomer
Whatever the country

But don't come here begging to help you next time turks start raping you, Genozvale
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Iberian brothers.

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Epäonnistunut pitsakuljetus -painos
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onko pakko en tykkää hymiöistä yhtään
ei ole pari minuuttia toimitus on inha ja jälki olo on myös
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mulla on muutamia omakustannesarjiksia missä tää päätyy ihan alastomaksi

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Ediția Amalia Ghigoarță

Precedent: >>202419940
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Altă idee.

Care-i treaba cu gnarii?
Vrei să cringiți un pic?

Scrieți pe facebook româ impresionat de statuia lui Eminescu din Elveția, aș fi postat linku aici dar nu mă lasă 4canalu.

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Kan man ha mer enn en aksjesparekonto (ASK)?
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storgrisen da
jeg kååm og det føltes godt
Jobber med å få lappen, så skal jeg kjøpe den mest forurensede skranglekassa jeg kan få tak i.
Du får med deg alt du da.

Does Chico look more Iberian or Polish to you?
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c'est fini
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Looks Arab but whiter. In what world do polish men look like Chico? Dumb kike
Yes which comes from Arab culture they introduced to Spain. Get fuck nigger kike
His mother is not half German:
>*father – Polish
>*mother – Brazilian [Portuguese, small amount of German, possibly other]
Also that 23andme he took was probably a long time ago and they updated a lot. Some of that “Broadly NW European” might be the rest of his Polish ancestry along with French and German, British and Irish. 23andme overlaps a lot more between all European ethnicities. He’s definitely 50% Polish, the other half mostly Iberian, that 1% non European is probably Amerindian and African since he has those colored on the map.
>Gets a lighter than average Arab
>Pretends the average Arab looks like that
>He looks like an *even lighter* lighter than average arab
Dude lol

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For the eternal glory of our Lord, Jesus Christ edition

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Why does South Korea have such a high -ACK rate?
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>Uruguay top 5
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Highest female -ACKs.
Can you save them, /int/?
Not enough Radiohead music
Are you a REAL South Korean or an Amerimutt?
I am a real South Korean. Why are you asking though

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Fettis beschweren sich über Dinge - Ausgabe
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Gönn dir
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du auch brudi. nächste woche wird bei mir lieferpidser geschlemmt
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Why are arabs so scared of this?

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Viribus Unitis
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We literally have twinks that post here.
Sometimes I wonder if I should trade my chad build for a twink build. They seem to have it easier in life.
>You could say that we are south slavs but what if we‘re actually Ostrogoths
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edizione tettoluta
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Nella frittata ne metto 10 così non mi confondo. Compro solo pacchi da 10.
>polentoni le bad anche se sono vittime di globohomo come tutti noi
Libri chuddi da scaricare
total shitalian love / total italian love
Mia madre è solita andare dall'istituto agricolo per prendere i pacchi da 30 uova

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>read a contemporary British detective novel
>polish woman is a janitor
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>russian man is fertilizer

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So, my father and mother were "Russian", as they wrote in their "nationality" graph in the Soviet Union's passports (russian ones didn't have these graphs). Their families (my family) were alwats thinking of themselves as Russians, exept for the fact that one of my grandfathers was clearly Ukrainian. No one were saying to me in face that I look strange for a Russian or like non-Russian, but recently I've started to be suspicious about it.
You see, my autistic ass was never been interested in my family's story in childhood (I've barely remembered grandparents birthday dates or uncles names) untill the university. Then some guy, who were "enjoying" racology earlier, was saying "as a joke", that I look like an asian person. I didn't believe him, because I was never doubted my Russianess or Whiteness, despite being brown-eyed and dark-brown haired. Then, I've posted here, and peopke were saying I look Asian as fuck. I didn't understand that, I thought I was just ugly all the time. Then I've asked some if my online friends about my appearance, and one of them were cheerly compared me to Keanu (obviously mixed-looking). I was a bit distressed, but I wouldn't tell my friend about it, he just wanted to compliment me.
And then I was starting to remember some non-obvious shit. Like, my school bully was the stereotypical "blonde-haired dead-fish-eyed" rusgol, who have looked pretty (he has personality of a coward and week-willed person, always trying to act cool and bully, changing sides and buddying with any powerful guy in the class), immigrants or foreigners were always strangely willing to talk with me or ask something, despite being usually mute on the streets. Maybe it's just because I look like a weak person easy to trick, thought I?
And while asking my parents or relatives, I was given with the same answer: "We're just russians, lol! Being them forever, and what's up with being mixed a bit, you're still Russian!" But when I have asked them about "mix" in our family, they were shutting up or going: "Well, some grandma was polish or something, we don't know actually, sorry, kid."
Now I might be getting the real existential crisis for my own.
So this is the sunset
I have not been pulled by this gravity in a long time
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this is so sad, being ukrainian is like being a hamite
Purchase a genetics kit, I'd like to make fun of your results
embrace your mutt heritage and move to america

How different would it be if Islam never caught on?
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The kike and eurocucks fear a non Islam Middle East more than anything.
Shut up nigger
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autisten, jag...
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Det är trad!
fuck you idiot
hycklare som rakar benen
undrar om hon är hårig där nere också

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