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►►VOTE: https://forms.gle/WmiQwTJzTJ6JnMTM8
—Timer: https://itsalmo.st/time-for-round-4-bgvj


►Nominations: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iyEvhCLdHgBoPaFf8TzA79wqPcHRqegR7evnMvH4q6o/edit?gid=0#gid=0
►Qualifiers: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1u6lzwJZT2AIaoDHO1rbq-wGYJd6x-0KKKf8iOQFlIKc/edit?usp=sharing
►Round 1: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScY7S0Ik3_8TqgDajvPlq686B9IH-nWfYMB6n6NmEHW3H-NnA/viewanalytics
►Round 2: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdnIAAqol-6XiG1REdtJievpHwhda1fLM3P2Dwvvhp73Zq4Fg/viewanalytics

►Bracket: https://challonge.com/KingV2024

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Yeah, I haven't even seen any pro-Morgana OC.
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How bout all you back the FUCK off?!
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Hello and welcome to the third round of the exciting 2024 King of /v/ tournament! The remaining competitors are more determined than ever before as they fought with extreme aggression (hopefully not enough to kill each other). Let's see what we can find within these violet brawls:

At match 2, Pepsiman zips across the arena while scattering empty Pespi cans everywhere, causing Waluigi to stumble around the stage in pain as he struggles to dodge these litter cans. However, the purple man quickly gets the hang of it as he evades them thanks to his dancing skills. This seems to get the soda mascot's attention and...all of the sudden, this entire match is now a dance-off? That's right! These two men are now trying to outperform the other with their impressive dancing moves, all while throwing bob-ombs and soda streams as they attempt to slow each other down. This is one bizarre match so far, but who will be dancing their way to the next round?

At match 5, Doomguy shoots out a hail of plasma rifle fire towards Kirby who managed to inhale the upcoming projectiles and spat them back with surprising force. Doomguy dodges the plasma blasters and counters with a Super Shotgun blast that sends the puffball flying, but Kirby summons a Wrap Star to fly all over the stage and confuse his opponent. The demon slayer tries to hit the flying star rider with precision rockets, but Kirby is still going as he transforms into Fire Kirby and throws fireballs at his opponent. Can Kirby fly away safety to the next round, or will Doomguy gun him down like a duck hunter?

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panty schizo is a specific shitposter who does nothing but shitpost
we get it you like panties, constantly shitting up threads isn't going to magically make them appear so go complain to someone else
> search for the highest possible image quality
Hope you don't mean resolution specifically, because some of those old anime upscales look like ass.
Leda was shit
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What are some games of or around that time with bikini armor girls that are actually good?
I can only think of pic related and maybe Popful Mail if you consider leotards one-piece swimsuits.
Try using it right now, faggot.

>dude, le 90s references XDD
This game was ahead of its time.
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Look at yourself. Look at what your life has become.
Your entire life is being a keyboard warrior to defend woke ideology. This is why you'd so go far as to defend Gone Home. Everything you defend about this game is fake. Fake scores, fake story, fake gameplay. Nothing about this game is good or deserves the high scores it got. And here you are being that white knight defending garbage.

If anything, you're way more miserable than me. At least I get to be true to what I believe. You have to lie to yourself to claim it deserves that 10/10 polygon score.
Sounds like a sad return to monke LARP.
>angry words
You sound so happy.
>return is healthier happier society is le monke LARP

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They're really desperate what the fuck hahahahahahahahahahaha
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Should I try Diablo 4 though? Everyone is shitting on poe 2 so might as well give this one a try.
Simplest way to know its a dogshit game
i feel like d4 was irrelevant a month after launch
korean mmos aren't as grindy though, unironically.
Gaming Journalists have unironically started calling ARPG Exile-likes since Diablo 4 is just a shoddy Lost Ark clone and D3 was over a decade ago.

