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'mono on the 'chon

aroo my dog daughter
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>it's another effeminate bad guy with nail polish
Not as effeminate as the guy from Muramasa at least
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POV: you're the only anime character who doesn't understand the power of friendship
Dog feet
God I wanna tongue-fuck her toes

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ITT: Safe horny
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Around seven meters. She's a raid boss.
Oh my.. she can shatter my hips any time.
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Winter Goddness is best girl.

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>kill goblin
>goblin drops wallet
>open wallet, happy picture of goblin and his goblin family
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>Kill goblin
>goblin drops wallet
>Open wallet, happy picture of goblin and his goblin family
>His wife and oldest daughter are hot
>Track down his home
>Take his wife and oldest daughter

Just finishing the fight.
Good, where can I kill the family too
But where did the newspaper go?
>but its anime so they cant show that
tell that to kaguya anon
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check mate atheists
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fun thread
smash bros seems to agree
Old lady with an eraser is a gag character and shounen characters lose to gag characters. That's just how it works.
I'm sorry, my /v/egro

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Is it still possible to triforce?
now show link getting NTRd
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dunno, it used to be about finding invisible unicode chars but i think they fixed(read:blocked) a lot of the ones people used to use
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>finally make Zelda the main playable character
>it's kiddy junk where you summon furniture to defeat the world

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Whos the best Elden wife and why is it Rya?
>long tongue can tickle your ass while giving you head
>gets the only good ending
>can go scalie at will
>nepheli is hot but I don't want a brown son
>ranni is a literal doll
>milicent and malenia have scarlet aids
>melina is a ghost
>renalla and ranella only fuck redheads
>leda is a miquella simp
>miquella is male and literally griffith
>whatever the radahn soldier bitch's name was is a bull dyke
>romina has scarlet aids and half her body is a scorpion centipede thing
>sellen has nice feet but turns into a boulder

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Well unless you count that first time with the thug.
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my headcanon is that they're bratty gyarus
>pussy juice
That's just pre-cum

stop falling for tranny propaganda
if 4chan sexuality is just incel fantasy of submissive woman letting you do whatever you want to her, then I really don't want any of that
Says the dolly fiddler

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/v/ what the fuck is this game and why am I only finding out about it now? It looks gorgeous. I wish it bought more ads here.

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And if the demo is anything to go by, it's good.
Ah shit I didn't realize it was on game pass, just as I was thinking about dropping game pass too
For me it's the weird camera. Is it the FOV? The perspective?

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they are the only good threads
fusing piccolo with all the random namekian npcs was pure kino
>bejitabro is a blackedfag
umm... bejitasissies?
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Loved this. Better than the original in pretty much every way.
What can I expect from Infinite? I recall seeing a lot of threads bashing the game when it came out.
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>What can I expect from Infinite?
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>What can I expect from Infinite?
in infinite you can only carry two weapons, there is no ng+ so don't expect upgrades to carry over. there is 1 ending instead of the 6 endings in bioshock 2, and no real boss battles. it's fine I guess, but coming off of 2 it will be very disappointing.
I suggest you play Minerva's Den DLC first. Honestly one of the best DLC's ever made and better than the main game. If you liked BioShock 2 then you'll love it. It's worth delaying Infinite a little longer. I'm solidly in the camp that Infinite is a good game, despite what people say, but it is a step down from the others in almost every single way.
Infinite is nothing like the first 2 games. It fucking sucks.

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Breaker breaker fellow EVE chads I'm going in for some shiny rocks do you copy
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EVE is one of a kind but I wouldn't recommend anyone to play it. The fun is hundreds of hours away from the start.
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I'm hurt real bad and server's about to shut down. What a night.
AI can't compete with the player at some point.
The main draw of EVE online is the player-driven economy. Starsector does not have a real economy that you can actually participate in. There's no resource -> ship supply chain. Attacking or protecting merchant ships doesn't affect a faction's ship building capability (they spawn in their controlled sectors regardless). They're just there to balance the prices for you to have a trading mini-game to play, or easy targets to kill when starting out.

In that respect, X4 is probably the closest thing to offline EVE that I've ever seen.
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I have a question. is there a good and finished mount-&-blade-like sandbox? doesn't have to be fleet based, single ship is also fine. doesn't have to be 3D, but preferably as few arcadey mechanics as possible. I've played X2-X4, elite dangerously retarded, scam citizen, star control 2, freespace 2, eve, freelancer, dark star one, and a bunch of forgettable rogue-likes

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>enemy has a secret weapon
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>game journalists playing a video game
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>game is best with friends
my mother in law
like wet garbage and bad, stale weed
kinda burns your nostrils, especially up close
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>buffing up your high hp party member

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Matte vs Glossy? I plan to put a screen protector on it
Glossy every time you're putting a protector on it. It sticks better and there are less light blocking elements.
I don't use protection since I'm an adult.
I'm too stupid for this. What's the difference between this and IPS vs OLED?

