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this will be star fox in 2025

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You are in charge of building this game. What do you do?
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I just collect paychecks, run weekly team meetings to look busy, and request to get moved to another project after 2 years.
I unironically hire Respawn to make it
HL is essentially a flex that is necessary in the industry to drive it forward.
The problem is that no one knows what to flex on.
Starfield for example has that demo where there is a room full of potatoes that behave realistically, cool but the gameplay is shit and the potato demo has nothing to do with the gameplay.
HL2 has a bunch of physic based puzzles that are core part of the gameplay

The next flex, I think, should be machine learning.
For example, let's say you favor melee, the next area has enemies that according to the game difficulty will either play along with your style or counter you with long range weapons. It would be like the Director from L4D. The idea is that no playthrough is the same.

Story wise, who the fuck cares.
Stop progress with Lost-like bullshit and the end of the campaign to continue the story later.
>machine learning
This would literally add nothing.
Like I'm not saying this to be a dick, but 'measure what the player is doing and completely fuck them over' was solved decades ago. It just isn't common practice because a
>It's more fun to make situations with multiple solutions and let the player choose
>It's really fucking boring to make shit to murder the player
Only Kaizoshit does the latter and pro tip, anyone who says they do that for fun is LYING.
I shit in a bucket and call it a day.

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Woolie surely walked away with both of his kidneys intact with that decision.
>infiltration's wife goes crazy and destroys all his shit when he tries to divorce her
>grabs her wrist to stop her
>banned for life by the Jewish fgc cabal like ultradavid(kike)

>actual convicted nigger noel brown who groped girls and attacked people in actual tournament venues like the OP is still allowed because he's friends with king Jew nigger cocksucker Justin wong
justify this
Ten years ago is a long time.
>that one streamed competition
>loser left the venue angry
>fast forward couple minutes
>camera is fixed on the next guys in the middle of their match (one of them was the one who beat the angry loser)
>tiny red dot suddenly starts moving across that guys body
>fucking gunfire
>stream is cut
was wicked to witness
>haha I'm wearing a cast he won't hit me if talk shit about him for 5 entire minutes right next to him

>It's been 5 days man my dick is blue stop edging us and just post the rom already
I am crying and shitting myself please
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Nintendo cracked down on stores releasing early.
The few copies that exist in the wild are review copies and someone's breaking NDA by showing them off. They can't rip their XCI because Nintendo can download it themselves and instantly trace it back to the reviewer who leaked it.

The game's not getting leaked until maybe a day prior to release date.
>childishly eager to emulate game so he can tell everyone how it's irredeemable shit

The state of /v/
If /v/ has it so does your piracy website of choice. It's the same download links taken from there anyways. So just go there and bug the admins of those.
That's been every single Switch release for the past year. Yet the threads show up 2 weeks before launch manifesting it instead of there just being a thread 2 or 3 days from release saying IT'S OUT. And it's just constant troll torrent links and namefags and broken English.
atleast there's only a few more of these leak cycles left
unless the switch 2 gets hacked really early on i guess

ITT: Cute Vidya Girls
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If possible, in more than 720p, I'd recommend.
I really want to look up her shirt. She's gotta be rocking some serious underboob.
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Do you guys replay your favorite vidya frequently, or are you usually fine with just one playthrough? How do you feel about re-playing games in general?
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Replaying one game all the time and replaying one game once in a while is the same activity, simply at different rates. Maybe someone who replays a game once a year, on the clock, is less fucked in the head. That or he is an alcoholic who continuously forgets his last playthrough.
i go for a replay around once every year or two, sometimes with mods if the game has them for a slightly different experience. the feeling just kicks in every once in a while.
Not really, most games for me overwhelmingly are one and done with the possible exception of dlc. The two standouts though would be don't starve together and re5. The former my friend and I play autistically every few years when it's gotten fat with updates. And the latter we have played once a year for nearly a decade.
only if it can be modded for infinite replayability, for example turn gtav into a battlefield game.
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I've replayed the Kingdom Hearts series multiple times. I've played KH1 and 2 about half a dozen times, and the other games (except KH3) 2-3 times each. When I was a kid, I liked to start a new KH2 playthrough on the last day of Summer break.

I'm actually replaying the series right now, started Re:CoM a few days a ago.

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I really want to try this game, but after that trailer...I don't know if it's gonna be any good.

Any thoughts on this?
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Those are things too? Again don't read LOTR
It looks ugly and cheap.
It sounds like a mobile games only audience with no whales
This will definitely have gay hobbit romance.
this got delayed right? Hopefully they can fix the issues and get rid of the DEI stuff. Hopefully they saw how badly Outlaws, Dustborn, and Concord tanked, and took note

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You ready for CHADles to get revealed in sparking zero tomorrow?
The reason all saiyans except Pan are male is because even Toriyama new he couldnt write a fantasy story were female saiyan wouldnt be breed by human males and give birth to so many half-breeds that for some reason are more powerfull than pure bloods, so instead make all male saiyan retards who would rather fight than fuck
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Who could resist?
>pan is canonically strong enough to snap your spine with a bear hug
saiyan lolis are....terrifying

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Are you ready to contest some territory?
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I forgot about harlegwen
I agree
Honestly pretty mid design. The legs in particular are terrible.
Dis shit be mid frfr
pink is being annoying right now i'm keeping an eye on them