Meanwhile POE keeps on chugging

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Was he right?
Marx had an embarrassingly lo gamerscore on XBL. he was just seething about a lack of skill
nah, he was pretty left leaning desu senpai

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Give me your taunt animation
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Those don't look very R18, are they really?
I don't listen to anyone with twig thighs.
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wriggle nightbug
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maybe you'll listen to my boot

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Metaphor is Gamespot GOTY 2024! Congrats!
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And are these "pedophiles" in the room with us right now?
trying to compete with Lightning
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Do you think women with small asses don't exist or something?
>are you chucklefucks really going to celebrate this

Most of /v/ wont, some woke parts of /v/ that just like to make people mad because "Lamo it owns the Nazis" will

Everyone KNEW the woke game would win though, there was NO doubt

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Isn’t it kinda weird that the prequel era was universally hated but gave gamers tons of games to play but the sequel era has gave us nothing?
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I imagine this is in large part to the international market. The third world eats CGI up, look at the Cape shit success. Anything with full background CG to transport them from their awful lives somewhere else. This is also why avatar did so well
SW was always meant to be sword & sorcery but in space
He got blown up and dismembered a lot, so it took the edge off.
>Rey wants to stay on Jakku and is actively resisting the call to adventure for most of the film, when Luke was trying to leave and jumped at the chance to become a Jedi
>Finn is pretending to be a hero while he's actually a coward who just wants to bail, Han was a hero pretending to be a scoundrel
>Darth Vader was a powerful, high-ranking Dark Jedi who fully believed in the Empire and sought to destroy the remaining Jed that inspired fear in his men, Kylo Ren is a emotional, unstable psycho who doesn't actually buy into his own hype, is only LARPing as a Dark Jedi to get back at his dad. He isn't respected and bickers with Hux

Now you're just gonna go NUH UH FUCK OFF SHILL REEE so I don't even know why I'm bothering, here
But Star Wars was alive and thriving between 1983~1999 and 1999~2015?

Where is that nintendo faggot from yesterday saying the switch 2 will be a game changer because it'll have cod and sportsball
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You do realize even ps5 pro resolutions can still be sub 1440p, hell sub 1080p, it is not about hardware but how shitty nu devs are.
Go learn a book nigger.
True. All the consoles only ever get a maximum of ten-twenty real actual good games in their life-times. So many games aee multi-platform now that almost all of the games also inevitably end up on the pc.
Oh no, a typo.
Snoytrannies really are pathetic troons.
Considering it's Nvidia ray tracing, 6 cores would be better than ps5 pro
one thing i hate from the gwaphix nigger race is resolution faggotry
i would much rather have 720p 250hz than 4k60, it's just so fucking good

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just got my chromatic
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DS hardware cloning is a lot harder, also might be made difficult by sourcing resistive touchscreens of an appropriate resolution
The DSi XL is the best way to play DS games, it doesn’t need new hardware
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I have an RG35XX, pretty gr8, currently i'm playing Parasite Eve on it.
dark duel stories nigga
palmer luckey is pure evil

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What went so wrong?
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Algorithm kept snubbing their stuff and they've been around for so long that it could've been anything that tripped off their bot mods.
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>wins the feud
Where my Linkara Chad's at?
making 6 skits a year and they're not very good

becoming a podcast network with a giant building and 6 employees
anyone archive their "mega64 is over" stream? i want to see Tears.
I see like 1 skit every 2 years so i have no idea what is supposed to be wrong

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>I'm forgotten
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Duels are much more simpler and shorter. Anime characters. More to do besides PVP. More single player stuff period. Yeah the grind suck ass and the gem rate is shit in DL but somehow MD bores the shit out of me. When I'm dueling on my phone I just want a quick match. PVP in MD is so slow/ Its either fucking niggers spending 10 minutes constantly special summoning if you do have a card to prevent this, in an endless cycle of special summoning or taking their sweet time making a move. MD made me hate PVP.
I thought Rebecca played Stromberg
I liked this game but it became so p2w at one point I just quit. Last time I played was when aliens were meta. I played a sacred phoenix/fireking deck before that and it was fun (when gladiator beasts were meta and got countered pretty hard by this).
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I enjoy how it's trying to fix Arc-V's awful ending with each new event.
try out edison. The duels are longer but it's not 10 minute turns like modern yugioh.

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no patterns for you autism-kun
Give her joker-makeup

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>work of the diversity consultants isn't importa-
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plain to see in the first question: they want more gays and nigs in because they want the fucking "wider audience" to keep the numbers going up. It's entirely pragmatic, because their marketing department has been taught that diversity sells in college by marxist professors.
I kid you not, it's that direct. This is why so many games go woke and fail.
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tell it to the mods, last time i posted a pic with "negroes" in it i got banned
>we need a negro to milk the negro demographic for all it got, and trick our investors to think we're expanding our business
It does get them SocJus whales however
If this dude goes to Italy or down to south America, hoo boy, he'll have an aneurysm if somebody says the color "black". Don't let him see a map of the Balkans either.