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>playing a game
>actually having a ton of fun with it
>suddenly a female character in the game steals your heart forever and you're in love
This ever happen to you?
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You know I never really think about how odd it could be if your waifu's voice actress gets recast. I'm lucky in that Towa's voice has been consistent in both languages.
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Japanese VA's seem to rarely change thankfully.
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It does really suck but it is what it is, I guess.
And, yeah, it’s nice that Towa’s VA has stuck around for so long. If I’m not mistaken, the Trails franchise spans quite a lot of games
That’s understandable bro.
I like Skye’s voice as Mythra but I heard her voice acting in dead island 2 and that shit threw me off lmao, it was exactly the same as my wife.
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Love my adorable demon wife!
Not really, but I'm not really hurting on the swimsuit art side to be fair.
Have you tried vograce? iirc they let you order in small minimum batches.
I've only used them for stickers before, but I know some waifufags who've used em for keychains.
I'm afraid it's too late for you.

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What is wrong with Finland?
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It just makes you wanna stay inside and read a book so you dont waste your life partying and getting drunk that's all.
and less paranoid
i want to be infected by a mentally ill russian girl
Good kind of autism, as opposed to bad kind of autism in Sweden.
Those people are capable of surviving in extreme weather and resource scarcity with nothing but animal parts as material for their tools - there is nothing else in frozen tundra. They also have no writing culture, so any loss of knowledge about processes by which they survive means death. Somehow they still live out there. They are by no means retarded, only maybe hyper-specialized. However, they are incompatible with civilization due to lacking any physiological compatibility to alcohol, trying to live modern life they're effectively doomed to drink themselves to death while stabbing their neighbors. Same shit as happened to american natives to whom they are biologically close.

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weg thread
after witch trainer silver removed some content they planned on adding it back in, did they already do? it's been a couple years now if I recall correctly
any other NEW trainer games worth checking out? seems like a dead genre sadly
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the pics are boring but the options are usually good
currently the best weg alive
>humor is decent
>art is hot
>no turn-based combat garbage
>quests are not too simple, not too hard
>integrated cheats and guide
dick too big, spend the game trying to figure out how to squeeze it in
The princess is still as susceptible to hecking reverse psychology in her evil state, but yes. I think slavs have trouble even fantasizing about women being submissive, it's just too unrealistic. Haha.
>whats the scifi game like
Tone is exactly the same, writing is still horrible, there is no whoring this time. More game systems and it's arguably even grinder. The princess is also in it, same model.
Oh so what's what you're been doing all this time.

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Nobeta... Nobeta... Nobeta...
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And stuck in a mid game.
Onarism isn't that bad.
Wait, I thought she was from that Recettear-like game about potions.
Well yeah, but come on.
she is but she got modded into a better game. and soon

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>Overwatch thread with cropped image of widowmaker
This is futa isn't it? I'll reverse search the image and she'll have a giant purple dick, won't she?
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i like them all
what i don't like is futa with no balls, it just looks stupid
just blacklist the tag then.
or admit you're secretly into it.
Look buddy I'm just saying 9/10 times someone makes an overwatch thread the image is futa
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same energy
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>always fapped not looking at my dick
>started to give it a look and find kinda hot the stroking
>started to find extremely hot looking at my dick while I fap
It's over for me, isn't?

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The brown ones look better
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Because niggers are disgusting
Don't be like that, I'm sure they also complained about God of War and AC Valhalla having black and Asian characters aka people of the wrong ethnicity in those cultures, right? They wouldn't be fucking hypocrites for sure
These people have principles, they aren't partisan hacks, they care about faithful representation.
This is better because of contrast, skin color should only ever be treated as another color on the design, no different from hair or clothes. Not as a benchmark for racial equity. The saturated brown contrasts with the pale colours. The light tan marks only further accurate the contrast. Far better than the original or the gray chocolate milk one in op.

Why is she not dateable in mass effect 1?
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>OP: why i cant fuck Tali?
>retard anon: LE lighting bad, it's not like in my favourite game from 2007
lmao kys retard
>filenames MassDefect10 MassDefect07
>look! that proves my point!
it's implied quarians look exactly like gypsies but purple
Who knows? The jump to 2 made the surprise all the better though. It made the romance better if that makes sense.
She has this same personality of a naive, lost girl as Liara in ME1. They were this same character, only in ME2 separated. Would be pointless to have 2 identical romances.
Tali is at least 50% more autistic than Liara, and therefore the superior girl

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what have you achieved lately /v/?
i just managed to get to the goddamn cosmic ocean
I just woke up from a really good sleep.
sleep is good, hope you had a good breakfast too
I haven't had breakfast but it's just gonna be a banana and some water.

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