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You now remember that the Silver Knight weapons weren't in Dark Souls 3 despite their set and shield being in, along with the enmies themselves, for no good reason.
Straight Sword Souls 3 really didn't need an even longer and stronger straight sword than the ones it already had.

Somehow, Radahn returned
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>Somehow, OP is still a faggot.

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> Sandalwood has failed me
> The Nightwings have fallen
> Billions must stay exiled
Why was he like this?
Does being betrayed by schizo fatherkiller turns you in a schizo as well?
Also Supergiant thread I guess
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>tranny game
kill yourself brownoid
> Pyre
> Tranny game
Bro did you even play the game?
Barry post

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>Goddes Hestia, the virgin goddess of the hearth and the home according to Japan
>Goddes Hestia, the virgin goddess of the hearth and the home accoring to USA
Which one is better depiction goddes Hestia?
>Greek thing
>Neither designs are from Greek

There's your answer. Next thread...
left is best
right conveys hearth/home better and is more believably virginal than the left.
>fat black woman
Choose one
The right would be an acceptable depiction if she looked Greek and not like Aunt Jemima.

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I still can't believe that one of the like 4 ps5 exclusives is just showcasing ssd and gamepad gimic (which isn't even used anywhere)
And they're making sequel to this shit lol. At this rate we'll get astro playroom remake in a few years lmao
The absolute fucking state (of play)
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If you have tranny taste maybe, but as a Gran Turisno fan let me tell ya, its good eating.

Full VR and online racing, its not like a game anymore. Its like I put on that headset and I on the track for an hour. It's a portal
cope more snoyjeet
Have you played through Astro? It's certified kino
>which isn't even used anywhere
its used in almost all of the games. you're just retarded.
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Ah yes, how clumsy of me. Of course Sony as the platform holder would do their best to implement it in as many of their games as possible.
Just one more little thing that keeps nagging me in my nogging though: How can Sony implement this tech into games when the PS5 has no games?

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I wish Hex Maniac was real...
>chubby goth girl with messy hair, into the occult
>turns out to be a schizophrenic
Every time...
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Bimbo gyaru Hex who EXCLUSIVELY fucks lucky anons

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I dont care for:

>ubislop (ac, fc, horizon zero fucks given)
>fromslop (bb, sekiro, elden meme)
>movieslop (rdr 2, gow 4, the last of cucks 2)
>demakes (re 2, 3, 4, dick space, dick riding, silent shill 2, final faggotry 7) or mario.

What should I play ?

And stop telling me to play Hangman, that's not even a video game.
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you should kys instead
I care about all of those. I like video games
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>no mentions of gachaslop
okay then, play that
i don't think frogposting should be autosaged
unfathomably based

Shantae Advance if the portraits weren't PTSD inducing
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Neat, thanks mate. Though I assumed it would be full colour for whatever reason
are they british?
Only egg tits and only here

>least favorite
>dad is Nigel Thornberry

Checks out

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How would you go about hugging a shrike mitotic specimen? Asking for a friend.
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I'd have to know the exact circumstances there but I'm sure there is a reason it failed to target the standee. They're normally quite reliable.
Well Jefuty walked into the target range before placing the standee afterwards, but that's all I can think of. From the way it was described I'd have thought it would draw the fire regardless of not being spotted first, but maybe not?
They don't completely override targeting priorities but I don't recall the exact behaviors for those turrets. Only thing I can think of is them having a quirk for focusing on whatever is closest.
So many...
I think that's the only time I saw Jefuty genuinely swear, outside of when Mendo tries to pick flowers.

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What are the most lonely feeling games to play solo? It doesn't need to be survival horror or anything but I guess that genre generally serves that sort of lonely and solitary feeling games.
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I would play so many video games if I didn't have access to 4chan or YT. I might actually start having "fun" again.
Do urbanites really?
Prove that you are
>laid off work
>buy GPU with stimmy
>live frugally off savings/unemployment
>no one wanted to do anything or go anywhere because covid
>Doordash was still decent
>play vidya until it all blew over
It was nice while it lasted.
Two more weeks guys it's totally gonna happen this time

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Who's play OSRS? I started a new ironman after not playing for maybe 6 years and I've hit the point where I need both materials, quests, and levels.

Old school Runescape thread?
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Ironman mode is for WFH autists
RS3 content on Youtube is a graveyard. There's like 2 or 3 people still making guides and they all talk like they slammed a fent and whiskey cocktail moments before recording. No video essays or any other kinds of content for it really. Same deal with OSRS but there's more variety and a few outliers like KingCondor who actually seem to enjoy the non meta game.
Currently going through ironman for quest cape, anyone think theres any quests that just aren't worth the time to do blind?
Pretty much every modern-ish quest doesn't seem to be so bad but there was some real stinkers I had to give up on with the og stuff
I found a guy with a really interesting boss progression series for RS3 where he can't buy anything beyond basic supplies and the rest of his gear he has to go farm from boss drops.
The issue is that like everyone else he's extremely boring and it's a drops vlog.
I don't get why, theoretically RS3 should be less grindy and relatively more flashy than OSRS so one would thing making videos out of that would be easier, especially videos tailored to new viewers who would know little to nothing about RS3.

