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Would you go to war with your favorite video game character?
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Judging from that pic, they must be 2TittyBytes each!
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See ya Akagibro
yes the maiden of leftism, jeanne
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I-I said; "Judging from that pic, t-they must be 2 TeraBoobs each!"

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Anyone seen Secret Level? First episode is based off of DnD and we have a black dwarf because of course.
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yes, it's as tiresome as complaining about it.
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Unfortunately all 5e gnomes suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome
it's ludo
don't play on master for your first playthrough though
I want to mating press the gnome
Let's see you're a nigger faggot that can't stop to suck dick with schizoid tendencies plus couldn't post five examples of the aesthetics being "all wrong" and gets mad when called out on the bs.

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Other than that, cool game.
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the enemy team gets to it before my team
>Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben are all in
Gotta say, it's fantastic
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I also hit diamond and I agree about most of those placements, but you have Winter Soldier WAY too high and I think there's a very clear OP tier. I also don't think any tank belongs in OP- Magneto, Strange, Groot and Thor are all great and you should have at least one of them on any team but none of them will solo carry the game the way having someone in the above tier will. The one exception is Peni on defense where she's maybe the best character in the game. She can control so many angles with her mines. She's okay on offense but nowhere near as good
Allows for camping snipers better

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/v/ never recovered from this
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Why is this so common?
>Another Xenoblade shitpost thread
Make it stop
women do not have testes you stupid tranny
and there are no women in these threads
He is not a "boy", anon, he is a MANLIEST NORDIC GIGACHAD GAMER WOJAK MAN
I meant ovaries. OVARIES. The female gonads in females.
One-track mind, I swear.

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>I missed an Aisha thread
sause, is it porn?
link please, brown catgirls are my weakness
>Yeah, but all the new stuff is getting marketed to these new "90% fans" and their tastes are way too fucking sanitized and moronic to appreciate anything than the most common denominator slop.
It's good to keep in mind that the "modern audience" that they keep dumbing things down for doesn't exist. You're looking at a captive audience who keeps consuming this shit because they have no other choice, their medium goes away when they stop. Just look at Concord if you want to know the end result of lowering quality until no one wants to play along for the sake of a modern audience, the silent 90% that all marketers claim is definitely real, can't be proven actually exists.

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So... game consoles are now 500 times more powerfull... and yet the only real diference between PS3 and PS5 pro is texture resolution and better shaders?

That also could be done in the PS3?
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Men should never use the word cute or any variations of the word cute.
in fairness the only last of us title that has pre-rendered cutscenes is the original release of the first game on ps3, the ps4 remaster and every version of Part II all have in-engine cutscenes
whats better about it ? the blur ?
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its mid

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What went so wrong?
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idk, the boys are still funny which you can tell from their podcasts, but they don't bring that humor to their skits for some reason.
also they're boomer minded and can't into tiktok/short form video.
oh yeah, and as much as i love their longer streams like hellfest, they seem like far too much work compared to how many views they bring in.
could be that they're simply shit at advertising that stuff, i don't know.
I think their mistake was putting absolutely everything into one giant unorganized channel, which they actually were undoing and fixing during the telethon cryfest. It was kind of amazing because the tone was so dour and then so sad and then support poured in for hours and hours and hours and they seemed to really get their spirit back from it.

Anyway, it is amazing that a channel with as many great videos that is so old only has 600K subs. I can't believe they don't have millions, it seems bizarre.
>been at this for 20 years
>not even 1mill viewers
>refused to sellout to roosterteeth
how have they even made it this long

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What's your GOTY anons? Pic related is mine. Despite just releasing in EA it's got so much content that it has me absolutely kneeling.
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Is there a retard-proof guide on how to create an NPC mod with custom dialog?
Yes, you can use a stethoscope to check
Cool thanks
Stop replying to bait
I read two hand works on it if you only have 1 hand equipped. Is that not the case?
I suppose it might be better to just use scythe since it's my other high potential weapon, even if I don't plan on ditching my god

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Fact: Every game would improve with yuri
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Glad gundam is back to autistic boy meets girl, maybe this time it will be possible to actually talk about the show.
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>Fact: Every game would improve with yuri
The brown also likes the boy
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>Yuri is good because I can pretend to be one of them

A few games, yes. But every game? No.

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What are we expecting form the Elder Scrolls 6 trailer tomorrow at TGA?
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i coom
Lies upon lies upon lies.
hehe reddit memes ;)
whats the best skyrim coomer modpack

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Honest thoughts on Sadie Adler?
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The definition of a breeding sow
Now that you mention it, why didn't she and her husband have any kids? It's 1899. Married woman her age on a farm WOULD have kids.
Yeah sure, just like the other hundreds of scripted moments in this game where the gang does shit regardless of what you do, but somehow this particular one scene worked like this. Lying retard.
ruined the game for me
Its been a while since I played but I think they were relatively newly married and she was pregnant at the time the O'Driscolls raided and the event contributed to a misacarriage.

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When is the Duelist Cup going to start in master duel, I am bored and tired of waiting.
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Congratulations, you beat an FTK deck that went second.
Sky strikers with Thrust
Call me a retard if you will but here's how I see it.
>sets out in quest
>gets captured, gets possessed, and fucking dies immediately
>rest of the story follows one guy who was there from beginning to end
>guy who has been the focus of the plot (see Mekk-Knights & Knightmares, Check THIS out)
>Chosen by the World Chalice
I mean the whole overarching storyline. Sure the events of the story start happening because of Ib but she's quickly removed and turned into a plotpoint that both turns Girsu into a villain and sets the later events in motion.
Ib sets the stage for Avram to give us his show in it.
he was also playing horus shit
I've nutted to this image over 20 times

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>at least 2 announcements
this is how you know it's fake. they would give the spotlight to valve completely, it would be about 1 big thing, not 2.

