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Why are spiders in games always evil?
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So hot this game will win GOTY.
Are they having sex?
I am not aware of spider mating habits
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Well if by sex you mean the male collecting sticky web balls of sperm on the ends of his pedipalps, forcing the female into a highly reared position (for his own safety) and shoving his sperm sacs into her epigynum then yeah, they're having sex.

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I hope all the assholes guarding the oil havent respawned again

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any oldfags here who identify* as a ""gamer"" despite having barely picked up a game in the last ten years except for the old reliable infinite games like LoL, CS, dota?

*not even identify explicitly, but just feel an affinity with gamers as a group, like yeah i guess i am a person who enjoys video games.
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>Don't worry, there's a lot of you.
that's reassuring
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You were supposed to drop all that literal hogslop over a decade ago. It's too late now, you're an NPC """""""""""""""gamer"""""""""""""""" now
what do epic non NPC """""""""""""""gamers"""""""""""""""" such as yourself play then
Thom? U ok mate?
No, I'm in my mid 30s and still play games almost every day but otherwise have my shit together.

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>heals can crit
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>environment can score a critical hit on your character
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>fireball only has a 33% chance to set enemies on fire
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>Perfect this messed up Ouendan command or your heal fails
Bioware sure did make a masterclass in screwing up an RPG.
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>Here's this buff/attack that's activated by proccing a heal or lifesteal
>Here's item that is constantly healing you even when you're at full health
>On kill: this ability permanently deals 1% more damage
>stacks infinitely

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Sylvanas = Sylvan ass
She's an elven piece of ass!
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i kneel
I don't care about women
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Anduin told me that this emo elf slut has a very cold pussy.

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>game has big tiddies
oh it's gaming time

Post games with well endowed women
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look closely, it's obviously manipulated
that's banned in the west
It's obvious now that I look again. I was mesmerized by tiddy.
the hub area in this game is dogshit so I won't play it
I really want this to be real, it's the perfect size. And she looks so good.

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what are your thoughts on games that require external applications to be enjoyable?
>you are no longer being poisoned by a toxic cloud
I take it you are trans and are offended by those words

You Will Never Be A Woman
There's nothing wrong with being trans tho

Why are they not remaking the first Silent Hill game?
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This guy said it best, most people who know about SH started at 2 or watched youtube videos about it.
It's a blessing in disguise however, silent hill 1 was lightning in a bottle, imagine if it got remade for modern audiences.
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It's completely perfect and I just don't think anyone can capture what makes this game so perfect in modern graphics. Adding the shakiness of the ps1 graphics would not be enough. It would require a certain art style, colors, it just wouldn't work.
sounds like a tasty place
Because Konami seem to have plans for it themselves, could be nothing and they sit on it for the foreseeable future or they could have something in the works.

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Tell me about Penny, why does she have her hair tied up in braids?
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They should just make the Fire Emblem tea time microgame from GIT into a whole thing for the cast.
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Mona in particular would have been such a great adition to Mario Kark

Basically this. Just having Wario walking around the city rather than making it a Menu Select and "Helping" the characters with their problems through a series of Microgames, with a nonsensical overarching story, would be enough for me

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Is there anything good out there?
The YouTube idiots recommend this but the screen is crappy.
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Europe not more than 1k

My cousing got a Legion Legion 5 for arpund this much, and most modern games work on it pretty nicely.
Just find something with a good heatsink/cooler material
Okay. Post the specs and the most graphically intense game you played on it.

Perfected natural predation? or microbes? On one hand, Aceles provide livestock and contribute to the economy while on the other hand, microbes work fast.

Who am I kidding FUCK microbefags. Being fast is the only advantage with the massive disadvantage of mutation. "trusting the science" is GAY
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This is now averi thread

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>open Steam
>Bombarded with "Game Devs of Color Expo" advertisement
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you should kill yourself so you don't have to see it ever again
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I got Final Fantasy, steam trains planes and automobiles fest, the naruto sale, and a bunch of hentai games because I pretty much only play hentai games.
Anyone know if any of the naruto games has a good Tsunade nude mod? Tsunade is the only character I care about.
Insert that scene from the Sopranos
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errrm why is the help on my screen?
>open flip phone in Lebanon

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Its fucking over for localizers, it's fucking OVER

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>don't want to cheer for a big company replacing workers with shitty AI for a worse product that's still the same price
>but the workers getting replaced are absolute shitbirds
Choices, choices...
Translator who believes himself to be a writer

Kuro: Hello!

Max: Hi, I’m Max. Nice to meet you. I don’t think we’ve met.

Lazy translator

Kuro: I’ll support you either way


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that's not how you thank someone for praise.
>shitty AI for a worse product
I'd simple errors over ideology insertion any day of the week.

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turnBASED chads
loser who betrayed RPG fans for the so called "modern audience"
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Why does steam take so much, greedy faggots, companies should start selling games in their own websites.
They can...
XV truly destroyed the franchise in the eyes of the public
Neither series had a new game release this year. Persona had a low-budget remake of 3, but that's it.

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>4th person shooter
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Death stranding
closed-world destruction dying game
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Death origination
>inactive time battle system
You must excuse Bazz, we have purposely designed him ugly, as a joke

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Games that include faes in them?
portals of phenron to an extent.
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Pathfinder: Kingmaker
There's a class that can summon faes and there are worlds with wild fae in them. I don't remember if that one unique druid is one or not.
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This bad boy was Pokémon:Fae edition, with Quake-style combat instead of turn-based.
It was shit, but the elemental teambuilding autism I inherited from Pokémon Red made play roughly 3/4 of it before I realized wtf I was doing.

What the fuck was Thalomor's problem? Why didn't the other races join forces to genocide them?
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Oh okay, I guess we should reopen the gates, direct all demons and dagon towards summerset since the elves would have no problem with that.
>claim north korea is oppressing you
>leave to America
>immediatly become a whore
i don't believe any of these women in Korea, Iran, Afghanistan etc.. are being oppressed, their government probably just told em not to be a whore
>, it's in the current era of the setting primarily the empire that acts as aggressive conquerors, undermining local cultures, extracting resources, settle foreigners everywhere and commit atrocities.
The Thalmor emulate a faction that were seeking to destroy the Towers and in doing so unmake reality.
>immediatly become a whore
in what way?
>tower bullshit
Please don't.
Don't even know what kind of argument that is supposed to be.
The imperial garrisons weren't there, so that post >>689410905 falls flat on his face.

Why do they keep putting dalmatian people in video games?
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yeah, my classmate had it just on his face over his eyes, looked like a fucking 90s superhero. We used to call him 'Maps'
That's like a furry fur pattern god Im losing it.
i think they give maximum ESG points
Is she still posting seethe at people on lolcowfarm?
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Linuxbros it'll keep getting better and better
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i don't get it. it gonna get easier translating dx12 calls to vulkan or what?
pretty much
I love linux so much bros
I hate it so much when you niggers only post screencaps.

You have been saying that since 1995 and you have never been right once

So that's it? I wasted my time pasting echoes of beds and pussying away from piss easy enemies just so that I can "enjoy" the piss poor puzzles? This is worse than LA.
Pics of your braindead solutions or it didn't happen.
Puzzles are only puzzles with strict laws and competent game design.
Just like BOTW, if you can easily break them by spawning something or exploiting the games poorly thought out mechanics, they're not puzzles.
Just embarrassing game design fails.
The guy in charge of zelda now, doesn't even understand what game design is.

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