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Redline video game when?
Hero racing?
>pick a driver
>they have a unique vehicle
>unique stats/attributes/size
>any kind of map / locale / race track because sci-fi
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What more substance do you freaking need dude?
Do you watch Nascar or F1 and say the same thing?
literally fzero or mario kart
this anon is right.
a proper twisted metal racing game would scratch all ur itches.
maybe item pickups are gay and a better way to do it would be to pick a loadout, and perhaps get access to the weapons you equiped death race style.
I think a Wreckfest style of vehicle damage would suite a game like this pretty well.
You're autistic but the wrong kind because even /o/tists like Redline.
twisted metal isn't a racing game and is incompatible with the concept of one. TM PS3 had races and they were fucking awful. car combat games are basically quake on wheels, but unlike quake where everyone has the same move speed and differences come from player skill at movement tricks, in a TM game speed is part of what balances a car and 3/4 the roster would be dead weight

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/v/ never recovered from this
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Because the tranny keeps posting in every thread.
Tell him to stop.
You can also ignore and report, you know. Just don't announce it and everyone is happy
Tell him to stop announcing this>>696960984 every thread
He did the exact same shit yesterday
Blades can grow futacocks if they want to

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Other than that, cool game.
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They were the first and most serious ones.
Agents of Shield doesn't count.
Alright bros. Peep this.

Emma Frost...as a Tank. Think about it. She's got diamond skin. She can charge in with diamond knife hand strikes, using psychic powers to stun enemies and her ult could be generating giant psychic diamonds that shine healing light on her team and burning psychic light on enemies. Like Symmetra turrents, but they actually melt you fast as fuck.
Love and Thunder isn't super great and if the Guardians show up it's probably just a cameo to explain why they separated from Thor after Endgame. You'd probably be better off with even the Christmas Special.

The video game was a sleeper too, really good stuff buried by poor marketing and even worse timing
no respect for the greeks.
The thing that kills comics is comic fans who go on to become comic writers
They were just there in the opening minutes just to show Thor just struggling with having do direction with his life and being kindly kicked out from the group

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How do we feel about the remake?
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you are both dumb. I replayed the psx version a couple weeks ago and it's just like that.
That guy is straight up paralyzed the first time you meet him and will not attack or do anything, he will straight up not even animate. Unless you attack him in which case he fights/dies and then all other humans are hostile forever
Okay, well I checked my monitor settings and apparently I've been running some fucked up color and brightness settings for a while for some reason. With some adjustments it looks fine now. Figured that may have been the case since no one was really commenting on it and I thought I was going insane.
By making the statue's shoulders wider and the head smaller, this is why the remastered version looks masculine.
Yup, as I had thought. Pretty much everyone complaining that night time is too dark or that the game is bugged and stuck at full-dark is actually playing on a borked brightness/contrast setting LMAO.
inb4 watch aspyr cave in and remove the daynight cycle because too many mouth breathers couldn't be assed to check their monitor/tv settings
The shoulders aren't wider, you don't know perspective, and you don't know anatomy. The only relative changes made were bigger boobs, a more pronounced hourglass, and a bigger ass. You are a mentally ill shitposter. You should kill yourself.

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Just beat this game and loved it. Is it worth playing the Xenosaga and Xenoblade games?
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>Welcome to the post-xenogears hellscape
It doesn't feel good.
This dude should have gotten more screentime
Funniest motherfucker I've ever seen!

Seraphic Blue

This song is stuck in my head it's so good
You pretty much have to try Xenosaga, since there are a lot of similarities, intentionally. Whether you love it as much is another matter.

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it’s kino but extremely overwhelming and intimidating…this is a game I can play for hundreds of hours easily. But, I admit, the multiclassing adds even more complexity. I may go full ranger this time and make a new character later with skills that sync and work well together.
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Poe2 is nothing like d4 retard.
so confidently incorrect
It's gate keeping normies for now. They'll be able to look up builds still but they won't have as much fun cause they have to pay attention and do things.
It's not to punish you, it's to tell you your build is fucking shit, stop trying to run through enemies, either kill them fast or go around.

I trashed my first character and started again, I built better and started splattering everything in my way.
If you're melee, yo want stun buildup too.
There's a reason all the big d2 players are switching to poe2 and loving it while shiteating casuals got filtered and are back to brainless zoom games like poe1, d2, and d4, and then there's dipshits like you that haven't played any of this shit at all.

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