Also Valve likes to stealth announce stuff
I don't believe it till I see it.
>Anon the Syrian rebels who stormed Assad’s bunker this week said “this feels like I’m playing half life”.
Haha, really?
Sony already did. No refunds for snoyggers like you. :^)
>Anon the Syrian rebels who stormed Assad’s bunker this week said “this feels like I’m playing half life”
But why? Video games are haram.

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I wonder how many people understood the lore without watching videos?
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These games are some of the most Christian ones I have ever played lol
>It's not a cycle.
nta but it is literally a cycle
there's an age of fire, then an age of dark, then a new age of fire, etc.
The age of dragons wasn't an age of dark.
Sez who? And why do you believe them?
this is like understanding the lore that my 8 year old made up for his action figures

>dude, le 90s references XDD
This game was ahead of its time.
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I'm still upset that the game cover strongly suggested that it was a horror game, with the nighttime, spooky looking mansion and forest, the lit window, the ajar door But it's only a walking simulator where you find out your sister is a lesbian and ran away.
The only thing worse than Gone Home is Depression Quest.
one of the first wokeslops
One of the most dishonest marketing campaigns ive ever seen in 40 years of gaming.

And the shit they pulled with their idle thumbs p0dcast/polygon connections to get a 10/10 review, and then hand waving it saying that it was completely ok and there was no conflict of interest, was fucking shocking.
>outrageously overpriced 2 hour long game
>no gameplay
>10/10 from journos just because it has gay shit

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you need to be 18 or older to post here
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Already did.
Played from 2009 to 2013 (whenever the later MvM maps got added), then again from 2020 to aimbot spam, and then finally stopped once our favorite community server shifted their servers off to a shitty location that's laggy for us.

Love playing but utterly despise the playerbase, which really sours everything TF2 related (it's a multiplayer game after all):
>Meet Your Match
Trash addition and faggots crying "saveTF2" due to bots and other inane complaints was peak cringe. Join a fucking community server zoomer retards.
>e-celeb worship
Fucking hell due to the autism overdose of the playerbase this is absolutely horrendous
>self-inserting OCs/character personas
A double-edged sword. The high degree of freedom and customizability is very welcome, but damn it lets loose the worst autism the community has to offer.
>hostile against competitors
This was something I agreed on especially with regards to hero shooters released around OW1 despite being incomparable, but the worst is the unreasonable comparisons to DeadonarrivalLock which is absolutely nothing like TF2 and a clear sign of dementia.

Obviously I've moved on with fond memories of the gameplay, but man the community is so insufferable that whenever there's bad news in the TF2 community it fills me with joy to hear.

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Oh ok I'm wrong, there's actually negative mouse accel you have to edit a config file to turn off that prevents you from moving your mouse too quickly, which is in every half assed console port known to man
ue devs use visual scripting that they call blueprints
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i never tried the first splatoon, but splatoon 2 didn't feel at all laggy. splatoon is the closest pvp series i would ever consider an alternative to tf2. and a hat in time is the closest thing to an alternative to the tf2 community, people just doing stupid shit for fun where everyone has their own collection of mods. and smash bros is the closest series to a competitive alternative a party game taken way too seriously

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Ready to let AI play games for you, /v/?
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>implying they haven't already
I urge everyone to keep pic related very close if this is the first time you've seen it. Some of us knew back then, clearly, but we couldn't stop it still.
even boomers are red pilled
it's literally mainstream now that the mainstream media is dead
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TTRPG enjoyer here
This is happening to us already, has been for a while.
Everyone just uses ChatGPT to create session plans for their campaign.
One group I know straight up uses ChatGPT to DM so then everyone can play.

With video games, say you play any competitive game or MMO or something.... easier to just use ChatGPT to give you the best builds in the current meta based on current stats.

Dead Internet Theory is real. The humans behind everything online now are just copy-pasting everything from ChatGPT
A slow motion clip of a man eating a burger that looks like it was made with a cracked iphone

We've gone backwards. Its just like video game graphics where everything has to be photo realistic and it stops being interesting. Its just a guy.
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>ai jank kino is finally getting the appreciation it deserves

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ITT we only post characters that literally nobody hates
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The schizo chuds hate everything after ME1 and have convinced themselves that Garrus... bad?
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Barry hates him because he is more chad than Noctis
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Job roles in FFXIV don't make any sense
>Gladiator is a tank
>Samurai is a glass cannon dps
Shouldn't it be the other way around??
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>The patch cycles are waaaaay too long for me to give a fuck anymore.
they're about a month longer than they were previously, you can be a big boy and wait. but i think you're probably better off talking yourself out of it since you've already told yourself it'll suck, those grapes looked shitty anyways
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Just wait retard.
>It's about a month

why is this superimposed over one of those fucking weird 4chan scrapers that isn't an archive?
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Wow you're so brave and moral for announcing your filters once again! Who's a good boy? You are! You are!

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Did she come home?
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Why so stupid?
sniffing the commanders boxers did something to her
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>Exia teases Guillotine about not having companions
>Maiden becomes Guillotine's companion
>Exia was teasing Guillotine for not having Maiden
>Guillotine was being called maidenless

Fucking ART
her being a npc that repeats lines was funny
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>Maiden on first 10
>Guillotine at 20
Well I guess I'm done

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