Get me NINTENDO on the phone.
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>zelda was always great, better than 99% of all video games ever made
>so great yet they deserved to die because they were old and stagnate and I'm going to mock anyone who thinks otherwise and spam smug celebrities and journos over it
>but I'll still constantly erroneously compare totk to the first game in order to claim it as the ultimate zelda though
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Nice X retard.
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Mald more ACFAG
>yet hardly anyone calls out the most autistic tendies
Because the most autistic tendies tend of just be Eric and ACfag.
>Where are the tendies calling out the "erictranny you lost and got raped" spammer?
Case in point, that is Eric. We all call him out but you people can't fathom the idea of a guy with a decade long irrational vendetta against a faceless Japanese company being unstable.
>Or is that eric too, just like everything is snoy? Sure makes it real easy
Yes, you do make it easy. Unlike you we were blessed with common sense and basic pattern recognition so even though you don't have a name you can be identified quite easily.
Not to mention, these "Erictranny" and snoy screamers only coincide with you and no other time.
We all point these things out but for some reason you never change your approach.
Ironically in being the most fervent Nintendo shitposters you've only just revealed that tendies don't even exist.

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>fish enemy
>elemental weakness: water
Monster Hunter does this shit. Every sea or water based monster is weak to fucking fire of all things.
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We've got catfish, now we've also got fishcats
I've heard of catfish but this is just silly
Saw catfish hunting pigeons in a documentary, what a magnificent creature
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Lusca if she real

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/v/ really isn't that bad these days. It used to be a lot worse.
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I auto filter 40+ threads and having a good time
BBC magnet
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I doubt British television would have any interest in her, she doesn't speak the language.
I thought this would be a good thread but
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How could a thread like this ever be good?

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If you participated in Jolly Cooperation, you didn't beat the game
Jolly Coop is for replays and enjoyable soul farming.
That's fine. It was fun. I forgive myself.

you did play her game, right /v/?
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Hatsune Miku
migu gaem hurts me more than it has any right to
Migu hates sexual minorities!!

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What do you wanna see next year in LaD: Kiwami 3?
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Do people really do this?
That's just an abridged entry into Haruka's diary, of which most mentions of her Oji-san are difficult to read and have stuck-together pages.
3 is already great, no need to ruin it with Kiwami remake.
I think your reading comprehension needs work

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How long will it take Xbox/Microsoft to recover the investment of buying Bethesda and Activision?
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Is this your first day on the internet? Don't answer that you stupid fucking phonetoddler, it's obvious.
None of us will be alive to see it happen. That is for sure. MS alone has as much debt as a country.
>First day on the internet
>Phone posting
Are you seriously going to pull out that shit? That's pathetic man
It's clearly your first day since you are too fucking stupid to turn off auto capitalization.
Your generation is so fucking tech illiterate it's embarrassing.
Kill yourself.
Xbox won't shut down, they'll just pivot to being a PC marketplace.
The IPs of the studios they own will be licensed out so that they can shut down the development studios they own that are all failing.

Xbox marketplace will hold a monopoly over their IPs. Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Gears of War, Forza, WoW, CoD and so on will be sold on Xbox PC first, probably for months of a year before going to steam.

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Its finally JOEVER
Did everyone finally decide to go touch grass?

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what is the most unnerving enemy in vidya?
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in Stalker: Call of Chernobly (or pripryat?) theres the fucking thing in the tunnel that takes control of your camera and force microwaves your brain with a bunch of close ups of his ugly mug. shits a jumpscare.

also in the same game theres this giant chicken looking...thing? that stomps around and deals damage by causing mini earthquakes. fucking that thing was hideous.

Stalker as a whole is just not for the faint of heart. it takes all the courage you can muster to continually explore into random abandoned buildings alone without any help from some other hunters. too many freaky monsters.

in fallout there are the chimera monsters that the super mutants keep at camp. youll shit brix the first time you find them because they are 100% silent and just creep up on you.

lastly in Metro last light there are the "Librarians" that stalk around this building and interacting with them is the scariest shit in the world because you dont know if theyll flip out on you or leave you alone.
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I hate the sounds these pricks make.
Call of Chernobyl was the scariest non-horror games I've played.
I completely whipped my mouse across my desk the first time a controller jumpscared me with his spooky zoomed in face

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