The impossible became reality, AND a sequel was teased.
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Whatever the case, I'll be having fun with the okayish game again while the better game is still left to rot :^)
Blame Marvelous. This shows that Sony is willing to pawn off its IP to anyone who care enough
Protip: Do not mash the circle button as fast as you can. You only need to gingerly press it to get the maximum pressing threshold. Don't burn up your thumb cartilage for no reason.
Kat needs a new game
Killzone Mercenary remastered would be great
Soul Sacrifice Delta, dear lord a remaster would be amazing
Tokiden for your Monhun fix
Toukiden's on PC

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Why did BlazBlue die?
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but what does that have to do with the Saya sealed in Amaterasu that loops the world to keep Ragna alive?
>black beast impregnate her
But that very same black beast is a corpse of a time displaced version of Ragna in a dead timeline
this. last thing blazblue needs is trooning out its characters and censoring the loli shit to appease twitter niggers
Because ArcSys got Guilty Gear back and they effectively have no real urge to bother going back. Despite the amount of effort Blazblue got, it was always just "Guilty Gear cope".
At least it ended on a good note.
Guilty gear had been ruined over the years

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Square Enix is the Japanese Ubisoft
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every day i thank god i wasnt born a shit colored subuhman
you will always be smelly brown and gross
unfuckable by anyone other than yourself
Seems realistic to me.
Square Enix is a decent JRPG publisher that aspired to be one of the worst Western AAA publishers on the market. When it's focusing on cultivating its JRPG library, it churns out mid but comfy titles like Star Ocean: the Divine Force and Visions of Mana and Nier. Comfy, not for everyone, but right at home with people who like them. When it's focused on being a greasy Western AAA publisher, no amount of sales will ever meet its expectations as it continues its overproduced, underwhelming design-by-committee games.

Unfortunately, Final Fantasy is a Western AAA IP in Square Enix's eyes.
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What went wrong?
Square enix... what a sad state
It's like seeing your family turn into stranger

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I stopped using the digital store on switch because they bombard my poor little soul with 99 cents shovelware. What happened to quality control.
Nintendo doesn't give a fuck about anything except their newest software. So if someone wants upload straight dogshit to the Eshop Nintendo will let them. Same reason apply to why they drip feed niggas with shit NES games every month
It's honestly impressive how much shovelware there is on the eshop. Nintendo must have no quality control whatsoever. I see the same "games" uploaded multiple times with different names even.
Does anyone know what the process is to get your game onto the eslop?
The Switch has more shovelware than the Wii and PS2.

All the AI generated visual novels holy shit. Even Steam has better quality control.
I love how much shit gets dumped onto the switch eShop. Occasionally some interesting stuff gets published and it's kinda fun to sift through the recent releases every week. If only the switch didn't lag in the eShop wtf

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Romanovich Raskolnikov
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Thanks to some of the recent events, feet content received an enormous boost, leaving armpits in the shadows once more. Even in my weakened state because of that, I'm still DISTORTED and I will place White Damage in this land before the Head appears.
nice to see you again pitGOD
So courier Rodion is related to that one fixer with a suitcase we had to fight in a late game ordeal in Lobotomy. She mentions how the south guys are getting a suitcase and how it can eat you up, like it did when the fixer in questions died in LC.
Good for them to extend the lore of random jobbers.
Moses amputated shoulderpit when
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Parched reminder

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What a creep
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thats a child
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>played CoM
>never bothered with the cards
>game was still fun
I only beat DoS several times. If I go back now and play AoS, how much worse of an experience will it be?
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anybody remembers the source for this GIF? its from a metroidvania that was in the works but google lens aint helpin shit.
and they looked like shit

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Why is microsoft trying to remove the one advantage they still have on PC gaming?
Microsoft is retarded and sabotages their own success at every turn.
Nearly dead
Specifically given to devs that didn't like old Halo, because they wanted to kill CoD
>Windows Phone
Windows App Store
Literal ghost town
>Internet Explorer
Dead and replaced

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microshaft owns the majority of linux.

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Oh man

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Imagine turning an immersive citybuilder, where your relationship to your city and it inhabitants is intimate and personal, into a 4x strategy, politics simulator.
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I mean kudos for trying something different.. but if you enjoy this game you did not enjoy the first one (at least not for the same reasons)
The first game is a city builder/survival simulator taking place in a frozen wasteland, where you plop down buildings and watch as each individual citizen plows through chest-high snow to build it, and each building has cool little animations, and despite the desperation imposed by the harsh weather, the city looks cozy in the warm parts - heated by the huge central generator, and steam hubs (its steampunk but without the cringe).

Now this sequel zooms the player way out of the cozy city, and instead of plopping down individual buildings you plop down entire districts that build themselves on a 4x grid. Whereas in the first game a population of 800 is huge (the max i think), in this game you start with 3000.
you cant blame jews for everything anon
well... I'm sold on it. When it's coming out?

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Rate this game out of 10
wrong website
>Reddit poster
You're also on the wrong website

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When is the next 5090 or whatever coming out? I want to buy a 4090 but I think it's too late now
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how long next year i have 2000 dollars on my amazon gift balance
lol you'll need double that
The 6090 is around the corner though. Better hold off and not buy anything at all.
reliable leaker says early next year. Worth waiting.

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